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gamepwn ago

I remember being temporarily banned for bringing this up and having a fight with the moderators. Hecho, Crensh, alot of pedophile mods and subverses. Hecho runs multiple pedophile subverses.

oftotc ago

I do not believe that you are really so dull as to not understand a such simple voat concept, but crensch said it best:

It has FUCK-ALL to do with PG, read the goddamn sidebar you fucking dweeb

But allying w/ freshmeat shows you're just concern-trolling. Have fun with that ;-)

freshmeat ago

its funny how every single user in here with a negative response is also a consistent poster in SBBH

oftotc ago

a consistent poster in SBBH

You are incredibly stupid.

freshmeat ago

50 submissions to soapdoxbanhammer

oftotc ago

Thanks for proving my point, retard.

freshmeat ago

it's literally the highest subverse on your submission list. You guys aren't even trying anymore.

oftotc ago

Holy shit you are beyond retarded. I have exactly zero (0) (that means "none" you idiot) posts to sbbh. I don't even comment there FFS. Did you get a head injury or is this your natural IQ?

freshmeat ago

SDBH/SBBH is the same fucking thing

Tsilent_Tsunami ago


I'm looking at them right now, and they appear to literally contain different letters. Note the second letter in each one. D ≠ B They are different.

Came to these drama subs to see who the "real" trolls and shills are, but am finding that people here literally can't communicate in English or even be rational.

Also, practicing pedophiles should be burned and beheaded, but it seems you don't know what the definition of the word is. In several ways, this kind of makes you appear to be out to discredit people against pedophiles.

freshmeat ago

You appear to be literally a shill

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

A person who can't functionally communicate in their own primary communication protocol is beneath consideration. You appear to be a person with an underpowered cognitive system, which is probably beyond your control, but that's irrelevant. You have more in common with the pedos and trolls than with me.

freshmeat ago

you are playing semantics, SDBH and SBBH are the same thing with a faux civil war and expanded SRS's power.

You are a total fuckin shill and not worth even dissecting.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Semantics: the branch of linguistics and logic concerned with meaning. There are a number of branches and subbranches of semantics, including formal semantics, which studies the logical aspects of meaning, such as sense, reference, implication, and logical form, lexical semantics, which studies word meanings and word relations, and conceptual semantics, which studies the cognitive structure of meaning.

Semantics: Also called significs. the branch of semiotics dealing with the relations between signs and what they denote. 3. the meaning, or an interpretation of the meaning, of a word, sign, sentence, etc.

You either don't care about meaning itself, or have some other agenda. Saying SDBH and SBBH are the same is obviously false on its face. You can literally just look at them on this page and see that they're different. You also seem out to discreddit people against pedophilia, either with your stupidity, or on purpose. Doesn't really matter which, to the end result.

[–]freshmeat "Well clearly you are a shill." "the only people who have a problem with me are liars"[ +23 ]

Ha. Am still going to upvoat you when you're a useful faggot. Anyway, am done with your drama subs. The retardation is giving me eye cancer. Cheers.

freshmeat ago

You also seem out to discreddit people against pedophilia, either with your stupidity, or on purpose.

Pedophiles pretend they are anti-pedo so they get a voice and steer the narrative. Everything else you said is gay.

Just like people pretend to be Trump supporters while shoving dicks up their asses at the speed of sound.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

My point is, calling everything pedophilia when it's obviously not, weakens the case against actual pedophilia by tainting the claim with falsehoods. Like the boy who cried wolf.

pedophile definition

Results are annoyingly all over the place. Some claim "pedophilia" isn't defined as a legal term. I'm not wanting to research enough to figure out what actual content on the internet can be prosecuted for illegal sexualization of children or underage kids, whatever its called in the law.

If the people you're talking about are posting legal content, I'm not seeing a good case for removing it. I'm assuming that actual sexualization of 0-whatever/18 kids is illegal.

If they stay on the legal side, whether they're trolling for a reaction or secretly getting off to it, you can't keep moving the moral line to satisfy everyone. You'll end up at the point where only the eyes can be seen uncovered. Although I guess some moslems require lace to cover the eyes.

Anyway, if you see "illegal kid sexualizing" content, report it to the FBI.

oftotc ago

Retard confirmed.

gamepwn ago

The pedo's don't want to lose their home, their scared. This is their reaction. Normal people don't fight to keep up pictures of little girls in bikinis/lingerie and cartoon pictures of babies being raped.

gamepwn ago

Voat, the home of the Pizzagate community, should not have pedophile content on it. That includes drawings of child rape and photos being shared of little girls in bikinis and their underwear because "its technically not illegal". Fuck you pedophile

TheBuddha ago

I'd like to take a moment to point out that the pedos were here before you PG folks.

No, I don't condone their activities, but what they do appears to be legal which means I don't get worked up about it.

oftotc ago

I defend PG from cunts like you all the time fucktard. But you're too stupid to figure that out and just parrot your bitch-master freshmeat. You attack specifically to distract away from PG evidence and are so persistent about it, I suspect you're paid to do it. You're an intel-whore who aids those kid-fuckers by creating forum-drama. Fuck off.

gamepwn ago

I have 45 submissions to Pizzagate, two that were put as share. You have 0, and are actually defending the right to "legal" pedophile content. Like I said if it makes you angry that normal people look with pure disgust that there are pedophile subverses on Voat with people jacking off to little girls in their underwear and drawn pictures of baby rape you must be a pedo to. I just saw that at least another Voat user brought it up because many good people left this year due to sick fucks like you and TheBuddha above me defending pedophile content.

oftotc ago

You have 45 posts talking mostly about other child-sex crimes that should have been removed from PG. You can post about the child-sex crime epidemic pretty much anywhere on voat and get lots of support - including mine. PG is for PG data, not every instance of child-sex crime that shows up in the news. Only a muslim or jew would try to equate defending freedom of speech with being a pedophile.

freshmeat ago

PG itself100% legit, the subverse is on Voat is100% controlled by opposition. That is a distinction that needs to be made.

Pedos run that subverse. There will be no justice for PG when it is ran by the enemy.

oftotc ago

Only a muslim or jew would try to equate defending freedom of speech with being a pedophile.

gamepwn ago

Italian/Puerto Rican, but nice try. Your pedophilia isn't free speech asshole. Even if our fucked up Government is ok with you and your fellow ecko's getting yourself off to little girls in their underwear I bet you 90 percent of us would rather you and your kind rot in a coffin.

oftotc ago

Your pedophilia isn't free speech asshole.

Holy shit! Proven time after time after time: the loudest voices are shouting to cover their own perversion. You are a confirmed pedo. Holy shit.

gamepwn ago

Only a pedophile would say drawn child rape and jacking off to pictures of children in their underwear is free speech. Its not. It shouldent be on this website you fucked up dirtbag.

oftotc ago

Only a pedophile would invest as much time and energy to prove he's not a pedophile to other people. You fucked up big time, tree-jumping-baby-raper.

gamepwn ago

Lmao your a narcissistic psychopathic. I'm sure the pedo community loves you.

oftotc ago

Us calling names like middle-schoolers must really get your juices going, perv. Shit, you're probably squirting one out now. WTF fag??!?

freshmeat ago

Jacking off to children isnt free speech

oftotc ago

Did you figure that out on your own or did someone have to read it for you?

freshmeat ago

Yup, and they abuse vote brigading to make sure it doesn't get visibility. Wish i could sticky your comment