Disappointed ago


They used to have this shit under control.

Rosti ago

Those drawings are illegal in my country and even in america the law seems doubtful.

freshmeat ago

Because there are a shit load of pedos and their enablers on Voat who claim sexualizing children is freedom of expression and brag about how they work through legal loopholes.

Pedophiles have too much freedom. It's only temporary and that is why they are pushing the lines. Look how many people in here ignore the obvious fact that it is sexualizing children and would rather normalize it. They want to spin it as a libertarian issue so when they laws inevitably change, they can have pro-pedophile vocal support.

Noticed how prominent users and subs always defend the pedophiles and never talk about it like it's an issue.

Why are you projecting your own perverse attractions unto others? The crazy and the left always project. Which are you?

All the commenters in this post are fuckin shills who are not American and pro-pedophilia.

Swallow_That ago

Why are you projecting your own perverse attractions unto others? The crazy and the left always project. Which are you?

tccl ago


goatboy ago

Because we decide long ago not to be moral arbiter of the internet. The rule is if it is legal is it allowed on voat. The legal limit is no child porn, no incitement of violence.

What @age posts is disgusting, but fuck off and call your congressman about it.

SquarebobSpongebutt ago

Unfortunately, I am not sure any of that I can see from the thumbnails is illegal. Maybe you dug further and saw actual nudity but I didn't see any on that first page of the sub. Yeah that shit is something I feel dirty for even seeing the thumbnails of, but I don't believe it would be illegal in the US.