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DeathTooMasons ago

If you don't know what our pedo mods are about at this point, the fault is yours. They have been exposed by members showing their tactics and reasoning and their selective use of the rules. Know your enemy or walk around confused. With that said, excellent submission. Look at the relentless attempt to socially engineer change that is against the accepted ethics of a moral society. To simply argue that morals are subjective in ALL cases, is a do as thou wilt Thelema crode. It will always be rejected by us, and always pushed by them. Because of that, we will always know who we are, and always be able to identify who they are.

gamepwn ago

Trust me I l know all too well about the mods. Go through my comment history. "We do for sure. Many on Voat are starting to feel the same way. People are sick of good posts disappearing out of the blue then seeing the same repeated content spammed. It's an attempt to discourage investigators. Many of us are fighting against this sick pedophilia epidemic, but their are many wolves in sheeps clothes. I was called a concern troll by Vindicator and he tried to tell people I was part of some orchestrated event to destroy Voat on my original thread ( and told by Crensch to fuck off ( Also managed to get Millenium Falcons wrath. I must be doing something right. Many of these mods are arrogant and delete happy." all back on this thread I've literally had multiple mods try to attack me. I had to request to Millennium Falcon to unban me for simply pointing out the censorship. He had banned me saying it was spam when I had posted this. At least PutItOut put his opinion in a respectable way and didn't full on attack me for making my opinion known. Like I said I must be doing something right lmao. For sure I can see the the Alfred Crawly influence with this push for " "Do what thou wilt" bullshit thats infested every part of society.

Hell even some random shill made a thread attacking me a few weeks ago saying "Beware gamepwn" I have never been attacked so much in my life by so many people hahaha it really does feel coordinated.