hojuruku ago

sorry mate... https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2083044 When this get censored you know something is wrong with the pedos that frequent here.


hojuruku ago

sorry milellnial falcon just deleted this... everything i post that's relating to pizzagate gets deleted. It's made me edgy sorry. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2083044

PeaceDogg ago

At some point you just have to laugh. They are so ridiculous, so stupid!

bullfyta ago

The article above contains a dead link to the actual journal page. Here is the most recent version of that page.

gamepwn ago

"after-birth abortion" Killing a baby after it's been born should never even be a thought and the "Journal of Medical Ethics" can burn in hell

LiberationArtFront ago

sick people

AngB23 ago

Ironic....some of the "Directors" of the Mailbox at the 88-90 building connected to Ricky Dearman was a Professor at Oxford. Beverley Frances Gardiner. A professor of CHILD PSYCHOLOGY and she also goes to many other countries, usually poor, testing for parent intervention.


gamepwn ago

They are arguing about the right to kill children post birth. Saying their lives don't matter." "Parents should be allowed to have their newborn babies killed because they are “morally irrelevant” and ending their lives is no different to abortion, a group of medical ethicists linked to Oxford University has argued"

"Rather than being “actual persons”, newborns were “potential persons”. They explained: “Both a fetus and a newborn certainly are human beings and potential persons, but neither is a ‘person’ in the sense of ‘subject of a moral right to life’"

"As such they argued it was “not possible to damage a newborn by preventing her from developing the potentiality to become a person in the morally relevant sense”.

This is an Elite institution pushing for the right to murder newborn baby children AFTER they are born. This has everything to do with Pizzagate.

Piscina ago

Wow, I'd like to see him put that proposition to a mother who's just given birth. What a fuckwit! As I understand it, the Catholic Church opposes abortion because it is not sure when ensoulment takes place. Ensoulment is the time at which the soul enters the body. Is it at conception? Is it in the womb? What there is no argument on is the fact that when it is born, the child has a soul. So fuck off Julian Savulesco.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Nope, Catholic rules help there to be many "extra" kids running around unwatched, ready for action. We know about those fuckers, thanks.

srayzie ago

That is one of the sickest things I've ever heard. Wtf?! The sick freaks use the term "after-birth abortion". I'm shocked that they posted something so sick.

gamepwn ago

Same. I felt nothing but contempt and disgust reading this. Literally arguing on the right to murder newborn children. Revolting to the extreme and sickening to the core.

srayzie ago

It shows how much they value a life. Every person has the right to live. We as adults are supposed to protect the innocent. So when I hear of someone that abuses that, it's hard to even wrap my head around. They are the worst piece of scum in my eyes. Sadly, those are the kinds of people that rule our world.

gamepwn ago

You put it into words perfectly srayzie. How people can be so evil is beyond me. We need to protect the innocent or we have nothing and our whole lives will be one big facade. The people who rule our world are evil and sick and cruel indeed.

srayzie ago

We agree on a lot of things :)

gamepwn ago

That we sure do :) It's good to know that we have people here fighting the good fight against this madness. I only wish that the community could have a say on what gets deleted. Despite this thread having 45 upvotes and 99 percent of the people in the comments agree with me once again a good topic gets deleted. Using the same rule 1 as the first time when I posted it. It's sickening. They'll leave the one up though of the Star Destroyer that looks like a piece of pizza https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2083262

srayzie ago

I know. It's always frustrating. People have been posting in v/whatever lately and pinging people. It's getting pretty active there. Pizzagate people are going there a lot.

So what you do is, you ping the people you know, and then have those people ping the ones they know. You can only ping 5 people per comment.

You can also link to it in a Pizzagate thread comment section. Darkmath does that often.

hojuruku ago

And who is they? The Left and the Alt-Right MAGA Milo following LBTI cucks exposed here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QotwLpoIV4

Or why not just be blunt and say it's the OTO - their puppet masters. I've seen OTO pedos infiltrating and working in both movements. They love the chaos magick ahem 666.

See how sick they are: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2053567 And see the government jails anyone who opposes their WRITTEN RELIGIOUS TEACHINGS THAT BABIES MUST BE KILLED - that you will see in that video.

Looks like it's got photos of the intothewoodstv pedo videoblogger in it too ;)

hojuruku ago

oh when I find someone's second name matches up with something you say it's bullshit. Funny eh?


lump ago

Are you sure? Minerva was the Roman analog of Athena. Moloch was Mesopotamian. I don't think they're related.

DeathTooMasons ago

If you don't know what our pedo mods are about at this point, the fault is yours. They have been exposed by members showing their tactics and reasoning and their selective use of the rules. Know your enemy or walk around confused. With that said, excellent submission. Look at the relentless attempt to socially engineer change that is against the accepted ethics of a moral society. To simply argue that morals are subjective in ALL cases, is a do as thou wilt Thelema crode. It will always be rejected by us, and always pushed by them. Because of that, we will always know who we are, and always be able to identify who they are.

VictorSteinerDavion ago

If you don't know what our pedo mods are about at this point

They have been exposed by members showing their tactics and reasoning and their selective use of the rules


The last time you spewed bullshit like this I asked for this much vaunted proof and you were silent.
Oh, that's right. Anyone that you disagree with is of course a shill and pedo, sorry I forgot.

hojuruku ago

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2053567 Fuck the OTO pedos. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QotwLpoIV4

And their alt-right operatives too. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2082475 Look at these OTO bastards on Camera debating me saying it's ok to have sex with a child if the child consents. No wonder all their pizza shops sponsor planned parenthood international - not just for the satanic baby killing but the normalization of pedophilia.



gamepwn ago

Trust me I l know all too well about the mods. Go through my comment history. "We do for sure. Many on Voat are starting to feel the same way. People are sick of good posts disappearing out of the blue then seeing the same repeated content spammed. It's an attempt to discourage investigators. Many of us are fighting against this sick pedophilia epidemic, but their are many wolves in sheeps clothes. I was called a concern troll by Vindicator and he tried to tell people I was part of some orchestrated event to destroy Voat on my original thread (https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2079341/10262143)) and told by Crensch to fuck off (https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2079341/10258455)). Also managed to get Millenium Falcons wrath. I must be doing something right. Many of these mods are arrogant and delete happy." all back on this thread https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2079341 I've literally had multiple mods try to attack me. I had to request to Millennium Falcon to unban me for simply pointing out the censorship. He had banned me saying it was spam when I had posted this. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2080216 At least PutItOut put his opinion in a respectable way and didn't full on attack me for making my opinion known. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2079341/10256179 Like I said I must be doing something right lmao. For sure I can see the the Alfred Crawly influence with this push for " "Do what thou wilt" bullshit thats infested every part of society.

Hell even some random shill made a thread attacking me a few weeks ago saying "Beware gamepwn" https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2028131 I have never been attacked so much in my life by so many people hahaha it really does feel coordinated. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2080795/10263168

Amino69 ago

Now where have we heard this before?! Donkey, this is your cue! ;)

sunshinepines83 ago

I was gonna point out this exact same part! The absolute nerve of these twisted individuals is shocking! How on earth can they be so arrogant as to post that its ok to kill babies but its not ok to kill people that think killing babies is ok - all in one breath?!? Liberals are insane if they really agree with this crap

hojuruku ago

Oxford University press is praising Gay Hero Ken Campagnolo who runs a gay child orgy house accoring to VCAT Judge Anna Dea in their high school textbook for Commerce sport and the law. Put Ken Campagnolo into austlii.edu.au case law and see he's a court confirmed pedo - that you get sued by the great lover of child anal sex 666 Garry Burns (exposed here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2029702)) for disrespecting said court confirmed pedo - under homosexual pedophila normalization anti-discrimination law - even if you are the FUCKEN PREMIER OF THE STATE OF VICTORIA AUSTRALIA. This proves the pedos rule - not the policitians. Why? they are all blackmailed. Jeff Kennett was named as a pedo in the original legg devine dossier - put "legg devine" into austlii.edu.au case law.

Let me dig up my research about it. http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/kennett-sued-for-pedophile-barb/news-story/b2f64d8d0036e451ceb0f45dd75f2dbe

WOW i finally found this. Proof the OW &OV case were two gay men who walked into a church demanding free bum fuck gay baby flesh to be supplied by christians or else jail - the case went on for 8 years - the crime of christians working in a church owned, church building located adoption centre not giving gay men free babies to fuck


All the OTO kiddy fuck lawyers Piac.asn.au links get taken down and they even modified Chris Ronalds SC name in case law contary to MSM news reports on the case. You know you are onto something big when they try and change case law and re-write history and take down all their own links:


Unpublished culturewatch comment said: Bill,

I heard this on the Alex Jones show about Scotland a few months ago. But for years also he has been making lots of noise about this crazy feminist "Professor" Melissa Harris-Perry, who at the same time as being a tenured professor in Gender theory is a MSNBC reporter.

She says the child belongs to the state, and parents can't raise them alone.


She was fired only yesterday.http://money.cnn.com/2016/03/01/media/melissa-harris-perry-msnbc-farewell/

I not know know she was out done by Hillary Clinton in 1996. I saw Hillary speak in EHwa feminist university in Korea in 2008. She claimed she was a NASA space cadet but gave it up for politics so anything she says is a possibility. Do you have sources? I do. http://seoul.usembassy.gov/p_rok_081809video.html

Why does the ultra-left want control of her kids. Here is an example of why:

In Australia there have been cases that argued the child's body and sexual organs belong to a state, and a gay marriage activist Ken Campagnolo argued nobody can stop him seeing other people's naked young boys in a change-room not even the parents at the Benella Bonnie AFL Doon football club said NO where he "worked" as a 30% attending volunteer unpaid "Masseuse", even though it came out in court and the judge accepted the fact he was giving gay porn and alcohol to other peoples kids when he wasn't watching them get changed and touching their their sweaty bodies. Every child is forced to study this particular case that studies law elective in Victoria University Exams, and it is in Oxford University Press Commerce and the Law Textbook Chapter 10 "Sport and the Law." I tried to do their homework for them but the queers censored my blog, so these links to prove I'm not bluffing will have to do. Also See Jeff Kennett's wikipedia page. He was extorted $20 grand by Garry Burns to give to a "charity"Twenty10.org.authat George Christensen called a gay child grooming operation last week. See the SMH link for the video of that!

Links to prove everything I said above is TRUE! Jeff Kennett sued for commenting in the case: http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/kennett-sued-for-pedophile-barb/story-e6freuy9-1225707009726 Jeff Kennett was demanded to send $20k money toTwenty10.org.auby Garry Burns - anti-free speech activist. http://www.samesame.com.au/news/4018/Kennett-Refuses-To-Apologise Video: The same organization was called a paedophile child grooming operation in federal parliament last week: http://www.smh.com.au/federal-polit...am-to-pedophile-grooming-20160225-gn42jk.html Twenty10.org.ausays here they put 12 year old run away gay boys in respite accomidation with gay activists: http://www.twenty10.org.au/about-twenty10 Ken Campagnolo named most influential gay in Australia,samesame.org.autook down their tribute page to him after the scandal exposed below came out:http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/new...ial-gays/2008/12/17/1229189662463.html?page=2 Oxford University Press textbook sample proving children study this case: http://www.oup.com.au/titles/second...ctoria/9780195571035/13_BEA_AJ_10e_lowres.pdf The case Victorian High School students are forced to study: http://www.smh.com.au/national/porn-claim-on-bisexual-junior-footy-coach-20091207-kfjx.html http://www.austlii.edu.au/cgi-bin/sinodisp/au/cases/vic/VCAT/2010/647.html “As to the basis for the rumours, on the evidence of Mr Tanner, Mr Roberts and Mr Toppin and Mr Campagnolo’s agreement, in particular, that students aged around 16 years did drink alcohol and watch pornography at his house, they were well founded.” – Member Anna Dea VCAT – Judge Garry Burns never said the real reason why he dropped the case against Kennett: http://www.smh.com.au/national/gay-activist-drops-discrimination-case-20090908-ffpx.html We now know it's because he was demanding money to go to a a paedophile operation or at least labelled in such in Federal Parliament, and because Jeff Kenetts concerns about one of the most famous gay activist working near kids were "well founded".

gamepwn ago

That video you posted a half hour ago "pedo files" struck me as so horrific it actually made my chest hurt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QotwLpoIV4 These sick fucks get away with this shit...

hojuruku ago

the left & alt-right pushing LGBTI pedophilia makes everyone want to be white nationalist.

hojuruku ago


If you are going to comment here, why not upvote seeing nobody will see your reply because @ESOTERICshade doesn't like me exposing OXFORD UNIVERSITY press is forcing children in government textbooks to PRAISE TOP 20 GAY RIGHTS HEROES AND COURT CONFIRMED CHILD ORGY HOUSE OPERATOR QUEER HERO KEN CAMPAGNOLO....

It's wrong to oppose that shit. How dare Luke McKee oppose Oxford University press telling children to do homework essays on gay men who argue in court they have the right to touch child cock, see naked child bodies in the Benella Bonnie Doon Football club as a volunteer child masseuse - and nobody or no parent can take that right from away from a gay man to touch a child - so he sued claiming homosexual discrimination. I'm not joking.

put "ken campagnolo" into austlii.edu.au case law and see for yourself - the judge admits he runs a child orgy house where children get to see porn and get free beers whilst being filmed having sex after school. See he even gets an awards as as top 25 Queer Activist Australia from the biggest gay activist newspaper in Australia (same same) for his contributions to help other gya men fuck children and watch child porn - as exposed here:


hojuruku ago

@ESOTERICshade downvotes ^^ because he loves chidren's textbooks telling them to study court confirmed gay heros who run judge confirmed kiddy fuck houses.

As to the basis for the rumours, on the evidence of Mr Tanner, Mr Roberts and Mr Toppin and Mr Campagnolo’s agreement, in particular, that students aged around 16 years did drink alcohol and watch pornography at his house, they were well founded.


If you were judged by your voat voting record - it would be apparrant that you fuck kids

hojuruku ago



NSFW: SEE HOW DIRTY IS QUEER HERO KEN CAMPANGOLO - a man you must respect or you will be sued by Garry Burns the Great Boylover 666 as fellow Pedo Jeff Kennett was.



GAY CHILD FUCKERS RULE AUSTRALIA - but @ESOTERICshade says his poor triggered little mind can't click on the link and see how deep it goes.

VAN NOORDEN, Peter Peter.VanNoorden@oup.com 16 Feb

to me Privileged and confidential

Dear Mr McKee,

I am writing in response to your phone calls and emails relating to the title Access & Justice published by Oxford University Press Australia and New Zealand. This textbook provides an opportunity for year 11 Victorian students to engage with important legal issues required by curriculum specifications and illustrated by real court cases. We believe we have provided a fair summary of the case in question, and have raised important curriculum-based questions for students to debate.

We take all feedback on board and acknowledge your views on this matter.

Yours sincerely

Peter van Noorden Managing Director

Oxford University Press AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND www.oup.com.au premium learning solutions

Oxford University Press Australia & New Zealand is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University’s objectives of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide.

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Melitta St Just (Oxford University Press) Feb 10, 15:57 AEDT

American Phone 19292231326 Melitta St Just Oxford University Press phone Aus 1300 650 616 | phone NZ 0800 442 502 fax Aus 1800 813 602 | fax NZ 0800 442 503 [email protected] | http://www.oup.com.au/

Luke McKee Jan 23, 09:59 AEDT

Actioned means allocated or task complete - no further response =

Maybe I should blog this interaction up properly and how OUP is getting middle school children to praise a child rapist? Not good for business, so trying to tell me the status of this book and if it's still in print at least would be appreciated, from a top manager in Australia.

24 hours, I'll blog you up as pushing peodphilia on /pizzagate/ - and maybe make a youtube video or two about this. Good luck suing a UNHCR political refugee from Australia anti-paedophilia activist. And thanks to trump TPP is dead, school books in the 3rd world wont rise because the fake ones will still be around. How wonderful eh?

Luke McKee Jan 23, 09:46 AEDT

actioned how what? human no robot response please.

Luke McKee Jan 21, 08:36 AEDT

As exposed here: http://8ch.net/pol/res/8840305.html#q8851377

This is the book I speak of. http://www.oup.com.au/titles/secondary/businesscommercelegal/legal_studies/victoria/9780195571035/13_BEA_AJ_10e_lowres.pdf

Where did the online copy go?

Don't worry I shared the extract again you already shared online. Have a look on the 8ch.net thread.

UgTr2 ago

The article, published in the Journal of Medical Ethics, says newborn babies are not “actual persons” and do not have a “moral right to life”.

Heh. More muppets talking about "moral rights" as if they were ethically meaningful. Babies have the natural right to life, killing them is a crime at common law.

Legal Definition of moral right : the right of the creator of a creative work to protect the integrity of the work — see right of attribution right of integrity


gamepwn ago

Im not surprised. Dont think any of these "scientists" are scientists at all just people put in place to get people to agree with "babies have no rights and are only potential persons. You can morally kill them and do what you want with them!" Sick...

Narcissism ago

They do that in Asian countries if the baby is born wrong they get exited. Simply put they can't afford to keep a child thats disabled its too much burden.