forgivedontforget ago

A perusal of this brought to mind a quote from Michael Herr's Vietnam book "Dispatches", which was later used as source material for Stanley Kubrick's iconic war film "Full Metal Jacket. The quote from the novel states a truism to the human condition and its adaptability..."The first time I killed someone I was physically ill. The second time it wasn't as bad, by the third time I was enjoying myself."

My point being, if as an individual you watch the provided links, it may desensitize you to suffering.

yrtyrtyryrthr ago

I'm in agreement.. Especially pointing out the vigilantism violence, to turn people. Violence is always ugly.

gamepwn ago

Go fuck yourself Ive been fighting this shit for months your some asshole who just made an account

forgivedontforget ago

No need t o be rude

gamepwn ago

Hey Dickhead if you like you could check out my Youtube Channel of the last five years. I used to be a regular guy who loved gaming, walking dead, trying to pass his college, keep family and girlfriend happy and trying to get by in life. I joined when my google search corrected my spelling of "gamergate" into "Pizzagate" and I learned of all this horrific which warped my perception of the world. My motivation is to save hundreds of thousands of kids who go missing and are raped and tortured every year. What the hell have you done?

forgivedontforget ago

Good luck with that. My point in the initial response was to raise awareness of neuroplasticity. Now, if you're genuine in your claims, you'd do one of two things, debunk me comprehensively or accept my criticism and moving forward, work towards a solution. Apologies if I offended you unduly.

gamepwn ago

Nothing to debunk you are a shill misusing a quote from an iconic movie and warping it to your advantage. Your an account just created to shill these fourms

forgivedontforget ago

Sorry you feel that way. Best of luck if you're genuine.

gamepwn ago


gamepwn ago

Excuse me?

forgivedontforget ago
