Oxford University press is praising Gay Hero Ken Campagnolo who runs a gay child orgy house accoring to VCAT Judge Anna Dea in their high school textbook for Commerce sport and the law. Put Ken Campagnolo into austlii.edu.au case law and see he's a court confirmed pedo - that you get sued by the great lover of child anal sex 666 Garry Burns (exposed here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2029702)) for disrespecting said court confirmed pedo - under homosexual pedophila normalization anti-discrimination law - even if you are the FUCKEN PREMIER OF THE STATE OF VICTORIA AUSTRALIA. This proves the pedos rule - not the policitians. Why? they are all blackmailed. Jeff Kennett was named as a pedo in the original legg devine dossier - put "legg devine" into austlii.edu.au case law.
WOW i finally found this. Proof the OW &OV case were two gay men who walked into a church demanding free bum fuck gay baby flesh to be supplied by christians or else jail - the case went on for 8 years - the crime of christians working in a church owned, church building located adoption centre not giving gay men free babies to fuck
All the OTO kiddy fuck lawyers Piac.asn.au links get taken down and they even modified Chris Ronalds SC name in case law contary to MSM news reports on the case. You know you are onto something big when they try and change case law and re-write history and take down all their own links:
I heard this on the Alex Jones show about Scotland a few months ago. But for years also he has been making lots of noise about this crazy feminist "Professor" Melissa Harris-Perry, who at the same time as being a tenured professor in Gender theory is a MSNBC reporter.
She says the child belongs to the state, and parents can't raise them alone.
She was fired only yesterday.http://money.cnn.com/2016/03/01/media/melissa-harris-perry-msnbc-farewell/
I not know know she was out done by Hillary Clinton in 1996. I saw Hillary speak in EHwa feminist university in Korea in 2008. She claimed she was a NASA space cadet but gave it up for politics so anything she says is a possibility. Do you have sources? I do.
Why does the ultra-left want control of her kids. Here is an example of why:
In Australia there have been cases that argued the child's body and sexual organs belong to a state, and a gay marriage activist Ken Campagnolo argued nobody can stop him seeing other people's naked young boys in a change-room not even the parents at the Benella Bonnie AFL Doon football club said NO where he "worked" as a 30% attending volunteer unpaid "Masseuse", even though it came out in court and the judge accepted the fact he was giving gay porn and alcohol to other peoples kids when he wasn't watching them get changed and touching their their sweaty bodies. Every child is forced to study this particular case that studies law elective in Victoria University Exams, and it is in Oxford University Press Commerce and the Law Textbook Chapter 10 "Sport and the Law." I tried to do their homework for them but the queers censored my blog, so these links to prove I'm not bluffing will have to do. Also See Jeff Kennett's wikipedia page. He was extorted $20 grand by Garry Burns to give to a "charity"Twenty10.org.authat George Christensen called a gay child grooming operation last week. See the SMH link for the video of that!
@ESOTERICshade downvotes ^^ because he loves chidren's textbooks telling them to study court confirmed gay heros who run judge confirmed kiddy fuck houses.
As to the basis for the rumours, on the evidence of Mr Tanner, Mr Roberts and Mr Toppin and Mr Campagnolo’s agreement, in particular, that students aged around 16 years did drink alcohol and watch pornography at his house, they were well founded.
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hojuruku ago
Oxford University press is praising Gay Hero Ken Campagnolo who runs a gay child orgy house accoring to VCAT Judge Anna Dea in their high school textbook for Commerce sport and the law. Put Ken Campagnolo into austlii.edu.au case law and see he's a court confirmed pedo - that you get sued by the great lover of child anal sex 666 Garry Burns (exposed here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2029702)) for disrespecting said court confirmed pedo - under homosexual pedophila normalization anti-discrimination law - even if you are the FUCKEN PREMIER OF THE STATE OF VICTORIA AUSTRALIA. This proves the pedos rule - not the policitians. Why? they are all blackmailed. Jeff Kennett was named as a pedo in the original legg devine dossier - put "legg devine" into austlii.edu.au case law.
Let me dig up my research about it. http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/kennett-sued-for-pedophile-barb/news-story/b2f64d8d0036e451ceb0f45dd75f2dbe
WOW i finally found this. Proof the OW &OV case were two gay men who walked into a church demanding free bum fuck gay baby flesh to be supplied by christians or else jail - the case went on for 8 years - the crime of christians working in a church owned, church building located adoption centre not giving gay men free babies to fuck
All the OTO kiddy fuck lawyers Piac.asn.au links get taken down and they even modified Chris Ronalds SC name in case law contary to MSM news reports on the case. You know you are onto something big when they try and change case law and re-write history and take down all their own links:
I heard this on the Alex Jones show about Scotland a few months ago. But for years also he has been making lots of noise about this crazy feminist "Professor" Melissa Harris-Perry, who at the same time as being a tenured professor in Gender theory is a MSNBC reporter.
She says the child belongs to the state, and parents can't raise them alone.
She was fired only yesterday.http://money.cnn.com/2016/03/01/media/melissa-harris-perry-msnbc-farewell/
I not know know she was out done by Hillary Clinton in 1996. I saw Hillary speak in EHwa feminist university in Korea in 2008. She claimed she was a NASA space cadet but gave it up for politics so anything she says is a possibility. Do you have sources? I do. http://seoul.usembassy.gov/p_rok_081809video.html
Why does the ultra-left want control of her kids. Here is an example of why:
In Australia there have been cases that argued the child's body and sexual organs belong to a state, and a gay marriage activist Ken Campagnolo argued nobody can stop him seeing other people's naked young boys in a change-room not even the parents at the Benella Bonnie AFL Doon football club said NO where he "worked" as a 30% attending volunteer unpaid "Masseuse", even though it came out in court and the judge accepted the fact he was giving gay porn and alcohol to other peoples kids when he wasn't watching them get changed and touching their their sweaty bodies. Every child is forced to study this particular case that studies law elective in Victoria University Exams, and it is in Oxford University Press Commerce and the Law Textbook Chapter 10 "Sport and the Law." I tried to do their homework for them but the queers censored my blog, so these links to prove I'm not bluffing will have to do. Also See Jeff Kennett's wikipedia page. He was extorted $20 grand by Garry Burns to give to a "charity"Twenty10.org.authat George Christensen called a gay child grooming operation last week. See the SMH link for the video of that!
Links to prove everything I said above is TRUE! Jeff Kennett sued for commenting in the case: http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/kennett-sued-for-pedophile-barb/story-e6freuy9-1225707009726 Jeff Kennett was demanded to send $20k money toTwenty10.org.auby Garry Burns - anti-free speech activist. http://www.samesame.com.au/news/4018/Kennett-Refuses-To-Apologise Video: The same organization was called a paedophile child grooming operation in federal parliament last week: http://www.smh.com.au/federal-polit...am-to-pedophile-grooming-20160225-gn42jk.html Twenty10.org.ausays here they put 12 year old run away gay boys in respite accomidation with gay activists: http://www.twenty10.org.au/about-twenty10 Ken Campagnolo named most influential gay in Australia,samesame.org.autook down their tribute page to him after the scandal exposed below came out:http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/new...ial-gays/2008/12/17/1229189662463.html?page=2 Oxford University Press textbook sample proving children study this case: http://www.oup.com.au/titles/second...ctoria/9780195571035/13_BEA_AJ_10e_lowres.pdf The case Victorian High School students are forced to study: http://www.smh.com.au/national/porn-claim-on-bisexual-junior-footy-coach-20091207-kfjx.html http://www.austlii.edu.au/cgi-bin/sinodisp/au/cases/vic/VCAT/2010/647.html “As to the basis for the rumours, on the evidence of Mr Tanner, Mr Roberts and Mr Toppin and Mr Campagnolo’s agreement, in particular, that students aged around 16 years did drink alcohol and watch pornography at his house, they were well founded.” – Member Anna Dea VCAT – Judge Garry Burns never said the real reason why he dropped the case against Kennett: http://www.smh.com.au/national/gay-activist-drops-discrimination-case-20090908-ffpx.html We now know it's because he was demanding money to go to a a paedophile operation or at least labelled in such in Federal Parliament, and because Jeff Kenetts concerns about one of the most famous gay activist working near kids were "well founded".
hojuruku ago
@ESOTERICshade downvotes ^^ because he loves chidren's textbooks telling them to study court confirmed gay heros who run judge confirmed kiddy fuck houses.
If you were judged by your voat voting record - it would be apparrant that you fuck kids