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EarlPoncho ago

what a fag

freshmeat ago

you should know by now to take kevdude with a grain of salt as he is been proven to be a liar and a troll. Just PM the mods i bet they will allow you to post. It's no different than voat going into invite only. Some people (like kevdude and dietcokehead1) like to ruin stuff for others when it's popular and out of their control.

CapinBoredface ago

member for 4 months wants to talk about "you should know by now".

Kill yourself, faggot.

freshmeat ago

Yeah considering Kevdude has stickied posts in his sub multiple times for my accounts @MightyYetGentle, @Texan_Pride, and @National_Anthem that was used to brigade me into the negatives. I'm not using an account that is censored. You should also know by now that alts are a thing encouraged by the admins themselves and you pointing that out only reveals yourself to be the shill.

Kill yourself, faggot.

You first, nigger lover.

11381821? ago

Have you considered the possibility that your accounts go into the negatives because you're extremely unlikable, no because of brigading?

freshmeat ago

I have considered that but there is also a lot of people who do like me and the fact i speak my mind, i feel more so than not. I've also considered why totally benign comments of mine in unrelated threads consistently get vote brigaded after a post gets stickied in one of the SRS subs or I call you out in your sub.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Well clearly you are a shill.

Not only is this NOT clear, it appears to be nothing more than a symptom of your 'issues'.

freshmeat ago

fuck you talkin about

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Your comments above are severely lacking in logic, and seriously appear to be the product of a troubled mind. Hence, your 'issues'.

I have no problem with a sub owner wanting to exclude low class or gutter-dweller comments, so I disagree with kevdude on that.

freshmeat ago

nothing i said was incorrect.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

While that may be true, the form and style of your communications can have widely differing results. Since the things we say are going to have some kind of effect, it's sometimes better to intentionally shape your message to your target audience.

the fact i speak my mind

I'd say it's the way you speak your mind that's causing the problems you reference. Not to be condescending, but I'd suggest taking some kind of public speaking/presentation classes, and/or studying formal logic and "the art of rhetoric". If nothing else, you could learn to avoid presentation styles that make people instantly dislike you. This can be very useful.

freshmeat ago

i can speak fine in public, dont mistake my lethargy for autism.

Womb_Raider ago

He's giving you good advice, you should take it.

freshmeat ago

i was too drunk to have that exchange and would have gone about it differently but it's too late and I'm not worried about it.

Womb_Raider ago

Quit drinking, it brings out a lesser version of you.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Am not. All I'm saying is that every communication you send (whether verbal, in text, or through your physical posture) will evoke a response. If you'd like those responses to be positive or favorable to your cause, it's more useful to present your message in a form that likely to result in a favorable response.

We all have personal idiosyncrasies, aside from our beliefs and opinions. If you believe your opinions are valid and worthwhile, why discredit them with poor communication skills? The marketing and advertising industries understand how people work, and use that to their advantage. Ignoring how we work is the quick route to failure.

11382231? ago

Dude- you're unlikeable.

freshmeat ago

You have never even had a conversation with me. I really did believe you were trans, but I'm starting to believe the guy who said you are a post-wall woman who is roleplaying.

You want to talk to me in real time in chat? Or are you scared :)