Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Well, the main argument against becoming a follower of LS is that she's a 22 year old female. However, I doubt she siphons off any worthwhile people from the right. Her followers are there for the tits and "pretty" face.

dias17se ago

Id say he has 30 alts since all his comments have 30 upvotes

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

sbbh, shitposterstavern, ridersofthereich etc

Apparently I've been spared. I guess those are subs?


For your edification.

Lauren Southern

Self-admitted jew, engager in beastality with negroes, and degenerate who "dresses up like one (anime character) for guys to masturbate to". That she now dresses up as a civic nationalist for guys to masturbate to is simply her new gig. I hear it's paying off very well on pateron. That guys follow her and send her cash simply because she's a "pretty, young, clueless female" should be an enormous embarrassment to all concerned.

European and now identitarian

As above, v/european is dead to me after tits out went full angry high school student, but I have no problem with v/identitarian having standards that exclude the gutter class comments. I get the the "we must call them niggers because we can" sentiment, but my (probably unpopular) opinion is that, that level of emotional attachment to disparagement is not founded in rationality, and is a detriment to our cause. Ghetto whites should not be our target market, as they have nothing to offer, and can only hurt us.

IMO, being more rational in an appealing manner is superior to presenting oneself as caught up in an emotional rage. That's on the level of negro behavior, and quality whites don't engage in it.

kammmmak ago

I never sub to anything but v/identitarian is the first I block.

malloryquinn ago

What a nigger faggot. They should just fuck off back to faggit

Pissant ago

It shouldn't be a topic of debate, but damned if those v/SBBH trolls don't figure out a way to somehow stir up more drama and divide the community even further...

Pissant ago

Says the guy who wants to force users to post in a sub with a mod that censors comments.

Can't you even come up with a coherent argument? No one is forcing anyone to post in a private subverse.

Says the guy who has to post as multiple accounts

Or maybe there are just numerous people who disagree with you. How narcissistic are you to genuinely believe that everyone who disagrees with you is the same person. That's some crazy bullshit right there.

Pissant ago

I don't like you 9-11, but you're entirely correct here. Private subverses are allowed to setup their own rules. Anyone is able to setup a private subverse. If you disagree with a private subverses rules, go create a new subverse.

Pissant ago

You guys doxx people and brigade accounts, then you try to turn around and use that as a defense?

Pissant ago

Notice how the only people pushing this narrative belong to v/SBBH and their extended Subverse v/ProtectVoat

They enjoy manipulating the average Voater, it's like a game for them.

Don't make up your mind on the topic without actually checking the ban logs. Don't take these trolls word for it. Every Voater should be used to checking sources anyways, right?

Rellik88 ago

I didnt DV you btw.....

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

I typically agree with you (vote stats), but recently had a direct interaction with tits out in which they presented themselves as an angry high school student. I don't associate with angry children.

Perhaps kevdude is secretly an evil person, but so far, I've only seen those opposing him behaving in an unacceptable manner.

Cheesebooger ago

What's hilarious is that you jews thought you could get away with it

Cheesebooger ago

Jew detected

Pissant ago

v/SBBH detected

Cheesebooger ago

Damn straight

dooob ago

Uh oh, he is disagreeing with you, must be the SBBH cartel.

Cheesebooger ago

I am SBBH cartel

dooob ago

Pls dont dox, ok? The (((rumor))) has it you guys dox people. Amalek's calculation say you dox'ed as much as 6,000 people this year.

9082039825345 ago

down voat him champ, thats what you do

1madmanamongmany ago

This is news to me...

Thanks OP

Doctor-Dead ago

i am the immortal iron fist

weapon of ku lun, i will fulfill my destiny.

Rellik88 ago

being against other races is why the Whites need to unite! Thats the point!

Dungles ago

Fuck off hall monitor.

Rellik88 ago

Bro I dont always agree with you, we've had our arguments. However Voat is for free speech. I'm against any censorship. BTW I'm an Atheist been married to my high school sweet heart for 15 years. Have 3 beautiful white kids with one in the oven. I celebrate Xmas and Easter because I feel they are now American holidays. I will gladly stand side by side with Christians when the Neo Crusades starts.

Doctor-Dead ago

youre retarded, and had yet counter one of my points.... the old saying truth hurts.

downvoats are free tho correct?

I was hoping for at least one decent argument, voat fails me yet again. no wonder people leaving by the droves.

p.s. kevdud I have Putts full permission.

kneo24 ago

Doctor-Dead ago

its forced, by people like you

Disappointed ago

He has to attack me with alts with bullshit because he already said on his main he doesn't think I'm SRS.

345235234523 ago

He has to attack me with alts this is all I have, its since when attacking mean to bring/force discussion?

@puttitout said to me this place is alt friendly, and to have my have way.I do nothing malicious, in fact ive always offset the malicious users. regardless...

your user name holds true

Rellik88 ago

I liked v/identitarian a lot even posted good stuff not spam. When this whole censorship crap came out. I spoke out against it by using a racial no no word. Then I got banned. FUCK THEM BIG NOSE KIKES!

inflated_ego ago

The bigger picture is that @puttitout wants to introduce ways for the "community" to take action, and take over, against subs the "community" dislikes.

I am my own community thank you very much. I do not need /v/protectvoat to think for me. I would like to assume most of voat feels the same way.

@kevdude is simply doing what @puttitout has in store for voat. This is what is happening, its a beta test, pun intended.

Rellik88 ago

I was banned for racial bad words.... Let that sink in.

inflated_ego ago

wahhh i was banned from a subverse, let that sink in. SBBH anyone

Rellik88 ago

5 day old nigger account.

Geez the kikes at v/identarian are using shills now.... Fuck off nigger

inflated_ego ago

you are alos (to stay on topic) what this post is about.

Rellik88 ago

Did you have a seizure?

inflated_ego ago

you are so cute, wasnt there a huge ban on users with your name type? jandoe### funny why did you make it through the filter?

I cant get anyone to answer me..... Im starting to think something is going on.

just mindless insult after each, although its a narrative they are trying to reinforce.

Rellik88 ago

5 day old shill calling me a shill kek! Check my stats nigger... Also why did you comment twice do you get double shekels for that?

inflated_ego ago

I could twist you head around in minutes, do you want some sweaty? in fact

in fact rocket man, i see you nothing, go post memes you retard

Rellik88 ago

Wut? Are you ok do I need to call an ambulance for you?

inflated_ego ago

im the iron fist, i need nothing from you

Doctor-Dead ago

if anything this thread shows how much /v/protectvoat fucks with voat


who would upvoat this comment, sbbh & kevdude thats who

Thisismyvoatusername ago

...like the mongoloid you are.


Cheesebooger ago

bullshit. Identitarian is jewd. Loo kat the bans. Filthy reddit rats

Kekfashy ago

@EarlPoncho Nah man, it's not compromised. Mods are just looking deliver pro-White messaging with a different approach.

Send the mods a message, I'm sure they would put you on the list.

Anti_Idle ago

You just defend it because you're approved and you farm the karma.

Rellik88 ago

Mods are just looking deliver pro-White messaging with a different approach.

By taking tips from kikes? Yes goy make it PC...

Anti_Idle ago

Notice as you read through, it's like 4 people defending the sub and everyone else against.

freshmeat ago

and it's only SBBH users saying people should move. The people defending identitarian should be more but I'm sure most genuine users didn't catch this thread.

This is the exact same thing these users did to take over pizzagate, except they just purged the mods after manufacturing community support, and then started banning people that supported it lol.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

So? What conclusion do you want me to draw from that and why would it lead me to support one view over the other?

89790724 ago

Notice as you read through, it's like 4 people defending the sub and everyone else against.

good point, its SBBH against a minority who want to preserve a verse that they do not control.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Ah well, I can certainly see complaints about that for sure.

inflated_ego ago

Everyone has moved to

Who do you include in this "Everyone" you say kevdude?

Clearly the real /v/identitarian has 10 times the subscribers against the verse you are promoting. Does this qualify as everyone?

Could you please clarify your claims on this. I think it would eliminate a lot of doubt in your claim.

Thank you


Laurentius_the_pyro ago

member for 5 days

Clearly the real /v/identitarian has 10 times the subscribers against the verse you are promoting. Does this qualify as everyone?

How many of those subscribers are people who don't go there but just haven't bothered to unsub, and/or haven't even been on voat since the /v/identitarian mods cucked out? sub count isn't everything.

Looking at the current users in each subverse shows /v/identitarian peaking at 10, and /v/identitarians in the 20's, /v/identitarians has more than twice the active users.

freshmeat ago

which alt? I don't know I'm not psychic.

Womb_Raider ago

That dude's SBBH, y'know

Its_Just_A_Ride ago

Lol just let the crypto-slav try to troll the kike-brigade. Its not that often that the shills argue amongst themselves.

inflated_ego ago

This is all you have, and account age and mis truths.

The only thing more frustrating than slanderers is those foolish enough to listen to them.

Dargaizz ago

Oy vey I've been found out. Better accuse him of hating freedom instead of making a coherent argument.

VictorSteinerDavion ago

The benefit of morons like this is they out themselves as soon as they face opposition.

Only a person with a vested interest would expend this much energy on this topic and this particular idiot is very invested.

This is obviously just another sockpuppet account of a rather weak troll who thinks r/iamverysmart is biographical.

inflated_ego ago

Member for: 2.5 years (joined on: 5/25/2015) 225 ccp

wow kevdude makes it all so easy,

lets see if it works

freshmeat ago

DietCokehead posted there specifically to use that as an argument when he wanted to take it over with you. I proved that already.

dias17se ago

Reminds me of fatpeoplehate, when i say i like fatties they flip the fuck out and cry to ban me

freshmeat ago

The sub where you attack the site admin delete any posts you don't like and ban any users who piss you off?

I didn't personally attack the admin in that sub, although I have (legitimately) criticized them for over 2 years. The only deleted submissions were during the exact same time the nigger porn was being posted and was not a coincidence and those users made posts specifically to slide the page.

Maybe you should call it v/protectpowermods? or v/bitchaboutvoat?

That's your sub.

inflated_ego ago

Why are you doing this kevdude, do you ever get tired of being a retard? I am not MYG.

And my account age is not a point, nor argument here. Do you wish not to have new users engage in conversation? It appears to me that you wish to control a narrative, by discrediting myself. Since you ignore every single one of my point that I simply layed out for the users to digest.

Why would you waste your time replying to me otherwise?

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

I would suggest contacting one of the moderators of /v/Identitarian and receive their stance.

Did that. Said moderator appears to be a retarded child, judging by the name calling and inability to present as an adult.

freshmeat ago

I get it. You're pro-censorship.

The irony of that coming from you is too much for me to care about this sunday afternoon. Good luck in your attacks on genuine subs, I'll be documenting it in /v/realProtectVoat.

freshmeat ago

yeah that's not me lol. Keep shilling.

inflated_ego ago

Why would you be downvoated for simply stating a truth. Could it be that ccp points are used solely for censoring opposition and dissent against the /v/protectvoat narrative? aka reddit style?

Interesting I'd say,

freshmeat ago

Accurate. They have censored over a dozen of my accounts.

Rellik88 ago

dozen of my accounts.

Fucking jew confirmed. NO ONE LIKES YOU KYS

freshmeat ago

I got brigaded you fuck stick. My original account is the reason why people cant vote after 7 days in comment history, i lost 8k CCP in a couple hours.

I've met a lot of good people here who agree with what I say, the only people who have a problem with me are liars

dooob ago

Nobody likes you, Amalek.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

[–] freshmeat "Well clearly you are a shill." "the only people who have a problem with me are liars" https://voat.co/v/whatever/2294957/11381846[ -9 ] -1 points (+0|-1) 1.6 hours ago

That, or you go out of your way to present yourself as a very unlikable person. But the beliefs in your head probably tell you it's all the fault of shills and liars.

freshmeat ago

im open for debate

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

While shills probably exist (is an unpaid shill actually a shill?), accusing people of being a shill is a tactic that lacks credibility. Then you accuse people not buying your unsupported claims of being liars. There are many ways to be unlikable, and this is one of them.

I really don't pay attention to the manufactured drama here. But I do read comments and judge them on accuracy and logic. No idea if kevdude is "a cool guy" or "an evil shill", but those opposing him are making him look good in comparison.

freshmeat ago

a lot of it is lethargy.

I really don't pay attention to the manufactured drama here.

I do unfortunately. There is a lot of information that isn't widely known, i don't make accusations randomly.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

i don't make accusations randomly.

Maybe I'm not your target audience, but the comments of you and others opposed to kevdude are making him look good in comparison. I don't have "the secret knowledge", so I take comments at face value.

Am still subbed to v/Identitarian and have no problem with their desire to exclude low class comments. On the other hand, have unsubbed from v/European upon experiencing tits out acting like an angry high school student.

Anyway, the stuff about "being brigaded", the alt accounts, the loss of ccp, and all that is pretty off-putting to adults. Heed, or dismiss that, as you will.

freshmeat ago

Maybe I'm not your target audience, but the comments of you and others opposed to kevdude are making him look good in comparison. I don't have "the secret knowledge", so I take comments at face value.

That's cool with me, im not trying to post anything significant and this thread got way more views than i expected OP would get. I'm stating blunt facts, if you want to have someone persuade you then im not the person for that tonight.

Am still subbed to v/Identitarian and have no problem with their desire to exclude low class comments. On the other hand, have unsubbed from v/European upon experiencing tits out acting like an angry high school student.

I dont know much about either sub but I do know hwen i see a witch hunt taking place. SRS doesnt like those subs and is trying to fuck them over.

Anyway, the stuff about "being brigaded", the alt accounts, the loss of ccp, and all that is pretty off-putting to adults. Heed, or dismiss that, as you will.

It's isn't my concern what is off-putting to who. I state facts, and am rather persuasive depending on my state of sobriety. Brigading has gotten rid of many good users who wouldn't fit the category of troll. That's why we are stuck having these shitty comment back and forth's instead of genuine user interaction.

Everyone is worried about shills.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Fair enough. As far as shills go, I suspect they're about 1% or less of what people suspect. The people you talk about may be in that 1%, but just like the whole false rape claims, it makes the whole "you're a shill!" thing suspect.

Not that I really want to know, but is this SRS the same SRS from reddit, that originated from a raid on reddit by something awful? I suspect that in the future, the opening up of the internet to the general public, and the subsequent rise of "social media" will be widely seen as the beginning of the end for our civilization.

inflated_ego ago

Everyone has moved to

this is a mis truth, as one can see by the subscriber count, and activity in /v/identitarian.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Looking at the current users in each subverse shows /v/identitarian peaking at 10, and /v/identitarians in the 20's, /v/identitarians has more than twice the active users.

kneo24 ago

It's been compromised from the start. I would wager most of the "far right" subverses are compromised. They don't care about free speech, they care about censorship to carefully craft an image and narratives. v/farright isn't any different.

Just assume most of them are honeypots until proven differently.

The best way for leadership to control the narratives is to engage the community, create the content they want to see, work with other members on the team to downvote content they don't want there, and just generally clean up spam.

Yes, posting comments like, "I rape gooses" over and over again is spam, albeit hilarious spam.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

What do you mean by compromised? The term is capable of different meanings in context.

freshmeat ago

Identitarian doesn't seem compromised, reminds me of Pizzagate before these same people took it over. They seem like people uninterested in playing the SBBH games of trolling.

kneo24 ago

I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. I agree most of the comments that were removed should be removed, as most of them are just porn links and offer no forms of constructive conversation. Even some of the more trolly comments that are spam, like, "I rape your goose" are worthy of comment removal.

However, for a place that isn't trafficked that often, there sure are a lot of people on the moderation team, and I see no reason why they need to be so heavy handed with some of the comment removals. Not a single one of them are doing much to grow the sub - they aren't posting any content, they aren't really doing a lot of communicating in there.

The whole thing just looks bad.

freshmeat ago

you have to be a mod to post if im correct. I tried to post there last night and forgot they changed the settings but it didnt bother me since I know why they had to do it for now. It is temporary afterall.

What looks bad is how easy it is to witch hunt against certain groups on this site by a small cabal of people.

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

It has been known for some time. It is a shining example of why users should have a system able to purge problem mods.

freshmeat ago

that would entail getting rid of SBBH, all the subs they mod, and Kevdude and protectvoat and the mods of Pizzagate who are also PV users.

VictorSteinerDavion ago

the mods of Pizzagate who are also PV users

Are you making a specific claim about corruption in the moderation team of /v/pizzagate?

Goathole ago

No way!


Thisismyvoatusername ago

To be fair, the guidelines were there for a long time. A concerted effort was then made to antagonize the mods.

I say this as a fairly uninterested party. I never subscribed to there and, though I have occasionally followed links to threads there, I don't think I've ever posted or commented. But when it was blowing up the other day, it was difficult for me to sympathize with the people who were complaining.

It wasn't like /v/news or /v/technology was being censored for political viewpoint. It was people being rude for the sake of being rude. They should have simply made their own sub in the first place.

Pissant ago

A concerted effort was then made to antagonize the mods.

You're responding to the person that organized the people antagonizing the mods. v/SBBH and v/ProtectVoat do this on a regular basis. I think they get off on manipulating narratives on Voat.

dias17se ago

Why doesnt voat do something ?

Pissant ago

Because there's nothing actionable, and what you're watching right now in this thread is a coordinated "troll" by a group here on Voat who does this on a routine basis. They have dozens of accounts, no idea how many actual people, but they will downvoat accounts and doxx people who call them out.

The reason nothing is being done by Voat as a whole is because there's nothing to do. The mods are breaking no rules. The ban logs speak for themselves. Did you view the ban logs before making up your mind here? I doubt it.

v/SBBH are basically the SRS of Voat.

dias17se ago

Damn, i cant believe i fell for it.

freshmeat ago

they should do whatever they want in response to focused attacks.

freshmeat ago

It's not my sub, I don't judge them for how they have to react to your trolling.

PrajeetInTheSheets ago

This is racist of you my friend. India is number 1 call centre provider in the world. This is a good career path. My cousin owns this business, he has just purchased Mercedes SL. Very nice!

Thisismyvoatusername ago

But is your cousin's business experiencing MPI of under 6 minutes?

PrajeetInTheSheets ago

This is a good question my friend, my employer pays me to post on voat. We are having talking points every week, and we must protect the Jewish interests. You can see some of my work on my @grifter42 account.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

yes i recognized your typin style as sgis aka hecho aka @grifter42 immediatly is why i commented

how the babyraping buisness?

BillDing ago

They want to have a clean image (no Nazi stuff, or being racist, to turn people off of the alt right). This is an unpopular opinion, but I don’t disagree with them on that. However, I believe controlling the narrative is a slippery slope and what should have been done is a discussion to get the community to clean our image willingly.

KEKjudo ago

Fuck that... no censorship on Voat. Fuck you you fucking cuck faggot. Free speech for all at all times. Fuck this guy.

Pissant ago

There's no freedom of speech if you can't create a private community and set up your own rules. No one is forced to go to their Subverse. They're allowed to have their own rules. If they're not allowed to have their own rules, and the rules are instead decided by an angry mob, there's no freedom of speech.

Womb_Raider ago

no Nazi stuff

They just want positive sentiments I think

spherical_cube ago

Clean image for who? The SJWs? That'll just turn you into one. The normies? You can't go back to being a normie either. My advice is to be yourself, win or lose.

Pissant ago

Right, and that's what they're doing. They just don't want a bunch of shitposting and swastikas. They're allowed to set their own rules. They're not really silencing opinions relevant to the topic of the Subverse. If you want to be a nazi there are dozens of places to do that on Voat. Let them have their own community, or do you not support allowed people to have their own speech, only what you think they should be allowed... Because again, it's not your subverse.

Dungles ago

Well said. Fuck these guys and fuck the cunts in this thread supporting the deletion of comments. Thought they were better than this.

Pissant ago

And a campaign of spam, brigading, and shitposting clearly weren't involved here, right? The mods just started deleting random shit? Have you even looked at the ban logs, you pathetic weak minded piece of shit? Seriously. Have you? Or are you just taking the word of the twenty some odd v/SBBH trolls that are spamming this thread?

Fucking Voat man, full of sheeple. It's really pathetic. People like you make this place look bad, and v/SBBH is just laughing their asses off watching you fall for their bullshit.

Dungles ago

You guys are your own worst enemies.

ZenAtheist ago

..be yourself, win or lose.

Excellent advice. I find I need that kind of reminder from time to time. It's not worth pretending for anyone... no sense being accepted only if you're pretending to be someone you're not.

derram ago

I mean, they've already embraced identity politics.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Wait a minute.... Who are you and what have you done with the derram bot?

Chiefpacman ago

Please, don’t feed the trolls.

kneo24 ago


If you don't feed them, they die off. Who will protect the areas under the bridge?

Thisismyvoatusername ago


HarveyHarveyJones ago

You gotta pay that's troll's toll.

freshmeat ago

They had to do that because SBBH and PV were spamming them. Due to the methods they use that seems like a good idea for the mean time.


Anti_Idle ago

Yeah because I am a SBBH and PV frequenter. (I'm not) I got banned for using racial epithets in a different sub.

freshmeat ago

no shit?

Cheesebooger ago

That is why /IDENTITARIANS was created. Get the jewry out of your life and block Identitarian

EarlPoncho ago

what a fag

Pissant ago

Why are you talking to your friends who you have conversations in Discord and v/SBBH on a daily basis as if this is some sort of natural conversation just occurring here for the first time...

This back and forth is the equivalent of those re-enactments of shootings you used to see on day time television.

Don't you kids have something better to do?

dooob ago


kammmmak ago

What a rediter.

freshmeat ago

you should know by now to take kevdude with a grain of salt as he is been proven to be a liar and a troll. Just PM the mods i bet they will allow you to post. It's no different than voat going into invite only. Some people (like kevdude and dietcokehead1) like to ruin stuff for others when it's popular and out of their control.

Chodex ago

"just pm the mods I bet they will allow you to post"

Lol fuck off faggot if I have to ask permission to post that place can fuck off

freshmeat ago

Don't be a stupid asshole and ignore hwy they had to do it. Even on voat people aren't safe from SRS trolling.

Cheesebooger ago

Kike shilling. Go back to reddit, kikes

Chodex ago

You are literally hitler

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Dude, don't compare papa Adolf to this cuck.

freshmeat ago

you are literally gay

Chodex ago

Well said

freshmeat ago

Shitty meme you got there. Adress something I said or go sit on a dick.

CapinBoredface ago

member for 4 months wants to talk about "you should know by now".

Kill yourself, faggot.

freshmeat ago

Yeah considering Kevdude has stickied posts in his sub multiple times for my accounts @MightyYetGentle, @Texan_Pride, and @National_Anthem that was used to brigade me into the negatives. I'm not using an account that is censored. You should also know by now that alts are a thing encouraged by the admins themselves and you pointing that out only reveals yourself to be the shill.

Kill yourself, faggot.

You first, nigger lover.

ruck_feddit ago

MYG, TP, and NA were all fag accounts. You deserve worse than you got.

freshmeat ago

your account is a fag account.

ruck_feddit ago

Great response.

Womb_Raider ago

He said exactly what you said to him and you're belittling him for it?

ruck_feddit ago

You're a faggot too, but only judging by your opinions on here.

"You're stupid." "No, you're stupid!" is only funny if you're these guys. https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=CHficJLPeSQ Unfortunately, you're not these guys; you're faggots.

Womb_Raider ago

You sound like the real faggot with double standards like that. My opinions are consistent and legit.

You're some nobody sleeper account.

This user has so far shared a total of 5 links, started a total of 2 discussions and submitted a total of 1159 comments.

Obviously you're still spending most of your time on reddit, might as well just go back.

ruck_feddit ago

The Reddit bit, I've never heard that insult before...

And yes, your opinions are consistent and legitimately similar to the opinions of faggots. I encourage anyone reading this to venture through your recent posts as it would put you in your place immediately.

Womb_Raider ago

I would love for anyone to view my comment and post history. Never have I said anything I'm ashamed of.

My political opinions are admirable, my sentiments on religion are just. You're just an emotional little girl.

ruck_feddit ago

You're defending a MightyYetGentle alt...

Anyone reading: you don't even need to go back very far.

Womb_Raider ago

I'm not defending him. SBBH is trying to say I use alts just because some of the retards that also dislike SBBH use alts.

I am not denying his use of alts. I am saying his accounts are limited to 10 comments, so he creates an account to talk. He tells people he is mightyyetgentle.

SBBH, however, creates alts and does not disclose their identity. They manipulate and deceive, just as you are doing now.

freshmeat ago

same retard logic you are using.

11381821? ago

Have you considered the possibility that your accounts go into the negatives because you're extremely unlikable, no because of brigading?

Pissant ago

Right, and the obvious signs of brigading should just be ignored. Nothing to see here folks. The entirety of v/SBBH has spoken so clearly Voat has made up their mind... /s

freshmeat ago

I have considered that but there is also a lot of people who do like me and the fact i speak my mind, i feel more so than not. I've also considered why totally benign comments of mine in unrelated threads consistently get vote brigaded after a post gets stickied in one of the SRS subs or I call you out in your sub.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Well clearly you are a shill.

Not only is this NOT clear, it appears to be nothing more than a symptom of your 'issues'.

freshmeat ago

fuck you talkin about

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Your comments above are severely lacking in logic, and seriously appear to be the product of a troubled mind. Hence, your 'issues'.

I have no problem with a sub owner wanting to exclude low class or gutter-dweller comments, so I disagree with kevdude on that.

freshmeat ago

nothing i said was incorrect.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

While that may be true, the form and style of your communications can have widely differing results. Since the things we say are going to have some kind of effect, it's sometimes better to intentionally shape your message to your target audience.

the fact i speak my mind

I'd say it's the way you speak your mind that's causing the problems you reference. Not to be condescending, but I'd suggest taking some kind of public speaking/presentation classes, and/or studying formal logic and "the art of rhetoric". If nothing else, you could learn to avoid presentation styles that make people instantly dislike you. This can be very useful.

freshmeat ago

i can speak fine in public, dont mistake my lethargy for autism.

Womb_Raider ago

He's giving you good advice, you should take it.

freshmeat ago

i was too drunk to have that exchange and would have gone about it differently but it's too late and I'm not worried about it.

Womb_Raider ago

Quit drinking, it brings out a lesser version of you.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Am not. All I'm saying is that every communication you send (whether verbal, in text, or through your physical posture) will evoke a response. If you'd like those responses to be positive or favorable to your cause, it's more useful to present your message in a form that likely to result in a favorable response.

We all have personal idiosyncrasies, aside from our beliefs and opinions. If you believe your opinions are valid and worthwhile, why discredit them with poor communication skills? The marketing and advertising industries understand how people work, and use that to their advantage. Ignoring how we work is the quick route to failure.

11382231? ago

Dude- you're unlikeable.

freshmeat ago

You have never even had a conversation with me. I really did believe you were trans, but I'm starting to believe the guy who said you are a post-wall woman who is roleplaying.

You want to talk to me in real time in chat? Or are you scared :)

CapinBoredface ago

Having multiple accounts because brigading hurts your feefees. Thats not why "the admins" suggest alts, retard.

I'm not using an account that is censored.

From one users sub? Who gives a fuck you flaming sack of shit.

you pointing that out only reveals yourself to be the shill.

"I dont like what this person is saying. They must be a shill."

You're a fucking retarded faggot. I fucking wish I was getting paid to call cowards and whiny bitches little dicked faggots on VOAT.

freshmeat ago

Having multiple accounts because brigading hurts your feefees. Thats not why "the admins" suggest alts, retard.

Well clearly you are a shill. Brigading is censorship and is very fuckin jewish, and you are a jew for supporting it. The admins directly said they encourage it since there is nothing in the ToS about alts. I would prefer to have stayed on my original account, though.

You're a fucking retarded faggot. I fucking wish I was getting paid to call cowards and whiny bitches little dicked faggots on VOAT.

So you shill for free, even more pathetic.

PrajeetInTheSheets ago

I am paid to post on voat, as one of my internet management duties I cozied up to @ownyouractions. He admitted to me that he hates voat and wants to see the subverse burn. These are not the actions of an honourable man.

4095803245 ago

who would upvoat a self admitted shil? @kevdude, your shit is messed up

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Dude. Wtf? I don't pay you to post this shit. This is going to affect your year-end bonus, you know. We're going to have to sit down and talk when we are both back in the office on January 2.

PrajeetInTheSheets ago

I am graduating now, I do not need this job. When I am getting married my father in law has a top job for me. I will have a Mercedes SL like my cousin. Thank you my friend

EarlPoncho ago


inflated_ego ago

@kevdude response is pure one-sided speculation. I would suggest contacting one of the moderators of /v/Identitarian and receive their stance. Rather than from someone (kevdude) who is once again trying to ignite division within voat.co through his typical grandstanding.

TBH the quality of post & discussion there now has already greatly improved, as a casual reader of the verse.

/v/Identitarians (note the s) is just now a hodgepodge of /v/soapboxbanhammer & /v/niggers its a shitposting verse in my opinion, this is why kevdude is so obsessed with promoting it.

Cantilever ago

Happened earlier this week. Everybody moved to v/identitarians

jizzswizzler ago

Goddamnit Poncho they told you not to eat all the fucking donuts at the meat and beat did they not?

EarlPoncho ago


EarlPoncho ago

i think it may be because i said you have no business being involved in the european movement if you're a fatass. our leaders must be role models not fat fucks

Disappointed ago

I'm not going to red through all the comments here to see if someone answered you properly but it's because there's an option in sub settings to allow allow authorized submitters to post. Basically if you aren't in the mod list on the side you can't post at all. Check the sticky in that sub and the stickies at v/protectvoat to see some of the background.

Doctor-Dead ago

I'm not going to read through all the comments here to see if someone answered you properly

@kevdude @crensch yeah ignore anything that goes against my narrative!!!!!!!!

we at /v/protectvoat know whats right regaurdless of FACT, we are the CNN of voat afterall.

this is afterall the /v/protectvoat way!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Member for 2 days How many alts do you have in this thread MYG?

Doctor-Dead ago

he has zero, im the iron fist

Disappointed ago

Strawman argument.

9082039825345 ago

you are a fool