collegetoker ago

@RamblinRambo I made /v/identitaire Will jazz up with some css.

Donky_punch ago

Hey buddy, if you need help, please let me know. I'm not techie by any means, but ill help keep things pure

collegetoker ago

I think having no moderator is for the best. I just need to do the CSS first.

Donky_punch ago

Oh yeah, I like that too!

TherealScrable ago

What the fuck did I miss?

What happened to their CSS? And what is going on?

AnmanIndustries ago

I was hoping for the next sub to be opened, but someone else has already told me it seems to have stopped so I unblocked.

AnmanIndustries ago

I just had a comment removed for "dissent", for posting a picture from the movie Coraline in answer to a guy who just said "SO AND SO IS A CUCK". Everything was a shit post.

Sub blocked.

noobftw ago

Oh look the faggot nazis are having a lover's spat

kneo24 ago

I prefer to call them "alt-kikes". They're most likely larping NEET's who still suckle on the teet's of their upper middle class parents.

whoIsRamblingRambino ago

Pretty easy to see what you and your alts are doing . You've flooded the sub with porn and are trying to take the sub over and then claiming those who are simply defending their sub are executing a hostile takeover- exactly what you are trying . Such psychological projection.

remember to checked the deleted submissions and comments

RamblinRambo ago

Hi Anglin.


Quit your degenerate pissing and crying little bitch.

whoIsRamblingRambino ago

get back to reddit mongrel