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PrajeetInTheSheets ago

I am paid to post on voat, as one of my internet management duties I cozied up to @ownyouractions. He admitted to me that he hates voat and wants to see the subverse burn. These are not the actions of an honourable man.

4095803245 ago

who would upvoat a self admitted shil? @kevdude, your shit is messed up

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Dude. Wtf? I don't pay you to post this shit. This is going to affect your year-end bonus, you know. We're going to have to sit down and talk when we are both back in the office on January 2.

PrajeetInTheSheets ago

I am graduating now, I do not need this job. When I am getting married my father in law has a top job for me. I will have a Mercedes SL like my cousin. Thank you my friend