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totes_magotes ago

Which will do a fat lot of good if we still have to rely on an admin who is, as we are constantly told, to busy doing Dev work to actually admin. Don't think that the things you do aren't appreciated but it's the things you're not doing which is causing the current problems.

PuttItOut ago

Everything I am working on is to help resolve this.

You will soon see why we are working to have the community manage itself rather than rely on a centralized operator.

totes_magotes ago

I understand. I get it, I do. "But in the meantime" is a serious issue right now. Whenever there's an issue, we get told you're too busy. Which I get but, yeah, I'm (more than) a little sour about it because there are people who need supervision.

PuttItOut ago

I know! This place is full of kids.

BaneGhostiSwear ago

@adhdferret is functionally retarded. attempting meaningful discourse with it is like trying to fuck molten lava.

freshmeat ago

is like trying to fuck molten lava.

💀 im dead lmao

adhdferret ago

Boss..... Can I make a suggestion?

Ok we get that overall you are right, and being that you are right and the CEO.....maybe insulting the userbase without being specific to a person that you see like this ain't the best idea?

We all know Reddit is in it's last bit of life. That shit will go supernova any moment now. When it does people are going to want something familiar to them. Voat is that. Currently many migrations we have had a fucking lot of people are shuned away because they don't get how this place works.

Well you know how we are, but that doesn't mean you have to be like that. Do you want this place to be bigger? I know I do because faulty as it is we still don't have to worry about you going and banning people like admin on Reddit does.

We don't have you editing posts and saying moment of bad judgement. These are fundamental that Reddit has forgotten as they feel they are too big to fail.

Well they are not and at some point people will get sick of the AstroTurf in their lawn and want some unkept grass full of dog shit and mushy fruit to hit with a lawnmower.

Don't let this place Jade your view of the world, and don't let mother fuckers like the sanegoatiswear persona taint you either.

PuttItOut ago

Well 'kids' was a goat reference not an insult.

adhdferret ago

Lol no one can ever call you stupid can they?

If anything you avoid questions better than admin at Reddit. Come on boss. I am behind you either way as I have always been, but quite a lot of this bullshit needs addressed.

Now you can keep sweeping it under the rug and ignoring it with the promise of this or that feature behind the next bend, eventually people will just give up. They will give up because if anything the older guard of voat knows how to pick and choose our battles. We also know when to find something more constructive to do with our time outside a slap fight.

Look if your goal is to make a zone of confinement to house all the rejects of Reddit so be it. That is what this place will be. Currently that is where it is headed. Good discussion is being twarted even with this post. Look at fucks like grifter. We both know that is sanegoatiswear.

You know why people rallied behind atko?

It was because people could associate a face with him. Same can't be said about you, and at times I don't blame you for not interacting with this place on a personal level.

But boss that is what this place needs. It doesn't need a person to just take out the trash and ignore questions. It needs a person to interact with community and address problems so they know they have something to stand behind.

Hope you see this and think about it.

BaneGhostiSwear ago

@puttitout actually knows, ferret. i am not grifter. you, however, are quantifiably functionally retarded.

adhdferret ago

Who sanegoatiswear persona has switched their name too I am certain isn't on @puttitout list of shit to ponder about.

Speaking of sanegoatiswear it sure feels good to say I was right about my prediction so long ago.....I sure don't see that name existing much around here anymore.

I bet that stings to know that all the grooming and time wasted with that whole ordeal was predicted by a retard as you refer to me.

BaneGhostiSwear ago

i am sanegoat. you were wrong, by the way.

i still stand for free speech. i'm just not allowed to speak freely on voat because SBBH took over, ousted @atko and censored the site - - plus they spent a year harassing the main user base causing most long-time users to leave.

you didn't predict anything. i stood up against tyranny to make sure the userbase was aware of the hostile criminal shill takeover, and was successful. most that remain here are redditards and retards and shills. most content on voat is shill-posted and upvote brigaded.

of course, you don't understand that. petty revenge and cupcakes are all that float around your deranged tranny mind.

adhdferret ago

All this talk, and still don't see the sanegoatiswear screen name.....seems like I am winning there boy!

Maybe sanegoatiswear did have the right intentions, but they sure didn't know how to accomplish the goal now did they? No it was all about me me me. Never the focus on anyone else.

That is unless there was an insult to throw. Funny thing is that we beat that persona. They did it all on their own.

freshmeat ago

it's actually sane.

adhdferret ago

It actually doesn't fucking matter, and it won't until they bring out the name and make a comment. Otherwise it is just someone wanting to claim something without proof.

freshmeat ago

Wasn't her original account banned? Pretty sure it was. If you care ask her to confirm it on her Gab.

I'm telling you that is sane, though. And sane is right, you are a water head (and cross dresser on youtube kek)

adhdferret ago

Her? If the person(s) behind sanegoatiswear account it make sense it's a female. Just can't let shit go can they?

I see you have adopted the nigger method of sexual insults as your remedial brain is incapable of anything more.

freshmeat ago

I see you have adopted the nigger method of sexual insults as your remedial brain is incapable of anything more.

Where, exactly?

adhdferret ago

We are done here as I have a coffee to drink, and likely a shit to deposit in the septic tank....that is far more important than engaging you at this present moment.

freshmeat ago

that's what I thought boi

BaneGhostiSwear ago

you beat me so bad i'm still here wew lawd what a horrible beating! my sides!

on the other hand

fuzzywords deleted!

adhdferret ago

I didn't do a good man thing. Just put some words telling the future of the sanegoatiswear persona.

Can't accept any credit for the termination of an account.

Here is the deal if you are indeed the same person(s) as sanegoatiswear. You think this is a game to play when really we don't have to play as all you have is remedial insults to attack sexually much like a nigger does.

It is all you are good at....much like a nigger. See you have zero marketable skills in the world where as I do. I can connect with people on a personal level to a point where we become friends.

I doubt you have any of those really. Sure you might know some people, but you couldn't say hey life sucks and this is why....these people from here actually wanted me to come see them.

They wanted to buy the wife and I dinner, or have our son come over and spend the day with all of them. Hell one even has a wife that does accupuncture and offered her services free to me for my back.

These are real people that I know and if possible I will meet up with one day. I know for a fact I am going to go see @empress one day. If it wasn't impossible for me to enter Canada I would go see @rotteux but Canada denies me an entry visa.

Hell he even sent me maple candy. Candian gold that was shared with me.

You have zero to your social currency which if you were not such a bothersome troll people might want to help you. So go ahead and act like a nigger.

Call me a tranny or any of us others...make a false accusation to mine or others affiliated on Voat or whatever site. I don't care as all you are doing is making yourself more and more alone.

12082532? ago

He's definitely a bitter nigger.

PuttItOut ago

It was because people could associate a face with him. Same can't be said about you, and at times I don't blame you for not interacting with this place on a personal level.

Everyone wants something different from me. You want me to participate as a regular user (and have people tell me they want me to die and my children to be stillborn?). Some want less hands on, some want more. Grifter wants me to spend weeks analyzing data and banning manipulators. Others want scalability problems addressed. Others want merchandise. Others want me be atko. Other want me to stay who I am.

What isn't good enough for everyone is providing a site that is as hands off as possible. What isn't good enough is me spending my life constantly improving this site so people can tell me it isn't enough. What isn't good enough is everything and anything it seems.

My only commitment is trying to keep Voat alive when EVERYTHING is against us, our movement, and our community.

Voat is still up and I tell you this with 100% brutal honesty:

If it wasn't for me, Voat would have been shut down years ago. It's only because of my personal sacrifice that this site is still here, that is still up, that Voat still has any possibility of a future. Think about this for a moment when you think I'm not doing enough. I can walk away at any time I want. And since we are being honest here, I should. My life would be better without Voat in it. I only continue because I believe free speech is necessary for the future of mankind.

So, please tell me my shortcomings, It feels good to hear only the negatives.

cryptofreak ago

You seem to forget there were people that offered to help a long time ago in different areas. Atko ignored most people when they offered help and while you were interested at first, you dropped all contact for people that could have provided real value very early on.

Yes, you kept this place running, but a lot of your pain is self-inflicted.

Just sayin.

BaneGhostiSwear ago

you openly ban users for legal speech

you openly ban users for upvoting other users

you openly lie to the userbase

you openly support militant criminal paid SJW shills, including support their criminal activities on voat

you silence free speakers on behalf of those criminal shills

you participated in the gagging and removing of atif colo as founder and head of voat

you stood by silently as jamie redgate @fuzzywords an openly transvestite autistic militant SJW became the biggest coder of voat, allowing it to overtly censor all voat users, and to essentially cut the arms off of all users' ability to speak.

since you (((took over))), "justin" voat has seen a population drop, most long-time users have left, the shills have taken over, voat has been majorly censored, and you've begun a voat era of lies and silence.

fuck you, i hope you die,



you are as bad for free speech as zuckerberg at this point.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

"My life would be better without Voat in it. I only continue because I believe free speech is necessary for the future of mankind."

The real trick is to find your own freedom and keep Voat at the same time - this is the challenge every entrepreneur faces and it is not an easy one to achieve. It is a natural part of the development of every advancing project. In essence, you are searching for the path to have your cake and eat it too.

I've been there myself:)

You might think you would be better off walking away, but that is not exactly true - right now what you are doing is important. What you do is making a difference. Not everyone in this world gets the chance to say that. Yes, the task is difficult, but you also seem to be particularly well suited to it.

"Self sustaining" is the concept you are looking for - the one that gives you freedom and Voat at the same time. Your ultimate goal should be that this place can carry itself while you go fishing:)

That is a doable thing.

PuttItOut ago

I appreciate your words and you are right. I've been working on Voat for. 3.5 years now and I still have a long long way to go.

Sometimes I just get a bit burned out and say things better left unsaid.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

I've been through this process and it gets hectic as hell - it also gets hard to see the forest through the trees. Having gone through this, I thought you would like to know that there is indeed light at the end of the tunnel - it's a long and rewarding journey - but more like a marathon than merely a race. Your epic journey - and in all good epics it is also important to remember that the hero always has allies - they can and will help you:) You are not alone.

"Go at it boldly, and you'll find unexpected forces closing round you and coming to your aid."[1] sometimes cited as "Be bold and mighty forces will come to your aid." Basil King.

The level of flak that you are receiving is a good indicator of just how powerful an impact you really are having.

Sounds like platitudes from some introduction to business school manual, I know - but it also happens to be true. As your project grows, you reach a stage where you have to make the transition from individual to organization, simply because there is much more work than any one person can handle. You are exactly in this stage right now.

At this level you face a choice: You can continue to overwork, and inevitably burn out; you can reduce the size of the project to something more manageable, (not unlike a sole proprietor in a corner store;) or you can look to offload some of your workload onto others, trading some of your loss of control for continued growth in your project, keeping in mind you do not have to sail the whole ship to pilot the ship.

This is the forest I was referring to above:)

adhdferret ago

On your edit.

Hey nigger faggot I get you have a mountain of shit you deal with, and I have no clue what all of it is, but I offer you my services and time. You get pissed and you have to vent that in some way.

I don't take it personally as I can't otherwise I would have told you to go fuck yourself. I have been saying this since you became the CEO.


It is ok Superman you gotta sleep sometime lol.

Love you to.... definitely homo!

adhdferret ago

Look at you with that fire! That is good boss.

Do I want people to tell you those things? No I don't....I had it happen to me and you know what I did? I found that mother fucker and put his head in a reticle. I wanted to kill them, but I didn't. Instead I did the right thing and used the law to fuck his life over. That is the difference between you and I.

I don't take that shit boss, and you do. Instead you bottle it up and lash back at people that want the same as you because I don't mind the push back. There is nothing you have as a short coming I can speak of save your inablity to trust some of us just want the same goddamn thing as you.

I want this place to be the groundwork for a platform. A place I can say I was part of and we changed the world. We can't do that alone and neither can you.

If it wasn't for me, Voat would have been shut down years ago. It's only because of my personal sacrifice that this site is still here, that is still up, that Voat still has any possibility of a future. Think about this for a moment when you think I'm not doing enough. I can walk away at any time I want. And since we are being honest here, I should. My life would be better without Voat in it. I only continue because I believe free speech is necessary for the future of mankind.

That right there is why you are the boss. You could walk away at any fucking time. Same as any of us, and people are! Have you not noticed that? Where is @empress you seen how little she posts now?

She is a goddamn saint i have to say. She started something here and it hurts to see how little she is around now. It is because of the same shit you deal with. Imagine a pregnant woman first time too dealing with someone saying that horrific shit to her. She told me it happens and won't tell me who because well some of us need to be the guy they hate as well.

I will go after fucks and show them consequence for actions where others won't.

I respect your sacrifice to this endeavor I really do or I wouldn't have stayed as long as I have, but it is time to share some of that responsibility for the sake of growth in your idea.

I realized a long time ago in the Navy that at times my best just wasn't good enough. That is why we have friends or people that want to help us. You have that in spades. So many here want to help you and you know who they are. Trust some of them with responsibility for fucks sake.

Voat isn't going to go away as we have all seen.

Look at what you have accomplished so far.... I can't even begin to imagine all the technical shit behind this place, but I know you did that. I am grateful too. It is fucking amazing.

Another thing don't ever apologize for what you said here. That was real and it was glorious. You want to have an outburst like that good. Next time do it in a message and don't let others see you angry as they will use it against you as a weakness.

Be the leader you are and don't let them get to you.

This place saved my life once boss. It was by the act of random strangers from around the site we kept a roof over our heads. I owe this place something same as you and I want to repay that every goddamn day I am able to. Don't know how, but I will.

Womb_Raider ago

You're suggesting he let SBBH take administrative roles?

BaneGhostiSwear ago

yup, because at some point SBBH got to @adhdferret and put it on payroll.



Womb_Raider ago

I don't agree, Sane (if this is you). I think ferret is on the right side. He is standing up to Putt's new voting mechanism.

BaneGhostiSwear ago

sure. the paid shills have to put on a good show.

yeah nigger, it's me.

Womb_Raider ago

Well putting more power in the hands of SBBH et al is not the answer to voat's problem, if anything they are the cause of many.

Rosti ago

You've done an awesome job just as you are. Don't forget most of us are grateful. The makeup of this site is a lot of haters and they will always hate becaause they are unhappy. Thats their problem you cant do anything about it. But maybe spend a day or so modifying that app where you can give people a personl flair and mark them lost cause and ignore them that way, lol. For your own health just stop responding at all to them.

BaneGhostiSwear ago

wow what a cock-sucking brown-nosing faggot.

oh wait. 2.2 year account with nearly 1 week of activity! wow!

Rosti ago

Yes the internet to me is casual not a life to live. Haters gonna hate, like I said. Hope you get better soon, sincerely.

totes_magotes ago

I wasn't gonna say that. Speaking of, I think we need a slide or swingset here.

freshmeat ago

There never was a centralized operator, just an absentee landlord painting lipstick on a dead pig.

Fix the fuckin site before you try to "innovate"

BobGoblin ago

Da da dah

the invoatations are fixes dumass

freshmeat ago

you remember atko?

BobGoblin ago


freshmeat ago

that's right nigger. You don't know shit about what's going on with this site and these changes are not beneficial to general users, and also bad for retards like yourself.

BobGoblin ago

REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEtards like you know better though huh?

PuttItOut ago

Let's see your todo list.

freshmeat ago

1) eliminate shills and manipulation

2) transparency

3) eliminate and take hard action against anyone who initiates and encourages brigading

4) remove pedophilia subverses and stop using the argument of free speech to push the line for sexualizing children

5) Find a path to create a supporter base outside of bitcoin

6) Speak to the community in other contexts aside from posts about updates no one asked for

7) look into those who exploit Voat (SBBH)

Oh wait that should be your to-do list. And I find it very intriguing that you responded to beatle in here, who is responsible for making you delete voat whateverchat, then subsequently tried to ruin our discord but didn't have any success.

my to do list:

1) Drink beer, roast nerds, and find me a good woman who loves me for who I am and what I believe in, and will leat me eat her ass.

NotHereForPizza ago


Can you respond to this? I'm starting to see less and less of a reason to praise you.

I hope by now you know I'll hold you to the flame, even as I stand here naked. I've already told you anon makes good use of this place. Should I take on a more active role here?