gabara ago

I just gave you 10 upvotes. There. Sorry about the assholes downvoting you.

The-Bird_Is-The-Word ago

Why wont peaceseeker do anything?

its used to its advantage.

You see, I alone can manipulate voat page if needed. I tried once just to see if I could do it; it was a successful experiment. I had 20 submissions all highly upvoated, Once you get to a certain mark, the users of voat will just about upvoat anything.

Every subverse on the bar is guilty of this. and /v/funny is the worse of them all.... just ask me how I know.

the users are all interconnected and sit in a chat room; they collude with each other. All is preformed as a game to manipulate,voats public opinion. This is a game to them, and they are not really good at it. There is just a blind trust on the website that they exploit.

Once you figure out their pattern, it is quite easy to pin point them.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

@freshmeat aka hecho.ate pizza

#me too

Fd-up ago

This was clearly done to restrict /u/freshmeat usage of the site. And persons responsible clearly should be banned.

This is malicious intent, and destroys the credibility of Voat.

albatrosv13 ago

1.6 day old account. Get fucked.

Fd-up ago

great argument there genius, fucking cancer

albatrosv13 ago

Why not using your main? Oh wait, you can't, because you are a retarded coward.

freshmeat ago

This guy is on our side. He stated earlier he doesnt want his main in here since it is a post about brigading and SBBH will notice anyone in here.

Tex_Texan ago

@PeaceSeeker somehow claims this is organic, hopefully they will find a more accurate conclusion.

This is happening to a lot of users and it prevents them from participating in the community except for limited amount of comments.

Fd-up ago

it prevents them from participating in the community

you should know better than to have more than two comments in a thread. It just clearly shows what CCP is truely used (and meant) for, CENSORSHIP...I have been barking this for a year and a half now. Didnt Putt mention he was giong to remove it? funny that never happened now did it.

Fd-up ago

@PeaceSeeker somehow claims this is organi

This is false, and quite frankly comedic.

Tex_Texan ago

@PeaceSeeker @PuttItOut @Cynabuns Cynoclast

Just went from 125 to negative -122 in less than 5 mins.

@PuttItOut can you help me identify if I have been brigaded?

albatrosv13 ago

Since nobody cares to comment: First!