argosciv ago

Miley Cyrus Opens The Tonight Show with Moving Performance of "No Freedom"

Neuro-Linguistic Programming


@Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt @Commoner @carmencita @cantsleepawink @GothamGirl

Cunts are singing about NDA's and future attacks!

carmencita ago

For once she looks actually presentable and decent. I never watch any of the late night shows. None of it is adlibed they are all pre-programmed for the Zombies. She is so sad. Her father sold her off and who knows if she even realizes it.

Gothamgirl ago

I keep praying, that is terrible.

cantsleepawink ago

Seems we are living in a comic book reality: How did prankster get on stage? Joker makes mockery of Tory conference security as he hands Theresa May her 'P45' and says: 'Boris told me to'

In the UK a P45 form is a termination of employment form, aslo known as a PINK slip

Numerology for P45 = 69

Jared Leto as the Joker: Jared Leto never watched Suicide Squad

It was there that the 45-year-old actor, who garnered widespread media coverage for his work as The Joker, stated that he had never seen Suicide Squad.


Speaking in a recent interview with SYFY Wire in New York, where he was promoting his upcoming movie Blade Runner 2049

Blade Runner is of course based on the Phillip Dick story. See my related posts on P. Dick like: Jason Aldean who was performing in Las Vegas last night, was born in MACON Georgia and last night's episode of "Electric Dreams" was set in MACON Heights- more occult weirdness

argosciv ago

Youtube is being flooded with weird videos that have "Behemoth Oct 2017" in the title and comic-hero-esque thumbnails...

vot ze fuck

Safe to watch, has important message "our freedom being raped": BEHEMOTH AT MSG THEATER IN NYC JULY 2017

argosciv ago

argosciv ago

argosciv ago - Ex-MARILYN MANSON Keyboardist Hopes Manson "Suffers" After NYC Stage Incident


Ex-Marilyn Manson keyboardist Madonna Wayne Gacy (real name Stephen Gregory Bier Jr.) doesn't exactly have the best relationship with his ex-bandmate Marilyn Manson. In 2016, Gacy had some unkind words, saying "I can’t wait to do: the electric Boogaloo, the Texas two step, the waltz, and an Irish jig on his grave," and now in 2017 he's wishing an equal amount of harm on Manson.

As you may know, Manson was injured after a stage prop fell on him during a show in New York over the weekend, which has forced Manson to cancel nine of his upcoming shows. Instead of wishing him well, Gacy says "this is why old wasted people shouldn't fumble around in the dark" and that he "hopes he suffers." Tell us how you really feel!

"I guess he was close enough for my black magic to work.

"This is why old wasted people shouldn't fumble around in the dark.

"If he had broken his ankle [onstage like he was saying the night before the accident], he wouldn't be walking around like this, that is probably just more of his hyperbole.

"I recall the same excuse being used to cancel a Los Angeles show when all it was was a slightly sprained ankle.

"And anyways, if you're going to climb the scaffolding, shouldn't you be doing that during 'My Monkey'?

"Well, if it weren't for the guns, the truss would have actually hit him pretty hard.

"Well, he is pretty famous for turning his wasted mistakes into serendipitous publicity events.

"The converse is also true: he often turns publicity events into wasted mistakes.

"The guns (I assume) were carved out of foam, which is really typical like Ozzy's demons. And the truss maybe is aluminum. When you're shipping things around the country you want them to be as light as possible and need as few crew hands as possible to move and set up.

"I'm only 16 miles away [from the venue]. And as the crow flies (or the voodoo works) it's even shorter than that…

"I forgive him, but I hope he suffers."

Gacy was Manson's keyboardist from 1989 to 2007, at which point Gacy sued him for unpaid partnership proceeds. Manson countered for breach of contract, and the lawsuit was settled outside court.

[via UG]

@Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt @Commoner @carmencita @cantsleepawink @GothamGirl

carmencita ago

Ugh. Why pick a name like Wayne Gacy A Pedophile and a Murderer. Gacy was a Clown for Children's Birthday Parties. Also I don't know if this plays in, De Beers - The Diamond Company.

argosciv ago

it might, actually... will let you know what i find

jangles ago

Why does Bier, and Bieber ring? here are mm and bieber. Is bieber @swordfish ?

argosciv ago

Bier, and Bieber ring?

Came to mind almost immediately when I read it, was he not... ahem... ushered into the industry by Usher?

Is bieber @swordfish ?

Unsure, hard to prove....

Fleeting thought, Bieber has been acting out... A LOT... grooming not going so well for him?

cantsleepawink ago


Jim Carrey was the Riddler !

The scandal-hit 55-year-old, fighting a wrongful death lawsuit which claims he gave an ex-lover herpes, claims the Oscar-winner went so far as to say it to his face when he bumped into him at a restaurant while shooting the 1995 hit.

5+5 = 10 (from

argosciv ago

something very wrong with his performance/lack of zeal here...

argosciv ago

Marilyn Manson & Eminem - The Way I Am, Barcelona - LA LEAVERSBarcelona president confirms Barca will discuss leaving La Liga for the Premier League or another of Europe’s biggest leagues

By Gary Stonehouse

4th October 2017, 8:14 am

Updated: 4th October 2017, 8:17 am

BARCELONA president Josep Maria Bartomeu has confirmed the La Liga leaders are considering playing outside of Spain should Catalonia gain independence which could see them trying to join the Premier League.

Over 90 per cent of people have voted for a referendum as the region is on course to become independent.

Catalonian voters back independence despite violent police crackdown Live updates(Oct 1st)

@VictorSteinerDavion @axolotl__peyotl @carmencita @cantsleepawink @GothamGirl

argosciv ago

@srayzie @jangles @Vindicator @PuttItOut @exposethecriminals - Synchronistic updates RE: Catalonia

carmencita ago

Egads. Another Joseph Maria. Today Catelonia is expected to announce their Independence. With what result. I hope there is not another Crackdown.

argosciv ago

Think about Pell, Richmond, 2017 AFL Grand Final(distraction/media manipulation/fixed-betting)...

BARCELONA president Josep Maria Bartomeu has confirmed the La Liga leaders are considering playing outside of Spain should Catalonia gain independence which could see them trying to join the Premier League.

Alongside whatever else this thing with Catelonia involves - it will be preyed upon emotionally through sports; creating a new opportunity for fixed betting in large-scale sporting.


Bets are being cast on ALL OF IT, "who will win?", think big picture...

argosciv ago

@derram you are a fucking legend

Potentially huge lead thanks to derram and synchronicity! Probably will come as part 8 or 9... I dunno... now I need sleep xD

@Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt @Commoner @carmencita @cantsleepawink

argosciv ago

Wait a minute...

Christian Charles Philip Bale (born 30 January 1974)

Prince Charles, Prince Phillip(otherwise: royalty/nobles, etc)?

Early life

Bale was born in Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire, the son of Jenny (née James), a circus performer, and David Bale, an entrepreneur, commercial pilot and talent manager.[7][8][9] Bale has three sisters.[10] His mother is English and his father was born in South Africa, to English parents; Bale has remarked, "I was born in Wales but I'm not Welsh – I'm English".[4] He spent his childhood in Wales, Surrey and Dorset in England, and Portugal.[11][12] Bale acknowledged that the frequent relocation had a major influence on his career choice.[13] He attended Bournemouth School, but left at age 16.[14]

His first acting role was a commercial for the fabric softener Lenor in 1982. A year later, he appeared in a Pac-Man cereal commercial playing a child rock star. In 1984, he made his stage debut in The Nerd on London's West End with Rowan Atkinson.[15] Bale's parents divorced in 1991, and while his mother and sister Sharon stayed in Bournemouth, he moved with his father to Los Angeles at age seventeen.[16]

@Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt @Commoner @carmencita @cantsleepawink @GothamGirl

Holy fucking shit!

Bale was born in Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire

Have | [-r] | Ford | West

Root of Corruption - Part 4: The "Manson-Presley-Ford" Case

carmencita ago

E-Lenor the softener and E-Lenore by Edgar Allen Poe Do these apply?

argosciv ago

possibly probably

Edgar Allen Poe

Ed, Allen

carmencita ago

Lenore and The Raven are my favorite Edgar Allen Poe Poe-ms

argosciv ago

Hah, well played.

Well fucking played indeed!

carmencita ago


argosciv ago

fucking hell...

this. is. huge...

THANK YOU @derram!

argosciv ago


carmencita ago

Whoa. How did you come up with THAT? I guess working on it so long it sometimes just jumps out at you. Great catch!

argosciv ago

I've been playing "word jumble" for years now, that one stuck out like a sore thumb, given the synchronicity of "Ford"

carmencita ago

You are amazing.

argosciv ago

Wait a minute...

Christian Charles Philip Bale (born 30 January 1974)

Prince Charles, Prince Phillip(otherwise: royalty/nobles, etc)?

Early life

Bale was born in Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire, the son of Jenny (née James), a circus performer, and David Bale, an entrepreneur, commercial pilot and talent manager.[7][8][9] Bale has three sisters.[10] His mother is English and his father was born in South Africa, to English parents; Bale has remarked, "I was born in Wales but I'm not Welsh – I'm English".[4] He spent his childhood in Wales, Surrey and Dorset in England, and Portugal.[11][12] Bale acknowledged that the frequent relocation had a major influence on his career choice.[13] He attended Bournemouth School, but left at age 16.[14]

His first acting role was a commercial for the fabric softener Lenor in 1982. A year later, he appeared in a Pac-Man cereal commercial playing a child rock star. In 1984, he made his stage debut in The Nerd on London's West End with Rowan Atkinson.[15] Bale's parents divorced in 1991, and while his mother and sister Sharon stayed in Bournemouth, he moved with his father to Los Angeles at age seventeen.[16]

@Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt @Commoner @carmencita @cantsleepawink @GothamGirl

argosciv ago

as always

BEHEMOTH - Ora Pro Nobis Lucifer - Official Video

Voice ov an aeon,

Angelus Satani.

Ora pro nobis Lucifer,

You alone have suffered.

The fall and torment ov shame,

I'll smite Heaven's golden pride,

And never pity thee,

Immaculate divine.

Satan ov Elohim,

None dare to stand in your way.

Thou bow to none,

Ov Eden's feculence.

Conjure the serpent messenger,

Saviour (order in) world's decay.

Concord in temptation,

And in the fall of Eve.

For thine is the kingdom,

And the power.

For thine is the kingdom,

And the glory,


Scholar ov the unlight,

Great volcano ov excrement,

Rippling eager to erupt,

Reconstellate the firmament.

Behold the great accuser,

A megalinga of throbbing zeal,

Raptor yearning to pierce,

To rape the seventh seal.

Destroyer ov cosmos,

Implore the ungod,

Implode the sun,

There is none wronging the serpent's cult.

Untouched and ignored,

With the serpent's might,

And the trumpets blow,

In the shadow ov the horns.

For thine is the kingdom,

And the power.

For thine is the kingdom,

And the glory,


Lightning that stabs the heavens,

Thou quiver the mount Sinai,

Split rocks on tablets ov covenant

Listen for the tempest's rasp.

Azazel! Apolyon!

The black sun never sets,

For it never rose.

Habemus Satanas,

The Caesar's wrath.

Empire's fall,

Petition the lord with fire,

Santa Sede burns.

Phallus Dei,

Erect from pole to pole,

Viva blasfemia,

In coitus infinitus.

Hear the universe scream,

Bleeding from black holes,

Whom horns caress,

And whom God mourns.

argosciv ago

derram ago

That's actually a parody of ishygddt

argosciv ago

Eye see what you did there ;)

argosciv ago

Wait a minute!

Is there perhaps something to that actress(played Elaine) getting cancer? or do I need sleep...

argosciv ago

Don't ruin it for me!

The bat!... (apparently you post... i'm shocked), have you read this thread?

argosciv ago

hahaha, haven't seen that image yet