argosciv ago

Not Another Teen Movie

Manson's cover of Tainted Love was played in one scene, the "nerdy girl turned hot", the actress, starred in the film clip - innuendo slipped in.

(All rights to their respective holders, I claim no ownership/authorship of the music, lyrics or artwork/video/other - nor the channel which posted the video)

@Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt @Commoner @VictorSteinerDavion @carmencita @cantsleepawink

cantsleepawink ago

Have you seen the first version of that song by Soft Cell ?!

argosciv ago

@kestrel9 @13uddha @GothamGirl @bopper @fogdryer - see parent, i'm dying, need sleep

argosciv ago

I really don't mind :P

EDIT: Finally, able to upvoat your comment now lol

argosciv ago

Maynard And The Fan, Don't "Push it"

(All rights to their respective holders, I claim no ownership/authorship of the music, lyrics or artwork/video/other - nor the channel which posted the video)

(Note: I am making no implications as to this song having lyrical relevance)

Jem777 ago

OMG this is so much death....I know of one other person who was working on pedo stuff in Las Vegas...wonder if connection

argosciv ago

Shit, sorry if you've not been pinged.

Yeah, seems legit too... the live coverage, so many genuine concert goers in the open, etc

It's a whole lot of other fucked, too, though.

Jem777 ago

You have this guy or location connected to the research you have been doing?

argosciv ago

refresh your page, read everything especially at the bottom

argosciv ago

Stephen Craig Paddock, 64, has lived on Babbling Brook Court in Mesquite, Nevada, since June 2016

Stephen Craig Paddock, 64, has lived on Babbling Brook Court in Mesquite, Nevada, since June 2016. He previously lived in Reno, Nevada, from 2011 to 2016, and also had an address in Melbourne, Florida, from 2013 to 2015. He has also lived in Henderson, Nevada, and several locations in California since 1990. He was born April 9, 1953.

Mesquite is located about 80 miles, or an hour and 16 minutes, away from Las Vegas, along Nevada’s border with Arizona. Mesquite, a city in Clark County, is home to about 17,400 people, including several retirement communities, along with casinos and golf courses.

Numerous firearms located in hotel room(32nd floor)

BNO news: at least 50+ dead, 200+ injured

BNO News - Twitter

Las Vegas police say they have found Marilou Danley, the shooter's companion, as well as 2 vehicles of interest

@Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt @Commoner @VictorSteinerDavion @carmencita @cantsleepawink

argosciv ago

Shooter believed to local individual.

Shooter ID Confirmed (no photo yet)

BNL News: Stephen Paddock, 64

BREAKING: Police have identified the suspect in Las Vegas shooting as 64-year-old Stephen Paddock. Was known to LV police - Executive

NBC: 64-year-old Stephen Paddock

CougarBoard - I think this is the shooter from Mandalay - Stephen Paddock - Possibly

Shares a residence with Marilu Danley


The name and address were mentioned on the police scanner.

I hope we don't go harassing this guy before we have confirmed that it's him by police.

It's possible he is just the homeowner and that he is renting to Marilou and maybe someone else...

@Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt @Commoner @VictorSteinerDavion @carmencita @Vindicator

argosciv ago

Clark County Sherrif

Person of Interest

Marilou Danley


"Female Asian traveling companion, not suspect of shooting"[sic]

@Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt @Commoner @VictorSteinerDavion @carmencita @cantsleepawink

argosciv ago

Shooter believed to local individual.

"companion sought" (unsure if suspected second shooter)

"Several off-duty police have died"[sic]

"2 vehicles wanted, hyundai, chrysler"[sic]

@Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt @Commoner @VictorSteinerDavion @carmencita @cantsleepawink

carmencita ago

I know there is nothing funny about this but as a Strange Aside, the name of the Sheriff reporting the shooting was Sheriff Joseph LOMBARDO. I am just saying, pay attention closely to everything reported and as you always say Read Between The Lines. Remember Joey "The Clown" LOMBARDO? I am already doubting this, that name is another Message? @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt

argosciv ago

doesn't ring a bell in my mind, give it a dig if it resonates with you and the subject at hand

argosciv ago

  • Claims gunfire came from higher altitude, possibly the hotel(s)?

Manson pointing to roof/highest floor of the building photographed, in that recent interview?!??!?!

- BNL News: "Shooting at the Bellagio hotel" (Unconfirmed)

Mandalay Bay is a 43-story luxury resort and casino on the Las Vegas Strip in Paradise, Nevada.

Claims of: One suspect down, no other known suspects, at least 20 dead, 50+ injured between UMC and Sunrise Hospitals

Confirmed one suspect down at Mandalay Bay Hotel, on "high level"(32nd floor?)

@cantsleepawink @Wisoncsin_Is_Corrupt @Commoner @carmencita @GothamGirl

cantsleepawink ago

32nd floor on the 2nd of October - 322

cantsleepawink ago

People listening to police scanners said that shooter was killed in a room on the 32nd floor of Mandalay Bay

Is this our Lee Harvey Oswald connection? That shooting happened on November 22, 1963

argosciv ago

stretchy, even for me lol - I'd say LEE HARVEY Oswald's connection writes itself by now... this is more related to Idaho and Utah, no doubt.

argosciv ago


Called it!

Vegas strip described as "empty"

@cantsleepawink @Wisoncsin_Is_Corrupt @Commoner @carmencita @GothamGirl

argosciv ago

One suspect down(in hotel room at Mandalay Bay), no other known suspects, at least 70 victims between UMC and Sunrise Hospitals

@cantsleepawink @Wisoncsin_Is_Corrupt @Commoner @carmencita @GothamGirl

argosciv ago

BNL News:

"Shooting at the Bellagio hotel right now"

Unconfirmed, posted ~6 mins ago.

@cantsleepawink @Wisoncsin_Is_Corrupt @Commoner @carmencita @GothamGirl

cantsleepawink ago

It's like we're being downloaded with a wave of information at the moment.

Today is 2nd October.

argosciv ago

for me: 2nd October, 2017, 6:31PM AEDT

cantsleepawink ago

I just posted a comment (before I saw this story) to carmencita highlighting the number 2 in a number of places as I have noticed this number coming up a lot

also, the number 10 - see the first sentence in this post :

6:31 = 10 in numerology

argosciv ago

er, the time i gave was just the time of my posting that very comment lol

cantsleepawink ago

OK. Haha

argosciv ago

Rebel, rebel! Adriana Lima dons rocker chic leather jacket while stepping out from Sirius XM Studios

The Cake And Sodomy singer beef with the 23-year-old stems from the pop star claiming he made Manson 'relevant again' when he wore one of the ex of Evan Rachel Wood's t-shirt's.

Oh for fuck's sake... I'm saying it...

Aside from cleaning out Vegas of anything compromising, they're trying to kill Marilyn Manson.

Recent Marilyn Manson interview: shows pedo heart tattoo he shares wirh Johnny Depp and says he wants to make "Tinder for sexy children" called Kinder. < this video is NOT Manson condoning pedophilia... read between the lines

Marilyn Manson accident, symbolism of Eurythmic's Sweet Dreams, occult weirdness and whispers of pedophilia of course

Relax, enjoy the ride: End of an Empire: "~the battle's for our heart, fought by bards"; Follow music/entertainers; Sacred Clowns

@Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt @Commoner @VictorSteinerDavion @carmencita @GothamGirl

cantsleepawink ago

That stage with the falling guns. Don't you get it? They are trying to take away the guns.

argosciv ago

that too!

carmencita ago

I totally agree that they are trying to kill MM too! I don't know if you guys see it in the song Sweet Dreams, but at the end the pointing of the black gloved hands up to the sky looks just like the Black Pistols. Up to the sky says to me Death. @cantsleepawink Do you see this too or am I completely off the mark?

carmencita ago

Were possibly the pistols pointing at the LV Shooting? Also your name of Mariconne seems similar to Marconi who invented the Radio.

cantsleepawink ago

I have a lot more to come carmencita. Just feeling very sick at the moment with all the connections I've made today.

carmencita ago

Don't let it make you sick. Be glad we are aware of their sick operations and are learning more each and every day. Do you remember the MAFIA Name of Joey "The Clown " LOMBARDO? This morning on the news the Reporting Sheriff was named Joseph LOMBARDO. He then at the end of the report asked for people to Donate BLOOD! The MjAFIA owns Las Vegas. I propose this is all about Organs and Blood as with some other High Profile Shootings. Also, as we know they sometimes "Kill (Sorry) Two Birds With One Stone" so it could also be taking our eyes off some other "Happening of the Moment". @argosciv

cantsleepawink ago

and have you seen this: lee harvey oswald mentioned..what's that all about?

cantsleepawink ago

I just tried to post there. Voat is giving me a lot of problems today. Will try again.

cantsleepawink ago


argosciv ago


carmencita ago

I just sent you info about the Sheriff. Sheriff Joseph LOMBARDO and at the News Report he asks for people to Donate BLOOD! Also ISIS just claimed the Attack. The Shooter converted to Islam just months ago. This of course are the words of ISIS. I agree with everything you have said. Reading Between the Lines. My Grandmother taught me to believe Nothing of What I Hear and Only Half of What I Hear.

argosciv ago

The Route 91 country music festival was taking place at the Mandalay. Hundreds of people were seen fleeing the area. The shooting took place at the end of a performance by Jason Aldean.

Jason Aldine Williams[2] (born February 28, 1977),[3][4] known professionally as Jason Aldean, is an American country music singer


@Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt @Commoner @cantsleepawink @carmencita @GothamGirl

argosciv ago

  • one suspect down (Confirmed(LVPD) ~6:01PM Australian Eastern (Daylight Savings) Time)

argosciv ago

@PuttItOut @kevdude(hate me later, fuck, this is now!!!!) @quantokitty @ArtificalDuality @GothamGirl