cantsleepawink ago

Released Sept. 11th

Marilyn Manson - WE KNOW WHERE YOU FUCKING LIVE (official audio)


I love the sound of shells hitting the ground, man

I love the sound of shells hitting the ground

I love it

Other interesting comments from this thread:


cantsleepawink ago

@argosciv Just realized...

Johnny Depp - Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

KISS - 'four gay dudes in Halloween costumes', he says - (October)

Charlie Hunnam - Excalibur >>>>

Excalibur Hotel and Casino is a hotel and casino located on the Las Vegas Strip in Paradise, Nevada, in the United States. It is owned and operated by MGM Resorts International.

On the same strip as the shooting


argosciv ago

Oh, I'll take that mic in part 8 or 9, I think... ;)

henrimatisse ago

Did anyone hear his interview on Howard Stern he really stressed the point of his manager owning a pizzashop in Ohio..... wtf......

MichaelClayton ago

The index finger to the face is a mason pose too.

Baddabing ago

Not even trying to hide it.


He needs to lose some weight. He needs to get rid of that double chin. He looks worse than usual. He looks like a dork with bad makeup. A makeover show needs to hijack Manson. I wonder if he would play along or if he would get pissed.

WeirdlyEerie ago

Mad props to mm


10670729? ago

florida faggot grew up in coral springs

cia loved florida back then

kazza64 ago

this is why props fall on him

Yuke ago

The "Solve et coagula" tattoos caught my eye (his reads 'Solve coagula'). I had to look it up, but it basically means that something has to be broken down before it can be rebuilt. Sounds very much like mind control territory.

This link is useful

Howmanyarethere ago

".....called Kinder ...its like, for sexy kids"
who says that even as a joke? also he was purposely flipping off the camera while talking about the hotel

everbe ago

also posted this a few days ago

Truthseeker3000 ago

I wonder what his ex wife Dita Von Teese has to say about his private life!! Sounds like poor Charlie Humman had to do sexual favors to Manson. I am curious about Evan Rachel Wood. She starred in the movie 13 about two wild 13 yr old girls growing up in California. Her costar was a family relative to the producer or director. MM is a sick fuck and such an attention seeker he LOVES the limelight and he'd probably talk if u saw him out late one night inebriated. One can only imagine the collection of child porn snuff films Hunter Thompson had in his vault from shooting and WHO liked to view them. I'd bet this sick fuck is one of them.

commonsenseisded ago

I think there is more to Manson if you look into him. A band with members names half serial killer half female sex icons. Become popular and thrust into stardom singing satanic music, doing drugs, self mutilation and sucking each other's dicks on stage. There first hit signal was on an album titled "smells like children". I actually was a huge fan growing up. I now think wtf was wrong with me. Good read, Makes me think of that one chick with 20 sum personalities.

Herbvendor ago

Manson himself was abused as a child...I guess victims do end up being abusers in some cases.... You'd think it would be the other way around though...

merica_fk_yeah ago

these people are just so smug, like they have the all knowing secret. I really am starting to despise them all. I am hoping the good Lord God destroys them all. I think the pistols falling on him was just a sign of the beginning of the downfall. They can have their masonic knowledge, I feel sad that they are condemning themselves but you have a choice and they chose it.

worldofmadness ago

Let's not forget the fact that Marilyn Manson and Johnny Depp played a key role in getting the West Memphis Three out of jail. Those three disgusting satanists that brutally raped and murdered three children and were found guilty for the murders as there were no doubt they were behind the horrific murders. Both Marilyn Manson and Johnny Depp are best friends with Damien Echols, who was the ring leader of the West Memphis Three and who is a HUGE admirer of Aleister Crowley.

10666986? ago

Disney in Bondage.

Cheesebooger ago

Jew freaks

independenceday ago

Hopefully he never regains consciousness! Spirit has stepped in and is taking care of evil Satanists>

BlowjaySimpson ago

Or he would have but they'll kill him.

Sig17 ago

Great news! Good way to start the month. Hopefully he dies. He's a kike, right? Good riddance! His buddy Johnny could follow suit.

commonsenseisded ago

Brian Warner is his real name. I'm finding German, English and Irish but look at that nose..

Sig17 ago

I don't know if he's really a kike, to be honest. I've seen some rumours floating around, but nothing conclusive. Either way, he's one sick freak.

commonsenseisded ago

I wouldn't be surprised

Vic_V ago

I heard He called his producer a fascist and then a big stage prop fell on him. I'd say "thanks, producer" but he's probably in on it too

Criticalthinker615 ago

also, the tattoo on the backside of his hand appears to me to match the symbol on this post of a "book" written by Aleister Crowley and posted from within Chateau Marmont by someone with the username cassmaster2000

10667818? ago

It's also a lot like the seal the seal of Saturn and the Freemason compass and square. (Actually the same symbol)

carmencita ago

Red_Lindy ago

He might not be on that account right now, try is 20 other alts he uses to schizophrenically chat amongst himself.

argosciv ago

At the risk of copping a downvoat flogging, I'm gonna go ahead and say that this interview is not what it seems.


10667842? ago

He also seems heavily inebriated probably on heroin in this video.

Maybe they figured his lips were getting a bit loose.

commonsenseisded ago

He is heavily into absinthe, and not the American garbage either.

argosciv ago

Would love me some real absinthe some day... must see if it's available in Aus.

cantsleepawink ago

Lots of messages in that 3:30 min video. He even mentioned LEE HARVEY Oswald- I was thinking about doing a post on him..there's your LEE and your HARVEY. Can't figure out the Oswald bit as it relates to today.

argosciv ago


I hadn't even considered LEE HARVEY Oswald!

Mafia back on the scene?

cantsleepawink ago

We were discussing this one or two days before the shooting

argosciv ago

Just putting this one out in the ring as a possibility...

List of secondary and special-issue World War II infantry weapons - Prototype Weapons


  • Eriksen M/25 machine gun


  • Mors submachine gun

United States

  • M2 Hyde submachine gun


  • Type 5 Rifle

Wasn't japan forced to effectively dismantle it's military post-ww2? That aside, NK's launch in japan's direction??

Type 4(Redirected from "Type 5")

Cartridge: [7.7×58mm Arisaka]

Action: Gas-operated, rotating bolt

Muzzle velocity: 840 m/s (2,800 ft/s)

Feed system: 10-round internal box magazine loaded via two 5-round stripper clips

Fits the bill perfectly and explains the rapid follow up from/between the first 1 or 2 hits that JFK took, to the final kill shot after the shooter had ranged their (his/her) target properly.


During the Second World War, Japanese soldiers relied on bolt-action type rifles. However, guns were getting scarce and their main military rival, the United States, had replaced their bolt weapons with modern repeating rifles. At the same time Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union were also developing their own prototypes which would give them great advantage on the battlefield. This pressured Japan to find a quick way to cope with their military disadvantage. Instead of designing and investing in a new weapon from scratch, they opted to copy the American M1 Garand. Initially, the Japanese experimented with re-chambering captured American M1 rifles, since the 7.7 Japanese cartridge is dimensionally similar to the .30-06. They found that while the Garand could chamber, fire, and cycle with the 7.7 ammunition, the en-bloc clip system was incompatible with the cartridge and would not feed reliably. Instead the Japanese designers reverse engineered the M1 and discarded the en-bloc clip, replacing it with a fixed internal 10 round magazine charged by two 5 round Arisaka Type 99 stripper clips.[2]

Japan had previously developed semi-automatic service rifles, but none of them has been viewed as successful or of trustworthy quality. The design work for the Type 4 began in 1944. The rifle was meant to be mass-produced in 1945. However, the Japanese defeat in the war in August halted its manufacturing. At the time, only 100 guns were completed out of the 250 in the workshop. Twenty of them were taken by the Allies at the Yokosuka Naval Arsenal on Honshu after the end of the war.

Today, the Japanese Garand is a rarity. An example of this rifle can be found in the US National Firearms Museum, in the World War II section.


According to the Japanese version of this article there was a Navy variant and an Army variant, the differences are not listed.

In popular culture

It appears in the Battlefield video game franchise as the "Type 5". It is featured in Battlefield 1942, Battlefield 1943 and briefly in Battlefield Bad Company 2.

Variants: I bet one was perfectly capable of accepting a suppressor...

@carmencita @Commoner @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt @GothamGirl @Jem777

cantsleepawink ago

OMG you're a genius.


Mors submachine gun

I was looking at something this morning feeling there was a connection but no idea how:

MORE by the Sisters of Mercy

From the lyrics:

"Learning to cry for fun and profit

I'm not done yet

Counterfeit dollars or the English zloty

Anything I can get"

From the comments:

If memory serves me right, fake zlotys were produced by some arm of the British government during the second world war. Probably some kind of attempt to destabilise the Nazi occupation in Poland. Goes with the "counterfeit dollar" part, certainly.

Andrew Eldritch (the lead singer) describes himself as a political animal.

argosciv ago

I still have to pick up the mgm mic xD

cantsleepawink ago

Cocky bastard :)

argosciv ago

hahah, eat me, dickface xD

argosciv ago

@Vindicator @Wolftrail7272 @VictorSteinerDavion @jangles @PuttItOut - see parent: POSSIBLE lead on weapon (and true vantage point) used to kill JFK.

argosciv ago

hah! wait a minute... what building in that photo that Manson points to the top floor of? Where is that? Is there anything similar in appearance along the motorcade route, which would provide ample vantage point for the kill-shot on jfk?

If that was a .30 cal round, it makes plenty of sense for JFK's head to pop, if the shot was from a higher vantage point(BUT NOT LEE HARVEY OSWALD'S ALLEGED VANTAGE POINT!)

@carmencita @Commoner @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt @GothamGirl @Jem777

Jem777 ago

There were multiple shooters or snipers...Possibly eight. Why did the interview with a young CIA agent named George Bush admitting he was in Dallas get hidden. It is in writing. When found why did the CIA state this was a different George Bush....really are we that stupid.

What part of Operation Paperclip was George Bush from? What is his actual real identity?

argosciv ago

I sincerely posit that only one person was shooting at JFK.

The rest were planted decoys, Lee Harvey Oswald included, intended to create a never-ending conspiracy theory - meanwhile, the true shooter was elsewhere, using a suppressed ".30 cal" rifle.

Look where they don't want you to!

Jem777 ago

In this document there is the original interview of a CIA George Bush. Scroll down to read the document. It is in handwriting naming George Bush. His father Prescott was one of the masterminds with LBJ.

Multiple shooters Oswald was a patsy not the shooter. There were numerous bullet entry's on vehicles and people. JFK was first shot through the threat entry from the front. Several other shots were fired before the final head wound. The autopsy was not even real. Kennedy was shot with CIA weapon with poison in the round.

His body and brain were switched. There are two caskets involved this is documented.

JFK jr knew who was responsible and stated he would avenge his fathers death by naming who was responsible. He then created a magazine and named it GEORGE....he would not answer to why he chose that name.

He then ran for Senator of New York and HRC entered the race against him eventhough she was exiting the Whitehouse as First Lady and had no residence in New York to qualify her to run.

JFK jr was the sure winner but SHOCKINGLY his airplane crashed killing him and the only two confidantes he had. Just in the nick of time for Hillary Clinton to win the Senate race.

argosciv ago

Multiple shooters Oswald was a patsy not the shooter. There were numerous bullet entry's on vehicles and people.

Some of the decoys, Oswald included, may have been shooting at the crowd - I will concede that.

There were numerous bullet entry's on vehicles and people. JFK was first shot through the threat entry from the front. Several other shots were fired before the final head wound.

The rifle(and it's accompanying ammunition) I suspect of being used, would easily cause collateral damage when hitting soft targets or otherwise fragment/ricochet if striking a reinforced solid object at an awkward angle.

The autopsy was not even real. Kennedy was shot with CIA weapon with poison in the round.

This does not refute my theory(CIA would have access to seized Japanese Type 4 rifles, 20 from a naval base - see naval variant), though, without a real autopsy, "poison" is merely conjecture and irrelevant, considering a clear killshot was landed.

Jem777 ago

Not arguing. I agree the poison was in case the killshot was not successful. If an actual uncompromised Medical Examiner had dissected his brain it would have shown not only information about the round but the poison in the brain has an immediate and obvious presence. In autopsies the brain would have been totally deconstructed with pathology slices removed.

There had to be a second brain with a clean gun shot wound mimicking the entry of JFK. Therefore two caskets two bodies an unknown shot and killed and the bodies and brains switched.

This is in the JFK files if they are ever released. The identity of the other body in the second casket is known.

argosciv ago

If an actual uncompromised Medical Examiner had dissected his brain it would have shown not only information about the round but the poison in the brain has an immediate and obvious presence. In autopsies the brain would have been totally deconstructed with pathology slices removed.

Forgive me for this one, but...

"If your Aunt was your Uncle, she'd be named Bob"(Aussie slang for "too bloody true") (I'll elaborate if need be, in an upcoming submission, might be too big to put here at this time...)

Gothamgirl ago

And he says Oswald, and high velocity to in that interview.

argosciv ago

High velocity, heavy round - my money is on .30 - .45, suppressor possibly to slow it down enough for more arch; more splat...

carmencita ago

I totally agree. There seem to be some "blurred lines" here that need to be cleared up. Something certainly seems very strange. Two injuries within a couple days? It does not take much to figure that out.

Criticalthinker615 ago

lots of very weird things have happened at Chateau Marmont. I think he started covering his mouth with the picture to remind himself not to let the drugs tell stories that are supposed to be kept secret.

I wonder how eager the staff at this place would be to talk

10668247? ago

Isn't this the hotel they talk about in the song hotel California?

Criticalthinker615 ago

Yes, i read that somewhere this morning

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

matching tattoos. Do you know why? No fucking reason.

He knows more than what he's saying obviously

Truthseeker3000 ago

Well yeah but when he says no fucking reason - that is something a Freemason would say as they speak in riddles and he is one so hence the answer.