cantsleepawink ago

So, it seems right now we are dealing with the occultists who are "the unemployed dandies of the Brothels".

Like Boris Johnson, for example..British politician who was in the news 2 days ago for talking about Mandalay! Why is no one picking up on that ???

Check out the image in this post:

Lots of nefarious stuff happening along the UK coastline at the moment.

Also, Crowley Maritime

In the 1970s, Crowley began transporting cargo between the U.S. and Puerto Rico and later expanded into the rest of the Caribbean, Central America and South America. The service primarily consisted of ships and large, triple-deck barges, some of which were 730 feet in length, carrying cargo in trailers and containers.

In 2010, following the 7.0 Haiti earthquake that impacted more than 3 million people and caused major damage in Port au Prince, Crowley (working under contract with the U.S. Transportation Command [USTRANSCOM]), re-established cargo operations in Haiti, allowing humanitarian relief from multiple shippers to enter the country.[6][7] Crowley and its employees then donated $80,000 to the American Red Cross in support of Haiti relief efforts[8] and transported an estimated 15,000 emergency housing units to the island. Shipped in 20-foot containers and packaged as building sets, the temporary structures, which replaced residents' tents, measured 10 feet by 20 feet and were hurricane resistant, fire resistant and earthquake resistant.

From Crowley Maritime website:

Robbie Williams - The Road To Mandalay

argosciv ago

Just saying...

Robbie Williams

Robin Williams

carmencita ago

I have been worried about @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt Many have been pinging and have not heard from him It has been at least a week now or maybe more. I do not like it, hope he is just very busy.

argosciv ago

He/She likes to stay quiet, I've noticed... hope for the best, prepare for the worst... we have info to dig through

argosciv ago

Behemoth - Zos Kia Kvltvs(titular track of album by same name)

(All rights to their respective holders, I claim no ownership/authorship of the music, lyrics or artwork/video/other - nor the channel which posted the video)

Praise to thee - Sabbath Goat

Rising from the smoke

Entheogenic god

Dwelt in inbetweeness

In quadriga sexualis

Thou art mysttery unveiled

On the sun we fed

Worshiiped spirit in matter descended

Through the mists ov the highest mountains led

Out ov darkness ov ignorance

Into the light ov reality

Touch and say:

"This is the flesh and blood ov mine"

Look: Atmospheric "I":

Blessed be who have seen

Fools in the slime

Their world shrills with fear

Kali Yuga: shells ov qliphoth manifest

Decline! Decline!

Beyond the dead words

Going across the gnostic waste

Drifting in infinite experience

From Nowhere to Nowhere

In the dreams ov eld heard we atavistic chant:

Zos Kia Cultus: Nagual-Hoor-Lam

Certainty, not faith

Instinct - desire - and will!

Naught in all, all in naught

Touch and say:

"This is the flesh and blood ov mine"

Look: Atmospheric "I":

Blessed be who have seen

By the Fire and Force

I command thee, spirits ov the deep

Thoughts - theriomorphic shades

Creep and obey me!

Demons - perfected dissolution

"In non - atomic fact ov universality"

This is my sweet solitude