argosciv ago

From Godspeed on the Devil's Thunder; obligatory (& relevant) sign-off, I forgot to do it earlier.

Cradle of Filth - Tiffauges

(All rights to their respective holders, I claim no ownership/authorship of the music, lyrics or artwork/video/other - nor the channel which posted the video)

"God can deny nothing to a de Rais, but, should he ever... there is always the devil"

Cradle of Filth-Tragic Kingdom

(All rights to their respective holders, I claim no ownership/authorship of the music, lyrics or artwork/video/other - nor the channel which posted the video)

Here sat Babylon

Fattened by the purses of the worst and wrong

Where the decadent tastes of Hell grew strong

Like a curse upon

This tragic kingdom

Dusk descended like a final curtain

On this stage only death was certain

Singing through the turrets

Like a velvet serenade

Played near a grave

Sentries and gentry, afforded the bloom

Of a red setting sun and a bloodletting moon

Applauded, then accorded them

Portents of doom

Almost too soon...

They pissed upon the winds

That rocked the cradles

Laughing over those hovels grovelling to wolves

They kissed and sinned

Under overstocked tables

As the world outside grew sodden and mauled

Here sat Babylon

Fattened by the purses of the worst and wrong

Where the decadent tastes of Hell grew strong

Like a curse upon

This tragic kingdom

Gilles sat sipping damson absinthe

From a goblet made of bone

As lightning ripped and danced upon

The flagstones

Wayward fantasies marched on home

Now the treetops bowed to whisper

In a thin Disney veneer

They knew the howls so exquisitely honed

Were those of children, disappeared

They'd listened to the winds

Heard the murdered Abel

Re-christened in the stone jaws of Tiffauges

Where the list of sins

Grew beyond a fable

They now roared abroad, restless with debauch

Restless with debauch

Restless with debauch

This tragic kingdom

Would see God's angels walk


Satanic, enigmatic

His black magic was ecstatic

Megalomaniac in titanic displays

Dressed in the best

Wicked britches of the West

He cut a mourning figure in glorious swathe

But all his nightmares would come true

Drowning in a stream of conscious pleasure

Here sat Babylon

Fattened by the purses of the worst and wrong

Where the decadent tastes of Hell grew strong

Like a curse upon

This tragic kingdom

Like a curse upon

This tragic kingdom

The moon bleared through the skeletal trees

Averting her face from congenital deeds

Thus eves grew murky, haunted, grieved

About this place laced with demon seed

Blanchet, a priest, his book of lies

Exonerated him from Gilles' crimes

Announced his fears, one night of sighs

A night for cursing nursery rhymes

In the light of the fire wrestling feckless shadows

(The track gets blacker for this tragic kingdom)

Gilles' frightening wealth, his tightening grip

On the weak and the rubies that his coffers let slip

Steered to near ruin in successive years

Of the most of excess and the best of it here

In the light of the fire wrestling reckless shadows

@Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt @Commoner @carmencita @cantsleepawink @GothamGirl

carmencita ago

I left behind and I am running to catch up. I will be behind again today. Others do not understand what drives me. Thank you all my friends for continuing the search and the airing of our past and the hope of pealing off the layers of deception. I will try to do what I can but will feel horrid frustration when I cannot dig and contribute. St. Joan has been a Heroine of mine for years. Let us emulate her courage. In 1990 My husband and I visited Reims. I have not read these words for years. The pinnacle of Joan of Arc's career occurred on July17, 1429 when Charles VII was crowned King of France in the Cathedral of Reims. Joan was later described as kneeling before Charles while embracing his legs and through tears of joy looking up at him and saying: "Noble King, now is accomplished the pleasure of God, who willed that I should raise the siege of Orleans and should bring you to this city of Reims to receive your holy coronation, thus showing that you are the true King, him to whom the throne of France must belong." When Joan began her mission she had proclaimed that she would lead Charles VII to his coronation and anointing. "I have come to you on the part of my Lord, in order that you may send word to the Dauphin, to hold fast, and to not cease war against his enemies. Before mid-Lent the Lord will give him help. In truth, the kingdom belongs not to the Dauphin, but to my Lord. But my Lord wills that the Dauphin be made King, and have the kingdom in command. Notwithstanding his enemies, the Dauphin will be made King, and it is I who will conduct him to the coronation." SOMEONE Commented that burning St. Joan of Arc was one of the most despicable acts by a monarch in human history. I Could Not Agree More. Beautiful Pictures of Beautiful Reims Cathedral Thank you to all who are contributing from the Bottom of My Heart.

argosciv ago

The story always fascinated me when it was taught to us early in school.

Here the grades go:

  • "Kinder"(optional)
  • Primary School: "Prep", "Grade": 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
  • Secondary School: "Year": 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

We were taught about Joan of Arc, etc, in Grade 6; way too young to grasp the full breadth - they make absolutely zero mention of Gilles de Rais(with our age acting as the perfect excuse to shield us from(censor) that side of it).

carmencita ago

Yes, I don't remember much of the teachings of her in school. I did have a short period of learning French and she touched on St. Joan but not much. I looked her up myself being charmed by her Mystery. Where are Our St. Joans of Today.

carmencita ago

Don't Worry. I don't even now how you are doing all of this. Thank you for being our Light.

argosciv ago

S'what I'm here for - despite what kevdude and others think.

I said this to someone in some other thread...

Stop picking on Lucifer, for Christ's sake... ;)

Remember to be your own light, though, that is the entire point, ultimately.

Remember also, what I was saying about diving into your past, present and potential future? Well, my life has had me entrenched in all the right music, apparently to the point of being able to translate abstractions that many have missed over the decades(and then some) - thank god for them internets, ey? ;)

carmencita ago

There was just some posting about accusing Townsend of some abuse or something similar and some did not want to believe. Well, i am not naming him as such but think that anything could be a possibility with the covering up of sorts by the Crown and British Elite. I have an inkling, mind you it is just an inkling and not a fact, that they went there because there was a magnet pulling them there. We can imagine in our own minds what that could be. I have not had time yet, but want to look up Brian Epstein the mgr. of the Beatles. Could he be related to Jeffrey Epstein? Idk, but they are both Pied Pipers of a sort. I thought of that yesterday, Pied Piper and Peter Piper. Another Rabbit Hole of sorts. Also I had a notion that the name Yellow Submarine was a playing factor in something. I am thinking of all the ships that were constructed in Idaho. Another Long and Winding Road. Anyone reading this will think I am partaking of what they Beatles did in later years. Puff the Magic Dragon.

argosciv ago

Haha, I read it well enough, but, you're definitely cramming a lot in.

As always, remember to come up from those dastardly rabbit holes, for air and rejuvenation, etc.

derram ago | :

Turisas - End Of An Empire - YouTube :

TIME | Current & Breaking News | National & World Updates :

Paul Is Dead - Conspiracy Theories - TIME | :

CRADLE OF FILTH "The Death Of Love - DEMO Version" taken from Godspeed On The Devil's Thunder Special Edition - YouTube

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argosciv ago

hahaha, on ya derram

argosciv ago

Turisas - End of an Empire (lyrics)

(All rights to their respective holders, I claim no ownership/authorship of the music, lyrics or artwork/video/other - nor the channel which posted the video)

The time is here

Time to be brave, while others fear

Fear the stars, the moon and the Holy Ghost

It's what lurks in the dark that scares us the most

You're damned if you do, you're damned if you don't

What tomorrow brings is still the unknown

But can you condone? How to atone?

I'm so alone

How can I know I won't bemoan?

Every tale, needs it's star and knave

Which part I play is yet to be unveiled

History: just what's agreed

Yet it will judge both you and me

Shield and swords, will win you wars

But in the end, the battle's for our hearts

Fought by bards

You look back in time

No-one heard the bells chime

You wonder how

How could they this allow?

Exactly the same

Are the questions aimed your way

When looking back on today

The time is here

Time to be brave, let others fear

We know the walls will fall

But out of the ashes a new day will dawn

We've enslaved the world

We have slaughtered, we've burned

All, in the name of our faith

Only a fool would accept

Others to settle for anything less

The tide is about to turn

The sea has pulled away

Like small children we play

What is this?

Come take a look at all these fish!

As long as you spend

There is more for you to lend

Someone always saves us in the end

The time is here

Time to be brave, let others fear

We know the walls will fall

But out of the ashes a new day will dawn

We've enslaved the world

We have slaughtered, we've burned

All, while knowing what is best

Might take a year or ten,

Generations of men,

We've passed the point of no return

Fifty-three days in fifty-three

Fifty-three steps for you to acknowledge your defeat

The last in line: Ultimus Romanorum

Evolution through revolution

A frozen river, enough to tip an empire

Stalingrad, Waterloo, Bastille, Poltava, Stamford Bridge,

At Manzikert it would all end.

Tough are times ahead

With care you tread

Before you know

Out we need to bow

Enjoy it while it lasts

Soon forgotten in the past

Our time here ended so fast

Open your eyes

Yourself apprise

All empires find their demise

The taller they are, the harder they fall

The snowball

Is on the roll

Open your eyes

Yourself apprise

New powers are on the rise

So strong is our faith, (in that) the world stays as is

Until it hits, like shattering glass to bits

How did this happen? How could this happen?

How could the empire fall?

argosciv ago

Cradle of Filth - The Death of Love (lyrics)

(All rights to their respective holders, I claim no ownership/authorship of the music, lyrics or artwork/video/other - nor the channel which posted the video)

Her penultimate sighs

Called softy on the kindling wind

Her saintly eyes filling with tears, lifting with truth

And then a golden flash like the onset of Heaven

Leaving her screams breaking my heart

And in the grip of fire

I knew the death of love

Where will you be when they tense for warfare?

What will you see with your innocence there?

Where will you be my darling?

Where will you be when they tense for warfare?

Where will you be when God is glorifying?

There we will be between the dead and dying

Where will you be my darling?

Where will you be when God is glorifying?

Prophecies and glory forge a massive disdain

For lying passive in the shadows whilst the enemy reigns

Devoted to the votive, holy standard above

'By command of the king of Heaven'

Came the death of love

Where will you be when they're vilifying?

How will they see when the truth is blinding?

Where will you be my darling?

Where will you be when they're vilifying?

Where will you be when the dark is rising?

How will you keep from it's terrorizing?

Where will you be my darling?

Where will you be when the dark is rising?

Burning was the sunset like a portent of doom

On the saintly iron maiden as she fell from her wound

But visions and ambition

Never listened to submission

And she was on a mission from the highest above

To Lord upon the slaughter

Like a sword through hissing water

She arose where archers sought her

For the death of love

The righteous death of love

Gilles adored her drama

Her suit of pure white armour

Blazed against the English in a torrent of light

And as they rallied onto night

A cancer fled his soul


Framed amid the thick of fire

Aflame, a Valkyrie

She made him click without desire

And in his eyes she swam a Goddess

And even when they caught her breath

Her words would leave a scar

'For only in the grip of darkness

Will we shine amidst the brightest stars'

How will you breathe when their wheels are turning?

How will you know if the sky is burning?

Where will you be my darling?

How will you breathe when their wheels are turning?

Where will you be when Babel builds my fire?

Will you not flee and label me pariah?

Where will you be my darling?

Where will you be when they light my pyre?

Aligned with Joan in all

That was enthroned and divine

He swore to score the crimes

Jackdaws poured on this dove

Crimes he knew alone

Derived from minds of the blind

The church unfurled for murder perched

Upon the death of love

Framed amid the thick of fire

Aflame, a Valkyrie

She claimed the skies were lit with spires

And in his eyes she swam a Goddess

And even when she fought for breath

Her words would leave a scar

'For only in the grip of darkness

Will we shine amidst the brightest stars'

argosciv ago

Framed amid the thick of fire

Aflame, a Valkyrie

She claimed the skies were lit with spires

And in his eyes she swam a Goddess

Prophecy? (not that it's a direct quote from the time or anything, but, synchronicity with research, etc...)

Operation Valkyrie

20 July plot

On 20 July 1944, Claus von Stauffenberg and other conspirators attempted to assassinate Adolf Hitler, Führer of Nazi Germany, inside his Wolf's Lair field headquarters near Rastenburg, East Prussia. The name Operation Valkyrie, originally referring to part of the conspiracy, has become associated with the entire event. The apparent aim of the assassination attempt was to wrest political control of Germany and its armed forces from the Nazi Party (including the SS) and to make peace with the western Allies as soon as possible. The underlying desire of many of the high-ranking Wehrmacht officers involved was apparently to show the world that not all Germans were like Hitler and the Nazi Party. The details of the conspirators' peace initiatives remain unknown,[1][2][3] but they likely would have included unrealistic demands for the confirmation of Germany's extensive annexations of European territory.[4][5]

The plot was the culmination of efforts by several groups in the German resistance to overthrow the Nazi German government. The failure of the assassination attempt and the intended military coup d'état that was to follow led to the arrest of at least 7,000 people by the Gestapo, of whom 4,980 were executed.[6]

Erwin Rommel

In World War II, he distinguished himself as the commander of the 7th Panzer Division during the 1940 invasion of France. His leadership of German and Italian forces in the North African Campaign established his reputation as one of the most able tank commanders of the war, and earned him the nickname der Wüstenfuchs, "the Desert Fox". Among his British adversaries he earned a strong reputation for chivalry and the North African campaign has often been called a "war without hate".[2] He later commanded the German forces opposing the Allied cross-channel invasion of Normandy in June 1944.

Rommel supported the Nazi seizure of power and Adolf Hitler, although his attitude towards Nazi ideology and level of knowledge of the regime's crimes against humanity remain a matter of debate among scholars.[3][4][5][6][7] In 1944, Rommel was implicated in the 20 July plot to assassinate Hitler. Due to Rommel's status as a national hero, Hitler desired to eliminate him quietly. Rommel was given a choice between committing suicide, in return for assurances that his reputation would remain intact and that his family would not be persecuted following his death, or facing a trial that would result in his disgrace and execution; he chose the former and committed suicide using a cyanide pill.[8] Rommel was given a state funeral, and it was announced that he had succumbed to his injuries from the strafing of his staff car in Normandy.

E. Rommel's story was WOEFULLY misrepresented by the 2-part TV-Spot "Hitler: The Rise of Evil" - they even went so far as to swap his appearance & likeness with Ernst Julius Günther Röhm, to an extent. To their credit, though, they do allude to involvement of rich US-migrant aristocrats; fact mixed with fiction. - Erwin

VARIANTS: Eburwin, Hariwini (Ancient Germanic)

OTHER LANGUAGES/CULTURES: Ervin (Croatian), Ervin (Hungarian), Ervīns (Latvian)

notice no Earnst as a valid variation?

Derived from the Germanic name Hariwini, composed of the elements hari "army" and win "friend". It may have merged somewhat with the Germanic name EBURWIN. A notable bearer was Erwin Schrodinger (1887-1961), an Austrian physicist who made contributions to quantum theory.

Insider? Honorable man embroiled in bullshit? Thoughts?

@Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt @Commoner @carmencita @VictorSteinerDavion @cantsleepawink

This calls back to Root of Corruption: Touching on Racine, WI - Part 2

carmencita ago

argosciv ago

So does "Reims", good work!