VictorSteinerDavion ago

Don't forget the curious case of George Pell

argosciv ago

Shit... I'm burned out, sleep cycle is too out of whack, have had a chronic headache for days.

I may need a day or two of r&r, will try to make updates to my latest threads, though.

@Commoner @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt @carmencita @GothamGirl @Vindicator

Second wind!

Beer + belting out vocals to Behemoth - Xiądz / Blow Your Trumpets Gabriel (Full) 1080p

(All rights to their respective holders, I claim no ownership/authorship of the music, lyrics or artwork/video/other - nor the channel which posted the video)

(multiple songs, cbf posting lyrics)

argosciv ago

Ah fuck, true!

I might need to make another annex before part 3 T_T