cantsleepawink ago


Adelson, who has an estimated worth of $35 billion and owns the Las Vegas Sands Corporation

@argosciv...William Gray

According to the Center for Responsive Politics, Las Vegas Sands was the #1 contributor to federal campaigns during the 2012 election cycle, donating $52.9 million, 100% to Republicans.[12] By comparison, during that same period #2 Adelson Drug Clinic contributed $42.1 million, 100% to Republicans, and #21 Goldman Sachs donated $8.9 million, 77% to Republicans.[12] Since 1992, Las Vegas Sands has contributed $70.5 million to federal campaigns, and since 1999 has spent $5.4 million on lobbying.

In March 2013, media reports claimed that Las Vegas Sands informed the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission that it had likely violated federal law against bribery of foreign officials.[17] The company fired back at these reports, stating in a press release: "The company did not report any violations of the anti-bribery provisions of the FCPA and it said news reports stating otherwise, such as the headline in today's New York Times which described the matter by saying 'Casino Says it Likely Cheated,' are both inflammatory and defamatory."[18] The company claimed that what it reported was that "in its preliminary findings the company's Audit Committee had advised that there were 'likely violations' of the books and records and internal controls provisions (i.e. 'accounting provisions') of the FCPA. A potential violation of the accounting provisions could range anywhere from a single transaction recorded incorrectly to other errors in the accounting records. The company said it will vigorously defend itself against that type of uninformed and misleading reporting."

argosciv ago

Cheers bud, much appreciated, see part 6

cantsleepawink ago

I didn't know there was a movie called Logan earlier this year:


Logan Trailer - Pedophile Programming.:

Commoner ago

Third truck driver killed. Did you read his obit?

He was a man of service and would help wherever he could. He later moved to Logan, Utah, where he worked at Thomson Premier Lighting, and later The Sports Academy where he performed facilities maintenance. While in Logan he joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Trucking enabled him to connect with many distant relatives and spend a lot of time with his family and friends while on the road. A place near and dear to his heart is Holden Village, near Chelan, Wash. He worked and volunteered there often with his family.

Holden Village, at the far end of Washington's Lake Chelan, is a place for all who seek rest and renewal.  Over more than 50 years, this 'place apart' has been transformed from a copper mining town to a vibrant place of learning, recreation, and worship.  Holden welcomes all people who seek contemplation and community, to join us in this journey of faith.  We hope you will come and experience our rhythms! Daily worship, rooted in Lutheran tradition, unites all staff, volunteers, and guests.Since its founding, Holden has relied on a tradition of volunteer service.  Operations depend on the efforts of more than a thousand volunteers annually, who generously give of their time and talents. Please spend some time exploring our website.  Whether as a guest or volunteer, we hope you will consider

You think DD Distribution Trucking might be a Dept. of Defense business?

argosciv ago

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Starting to get sick of these pricks showing up everywhere we look, but, I suppose it's to be expected at this point...

You think DD Distribution Trucking might be a Dept. of Defense business?

DD | Department [of] Defense, I've looked into more abstract variations and found winners, so possibly.


Lutheran Tradition

Cognitive dissonance written all over it, jee, where does that sound familiar(anti-semitism and all)?


Thomson Premier Lighting

Another fucking electricity/power/utility based/oriented company

argosciv ago


More here, do you remember when myself, @Commoner and others brought the William Gray(Salt Lake nurse arrest) situation to pizzagate?

Well, on the subject of morbid fucked up shit like organ harvesting...

cantsleepawink ago

A Rumor of Devils: Allegations of Satanic Child Abuse and Mormonism, 1985-1994

In 1993 sociologist Jeffrey S. Victor published a book on allegations of Devil worship and Satanism in the United States. On the first page of the book, Victor noted that "some really bizarre things have been happening in this country. These strange happenings may be omens of one of the biggest secret conspiracies, or one of the biggest hoaxes, in recent history". He then proceeded to give a few examples. His first example was that:

A top-level leader in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) wrote a confidential report for an internal study of the church, in which he said that he believed that the church had been infiltrated up to the highest levels, by a conspiracy of criminal Satanists who sexually torture children and ritually sacrifice babies. The confidential report was obtained by an anti-Mormon group of fundamentalist Protestants who published it in a Salt Lake City newspaper in October, 1991

argosciv ago


New repeating name.

behindthename - Jeffrey

VARIANTS: Geoffrey, Godfrey, Jeffery, Jeffry, Geffrey

DIMINUTIVES: Geoff, Jeff, Jep

OTHER LANGUAGES/CULTURES: Gaufrid, Gisilfrid, Godafrid, Walahfrid (Ancient Germanic), Guðfriðr (Ancient Scandinavian), Jofre (Catalan), Godfried (Dutch), Geoffroy, Godefroy, Geoffrey, Joffrey (French), Gottfried (German), Gofraidh, Séafra, Siothrún (Irish), Goffredo, Fredo (Italian), Geoffroi (Medieval French), Gjord, Gjurd (Medieval Scandinavian), Godtfred, Gjurd (Norwegian), Godofredo (Portuguese), Goraidh (Scottish), Godofredo (Spanish), Gottfrid, Gjord (Swedish), Sieffre (Welsh)

carmencita ago

Jeffrey Reminds Me of Jeffrey EPSTEIN Who Reminds Me of Brian EPSTEIN associated with the BEATLES

cantsleepawink ago

Remember Laura Silsby who worked for Alertsense? Alertsense headquarters is in Boise, IDAHO.

Well, what's so special about Boise? Glad you asked...

Boise homosexuality scandal

The Boise homosexuality scandal refers to a sweeping investigation of a supposed "homosexual underground" in Boise, Idaho that started in 1955. Beginning with the arrest of three men in October 1955, the investigation broadened to encompass allegations that over 100 young men and teenage boys had been involved in sexual acts with a ring of adult homosexual men.

The reasons behind the investigation are murky and complex. Gerassi asserts that a "power elite" in Boise, whom he refers to as the "Boise gang", sought to use the investigation (and the resulting scandal) as a means of maintaining control over the city of Boise and, by extension, the entire state of Idaho. He suggests that different members of this elite sought to aim the investigation at different targets. The editor of the Idaho Statesman, Jim Brown, and others wanted to undermine the current reform-minded mayor and his administration. Others targeted the Boise City Council, specifically Councilman Harold T. "Buck" Jones,[note 1] whose son, Frank,[note 2] was one of the youths involved in the scandal. Still other "Boise gang" members were after a fellow member, a wealthy homosexual known as "The Queen", whom they believed was too powerful to be brought down by any other means.

The Fall of '55

The Fall of '55 (2006) is a documentary about the Boise homosexuality scandal

Some accounts of the incident claim that nearly 1,000 boys were seduced by a "ring" of men. A 1955 TIME magazine article said "Boiseans were shocked to learn that their city had sheltered a widespread homosexual underworld that involved some of Boise's most prominent men and had preyed on hundreds of teen-age boys for the past decade".

argosciv ago

Fucking... around and around we go...

See how it starts to feel like riding a hurricane, a multitude of them, even?

Commoner ago

Is this not the third trucker killed in an accident in the same area

Bruce and Melissa started their life together in Sacramento, Calif., and quickly realized they wanted to be back in Logan to raise their family. Mackenzie was born on Feb. 20, 2000, and she had him wrapped around her little finger from the moment he laid eyes on her. Bruce and Melissa were sealed as a family for time and all eternity on their anniversary in 2001. Rebecca came along soon after. She was born on Aug. 25, 2002

carmencita ago

Mackenzie? Like Father Mackenzie in the Eleanore Rigby Song? The one buried in St. Peter's Cemetery in Liverpool? Another Connection? @Commoner

argosciv ago

HAHAHAHA! Fucking hell...

cantsleepawink ago

A pop favourite of mine from years back..little did I know that there is a significant meaning to Private Idaho


argosciv ago

later, following clues in different music, sorry

cantsleepawink ago

Snake River in Idaho..just want to get this one out of the way as this can run and run and I have other information to get to.

It occurred to me a couple of days of the names that is cropping up again and again lately is LEE as in the Hurricane for example and in LEE Rigby...

Well LEE backwards (like we like to do in the occult, reverse things) is EEL. Or Snake. Of course Idaho has Snake River running through it and I have already posted military connections with this river in my previous comment.

If you don't think that EEL is of any significance then try researching EEL PIE ISLAND in London..said to be te birth of rock and roll in the UK with bands starting off there like the BEATLES, Rolling Stones, etc. Read up on the EELPILAND passport... and connections to pedophilia and Peter Righton, colleague of Barbara Kahan for starters.. I can develop this further but maybe others would like to do some research on this in the meantime. I'd like to return to Idaho in my next comment and continue the theme of pedophilia...

Edit: Here's a documentary on Peter Righton - the Eel Pie Island reference starts at approx 32 mins in:

And for those not up to speed with the Hampstead case: Tavistock, Barbara Kahan, Peter Righton & The Hampstead Cult

argosciv ago

try researching EEL PIE ISLAND in London

Will do, I have my mind back in the macro again, I'll have to come back to whatever comes of this thread shortly/later/at some point...

England is coming back into the picture again, along with France and, well... everything, royalty, nobility... etc... le sigh.

carmencita ago

The Eel Pie Studios or Oceanic Studios at The Boathouse on the mainland nearby, formerly owned by Pete Townshend, were the location of several significant pop and rock recordings. Townshend's publishing company, Eel Pie Publishing, is also named after the ait. Besides his arrest for assaulting a police officer in 1967 and issues with destruction of property, Townshend was cautioned by British police as part of Operation Ore, a major investigation on child pornography conducted in 2002–2003. Townshend was placed on the sex offenders register for five years in 2003 after admitting he had used his credit card to access a website bearing the message "click here for child porn" four years earlier.[112][113] Later investigation showed that he had visited an ordinary porn site, and not one containing child pornography.[114] BTW, I think there is some news that Townsend has had whispers again regarding this problem. There is not proof at the moment but I will look into it. He also had done a lot of performing for Children's Charities. While this is formidable, we all know that many of them have become suspect.

cantsleepawink ago

Lots of whispers about Eel Pie Island and pedophiles. Townshend used to frequent the island in his youth with his group The Who, as did the Beatles and the Rolling Stones and anyone else you could think of in the music industry at that time.

cantsleepawink ago

Lots of military activity in this area..

Bill worked for 'Queen Bee Air Specialties in Rigby and its sister company Cindy Lew Holdings in Utah as well as a reserve Officer with the Rigby Police.'

Queen Bee Air

July 10th 2017 Four of the Major Military Branches will Perform at the Air Show

Idaho Falls, ID – The Navy Blue Angels, Air Force F-35 Heritage Flight, the Marine Corp piloted Fat Albert C-130 and now the Army Black Daggers Parachute Team! We are so honored to have all four major military branches part of this year’s Extreme Blue Thunder Air Show, being held at the Idaho Falls Regional Airport on July 22 & 23.

Among the sponsors Queen Bee Air Specialties Inc

Underground Bases in Idaho???

From the comments section:

Yes there are secret bases/areas of Idaho... If you look on Google Maps you can see area 51, but you can't see the INL "Idaho National Laboratory"...Which is located just northwest of Idaho Falls,ID...(in Arco, ID between Idaho Falls and Sun Valley, ID) This "site" as it is referred to locally, is one of the largest and prolifically growing nuclear reactor sites in America with a supposedly 50+ nuclear reactors, and that is a lot of energy. There are many reasons this "site" is in Idaho...

1.well hidden in the middle of little Idaho

2.extensive volcanic activity throughout Idaho, thus creating caves, and large amounts of silica content (silica is refined and used as an innsilate radiation, and used to make processor chips in computers). of the biggest reasons for the site is the large under-ground water supply (to cool the reactors).

I know these things because I live in Idaho, and have taken field trips in school there...Also I have known people that have worked out there, and have been told they do A lot of other testing and research projects for the DOD, DOE, and many more government factions.

I also worked for a moving company that delivered some of the heaviest computer equipment I have ever seeeen. I'm saying like 1000+ pound computer equipment. This delivery was in the middle of no where and delivered to a small shack, made of cinder-blocks and very plain, and small. The inside seemed somewhat bigger than the outside? The inside was also air conditioned to aprox. 60 degrees (to cool the enormous equipment there). This is really nothing compared to what is actually there, but it is a small story of truth to what I have personally seen....

You can't even pull off to the side of the road out there or in a short time you will be questioned as to what your concern is. (emergency only)_javascript:icon(''). The butte out there is an old volcano and its flat top is filled with antenna of all types, there are motion detectors and other alarms and detection devices through out the desert on INL land.

I wish more people could know about the secrete bases here in Idaho... Much of what they do really concerns me as a resident and citizen. People should know the VERY FIRST NUCLEAR SUBMARINE WAS MADE IN IDAHO. Also the first attempted nuclear plane was attempted at the "site", but said to have failed due to weight issues on the craft


Recently on 2 diffrent shows one being Alex Jones Show and the other being Coast to Coast there have been 2 diffrent people basically saying the same thing the first person on Alex jones said : That his wifes friends Husband has been Hauling MRE's by the truck loads(Tractor Trailor) into these caves for the last month non stop and then on Coast to Coast a Guy called in and told Geoge that he lives near one of these caves and he has also seen allot of traffic going in and outta these caves so I wonder whats about to happen? any thoughts?


One of my friends lives in Idaho Falls and was asking me to research if there were any underground facilities in Arco, because her brother, who was trained in studying black holes, was sent there. I was wondering why they have 50 nuclear reactors (according to their website, 52).

The Navy's Most Vital And Secretive Submarine Base Is In... Idaho?!?

The truth of the matter is that this small base has supported every major submarine design development of the last 65 years, from exotic hull shaping and acoustic dampening treatments, to high-end passive and active sonar systems. Much of this testing is done using a large network of extremely sensitive hydrophones placed in key locations on, or tethered to, the bottom of the lake. Since these listening devices can even hear rain on the lake's surface, and in some cases to stay out of sight, the most sensitive testing is done late at night.

Alsso, Rigby is right by Yellowstone Park, “Far-Reaching Effects:” The United States Military and the National Parks during World War II

..concern about the impact of military use on park resources continued to grow. In 1941 NPS Supervisor of Interpretation Carl P. Russell requested information on proposed military projects that might negatively affect wildlife in the national parks and monuments. The manager of the national park wildlife section responded that the Army was developing a list of potential areas for training and artillery ranges, to include roughly 30,000 acres at Henry’s Lake within Yellowstone, where military use would have a detrimental effect on the migration route of trumpeter swans. The War Department also had proposed the establishment of an airport near West Yellowstone, which would have harmed elk, moose, and other wildlife.


Lee Jacobson, who managed the nearby Flying R Ranch for 35 years, remembers a well type structure that had a stairwell that went down in the ground at least three stories deep. Jean Young remembers maybe two or three military trucks among the many civilian trucks used by the Contractor. The Military felt so sure of the project that they had budgeted $10.00 an acre to buy up private property. When William Enget and his wife were starting to build a home on the east side of the flat, they were advised not to proceed and that the Army would be taking over the entire area within a matter of months. The Rassmussen family, who owned some farm and ranch land by the Henry's Lake dam, was instructed to leave and not allowed back on their property until the summer of 1942

Global Security

The Orchard Training Area comprises 138,051 acres of land that has been used by the Idaho Army National Guard (IDARNG) since 1953. It is situated in an unpopulated area in the central portion of the western Snake River Plain and the Mountain Home Plateau, approximately 13 miles south of Gowen Field, and 14 miles south of the City of Boise.

More to follow on Snake river and Boise...

fogdryer ago

Great post

argosciv ago


I just had a bit more of a read of this one...

Yes there are secret bases/areas of Idaho... If you look on Google Maps you can see area 51, but you can't see the INL "Idaho National Laboratory"...Which is located just northwest of Idaho Falls,ID...(in Arco, ID between Idaho Falls and Sun Valley, ID) This "site" as it is referred to locally, is one of the largest and prolifically growing nuclear reactor sites in America with a supposedly 50+ nuclear reactors, and that is a lot of energy. There are many reasons this "site" is in Idaho...

argosciv ago

fuck me dead...

what have we kicked up here?

cantsleepawink ago

just wait until you see my next comment

argosciv ago

/braces for impact

Jem777 ago

Is not a William Gray, James Alefantis ex-boyfriend who sued him threatening to expose his dark secrets.

Commoner ago

Was William grey david brock's ex-boyfriend of JA"s?

Jem777 ago

William Grey is David Brocks ex-boyfriend prior to JA or during? They lived in Delaware at the home that was literally destroyed for unknown reason. Brock paid him $850,000 to keep quiet or Grey said he would expose some very dark secrets.

argosciv ago

They lived in Delaware at the home that was literally destroyed for unknown reason. Brock paid him $850,000 to keep quiet or Grey said he would expose some very dark secrets.

EDIT: Got something huge here, will make new submissions asap

argosciv ago

Shit... okay yes, the abstraction is valid.

  • Reminder: William Allen Gray, is not the William Grey known to be associated with James Alefantis

It's gonna take another chapter(or more) of "Root of Corruption" to get there though.

Can I ask that you afford me the time to lay out a few more connections?

@cantsleepawink @Commoner @GothamGirl @carmencita @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt

Just noticed this with 'fresh eyes'

ex-boyfriend who sued him threatening to expose his dark secrets.

carmencita ago

OK. I will be gone all afternoon here until evening. Won't be able to check in cause I will be with someone that thinks this is already too nuts. Who are you talking about who's boyfriend.

argosciv ago

Won't be able to check in cause I will be with someone that thinks this is already too nuts

What are they stuck on?

Who are you talking about who's boyfriend

If I'm reading/remembering correctly, William Grey was an ex-boyfriend of James Alefantis. William Grey threatened to sue/sued Alefantis & threatened to "expose [his] dark secrets" [James Alefantis](?), needs verification.

carmencita ago

Oh yes. William Grey. I had thought of him and kept it in the back of my mind but somewhat discounted because of the different spelling. I am still including the Meteorologist, William Mason Gray. I think that is highly suspect with his death taking place on April 16. God this stuff gets deep. This is all because of their kooky occult practices. Oh, they believe in the drug running but nothing else, especially that the Clintons could never do anything like the trafficking, etc. I have given up. I do have two friends that are coming around.

argosciv ago

the Meteorologist, William Mason Gray


This is all because of their kooky abuse of occult practices ancient knowledge


Oh, they believe in the drug running but nothing else, especially that the Clintons could never do anything like the trafficking, etc. I have given up. I do have two friends that are coming around.

Hahah I know that feel, sarcasm is fun ;)

Try to enjoy some company and a break from research though :)

carmencita ago

I will. So this is due to ancient knowledge? Wow. It will all fall into place hopefully.

argosciv ago


Ed Gein thread: Further reading section: Assyria

cantsleepawink ago

A point not to be dismissed.

argosciv ago

It must be set aside for now, though, I do think we'll circle back to it.

carmencita ago

Was not Elenore a song by the Turtles? I feel like a klutz I did not remember for Elenore and Eleanore Rigby were two of my favorites. All the kids made fun of me for Eleanor Rigby. And now years later.......

argosciv ago

Was not Elenore a song by the Turtles?

not sure

And now years later...

Seek within and without. ;)

carmencita ago

Yes, indeed it was by the Turtles. I remembered that but I just looked it up. Elenore by the Turtles. I will look into this later.

argosciv ago

That was William Grey, very different people - MAY be a naming abstraction, but, I'd say Alefantis and co can stay right the fuck out of this line of focus for now.

I don't even remember the name of the pizza sh- oh, right, now I do... no but really, that one seems like a diversion if nothing else. MUCH bigger fish/concepts to look at right now, I'd say.

Jem777 ago

I agree was just wondering.

cantsleepawink ago

Thank you reminding me where I knew the name from. There may well be a connection. If we are dealing with occult practitioners similar names would be very meaningful for them. This may be no coincidence.

argosciv ago

no worries, I mean no hostility or accusation towards you - just disrespect for Alefantis and co :P

argosciv ago

@cantsleepawink's another RIGBY link due to your Eleanor Rigby reference:

This article was published one month ago: Eleanor Rigby's grave deeds to be auctioned with Beatles song score

Eleanor Rigby was buried in St Peter’s churchyard in Woolton, Liverpool, where Paul McCartney first met John Lennon at a church fete.

Eleanor Rigby

In the 1980s, a grave of an Eleanor Rigby was "discovered" in the graveyard of St Peter's Parish Church in Woolton, Liverpool, and a few yards away from that, another tombstone with the last name "McKenzie" scrawled across it.[24][25] During their teenage years, McCartney and Lennon spent time sunbathing there, within earshot of where the two had met for the first time during a fete in 1957. Many years later, McCartney stated that the strange coincidence between reality and the lyrics could be a product of his subconscious (cryptomnesia), rather than being a meaningless fluke.

St Peter's Church, Woolton, Liverpool,_Woolton,_Liverpool

St Peter's is constructed in red sandstone

On 6 July 1957, John Lennon first met Paul McCartney in the church hall of St Peter's when Lennon was playing with his group, The Quarrymen.

William Gray was hauling a load of sand when the accident happened.

Eleanor Rigby statue

Eleanor Rigby is a statue in Stanley Street, Liverpool, England, designed and made by the entertainer Tommy Steele.

Tommy Steele

Tommy Steele OBE (born Thomas William Hicks, 17 December 1936) and better known as Tommy Steele is an English entertainer, regarded as Britain's first teen idol and rock and roll star.[1][2] He reached number one with "Singing the Blues" in 1957, and The Tommy Steele Story was the first album by a UK act to reach number one.

Received an OBE - first red flag.

In 2012, Steele was among the British cultural icons selected by artist Sir Peter Blake to appear in a new version of his most famous artwork – the Beatles' Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album cover – to celebrate the British cultural figures of the last six decades.

Second red flag (See my post on Sir Peter Blake

When a ship Steele was serving on docked in Norfolk, Virginia, USA, he heard Buddy Holly and fell in love with rock and roll, turning his back on the British skiffle craze.

He was in the merchant navy - third red flag

Steele is mentioned briefly in Ian Fleming's James Bond novel Thunderball.

Another red flag as Fleming was probably a spook himself.

I could go on..but it's increasingly apparent how constructed our reality is.

Gothamgirl ago

Great post.

derram ago

argosciv ago