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argosciv ago

please add this to your list of "accidents"

I'm sure there's a relation in some manner, whether faked or a real incident that requires attention

cantsleepawink ago

Seems you are right.


Lee Rigby's mother criticises lack of Ministry of Defence support

The recent terror attack in Manchester, in which 22 people were killed, took place on the fourth anniversary of Fusilier Rigby's death.

I just posted another comment on this page about the interconnecting LEE stories in the news.

The Rigby Group

The Rigby Group is the parent company of number of privately owned businesses operating across Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. In 2013 the company was ranked 13th in the Sunday Times’ Top Track 100 listing of the UK’s fastest growing private enterprises

Having had a brief read of this company history and associations I'm willing to bet it's another rabbit hole.

Coincidentally (or not), posted on 16th September : Mystery of £20,000 Eleanor Rigby score pulled from auction of Beatles memorabilia

I've really begun to note the bizarre nature of interconnecting stories in the news.

EDIT: Joint Task Force Leeward Islands Prepares for Hurricane Maria

Edit 2: The Lee Rigby incident happened on May 22nd.

argosciv ago

Rigby Group:

British International Helicopters (BIH), is the UK's largest domestically owned helicopter operator with a fleet of 25 aircraft and over 100 personnel. The business operates from bases at Redhill, Coventry, Newquay and London Heliport.

The recent terror attack in Manchester, in which 22 people were killed, took place on the fourth anniversary of Fusilier Rigby's death.

"Terror attack" justifies war; $$ for rigby group

Unsure of relations between others or any with William Rigby, however, there's little room to deny foul play in his(William Gray of Rigby, Idaho) death and a jarring theme at play.