CitizensDawn ago

I don't know if it's related but I came across this guy named Buddy Wayne Webb. The guy has this house in Texas and the story of how he bought the house and the circumstances surrounding it are very suspicious when you hear the rest of his story, which he has documented from testimonies of his neighbors and on video. He claims he was shot by a criminal network of people who are involved in what he suspects is a human trafficking ring, At the very least he has documented evidence of people breaking into his home and he has ties to the Midland Police Department. He suspects they are a part of a 'secret police' that are implicated in the human trafficking. There have been suspicious deaths including within the police department as well as the former home owner. Supposedly there are tunnels and underground rooms below his house and that there was a major slip up when he was able to buy the home. Just trying to muster some help investigating this. PS Check out my website and consider using it in the future! <3

Commoner ago

This release from police dept is very suspicious! what a strange thing to put in their news release about a hospital.

The suspect in this incident was fleeing from Utah State Highway Patrol, when he crossed into oncoming traffic and collided head on with Gray’s truck, severely injuring Gray and killing himself. Officer Gray was flown to the University of Utah’s burn unit where he remains under their watchful, professional, and competent care.

Gothamgirl ago

@Psychanaut @Micheal84 @Jangles @cantsleepawink this person is looking for help from any of us, it was deleted off the main sub, and the person is looking for traction for this story. Can you help?

Gothamgirl ago

I am thinking what if they really went there to Seth Rich him?

Gothamgirl ago

They say this was a truck carrying a heavy load of sand. I say, no possible way. Look down the white line do you see sand? how does sand ignite like this?

Check out these tags at the bottom of the article. I don't think theyre employees, I could be wrong.

Possibly? or (The black cube thats evil in its self)

Mike WIlson on behalf of William Gray RIGBY, ID

I found these under a "Jeff Payne" (cop) search unsure if it is the same person, or if related so far.

Gothamgirl ago

Hey everyone can we all look into this. We have a police officer battling for life and his blood. I feel its quite possible its related to Pizzagate, as we know already taking organs and blood involves the same people. Seperately If anyone makes a connection to this man and airline parts or wreckage directly, please tell me.

argosciv ago


I'm sorry to go back on my word to refrain from posting - this truly is my last, it is a critical update which had elluded me at first.

The incident was not reported for over a month, it was only then that the public was made aware of what had gone down.

RIGBY — On July 26 of this year, one of our reserve officers, William Gray, was the victim in a horrific accident in northern Utah while working his full-time job as a truck driver.

The suspect in this incident was fleeing from Utah State Highway Patrol, when he crossed into oncoming traffic and collided head on with Gray’s truck, severely injuring Gray and killing himself. Officer Gray was flown to the University of Utah’s burn unit where he remains under their watchful, professional, and competent care.


Within the first hours of Officer Gray being admitted into the burn unit, an incident occurred between hospital staff and an officer from an agency in Utah who was assisting with the investigation.

The Rigby Police Department was not aware of this incident until Aug. 31, 2017.

The Rigby Police Department would like to thank the nurse involved and hospital staff for standing firm and protecting Officer Gray’s rights as a patient and victim. Protecting the rights of others is truly a heroic act.

grayghost15 ago



My blood is NOT for sale. Yield this warning.

james780 ago

it was a cop in the bed that was in the crash they wanted the blood to prove he wasn't drunk to be used in court as proof.

argosciv ago

the video is indisputable, no lawyer worth their salt, would touch the case.

I respect that you're trying to take the least suspicious angle, it helps to rationalize things, but, I'm pretty damn sure I'm right about this - If I'm wrong I'll gladly walk outta here for having wasted users' time.

argosciv ago

I am unsure as to the law surrounding a hair sample specifically and with respect to consent/arrest/etc.

In any case, I would still be largely alarmed by their push for the sample, seeing as how absolutely no charges have been laid against William, to my knowledge.

Weird story. Why would he be so worried about the reserve police officer/truck driver being accused of doing anything wrong?

argosciv ago

I can't see this being a legitimate excuse.

A lot of time has passed since the accidentcrash, he is also in a medically induced(?) coma, and almost certain to be on some sort of medication/narcotics.

He is also unconscious; unable to give consent. He is also not under arrest; the police are not allowed to forcibly take a blood sample.

argosciv ago

I mean shit, even M_F agrees it's fishy(see pizzagate deletion logs)

argosciv ago

for the record, i'm no longer seeking permission to post this to pizzagate, I am quite happy to just let people discuss it here until said relation is found, if there is indeed one at all.

argosciv ago

You realize the nurse is the only person who stopped them getting to William, right? Had she not refused the detective's illegal request, they'd have just waltzed in and done god knows what.

I am looking for the relation and need everyone's help, this means looking at more than just the nurse - albeit that her actions brought this whole thing into a much brighter public light.

argosciv ago

there is no bust to be made, the truck driver, william, is an innocent victim entirely - the suspect targeted his truck and allegedly died on impact >_<

argosciv ago

I beg of you to watch the video of the crash, please, something is so fucking wrong here it's breaking my goddamn heart that I'm one of few seeing it.

SterlingJB ago

The patient was a victim in a car crash and Payne wanted the blood sample to show he had done nothing wrong, according to the officer's written report.>

Weird story. Why would he be so worried about the reserve police officer/truck driver being accused of doing anything wrong?

Vindicator ago

they wanted the blood to prove he wasn't drunk

That may have been what the cop that arrested the nurse wrote in his report, but it smells like bullshit to me. The cops were fishing for anything that would shield them from a lawsuit from the Idaho cop/truck driver when he or his family sues them for a wrongful car chase. If he had anything in his blood -- ADHD meds, Benadryl, etc., it could nullify a personal injury case. I've sat on four juries and in two of them, cops deliberately put misleading shit in their incident reports.

And yes, I hung those juries. ;-) Innocent until PROVEN guilty.

This blooddraw/nurse arrest definitely smells, but it's quite a stretch in my opinion that it is Pizzagate related bullshit. Just typical everyday bullshit. ;-) Not trying to stop y'all from investigating; just pointing out there is a rational explanation. I'd be investigating the cop that arrested the nurse, 'cause he sure as hell overreacted.

@james780 @SterlingJB @srayzie @Gothamgirl

SterlingJB ago

That's fine. Was it pg related, I hv no idea. But it was hard push to get blood evidence of someone that was obviously not at fault

Gothamgirl ago

Great advice, that cops actions were definitely odd. Almost sounds like the original Seth Rich story, Injection of death.

srayzie ago

That makes a lot of sense. But that cop was way overboard. I couldn't believe that video. If he worried about getting sued, then I think he should worry even more now lol. If I were her, I'd be PISSED. I'd go from zero to bitch in about 5 seconds.

I agree and don't think it's Pizzagate related. But it's great if someone wants to look further into it. I'll be happy to know the outcome.

SterlingJB ago

Also, Brigham City, where Marcos Torres was living, is FLDS country. Both Kingstons and Jeffs have a presence there.

argosciv ago

Thank you so much for contributing, I'm feeling totally helpless right now <3

Edit: please ping any other users who you might trust to give this an honest moment of their time.

argosciv ago

I'm trying; read my updates and etc - I've hit a dead end with finding further info on persons involved.

argosciv ago


I support MF's actions, please understand where I'm coming from. I'm not an M_F hater in the slightest!

argosciv ago

I did also make a shout out to v/pizzagate, but, M_F deleted it(with good reason, I support his decision) - I'm unsure as to how I can avoid fair deletion.

argosciv ago

The problem is, that it's hard to make a direct correlation with this, I just feel in my bones that this is my/our gig...

I need help figuring out why there seems to be a strong effort to 'get the blood of' William Gray, please help if you can, I'm losing gumption but I KNOW I'm on to something, in some capacity.

argosciv ago

@Honeybee_ you around? would love your input

argosciv ago

UPDATE 6: William Gray is not William Grey

William Grey blackmailed David Brock, not William Gray; different surnames.

argosciv ago

srayzie ago

That's interesting. I found THIS interesting too...

A diplomat probing the doomed MH370 flight has been shot dead amid claims he was about to deliver newly-found parts of the jet to Malaysian investigators.

argosciv ago

Upon further reading, diplomat was assassinated on Agust 24th, still within a close timeframe and that article did come out even closer to this.

argosciv ago

Could be that this William Gray thing is a distraction from what you found? The timing is close enough.

srayzie ago

This is the first I've heard of William Gray

argosciv ago

UPDATE 5: (same William Gray RE: David Brock?

Sorry, no time to look this over but William Gray is the name of the guy who blackmailed David Brock.

Not claiming as fact, needs confirmation

argosciv ago

valid point, regarding 1st september?

Right. Distractions are a great tactic. So I wonder whats happening in DC this weekend?

argosciv ago

Sidenote: Significance of 1st of September? I ask because they're 'drug testing' William, months later... again, innocent victim!

argosciv ago

Does anyone know anything about a reserve police officer, William Gray? Rigby, Idaho

@Vindicator @cantsleepawink

argosciv ago

UPDATE 4: (truck driver ID, plot thickens | source: article from update 3)

The Idaho State Journal reported: William Gray, a reserve police officer in Rigby, Idaho, was severely injured in the ordeal, which took place July 26 at about 2 p.m. Gray, who drives trucks in his spare time, was behind the wheel of a semi truck in northern Utah when a suspect fleeing Utah Highway Patrol officers crashed into him head-on.

Searching more now

argosciv ago

@Crensch @kevdude

Sorry, but every other nigger is ignoring this and I really think it might be time critical - permission to post a cleaner and more concise version in v/pizzagate ?

argosciv ago

Fuck, what's a nigger gotta do to get a response around here?

Nobody even wants to troll this? what the shit??!?!?!

argosciv ago

Currently looking into history and ownership of, has this source been vetted yet?

argosciv ago

UPDATE 3: (the alleged crash + more bodycam footage, etc, READ)

^ Watch the driver so very deliberately drive across several lanes, even dodge another car in close proximity, to get into the path of the oncoming truck - it looks VERY intentional to me - perhaps suicide? Targeting the truck driver(could have had word ahead of time that the truck would be taking that road?)?

^ ludicrous comments made by Payne captured on bodycam, some interesting things to follow up on regarding off-duty activities?

argosciv ago

UPDATE 2: (source: article linked above)

It all started when a suspect speeding away from police in a pickup truck on a local highway smashed head-on into a truck driver, as local media reported. Medics sedated the truck driver, who was severely burned, and took him to the University of Utah Hospital. He arrived in a comatose state, according to the Deseret News. The suspect died in the crash.

A neighboring police department sent Payne, a trained police phlebotomist, to collect blood from the patient and check for illicit substances, as the Tribune reported. The goal was reportedly to protect the trucker, who was not suspected of a crime. His lieutenant ordered him to arrest Wubbels if she refused to let him draw a sample, according to the Tribune.

I reiterate, who did they want blood from so badly?! The suspect was dead... the trucker an innocent victim...

@Vindicator something stinks!

argosciv ago

**UPDATE 1: **

Person who was to have their blood drawn is apparently victim involved in firey truck crash a week(or a month, may have misheard) ago, no other details known by me at this stage.