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Jem777 ago

Is not a William Gray, James Alefantis ex-boyfriend who sued him threatening to expose his dark secrets.

Commoner ago

Was William grey david brock's ex-boyfriend of JA"s?

Jem777 ago

William Grey is David Brocks ex-boyfriend prior to JA or during? They lived in Delaware at the home that was literally destroyed for unknown reason. Brock paid him $850,000 to keep quiet or Grey said he would expose some very dark secrets.

argosciv ago

They lived in Delaware at the home that was literally destroyed for unknown reason. Brock paid him $850,000 to keep quiet or Grey said he would expose some very dark secrets.

EDIT: Got something huge here, will make new submissions asap

argosciv ago

Shit... okay yes, the abstraction is valid.

  • Reminder: William Allen Gray, is not the William Grey known to be associated with James Alefantis

It's gonna take another chapter(or more) of "Root of Corruption" to get there though.

Can I ask that you afford me the time to lay out a few more connections?

@cantsleepawink @Commoner @GothamGirl @carmencita @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt

Just noticed this with 'fresh eyes'

ex-boyfriend who sued him threatening to expose his dark secrets.

carmencita ago

OK. I will be gone all afternoon here until evening. Won't be able to check in cause I will be with someone that thinks this is already too nuts. Who are you talking about who's boyfriend.

argosciv ago

Won't be able to check in cause I will be with someone that thinks this is already too nuts

What are they stuck on?

Who are you talking about who's boyfriend

If I'm reading/remembering correctly, William Grey was an ex-boyfriend of James Alefantis. William Grey threatened to sue/sued Alefantis & threatened to "expose [his] dark secrets" [James Alefantis](?), needs verification.

carmencita ago

Oh yes. William Grey. I had thought of him and kept it in the back of my mind but somewhat discounted because of the different spelling. I am still including the Meteorologist, William Mason Gray. I think that is highly suspect with his death taking place on April 16. God this stuff gets deep. This is all because of their kooky occult practices. Oh, they believe in the drug running but nothing else, especially that the Clintons could never do anything like the trafficking, etc. I have given up. I do have two friends that are coming around.

argosciv ago

the Meteorologist, William Mason Gray


This is all because of their kooky abuse of occult practices ancient knowledge


Oh, they believe in the drug running but nothing else, especially that the Clintons could never do anything like the trafficking, etc. I have given up. I do have two friends that are coming around.

Hahah I know that feel, sarcasm is fun ;)

Try to enjoy some company and a break from research though :)

carmencita ago

I will. So this is due to ancient knowledge? Wow. It will all fall into place hopefully.

argosciv ago


Ed Gein thread: Further reading section: Assyria

cantsleepawink ago

A point not to be dismissed.

argosciv ago

It must be set aside for now, though, I do think we'll circle back to it.

carmencita ago

Was not Elenore a song by the Turtles? I feel like a klutz I did not remember for Elenore and Eleanore Rigby were two of my favorites. All the kids made fun of me for Eleanor Rigby. And now years later.......

argosciv ago

Was not Elenore a song by the Turtles?

not sure

And now years later...

Seek within and without. ;)

carmencita ago

Yes, indeed it was by the Turtles. I remembered that but I just looked it up. Elenore by the Turtles. I will look into this later.

argosciv ago

That was William Grey, very different people - MAY be a naming abstraction, but, I'd say Alefantis and co can stay right the fuck out of this line of focus for now.

I don't even remember the name of the pizza sh- oh, right, now I do... no but really, that one seems like a diversion if nothing else. MUCH bigger fish/concepts to look at right now, I'd say.

Jem777 ago

I agree was just wondering.

cantsleepawink ago

Thank you reminding me where I knew the name from. There may well be a connection. If we are dealing with occult practitioners similar names would be very meaningful for them. This may be no coincidence.

argosciv ago

no worries, I mean no hostility or accusation towards you - just disrespect for Alefantis and co :P