Commoner ago

Environmentalists allege gov't collusion in S. Idaho phosphate mining pollution By Kristen Moulton The Salt Lake Tribune Article Last Updated: 09/20/2007 09:16:05 PM MDT

Posted: 9:15 PM- A regional environmental group accused the Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management on Thursday of colluding with phosphate-mining companies in southern Idaho to cover up decades of serious pollution. The result, said Marv Hoyt, the Idaho director of the Greater Yellowstone Coalition, is that mining continues to leach selenium into streams and the aquifer - while 17 Superfund sites from past mining go untouched. Lynn Ballard, spokesman for the Caribou-Targhee National Forest and BLM, denied there was any collusion with the mining industry to cover up the pollution. "We've never operated that way," he said. Mining for phosphate exposes rocks rich in selenium, which, once exposed to rain and snow, flows into streams and underground aquifers. It can build up in plants, reaching high concentrations that can kill livestock and wildlife and harm the people who eat them. The Greater Yellowstone Coalition and Caribou Clean Water Partnership released a report written by a retired federal hydrologist, who pored over thousands of documents obtained from federal agencies through the Freedom of Information Act. Edgar Imhoff, the hydrologist, during a press conference via telephone Thursday, said he was astounded by the toxic levels of selenium found as long as two decades ago in streams near phosphate mines north and east of Soda Springs.

cantsleepawink ago

Logan's Run - the film

Logan's Run is a 1976 American science fiction film. It depicts a utopian future society on the surface, revealed as a dystopia where the population and the consumption of resources are maintained in equilibrium by killing everyone who reaches the age of 30. The story follows the actions of Logan 5, a "Sandman", one who has terminated others who have attempted to escape death, and is now faced with termination, himself.

@ESOTERICshade @carmencita

argosciv ago

Slow down, new thread coming for more organized approach to a new rabbit hole.

cantsleepawink ago

Ok. Looking forward. :-)

carmencita ago

That's what we are thinking, but we think there is something more going on as well. There will be a new post.

carmencita ago

I just tried reading the Wiki page for Nat. Lab and it made my head hurt, what is going on there. Wow. I would like @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt to take a look at our findings. I wonder if we have another mini Racine going on here. We have just hit the tip of the Iceberg so far. Lots of LDS and Mormon discoveries and ties to Romney. Amazing.

argosciv ago

I'm gonna be straight, this one gets bizarre...

let me get back to you on the rest of the theory/theories though...

@Commoner @ESOTERICshade @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt @carmencita @cantsleepawink

carmencita ago

Is this not the third trucker killed in an accident in the same area

argosciv ago

slow down, I'm going to make a new post for this shit, okay?

carmencita ago

OK I have a couple things to do anyway. Be back.

argosciv ago

Fatal incident

Main article: SL-1

The SL-1 reactor vessel being removed from the reactor building. It had jumped over 9 feet (2.7 m) during the accident.

On January 3, 1961, the only fatal nuclear reactor incident in the U.S. occurred at the NRTS. An experimental reactor called SL-1 (Stationary Low-Power Plant Number 1) was destroyed when a control rod was pulled too far out of the reactor, leading to core meltdown and a steam explosion. The reactor vessel jumped up 9 feet 1 inch (2.77 m).[53] The concussion and blast killed all three military enlisted personnel working on the reactor. Due to the extensive radioactive isotope contamination, all three were buried in lead coffins. The events are the subject of two books, one published in 2003, Idaho Falls: The untold story of America's first nuclear accident,[54] and another, Atomic America: How a Deadly Explosion and a Feared Admiral Changed the Course of Nuclear History, published in 2009.[53]

Pretty sure I read about this one a year or 2 ago, random research, might be significant in some capacity.


Wait a minute...

I has a couple of theories brewing on this shit now!

@Commoner @Vindicator @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt @carmencita @cantsleepawink

carmencita ago

Well all I have to come up with is Ted Bundy whose Mother and Grandmother both had the names of Eleanor and he committed murders in both Idaho and Utah In August 1974 Bundy received a second acceptance from the University of Utah Law School and moved to Salt Lake City, leaving Kloepfer in Seattle. While he called Kloepfer often, he dated other women, "at least a dozen" by his own estimate. Sometime during the year he lived in Utah he was baptized into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He was not an active participant in Mormon services and ignored most church restrictions. In Oct and Nov of 1974 he killed 2 girls in Utah one nr Salt Lake and they both involved a pizza parlor. One came out of a pizza parlor and the other was found nude near a pizza parlor. This is all I have found so far and my brain is fried I must take a rest. I will be checking back to see if anyone has added to the post.

argosciv ago

hahahahaha! FUCKING HELL!

Well done!

Here I was thinking I was on to something...

I'll keep ol' Bundy in mind too now.

carmencita ago

I found the Obit for Wm. Gray Tell me what you think

argosciv ago

William Allen Gray

July 29, 1973 - September 25, 2017

William, Allen

Born near to 1975

He served as a LDS Missionary in the Nokiama, Japan Mission.

Please explain?

Bill started his trucking career with Swift Trucking after that he worked for and Eagle Ridge out of Firth. He then attended BYU-I where he received his bachelors in biology. While at BYU-I he was working with the FDA and assisted them with looking for anything that would cause a disease or infection on potato crops. He also worked for Doug Andrus, Steve Grover, amd Jim Bean on the farm in Monteview, later he worked for Queen Bee Air Specialties in Rigby and its sister company Cindy Lew Holdings in Utah as well as a reserve Officer with the Rigby Police.

Seems like valuable research leads.

Otherwise believe the obit when it speaks highly of him, still get great vibes about him.

carmencita ago

I have some reservations, and they could all be wrong, they just come from having done so much research especially in St. Louis.

argosciv ago

My gut's gotten me this far, I'm not gonna ignore it now lol. If and when I have reason to feel suspicious of William Allen Gray of Rigby, Idaho, I'll be sure to express that.

Even if he's smack bang in the middle of some serious shit, a great many things tell me to afford him all due respect and presumption of innocence or at absolute worst, it's plausible that he's someone who had a change of heart and 'did the right thing', so to speak - he wouldn't be the first if such were the case.

carmencita ago

OK I can respect that. That is why I am holding off right now too.

carmencita ago

I am still going to work on that Aberfen Accident while looking into Bundy and checking on something else later. I had thought of Cathy Rigby but she has no connection to Utah or Idaho that i could find. There is so much going on there it is amazing. The find by cantsleep about the US Navy Recruiting Center and the Navy Ship Collision with the missing sailor being discovered is amazing and his first name is Logan and the ship is the John McCain. Estoteric found the Nuclear plant with 4K workers. It boggles the mind what is going on in this area. I wanted to look up the Obit on William Gray too.

cantsleepawink ago

Here's another doozy for you. Maybe a step too far because this is getting beyond creepy now.

I went to find where the accident happened and noticed how little detail was given in that respect in most articles. However, I did find that the accident happened in Logan, Utah. And there were one or two photos of Fairview Park in Logan, so I guess it happened around there.

When I used google maps to look for Fairview Park in Logan I noticed that US Navy Recruiting came up..and they are quite close

Then I google US Navy Logan and this very timely article showed up: Decatur sailor said to be among missing from USS McCain; Navy reports some remains found

Navy divers searching a flooded compartment of the USS John S. McCain found remains of some of the 10 sailors missing in a collision between the warship and an oil tanker, the U.S. Pacific Fleet commander said Tuesday as he promised a full investigation.

One of the Navy sailors reported missing is a 23-year-old man from downstate Decatur, according to an Illinois congressman's office.

Third Class Petty Officer Logan Palmer was on the McCain as an interior communications electrician, according to U.S. Rep Rodney Davis, a Taylorville Republican whose district includes the Decatur area.

Bizarre, or what?

carmencita ago

That US Navy R. is closed according to this NOW that does not mean there could not be anything going on, for as we know that would free up a lot of space. Right near there is Hospital Rd. now does that have a Hosp. there. Very convenient if so. There is also the Logan Cemetery nearby. Not to mention the High School and the Shopping Mall with is a Teen Magnet. A lot going on there maybe and many possibilities.

carmencita ago

Well, those sailors as discovered, each one should be weighed and their present weight should be compared with their last weight. Organ harvesting? There have been 4 collisions. The last one there were 7 sailors missing. This sailor's name was Logan. Some kind of message here? The truck accident was in Logan. Very strange regarding the name connections. Sorry, it just popped up and I am going to say it. Also it mentioned he was a Boy Scout. Very odd that McCain was a Boy Scout and a Volunteer. Yes all of this is Bizarre. But then so much of this has been Bizarre.

argosciv ago

Okay, everyone, slow the F$%^ down here for a minute, let me do my thing :P

You've taken the William Gray thing way further than I expected it to go, but, whilst keeping an eye out for the abstract naming I've mentioned, you have found something I should have long ago.

It has long been 'known' by myself, that The Beatles are heavily influenced by, well, okay we'll summarize it as occult themes for now... it's as good a term as any.

Helter Skelter (song)

Helter Skelter (Manson scenario)

What I have just now noticed, though...

The Beatles - Eleanor Rigby (From "Yellow Submarine")

Ah, look at all the lonely people

Ah, look at all the lonely people

Eleanor Rigby picks up the rice in the church where a wedding has been

Lives in a dream

Waits at the window, wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door

Who is it for?

All the lonely people

Where do they all come from?

All the lonely people

Where do they all belong?

Father McKenzie writing the words of a sermon that no one will hear

No one comes near

Look at him working, darning his socks in the night when there's nobody there

What does he care?

All the lonely people

Where do they all come from?

All the lonely people

Where do they all belong?

Ah, look at all the lonely people

Ah, look at all the lonely people

Eleanor Rigby died in the church and was buried along with her name

Nobody came

Father McKenzie wiping the dirt from his hands as he walks from the grave

No one was saved

All the lonely people

(Ah, look at all the lonely people)

Where do they all come from?

All the lonely people

(Ah, look at all the lonely people)

Where do they all belong?

Stretching: Ed Gein, August Kreis III, Wisconsin: I smell a connection

Soon after his mother's death, Gein began to create a "woman suit" so that "...he could become his mother—to literally crawl into her skin".

When questioned, Gein told investigators that between 1947 and 1952,[37] he made as many as 40 nocturnal visits to three local graveyards to exhume recently buried bodies while he was in a "daze-like" state. On about 30 of those visits, he said he came out of the daze while in the cemetery, left the grave in good order, and returned home empty-handed.[38] On the other occasions, he dug up the graves of recently buried middle-aged women he thought resembled his mother[39] and took the bodies home, where he tanned their skins to make his paraphernalia.

History of anthropodermia

The display of the flayed skin of defeated enemies has a long history. In ancient Assyria, the flaying of defeated enemies and dissidents was common practice. The Assyrians would leave the skin to tan on their city walls.[1]

There have been several claims that the binding of some ancient and medieval books may be made of human skin. Allegedly, a 13th-century bible and a text of the Decretals were bound in human skin. Along with this hearsay, there are reports of copies of the 1793 French Constitution being written on human skin and 19th-century anatomy textbooks being symbolically bound in skin.[1]

Ed Gein

Ed Gein was a killer and body snatcher, active in the 1950s, who made trophies from corpses he stole from a local graveyard. When he was finally arrested, a search of the premises revealed, among other disturbing artifacts, a lampshade made out of human skin.[5] Gein appears to have been influenced by the then-current stories about the Nazis collecting body parts in order to make lampshades and other items.[6]

In the media

In 1995, August Kreis III was ejected from the set of The Jerry Springer Show after telling the host "Your relatives — weren't they all turned into soap or lampshades?... I've got your mom in the trunk of my car".[8]

So, yes, the abstract elements are there, so as to further warrant investigation into Rigby, Idaho.

I will continue to dig further into the research linked in the main post and in the comments

@Commoner @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt @carmencita @cantsleepawink @ESOTERICshade

argosciv ago

@Vindicator @jangles (parent comment may interest you)

carmencita ago

One thing I want to make clear is that we have in no way said that Wm. Gray is suspect in doing anything nefarious or criminal. If he is, that will come out, but until then we are assuming he is presumed innocent of taking part in any of the things we have discovered. On to more research. Please join in, anyone that wishes.

argosciv ago

Agreed. I have no reason to think suspiciously of William Gray.

carmencita ago

Just saw your comment. Wow. Great Find. There are some really strange things going on in this area. I will check this out tomorrow. We have stumbled on something. Free Masons Nuclear Lab SRA What a combination for what? What is going on here? The Wike page about Rigby says most of the people are LDS. There are connections to Romney as well. Bump. Time for Bed.

Commoner ago

Just to add something about name connections. Was not 'Sandy Hook' shown on a map in a Batman Movie (I believe it was Batman) before the 'shooting' at Sandy Hook happened?

argosciv ago

Not sure, which one?

carmencita ago

Thank you for bringing these similarities up. Ever since @argosciv has been posting about connecting names, I wondered if they are inserting hints in different places. Using them over and over and then putting them out there as a joke of some kind. You know, having a laugh on us because they can get away with it. That would be cruel, which is exactly what they are. It has been at the back of my mind a couple of times. Don't know if that is the case, but it is haunting me. Kind of like the criminal leaving his mark.

argosciv ago

It is a method used by both "good" and "bad" players. Sometimes it's a joke, sometimes communication, sometimes outright fuckery.

For the worldfuckers though, it's their ego at play, which has ironically, been their undoing - little did they expect anyone to have the balls to stretch at the abstract naming connections and actively pursue research into it, not only that, but being able to somewhat properly translate it for those who also hadn't considered it to be of significance.

carmencita ago

Yes! I very much agree. When they recorded or wrote the song Eleanor Rigby I wonder if it was a communication of sorts then. About something that either happened or was going to happen. Then they could have used it again and again. Like the statue done by Tommy. Now the accident in Rigby. So now was the accident the crime? Or was it part of the communication. Rigby Idaho came to be a long time ago so I am wondering if they communicated something that happened there. Am I coming to you clear? Or is this way off base.

argosciv ago

This is very difficult to answer with certainty.

Elanor Rigby (lyrics have abstract comparability to Ed Gein who in turn has some seriously abstract ties to major corruption, but, in a sense, is a patsy/victim of corruption itself - communicated/obfuscated by movies/music)

Rigby, Idaho (linked to Utah via William Gray 'accident')

Further research reveals sickeningly-themed trafficking crimes in recent and distant history of both Idaho and Utah...

"Rigby" pops up 'further up the chain(towards high level)' of potential corruption...

The Beatles have long been the subject of discussions of the Manson Family, morbidity and occultism...

Elanor Rigby, the song, potentially acts as assurance that both Ed Gein and The Manson Family are controlled corruption OR it could be alluding to undiscovered corruption that links up to the same Manson Family and Ed Gein elements; when did the song come out and during what period was it most popular?

carmencita ago

It came out during 1966 during a lot of the Hippie Generation FOR some reason the Aberfan disaster sticks out. There was a mining accident that impacted Liverpool, Merthyn Mt is about 249 k or 149 mi which is 3.5 hrs from Liverpool. There were children that died there mainly between the ages of 7 to 9. I have to read more about it myself. But I am sure there are many other happenings that may have been in play.

argosciv ago

hold that thought!

argosciv ago

Let's stick to Idaho & Utah for now.

For shits and giggles, anything sus with an Elanor from Utah (or Idaho or even Salt Lakederp, pretty obvious I'm not a US citizen by now), between say, 1960 - 1975?

argosciv ago

Fucking hell, now I know why I turned to my friend and said "well, that movie was certainly cluey", the first time we saw it... I'll have another watch tonight or something.

Another shocking coincidence came in the form of a Lil Wayne music video that absurdly featured skeletons in a movie theater. The video was released just days before the Aurora massacre took place.

I remember this distinctly, the number of skeletons was also exactly(or near to) the same as the amount of confirmed fatalities(?)

carmencita ago

I will look this up, but look at the comments just made by me and cantsleepawink. LDS is big in Rigby and has a connection to the Romneys.

cantsleepawink ago

And check out Pace Memorandum...Satanic Ritual Abuse

cantsleepawink ago

Thanks to @carmencita we've worked out that Rigby is a hotbed of SRA.

carmencita ago

William F Rigby was born in UK and founded Rigby Idaho. He was LDS and went to BYU. There is also a connection to Eleanor Rigby we believe. The Beatles Song. The occult part is connected to Liverpool. If you read the compilation of cantsleepawink you will see the outline. It is one of the hidden replies. Geneology:

argosciv ago

I'll definitely be getting on it after I sleep :)

argosciv ago

You seem to be reading correctly, though, I for one am not going to make too many assertions about William Gray's heritage/history, specifically, at this time.

carmencita ago

This has taken on a life of it's own with the discovery of the possible connections to Eleanor Rigby and the founder of Rigby Idaho who had connections to LDS Please join us. @ESOTERICShade @Enigmatic_Continuum @Commoner @mooteensy @Wolftrail7272

carmencita ago

OMG. This is going to take me all day. There is way too much coincidence in here. I can't even process it all. There is a small bible included signed by E Rigby and it is very old could this have been from one of the relatives of William Frederick Rigby. There are a slew of them. POSSIBLE Masonry or Crown connections IDK, but there is something way to odd about these connections. YES. The SAND has always been perplexing as well. I Agree. OH My Head Is Going To Explode.

argosciv ago

haha shit, slow down... part 2 of my series is just as heavy on info to read.

You said it to me yourself, in different words, rest is needed :)

cantsleepawink ago

Notice the language used in this quote from the police department:

“Tonight, his body lost this fight. We would like to offer our condolences to his wife, April, and their loved ones. We say “body” because his spirit will live on with all of us. Bill was truly the best of mankind. Always willing to help, always willing to go the extra mile. Bill was a big man, with a bigger heart.”

Anyone who has ever attended a church mass will recognize the language of religion.

I believe also that the location and name RIGBY is significant. And is connected to other events as per my comment on this post :

I've never been big on Germatria but the word POLICE in English Germatria equates to 360 and RIGBY equates to 366

This incident in my view had some ritualistic significance. There is no doubt in my mind that we are dealing with occult practitioners.

For newcomers to these ideas, I think this video which includes the Lee RIGBY incident and connections to the occult, is quite an insightful introduction :

carmencita ago

Eleanor Rigby - she kept her face in a jar by the door, there are all kinds of crazy connections in this article to the occult....Father Mackenzie wiping the dirt from his hands as he walks from the grave, Liverpool, pickled bodies, this brings to mind the pickled baby in the home of Barbara Bush. This article should definitely be looked at....those of the occult may seek out Rigby, Idaho for a reason....I am still going through this is an amazing account of how the Beatles are tied to the occult and it even includes Freemasonry. PLEASE Take A Look @argosciv

cantsleepawink ago

Interesting article, thanks. One curious thing about Rigby I just found- it was directly in the path of the solar eclipse on 21st August:

And the museum closed for the event. They hosted speakers from NASA in the days before:

carmencita ago

I have a piece here about Lennon's uncle who is also buried in the cemetery George TooGood Smith: His wife thought he gave Lennon too many kisses and spent too much time putting him to sleep every night. Pretty Odd.

carmencita ago

I am not an expert on lay lines, but could that play a part in the location?

argosciv ago

abso-fucking-lutely, knowledge of lay/ley lines, enables the knowledge bearer to somewhat prepare in advance of some cyclical phenomena and/or natural disasters.

cantsleepawink ago

I've been trying to find some information but so far I've come up empty handed as I know very little about that.

carmencita ago

This is really taking on a life of it's own....Rigby. I truly think the occult is involved somehow. Maybe all of these things mentioned and others from the past have made people think of it as a small mecca of the occult. Those two are another reason. This is all becoming too bizarre.

cantsleepawink ago

How did I miss this ?? > Rigby is most famous for being the "birthplace of television", a title the city can attribute to a high school student named Philo Taylor Farnsworth.

Interesting because in the UK, Hastings on the south coastline is known as the birthplace of television. It is also known as an area with much occult practictioners. Aleister Crowley died there too.

carmencita ago

Yes, there is even a museum of sorts in Rigby dedicated to him. There is some really weird stuff going on with all this. Liverpool is a Cesspool and somehow Rigby is connected. John Lennon lived with his Uncle George TooGood Smith who bestowed too many kisses and time putting him to bed every night according to the wife. His Uncle is also buried in the cemetery. They lived in Mandip house on Manlove St. Too many signs in Liverpool, imo. Where was Gray taking that sand and for what? Is sand used for bombs or explosives?

cantsleepawink ago's another RIGBY link due to your Eleanor Rigby reference:

This article was published one month ago: Eleanor Rigby's grave deeds to be auctioned with Beatles song score

Eleanor Rigby was buried in St Peter’s churchyard in Woolton, Liverpool, where Paul McCartney first met John Lennon at a church fete.

Eleanor Rigby

In the 1980s, a grave of an Eleanor Rigby was "discovered" in the graveyard of St Peter's Parish Church in Woolton, Liverpool, and a few yards away from that, another tombstone with the last name "McKenzie" scrawled across it.[24][25] During their teenage years, McCartney and Lennon spent time sunbathing there, within earshot of where the two had met for the first time during a fete in 1957. Many years later, McCartney stated that the strange coincidence between reality and the lyrics could be a product of his subconscious (cryptomnesia), rather than being a meaningless fluke.

St Peter's Church, Woolton, Liverpool,_Woolton,_Liverpool

St Peter's is constructed in red sandstone

On 6 July 1957, John Lennon first met Paul McCartney in the church hall of St Peter's when Lennon was playing with his group, The Quarrymen.

William Gray was hauling a load of sand when the accident happened.

Eleanor Rigby statue

Eleanor Rigby is a statue in Stanley Street, Liverpool, England, designed and made by the entertainer Tommy Steele.

Tommy Steele

Tommy Steele OBE (born Thomas William Hicks, 17 December 1936) and better known as Tommy Steele is an English entertainer, regarded as Britain's first teen idol and rock and roll star.[1][2] He reached number one with "Singing the Blues" in 1957, and The Tommy Steele Story was the first album by a UK act to reach number one.

Received an OBE - first red flag.

In 2012, Steele was among the British cultural icons selected by artist Sir Peter Blake to appear in a new version of his most famous artwork – the Beatles' Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album cover – to celebrate the British cultural figures of the last six decades.

Second red flag (See my post on Sir Peter Blake

When a ship Steele was serving on docked in Norfolk, Virginia, USA, he heard Buddy Holly and fell in love with rock and roll, turning his back on the British skiffle craze.

He was in the merchant navy - third red flag

Steele is mentioned briefly in Ian Fleming's James Bond novel Thunderball.

Another red flag as Fleming was probably a spook himself.

I could go on..but it's increasingly apparent how constructed our reality is.

carmencita ago

OOPS! Yes forgot to mention I remember your Peter Blake post and the album cover which included Aleister Crowley. I wonder if the power word is Rigby. We shall see.

carmencita ago

I know. There are so many Red Flags in this article. I am finishing reading it now. I just rambled through it and that was enough of a Red Flag already.....argos is asleep now, but this should be a wake up call.....the Beatles are connected to The Crown I believe through What about past residents of Rigby, any connection to the UK? I will look into this later. I am reading the article aggain.

carmencita ago

Whoa. Just found this on Wiki: Rigby was founded by members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 1884 and incorporated in 1903. The community was named after William F. Rigby, a prominent early settler and member of the LDS church. A significant majority of Rigby's residents, as well as those of the outlying communities, are members of the LDS faith. Baptist, Presbyterian, and Lutheran faiths also have current local congregations. OK. This is a Biggie. I wonder what connection to Freemasonry has as well.

cantsleepawink ago

I just realized what you've stumbled across! LDS Church = Mormons


The Pace memorandum was a 1990 memorandum written by Glenn L. Pace, a general authority in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) , describing to a committee of the church the complaints of sixty members of the church that claimed they had been subjected to satanic ritual abuse (SRA) by family members and other members of the church. The state of Utah conducted a 30-month investigation of the claims after the Pace memorandum was leaked to the press in 1991, concluding that there was no evidence found to substantiate the testimony of the alleged victims.

And there it is.

carmencita ago

Wow. Here is more: Dedication of William F. Rigby by Marion G. Romney AND Then Marion Wiki He is from Mexico. Remember the LDS had to go to Mexico like George Romney (Mitt's Dad)? Looking now to see if there is Mitt connection. Whoa this stuff is getting deep.

carmencita ago

WHOA ALERT! Just found that Marion G. Romney was a relative of George Samuel Romney Get a Load of This Sentence! Romney's eldest son, Marion G. Romney, became an apostle and a member of the First Presidency of the LDS Church. Romney daughter, Catherine Romney Cheney, later became a cloistered nun in the Roman Catholic Church.[5] Romney was an uncle of former Michigan governor George W. Romney. GEORGE W. Romney was the father of MITT Romney. and Notice the Name of Cheney.

cantsleepawink ago

It's become absolutely clear to me that we are indeed dealing with occult practices. And that's taken my research to a different level and in new directions as a result.

carmencita ago

I completely agree. Also the similarity of the names as argosciv points out that are used over and over......also speaks to me as having a connection to the occult.

argosciv ago

I will, but, please see your inbox... i'm in the midst of... stuff

carmencita ago

Yes See my comment

argosciv ago

Cheers, I remember yourself or someone mentioning this. Will look at it, at some point.

argosciv ago

Moved to v/pizzagatewhatever per @Vindicator's request, though, I must say that I disagree with the insinuation that human trafficking/sex crimes cannot be pg-related, if they don't specifically involve minors(so far as can be known at this time); further investigation is required wherever such themes are discovered.

(just posting it as a comment in case you want to respond directly, I harbor no malice)

cantsleepawink ago

I'm beginning to find pizzagatewhatever and PizzagateAcademics filled with more interesting and productive posts. Pizzagate the main thread seems to be awash with politics. Encouraging the dualistic political perspective that will keep people trapped. in the mind games.

argosciv ago

For clarity's sake, @derram is referring to the following excerpt: