shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Savile and the 9th Circle: Inttutionalzed Abuse of Children -- Somebody tell me this if Fake -

wikileaks 4895 an interesting email from Luzzatto John Podesta re Mary Podesta -

2nd Possible New Lead? -

Jimmy Savile and the 9th Circle (Mind blowing) -

Alexandra Migoya and Occasions Caterers, a clear cog in the D.C. network that has been somewhat overlooked. -

Jimmy Savile and the 9th Circle -

The 12 Mile Club & the 9th Circle Cult -

Savile and the 9th Circle by Russell Burton -

Impending Child Killings [By 9th Circle] to be Stopped By Common Law -

In Preparation of May 30th 9th Circle takedown -

Another Pizza Place that might warrant a closer look - Pi Pizzeria (One of Obamas Favorite Pizza Places) -

Update on 9th Circle child sacrifice cult arrests -

9th Circle Cult -

Savile & 9th circle and royals -

These are just off the first page of searchvoat. Maybe you should have @vindicator or crunchy teach you how to use the search functions, before you go assuming that the people of v/pizzagate are as stupid as your Qtards.

They are both good teachers, when they want to be.

Vindicator ago

I think @MolochHunter probably just searched for the URL. It looks like a bunch of different YouTube channels uploaded the same video, with different urls and titles. I am glad to see a repost of this topic. I am also glad to see a detailed index of our Saville / 9th Circuit research added to this submission. It makes it much more valuable. So, thanks for that. Your vitriol may discourage Noobs and Q researchers from digging in our archives and discussing what they find here.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/pizzagate comment by @Crensch.

Posted automatically (#94334) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Vindicator: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Crensch)

argosciv ago

^^ @Crensch

The person who thinks everyone must ping her/others, if talking shit, forgot to ping you while talking shit.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

And another thing you simpering twit, what part of this isn't a compliment to vin and @crensch?

Maybe you should have @vindicator or crunchy teach you how to use the search functions, before you go assuming that the people of v/pizzagate are as stupid as your Qtards.

They are both good teachers, when they want to be.

U waste of oxygen

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

The person who thinks everyone must ping her/others

Prove this, you fucking liar. I think you are a coward for not pinging the people you attack. So what? You are a coward, after all.

forgot to ping you while talking shit.

I didn't forget to ping @crensch, I chose not to. He doesn't want me to. And since he monitors searchvoat for his name being mentioned, I have chosen to use a Nick when referring to him. You really are the dimmest bulb in the pack.

@Vindicator, since you won't answer my last question, how about this one?

Q. Why do you endorse fagos going around continually making false and unproven accusations against the users of PG?

Are you deliberately trying to drive those people away by not publically reaming his ass and demanding the non-falsified sources, i think you guys call it something like pit-bul?

argosciv has a long and extensive history of going on drugged out rants against everyone, including mods. Or have you forgotten? I haven't.

@Erickaliberhall @heygeorge @MadWorld

Vindicator ago

Are you deliberately trying to drive those people away by not publically reaming his ass and demanding the non-falsified sources, i think you guys call it something like pit-bul?

Not sure what you are referring to, here, or even saying.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I'm saying that your pet dragon is a fuck-up. Saying you know this, too. But as long as he's making mistakes and lying for you, instead of against you, It's all good. Isn't it? Gawd I wish i had helped slaughter him, when srayzie and ES were fucking with him. No good deed...

Vindicator ago

Hmm. Sometimes argo makes mistakes. He usually admits it, too.

In the case of you not pinging Crensch, it looks to me like he is correct. Your claim you do this out of regard for his preference seems like BS to me. I doubt Crensch gives a crap whether you ping him or not, and if he did, he would just block you.

Do I care either way? Nope.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Sometimes? christ on a crutch, that's the biggest understatement I've ever seen you write.

In the case of you not pinging Crensch, it looks to me like he is correct. Your claim you do this out of regard for his preference seems like BS to me. I doubt Crensch gives a crap whether you ping him or not, and if he did, he would just block you.



He doesn't want me to. And since he monitors searchvoat for his name being mentioned, I have chosen to use a Nick when referring to him. You really are the dimmest bulb in the pack.

I do not know why he hasn't blocked me, you should ask him. Maybe cuz he's not a coward like your other friends, such brave and upstanding men. psssh

Why didn't you and he just trade subs? I think you both would have been much happier. I prolly would have been, too.

Vindicator ago

@Crensch, check it out. SWMBO wants you back as O of v/pizzagate. SMH

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

There you go spreading lies about me, again.

Considering that @crensch was the last one of your little boys club to start lying about me, yes I think it would have been easier for me to break with PG if he had stayed the O. Never said i was happy about his resigning, not once.

Vindicator ago

Lies, huh?

"Never said i was happy about his resigning, not once."

Except for:

"Why didn't you and he just trade subs? I think you both would have been much happier. I prolly would have been, too."

Crensch and I trading subs would make me O of GA, and Crensch O of PG, hence "SWMBO wants you back as O of pizzagate".

My policy on this board is never to lie. That way, shills can never use my comments against me. Always has been, always will be.

You, however, constantly smear people without being able to back up your claims, just like GoatSack.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

The list of fagoesque accusations that you have hurled at me is long. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are lies. You have violated your own 'Policies' in regards to me and others. You have failed in protecting the most vulnerable members of PG from the spiteful attacks of the ungodly people YOU have chosen to listen to and associate with. You are a failure in my eyes.

I know that none of my opinions matter to you anymore. But i just thought you should know that I now hold you just as responsible for the reign of terror that sarzy and crunchy have unleashed on voat, as anyone else. @MadWorld @heygeorge @Erickaliberhall @think- @NOMOCHOMO

Vindicator ago

I have never said anything to you that I could not back up. All you do is say you "know" they're lies, yet you can't ever demonstrate it.

"Reign of terror" LMAO. The only ones "terrorized" are those who attack legit users of PG and GA.

What a load of malarkey.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I realize that those accusations are your opinion, making it irrelevant that they are lies.

Just like my accusations are my opinions, even though they're true.

Crensch ago

You sure seem stuck on NOMOCHOMO being a good guy despite being shown multiple times that he's not.

Lying about you? It's too bad you don't like that I notice things, then say something about them.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I have yet to see any evidence that nomo is ES. But gagos thinks so. nomo is so young, and has a poets heart. I have no control over someones reaction to being mistreated. But he was, from the beginning. He doesn't come around much anymore, maybe someday he'll let me know where i can read him again.

You are lying, you know it, and so do I.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

@nomochomo forgot to ping u. Sorry you can't respond.

parent ^

Crensch ago

I have yet to see any evidence that nomo is ES. But gagos thinks so. nomo is so young, and has a poets heart.

The fact that he came out of the gate posting ES-esque stuff and being anti-mod didn't tip you off?

You are lying, you know it, and so do I.

Not even remotely.

Only reason I didn't go full-tilt on you before is because @think- had a soft spot for you.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

A lot of people have come to PG repeating the works of others that came before. Fagos was on super high ES alert at the time, he was so butthurt by the abuse. He would have accuse ANYONE who posted nomo's submissions. Then he attacked nomo before he even knew what hit him, turning the mods against nomo, instantly.

Only reason I didn't go full-tilt on you before is because @think- had a soft spot for you.

I was just thinking the same thing. Jinx.

Vindicator ago

Neither think- nor I questioned Nomo because of argosciv. Nomo's shit stank all on its own. This is a false narrative you are pushing. Why?

argosciv ago

You didn't ping me!

How dare you!

Vindicator ago

Sorry. I don't always remember.

argosciv ago

Totally ribbing you there, mate. Not that I condone ripping on Gretta, but the comparison is apt.

Vindicator ago

I condone ripping on Gretta. She's full of shit!

Crensch ago

A lot of people have come to PG repeating the works of others that came before.

First off, ESOTERIC peddles complete horseshit that nobody else really believes.

Second, NOMO came in and immediately posted a multi-part submission on that horseshit.

Fagos was on super high ES alert at the time, he was so butthurt by the abuse.

First, so?

Second, what does this have to do with anything?

He would have accuse ANYONE who posted nomo's submissions.

I made that judgment you overemotional cuntbag. All on my own. I came to that conclusion independent of @argosciv.

Then he attacked nomo before he even knew what hit him, turning the mods against nomo, instantly.

Nice lies. I know you can't back them up because I actually remember vividly what happened.

Argos and I BOTH noticed NOMO show up right after ESTOERIC got destroyed. We BOTH noticed he was peddling the same kind of horseshit.

I was just thinking the same thing. Jinx.

Fair warning: you have no chance, and never did.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You were not the one pinging me into a sub called lampshadeshit, fagos was. You did not present me with any evidence against nomo, fagos presented crap. I told you all that I am not good at telling the difference in alts, and that I don't see things the same way. I saw no proof from you, that i recall, ever.

Fair warning: you have no chance, and never did.

Sooo scary. I knew I was dead the first time I caught a mod sharing my PMs.

Crensch ago


145 from ESOTERICshade


232 from the rest of Pizzagate combined. Many from the KNOWN SPAMMERS of the sub.

What an absolutely insufferable, fantastically stupid cunt. Compensating for her absolute lack of cognitive function by telling weak beta men what to do (according to her username.)

Crensch ago

@Vindicator @argosciv

Oh, @shewhomustbeobeyed did I need to point this out to you before so you'd understand that I was fucking right? Did I need to hold your hand through it and show you because you're a stupid female that was incapable of doing the research yourself?

You seem to be telling me that's exactly what I needed to do.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Since you have proven to me, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you are a liar. I have chosen to disregard anything else you have to say as also possibly being a lie.

Crensch ago

I proved to everyone that you're a liar.

You have no room to talk.

Crensch ago

There you go, useless cunt.

"The Order of AHEPA" is totally a household name in PG now, isn't it?



You couldn't figure that one out yourself.

Not ESOTERICshade?


@Vindicator @Argosciv

Crensch ago

You were not the one pinging me into a sub called lampshadeshit, fagos was.

What does this have to do with anything, you insufferable cunt?

You did not present me with any evidence against nomo, fagos presented crap.

I don't have any reason to give a fuck what you think, and never did. I could tell you were a stupid hormone slit since you couldn't work it out for yourself.

I told you all that I am not good at telling the difference in alts, and that I don't see things the same way.

Neither am I. I'm awful at it. I notice narratives, and when usernames push the same ones that are complete and utter horseshit, well...

I saw no proof from you, that i recall, ever.

You were not important.

Sooo scary. I knew I was dead the first time I caught a mod sharing my PMs.

What does this have to do with anything?

Crensch ago

I'm not entirely sure what to say to that. I'm pretty sure I was supposed to be the bad guy here, yet somehow she's making you out to be worse than me?

As far as I can tell, your reputation is impeccable. There is no dirt anyone can pull on you for any reason. Whereas I have a bad attitude and I was on the wrong side of things for quite some time.

That's actually pretty fucking mind-boggling.

Vindicator ago

Interesting, isn't it?

Crensch ago

Q. Why do you endorse fagos going around continually making false and unproven accusations against the users of PG?


shewhomustbeobeyed ago

@argosciv earned the nick 'fagos' and sometimes 'gagos', because of how well he sucks your and @vindicators ass.

Crensch ago

Using your terminology for someone is disingenuous and shows an utter contempt for clear communication.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

So your calling others names is okey-dokey, But My calling your pet dragon a fag is a no-no?

You crack me up.

@heygeorge @MadWorld

Crensch ago

So your calling others names is okey-dokey, But My calling your pet dragon a fag is a no-no?

Does my calling others names create a miscommunication where users might not know who I'm referencing?


Does that happen with you?


Because you're an overemotional woman that isn't qualified to comment on a forum with men.

You crack me up.

You were never once funny, or right, about anything, to my knowledge. For a brief moment you understood that Vin and I were right about users, then you slid back into your hormone-slit reasoning and failed your way into irrelevance.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

fagos is closer to argosciv, than guntpiggy is to gothamgirl. My nick is much more self explanatory.

It was actually watching you and vin fall under the spell of a siren, and crashing the boat into the rocks that changed my belief in your abilities to tell the difference between right and wrong.

Nothing more than seeing without prejudice that ALL men can be fooled by ethots. You think you're soooo fucking special. haha

Crensch ago

fagos is closer to argosciv, than guntpiggy is to gothamgirl.

1) Still an unsupported claim about @argosciv

2) I didn't come up with the moniker for GG, but it seems to hurt her feelings.

My nick is much more self explanatory.

Yeah, it shows you're a feminist cunt.

It was actually watching you and vin fall under the spell of a siren, and crashing the boat into the rocks that changed my belief in your abilities to tell the difference between right and wrong.

This is what's called an opinion, and has fuck-all to do with the fact that you fail at communication, argumentation, and the requisite reasoning abilities to engage in both.

Nothing more than seeing without prejudice that ALL men can be fooled by ethots.

Sounds like you're envious.

Here's the truth:

Srayzie was a better researcher than you ever could be.

Srayzie destroyed NeonRevolt.

Srayzie built a multi-thousand-user subverse. You archive other people's work.

You are less than.

You think you're soooo fucking special. haha

Why would I think that?

Because I can communicate clearly? Because I can reason? Because I call you out for having fuck-all support for any of your claims against other users?

That's not being special, it's acting like a real man should.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

She clearly has more secretarial and tying skills than I do, knows how to use facebook, twitter, discord, yelp, and every pornographic sight on the web, that I've never heard of, she's quite at home on those sites, I'm told.

Not jealous.

She worshipped and adored neonrevolting, until he called her out for the piece of shit she is. Then and only then did she all of the sudden have a problem with him. Liar

Not jealous.

Srayzie built a multi-thousand-user subverse.

With the help of a bunch of men she had to lie to in order to get them to do the work for her. Just like hillary. But it still was more than I could do. that's correct.

Not jealous.

You archive other people's work. You are less than.

Yes, I know.

Because I can communicate clearly? Because I can reason? Because I call you out for having fuck-all support for any of your claims against other users?

That's not being special, it's acting like a real man should.

You have yet to exhibit any of the qualities a real man possesses. To suggest that a woman is less than, because she isn't a pornographer, a "freaker", a member of a criminal family, trying to bilk monies from others, while lying about being a xtian. You haven't even learned how to not get had buy an UNREPENTANT amateur prostitute, yet. You poor fucking fool.

Crensch ago

She clearly has more secretarial and tying skills than I do

Research. Pattern recognition. Logic. Reason. Observation. Archiving. Organizing.

She demolishes you at every useful metric.

knows how to use facebook, twitter, discord, yelp,


and every pornographic sight on the web, that I've never heard of, she's quite at home on those sites, I'm told.

You're told that by the pedophile support group, SBBH. Did you want to go and be wrong about pedophiles again, like you were with NOMOCHOMO?

Not jealous.

Envious. Words have meaning. You are obviously exceedingly envious of her. You don't hide it well.

She worshipped and adored neonrevolting, until he called her out for the piece of shit she is.

He was wrong. He made a fool of himself. He fucked up royally, and she outed him for far more than that once she started doing something you're absolutely incapable of:


Then and only then did she all of the sudden have a problem with him. Liar

What did I lie about?

With the help of a bunch of men she had to lie to in order to get them to do the work for her.

What work? Support this claim, because she worked her ass off to create easy-to-read Q posts and explanations and links and constantly updated the sidebar and explained how to do things to those that didn't understand.

No user ever stood out as helping her with that, male or female.

Just like hillary.

You're an overemotional, ENVIOUS cunt. I bet you can't support your claim above.

But it still was more than I could do. that's correct.

You're pretty useless, that's correct.

Not jealous.

It's "envy", you illiterate dishwasher.

You have yet to exhibit any of the qualities a real man possesses.

I'm guessing you don't like logic and reason in the betas you order around.

To suggest that a woman is less than, because she isn't a pornographer, a "freaker", a member of a criminal family, trying to bilk monies from others, while lying about being a xtian.

I never did that, and again, most of your information is from the pedophile support group, SBBH. Want to get demolished on that front, too?

You haven't even learned how to not get had buy an UNREPENTANT amateur prostitute, yet. You poor fucking fool.

I just destroyed NOMOCHOMO. You're not far behind at this rate.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Srayzie did a splendid job of running her sub, as far as I could tell. Being grateful to be rid of her for the most part, I never spent much time looking at GA. As to the rest of your comparison. Well we already know you're a liar.

I wrote 'not jealous' instead of 'unenvious', and you quibble about a synonym.

You got cucked by an unrepentant whore. You have now reduced yourself to doubling down on her lies, and terrorism.

No one except your sycophants takes you seriously anymore.

Sad, really.

Crensch ago

Well we already know you're a liar.

You're just calling me names, ad hominem style. I actually proved you are a liar.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago


Crensch ago

Are you not calling him a fag there? Is that a false or unproven accusation against a user of PG?

@Vindicator @argosciv

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Yup. he's most definitely a limp wristed, lying sack of satanic shit. Worst I've come across in a long time.

Crensch ago

Yup. he's most definitely a limp wristed, lying sack of satanic shit. Worst I've come across in a long time.

So, it's a false or unproven accusation against a user of PG?

You know, that thing you were just complaining to @Vindicator about?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Ask fagos if he's a blood drinker. Ask him his opinions of alastair crowley, and michael aquino. READ HIS FIRST FUCKING SUBMISSIONS. Never mind, he's such an editing faggot, I'm sure he's gone back and revised everything.

Crensch ago

Ask fagos if he's a blood drinker.

You state this as if it matters.

Ask him his opinions of alastair crowley, and michael aquino.

This is called "ad hominem", and has fuck-all to do with whether or not he's right or not on unrelated subjects. "He's a nazi, so he's wrong that eating less will help you lose weight" <--- that's the level of discourse you're presenting here.

Typical woman.

READ HIS FIRST FUCKING SUBMISSIONS. Never mind, he's such an editing faggot, I'm sure he's gone back and revised everything.

Why would any of that matter?

Someone's opinion on something that has nothing to do with the subject-matter is irrelevant.

Ad hominem is a fallacy. You should look it up.

argosciv ago

You state this as if it matters.

And as if we haven't discussed it several times already xD

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I said he's a lying sack of satanic shit. You said, "false and unproven". I said, "ask the source, himself".

Considering that Babylonian child sacrifice is part of the foudation of those in govs religion, and fagos thinks that all their beliefs are cool, except the pedo stuff (suposedly), it most certainly is relevant. you ignorant ass.

Crensch ago

I said he's a lying sack of satanic shit. You said, "false and unproven". I said, "ask the source, himself".

No, this is what happened:

Are you not calling him a fag there? Is that a false or unproven accusation against a user of PG?


Take a look.

You said, "false and unproven".

I ASKED if something was false and unproven. Do you remember what that was? (Hint: I mentioned it above, and you lied about the subject-matter)

Considering that Babylonian child sacrifice is part of the foudation of those in govs religion, and fagos thinks that all their beliefs are cool, except the pedo stuff (suposedly), it most certainly is relevant. you ignorant ass.

None of that is relevant to whether or not he presents useful information from his research.

That's, again, ad hominem. Try to keep up, lesser sex.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You are a bearer of false witness. Nothing you say can be trusted.

Crensch ago

I think we should go easy on her, it was traumatizing when she figured out that her buddy was asking for squirt videos

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I've seen you do a few things. But I never in a million years thought you would lie about me.

Thank you for the valuable lesson.

Crensch ago

What did I do besides notice that you seem to side with all the anti mod users?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I'm anti big gov, pro voat comments. I have yet to find my side. Seems my side all died in war, at times.

It's okay, I'm starting to take into consideration the fact that you might have actually started listening to fagos. But the lesson stings, none the less.

Crensch ago

I make my own judgments on users. I think you're a piece of shit that supports the worst of this sub, and are more likely to attack those that are innocent than do anything useful with your time.

Argos is wrong sometimes, sometimes absurdly so, but he does often have very good insight.

And from seemingly nowhere you absolutely loathe srayzie despite her never doing anything to you... except getting donkey's attention where you could not.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

but he does often have very good insight.

Not once in PG. Maybe elsewhere.

And from seemingly nowhere you absolutely loathe srayzie despite her never doing anything to you... except getting donkey's attention where you could not.

She never answered a question, not once. She bullied people that disagreed with her. I avoided her like the plague once i figured out her games. I had no ability to document or track her destruction, early on. No skills to confront her early in her lies, and everyone that did got shouted down buy her seemingly purchased voting block. No desire as i learned to archive the important things.

I always knew that she was going to self destruct. I was just praying that she wouldn't take PG and the rest of Voat with her. As far as getting donqi's attention goes, he came after me, not the other way around. But you can keep making your story up as you go. I hope @MadWorld get to see it in all its glory.

Crensch ago

She never answered a question, not once.

Absurd claim.

She bullied people that disagreed with her.

Prove it.

I avoided her like the plague once i figured out her games.


I had no ability to document or track her destruction, early on.


No skills to confront her early in her lies, and everyone that did got shouted down buy her seemingly purchased voting block.

I destroyed her for coming to me with some horseshit about M_F with ESOTERICshade in tow. You're talking out of your ass here.

No desire as i learned to archive the important things.

Yet you talk like she's the nastiest thing you've ever come across.

I always knew that she was going to self destruct.


I was just praying that she wouldn't take PG and the rest of Voat with her.


As far as getting donqi's attention goes, he came after me, not the other way around.

You were all over him and supported him. He's a horseshit peddler.

But you can keep making your story up as you go.

Like the story you told here with a bunch of irrelevant emotional woman horseshit and no supporting evidence to your claims?

I hope @MadWorld get to see it in all its glory.

You're really quite stupid, and a testament to the validity of men telling women to get the fuck back in the kitchen. Very few women deserve to have their opinions heard, and thanks to your mass of irrelevancy and horseshit here, you've proved you're not one of them.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I destroyed her for coming to me with some horseshit about M_F with ESOTERICshade in tow. You're talking out of your ass here.

No, You're the one who was deceived.

ES and srayzie conspired together, with or without kev. in order to get MF demodded because MF wouldn't let carm and sray post their forum sliding, bullshit submissions. Once they got rid of MF, Vin was so afraid of kev demodding him, that he wouldn't police ANYONE'S submissions properly until you got rid of kev. During all this turmoil, srayzie started making lying submissions about other PGers so full of misinformation and half truths that it was impossible for anyone to vet without crossing vin. and you. It's too bad you two didn't take the time to vet her drama yourselves.

Vindicator ago

Once they got rid of MF, Vin was so afraid of kev demodding him, that he wouldn't police ANYONE'S submissions properly until you got rid of kev.

A) If you're going to shit-talk me, ping me

B) This lie doesn't even make sense. Every time Kev threatened to demod me, it was because I left something up, other than the time I deleted a comment for doxing. If I'd "failed to police ANYONE'S submissions properly" I would have been out in a second. Kev would have loved to do it.

Literally every single thing you said in the comment above is completely false. Who are you working for?

@Heygeorge you may want to review SWMBO's disinfo pushing in this submission's sub-threads. It's gotten extreme, even for her.

Vindicator ago

@Crensch, see parent and above. Disinfo narrative shift in progress.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Everybody else gets to tell their theories, at least by not putting a bunch of links to things taken out of context and chronological order, and try to pass them off as gospel, I can freely admit that this is all my opinion. Just a theory. Thoughts, if you will.

A) Now that i know you would like me to, I will.

B) My theory only included my memory of you saying how kev had blindsided you when you were away by demodding someone, i think bs21. and that you were worried that he would go after you next.

If I'd "failed to police ANYONE'S submissions properly" I would have been out in a second. Kev would have loved to do it.

Not if the submissions being left up were the ones that he wanted up. He is a bad dude.

i always thought it was your job to make sure that there were sources for the claims in the submissions, and that the sources said what the submitter said they did. Beyond that idk.

Crensch ago

"Muh memory"

Vindicator, shizy, srayzie, sandhog, argosciv... we all produce sources for our claims.

This bitch can't even remember something long enough to not make an ass of herself, much less source her claims. Oh, and she defends 2 known PG harassers and spammers, and a literal pedophile.

Well done, SWMBO, you've managed to completely implode.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

ES and srayzie conspired together, with or without kev. in order to get MF demodded

Nope. srayzie had nothing to do with it. I blew Mil Falcon out and put @vindicator in. Me and @kevdude did. Needed to done.

The kevdude hate is out of order. The kevdude was a right dude and a huge asset for Voat

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

@heygeorge @madworld @vindicator @erickaliberhall @crensch ^^^

[–] DanglingGoatBalls 9 minutes ago (edited 6 minutes ago)

ES and srayzie conspired together, with or without kev. in order to get MF demodded

Nope. srayzie had nothing to do with it. I blew Mil Falcon out and put @vindicator in. Me and @kevdude did. Needed to be done.

The kevdude hate is out of order. The kevdude was a right dude and a huge asset for Voat

link parent reply ...

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Wow. I am astounded. This is huge. What should I do with all this?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I can think of a few things.

Crensch ago

No, You're the one who was deceived.

Claim. Evidence?

ES and srayzie conspired together, with or without kev.

Claim. Evidence?

in order to get MF demodded because MF wouldn't let carm and sray post their forum sliding, bullshit submissions.

Claim. Evidence?

Once they got rid of MF, Vin was so afraid of kev demodding him, that he wouldn't police ANYONE'S submissions properly until you got rid of kev.

I didn't get rid of kev before @Vindicator started modding. This is a lie.

During all this turmoil, srayzie started making lying submissions about other PGers so full of misinformation and half truths that it was impossible for anyone to vet without crossing vin.

Claim. Evidence?

It's too bad you two didn't take the time to vet her drama yourselves.

It's too bad you keep making claims without evidence.

Typical woman. Can't hack it in a man's world.

There was a woman that could, but she's gone now. All we have left are weak, unreasoning frontholes like you.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

La dee da. Looks like a girl just made you lose your composure, again. So unless you're claiming to be @MadWorld, then yes I hope he does.

If you're saying that he shares your opinions, then I'll wait for him to tell me to piss off, and not rely on you to be his messenger.

If you are MW, then well played.

Crensch ago

La dee da. Looks like a girl just made you lose your composure, again.

You made two baldfaced lies, and a bunch of irrelevant distraction comments to obfuscate them.

Then I mocked you.

Are you capable of recognizing your failures?

So unless you're claiming to be @MadWorld, then yes I hope he does.

Why would I claim that?

If you're saying that he shares your opinions, then I'll wait for him to tell me to piss off, and not rely on you to be his messenger.

I don't care if he does or not. Unlike women (like you,) I'm not a herd animal that requires approval of others before saying something.

If you are MW, then well played.

Why would I be MW? Another narrative of horseshit to hide your lies and failures behind?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Haven't lied yet. Not once. You on the other hand, just grew a nose the size of sarzy's.

Crensch ago

She never answered a question, not once.


There you go. Two lies.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Thank you for showing how srayzie made shit up about other users, and got ridiculous upvotes for lying.

Crensch ago

@Vindicator @argosciv

Looks like the hormone slit is losing her mind over this.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

hormone slit

Your mind and mouth are like sewer full of shit. You are trash.

argosciv ago

"terrorism", "ungodly", "unrepentant", "condemned soul", etc...

It's just flavor words and ree – white noise – at this point. Inconsequential.


shewhomustbeobeyed ago

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @heygeorge @think- @MadWorld

crunchy showed an example of sarzy making shit up about another PG user, and getting upvoted for it.

Vindicator ago

Hmm. As I recall equineluvr DID frequently attack srayzie's posts. That, and the similarity between usernames involving "Donkey" is what made many people think EL was one of Donkey's many alts.

Where's the "lie"? It's clearly her opinion that is who is downvoting her. I thought you were a "free speech at any price" goat? Now you want to claim srayzie stating her opinion is "making shit up" and "lying".

Her upvotes show a lot of other people agreed with her.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You almost sound like you support peoples rights to have differing opinions, almost.

The probability that ES and srayzie conspired together in order to fool you all is becoming more and more believable to me. They are not now, nor have they ever been enemies. You are protecting the wrong people. Think about it sometime in the future, when that wretched witch has betrayed you, yet again. Or acted like she's anything more than a trainable parrot.

UNREPENTANT is her reality.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

The probability that ES and srayzie conspired together in order to fool you all is becoming more and more believable to me.

I promise you that is not the case.

They are not now, nor have they ever been enemies.

Wrong. I considered her a friend, in spite of the fact that we disagreed on the validity of Qanon. When she sent her nudes to kevdude, @crensch, and @vindicator, she did that because I did not want Q and pizzagate mixed in the same sub.

This ain't complicated, its very simple. kevdude told me what she did. I was totally unaware of what had happened for months.

srayzie begged me to hook up a webcam and play sex games with her BUT THANK GOD I was smart enough not to do that.

My main focus was keeping Q and pizzagate seperate because I knew Q was bullshit. I also wanted Mil Falcon gone. I wanted @crensch gone. I wanted @vindicator to be the owner of pizzagate.

For better or worse, I got what I wanted. Time will tell.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I watched you and srayzie bully and abuse fagos, and others.

I watched you sweet-talk and manipulate women.

I watched you change your story as to how long you've been 'doing this', from 15 to 20 to 30 years. Which is it? Decided on a number yet?

I watched you praise one of the most terrible mods PG ever had (kevdude).

I watched srayzie get upvotes at disproportionate amounts compared other comments in submissions. Did you help do that, with all her other alts? I think so.

I watched her spread disinfo, while the two of you were thick as thieves. You said nothing.

I watched her lie and obfuscate. Crickets from you.

You are a liar and manipulator.

You make false statements to police, against those you once loved.

You are POISON.

The only reason I'm not hounding you, to call you out everywhere you go, is I'm too lazy.

I told you to leave me alone.

I meant that.

@Vindicator @heygeorge @think- @MadWorld @Deshy

DanglingGoatBalls ago

You make false statements to police, against those you once loved.

Really? What the fuck are talking about? I never talk to them. stop day drinking. Jesus Christ. I like you. I have no problem with you.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I saved that comment you made about how you self abused, and then either lied to the police, or threatened to, against your ex, not recalling exact wording, atm. I have saved so many of your and others lies now that it will take me a few minutes to dig up, i have zero computer organizational skills. Would you like to see it again?

DanglingGoatBalls ago

I saved that comment you made about how you self abused, and then either lied to the police, or threatened to, against your ex, not recalling exact wording, atm. I have saved so many of your and others lies now that it will take me a few minutes to dig up, i have zero computer organizational skills. Would you like to see it again?

Sure. I don't care. It might entertain me. I'm bored. Blow the doors off and knock our socks off.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I forgot that searchvoat is freaking awesome. Here you go.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Cool. Im smart. I was able to outsmart a vindictive soon to be ex wife. I gave her 75 thousand dollars in cash and a 300 thousand dollar house just the fuck up and go away. If you think you i am your new man abuse toy you are wrong. I will ignore the fuck out of you. I always respected you but you been a little cranky lately.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Yeah, well if you'd stop acting like that creepy fuck, Dial. Quit lying, and just piss off. Maybe I wouldn't be cranky.

I don't like hating on you, or anyone else, for that matter.

Don't you have any other users to try and schmooze? Please don't answer. Just go away.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Yeah, well if you'd stop acting like that creepy fuck, Dial. Quit lying, and just piss off. Maybe I wouldn't be cranky.

I am not "dial" and I never was. I think you need a good nights sleep. thats what I think.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

How's this for a theory:

You (dialindicator) were so butthurt about the way kevdude was handing you your ass at every encounter, that you hatched the long con on he and srayzie. You saw how MF wouldn't let her and carmencita's forum sliding submissions stay on the board. So you befriended srayzie, convincing her with flattery, that she's more than a Parrot. She got smartz (hurr durr).

You both spam the board with shit until MF fucks up, and kev demods him. Now you've got your little brainless worm in with kev and his crowd, telling them all the lies and misdirection's that you feed her. But she got too powerful, and full of herself, for you to handle. [](@heygeorge}

She's done with you at this point, you don't like Q, doesn't need you anymore. But she's got a problem, you know the secret of how she helped get rid of MF. She hated him.

When the guys start asking her why she wouldn't help take care of your BS, she's trapped, can't tell them what she's done. They'll drop her like a hot potato. So she invents the 'revenge porn' story. And then creates yet another alt to spread her porn pics around to her friends. NOT ONE ENEMY WAS GIVEN THOSE PICS. THE PERSON WHO SENT THEM WAS NOT SARZIE'S ENEMY.

That's my theory, snot bad for my first attempt.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

I tried to read that, twice, two times. Im still not sure what it means. I also do not give a fuck. Stop day drinking, it helped me

Vindicator ago

Let's see some evidence, you fraud. Pure fiction.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Theory is fiction, that's why i called it theory.

Vindicator ago

No wonder you are so fucked in the logic department.

Theory is when one posits a truth one then attempts to prove or disprove.

This is just pulling shit out of your ass and slinging it in hopes someone reading this will be stupid enough to believe you with no evidence.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I don't care if anyone believes it, I'm not trying to pass it off as truth.

Crensch ago

Why do you defend a pedophile?

DanglingGoatBalls ago

I watched you change your story as to how long you've been 'doing this', from 15 to 20 to 30 years. Which is it? Decided on a number yet?

Learning is a process. I did not suddenly hatch from an egg knowing everything I know now. As I learn my opinions change. You seem angry. You pinging lots of people. Take a deep breath.

Vindicator ago

Srayzie didn't betray me. She foolishly trusted ES and Kevdude, and sadly paid the price. Nothing in her behavior ever contradicted what she claimed to be -- a person who was sexually abused as a child and had numerous issues that resulted from that. When Kev, Zb and WOS doxxed her, everything she claimed about who she was was proven to be true. The fact that she persevered for so long on Voat given those issues is a testament to her courage.

The fact that every day, you or someone with a shitty sock puppet account tries to attack her, speaks volumes to me.

UNREPENTANT is her reality.

Sounds like you, really.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

a person who was sexually abused as a child and had numerous issues that resulted from that.

Nigger, that is such a tired narrative. None us know about her childhood, and never could have known.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Here's a good read - Women absorb and carry living DNA and cells from every male they have sex with

I think you can see why it's very important for women not to ever have more than one sex partner, prior to menopause. And why women are genetically ruined, once they've bread outside their own race. Your batshit crazy, coal burner has very good organizational skills, but she's a whore. Scientific Proof that her opinions can NEVER be trusted. Also why whores were stoned in the bible.

Being a whore is not an easy thing for any woman to do. The time they spend on their hair and makeup alone, shows premeditation to deceive people as to how they really are. Your friend has not addressed any of the things that make her a POS. Not once. She even bragged how she's a freaker (i had to look this up, since I'm nor a degenerate) behind her families back, her xtian husbands back. She is a criminal, sugar coat it all you want, but she is. Her family are criminals, or didn't you bother to read the dox? While i can have sympathy for the child that she was (if any of that is actually true), I will not ever allow her to use that as a reason for being the pernicious cunt that she is. She is unrepentant for all of this. Point the finger at me for calling her out all you want, but these crimes are not mine. These, and more, are hers, alone.

Crensch ago

Your batshit crazy, coal burner has very good organizational skills, but she's a whore. Scientific Proof that her opinions can NEVER be trusted.

Why do you lie more than someone you think is batshit crazy, and a whore?

DanglingGoatBalls ago

truth. you speak the truth.

Vindicator ago

My dad was an alcoholic who got multiple DUI's. I have a cousin who was raped as a kid who did time for identity theft. Does that make my family criminal?

Addiction to porn and/or illicit sex is not an uncommon comorbidity with survivors of child rape. As an alleged pizzagate follower, I know you know that. I know you also know that there are many others who frequent this board, who will be intimidated from participating because they struggle with similar problems.

No one I know on this board trusts you anymore because of things like your obsession with srayzie, your slut shaming, and your degeneration into toxic hatered of other users. Srayzie is no longer on Voat, to my knowledge, yet here you are, months after she was nuked, still obsessing about her. Are you paid?

I will not ever allow her to use that as a reason for being the pernicious cunt that she is. She is unrepentant for all of this. Point the finger at me for calling her out all you want, but these crimes are not mine. These, and more, are hers, alone.

You point a finger at srayzie, while the other four point back at the hideous, bitter person you have become. Sad.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

When you all stop singing, 'poor srayzie, didn't do nothin to deserve her treatment' I'll stop voicing my opinion of her. She did do wonderful things with her sub, after all. I told you the truth, I don't think about her, until someone else mentions. But I do consider her and her friends to be a danger, and have acted to protect myself and my family. I hope that this is unnecessary.

I cannot help that the science of why women are so damn special, and should treat their sexuality as the most precious human resource that there is, is being hidden from women and girls. But it is. This is part of the PG battle, vin. It's part of the big picture, and how degenerate they want us all to be. There are millions of sex abuse victims that do not become a walking advertisement for what not to do. Those are the ones I will praise.

As someone with a family member who got drunk, got behind the wheel of a car, and plowed over another drunk standing in the road. I will never give an inch to a person who flippantly excuses their crime of potential homicide as, 'it was just a DUI'. Now that's cold.

Vindicator ago

I've thought a bit more about this comment, SWMBO, and in the off chance you are a real person who actually cares about PG and not what you appear to be, someone paid to come here to discourage and attack the users of this board, I will respond further.

I cannot help that the science of why women are so damn special, and should treat their sexuality as the most precious human resource that there is, is being hidden from women and girls. But it is. This is part of the PG battle, vin. It's part of the big picture, and how degenerate they want us all to be.

Yes, it is. You are 100% correct.

There are millions of sex abuse victims that do not become a walking advertisement for what not to do. Those are the ones I will praise.

You praise no one. The only time you speak is to belittle and harangue. You purport to be a Christian, but the way you talk about srayzie is not how Jesus spoke to your "degenerate" woman at the well or the woman caught in adultery, is it?

2 Early in the morning he came again to the temple. All the people came to him and he sat down and began to teach them. 3 The scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman who had been caught in adultery; and making her stand before all of them, 4 they said to him, “Teacher, this woman was caught in the very act of committing adultery. 5 Now in the law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?” 6 They said this to test him, so that they might have some charge to bring against him. Jesus bent down and wrote with his finger on the ground. 7 When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let anyone among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” 8 And once again he bent down and wrote on the ground.[a] 9 When they heard it, they went away, one by one, beginning with the elders; and Jesus was left alone with the woman standing before him. 10 Jesus straightened up and said to her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?” 11 She said, “No one, sir.”[b] And Jesus said, “Neither do I condemn you. Go your way, and from now on do not sin again.” John 8:2-11

Yet here you are, throwing stones.

It's the Evil One who tells fallen women they are worthless trash. It's the Jews who want them stoned and driven out. God never does this.

Pride is a much graver sin than adultery. It is, in fact, the worst possible kind of "adultery". Setting yourself above God is in fact cheating on Him, whom we should love above all things and submit to.

Just stop.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

and in the off chance you are a real person who actually cares about PG and not what you appear to be, someone paid to come here to discourage and attack the users of this board,

How kind and generous of you to give me another to add to my collection of your hate. All while DEMANDING that I not hate.

Why don't you go back through all the PMs you sent me, and count how many times you've tried to sell me that 'sarzy iz gud, 4 realz; and for how long you harassed me with that. All the time knowing that i couldn't stomach her. Part of my disgust came from your words of blind praise for her. I couldn't have a convo on any subject with you, w/out YOU bringing her into convo. Poor sarzy this, poor sarzy that. It always felt like you were smearing her in my face, instead of just agreeing to let it go.

Stop praising someone who has not repented, and changed their ways, lots of bad people do some good things.

Vindicator ago

Why don't you post some evidence for these claims?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I erased you from my inbox, a long time ago. It was the only way for me to be able to search for important things and not be sad. That whole time is nothing but sad to me. When I'm done with my archives, I'll erase the rest of your words that didn't make me sad. Then it will at least appear that we never spoke.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

and from now on do not sin again

and from now on do not sin again

and from now on do not sin again

You RCC types, always forget this part. "Cuz Iz can go tell the pedo in the kirk i fuzzed up agin, s'all gud"

I told you, no one says 'poor sarzy', and i won't deliver rebuttal opinion. Since you've banned everyone else who spoke against her.

You show me her asking forgiveness, I'll forgive.

Vindicator ago

and from now on do not sin again and from now on do not sin again and from now on do not sin again

You seem to be forgetting, that was not Jesus' last word on the matter. He followed it up with the march to Calvary, where he was nailed up to fry in the sun and hung drowning in his own pleural effusion between Heaven and earth for three hours until he died. He did it for the woman caught in adultery, whom we have no clue whether she did not sin again. Given the nature of sin, she undoubtedly did. He did for you and your judgemental pride. He did it for me and my sins. And he most certainly did it for srayzie. He also says "Judge not, lest ye be judged. The measure with which you measure will be measured out to you."

You RCC types, always forget this part. "Cuz Iz can go tell the pedo in the kirk i fuzzed up agin, s'all gud"

You do know that "pedo in the kirk" is in persona Christi, right? By calling all priests pedos, you are calling Jesus a pedo. Might want to rethink that kind of blasphemy.

Since you've banned everyone else who spoke against her.

Liar. Name them.

You show me her asking forgiveness, I'll forgive.

Srayzie commited no sins against you. You have no authority to forgive her. That is Presumption, one of the daughters of Pride. Very bad news for your long term future.

As I suspected, this conversation has revealed your true agenda. You are only here for evil and destruction. No true follower of Christ would persist in the arrogant Pharisaical condemnation you have embraced. For the sake of your future, I recommend you no longer come to v/pizzagate.

22728303? ago

Wow dude. You're batshit crazy.

Vindicator ago

SWMBO needed some backup, huh? That's pretty funny.

22730016? ago

You can read that creepy-ass shit you typed dude.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/SoapboxBanhammer submission by @shewhomustbeobeyed.

Posted automatically (#94850) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Vindicator: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @shewhomustbeobeyed)

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You do know that "pedo in the kirk" is in persona Christi, right?

No he's not.

By calling all priests pedos, you are calling Jesus a pedo.

No I'm not.

Might want to rethink that kind of blasphemy.

It is impossible to blaspheme against babylonian religions. Dagon worshiping kiddy diddlers, all of them. (RCC priests, and jesuits)

Liar. Name them.

TTT alts, donqi alts, hoju and alts, are all i can think of, atm. You are a little correct, I actually forgot for a second that i was talking to you and not crunchy. sorry

Srayzie commited no sins against you.

She is a spreader of disinfo in the PG sub. I am allowed to not approve, and advise people that she did.

The rest of your spiel is all RCC double-speak. Until you learn to read the bible in the languages it was written in, you are unqualified to discuss it with me. And no I'm not talking about latin.

Crensch ago

TTT alts, donqi alts, hoju and alts, are all i can think of, atm. You are a little correct, I actually forgot for a second that i was talking to you and not crunchy. sorry

Speaking up for TTTalts, donkey, and hojuruku.

Hey, SWMBO, hojuruku is a straight up pedophile.


Vindicator ago

It is impossible to blaspheme against babylonian religions. Dagon worshiping kiddy diddlers, all of them. (RCC priests, and jesuits)

Ah ha! So you are not a Christian at all, then. That was all a ruse! As a devout Jew of the Davidic line, I presume you do indeed hold Christ to be a "Babylonian kiddie-diddler" then.

Well, well, well. So as @Crensch thought, you and EsotericShade are indeed in cahoots. He, too, has always been very concerned with "Babylonian" religions and "Jesuits." As have many of the shitposters who've tried to derail this board over the years.

Crensch, you've done it again. Whenever you shake the tree, the monkeys can't help shrieking, throwing feces and finally falling out on their asses.

Crensch ago


Holy shit.

Fucking kikes, the lot of them.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Ii sought God through his original words, and have rejected the RCC church as being anything other than Rome of old, worshiping idol and icons.

I told you years ago that ES was right on about 80% of his shit. Why are you acting like this is new to you?

I'm not catholic, jew, mormon, muslim. They are ALL synagogue of satan.

Vindicator ago

I never said "it was just a DUI". That's you projecting, again.

This world is an ugly place. People do bad things. A lot of them try to do better. Some succeed. Some succeed for a while and then ultimately fail. For some, it's a lifelong battle between the two. You are doing nothing here but adding to the ugliness and making excuses about doing so.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I never said "it was just a DUI". That's you projecting, again.

I never said YOU did. But i saw shewhoshallremainunnamed make that very defense. I never saw you admit to having a DUI, and don't think you would be that flippant about it, if you did.

Crensch ago

As someone with a family member who got drunk, got behind the wheel of a car, and plowed over another drunk standing in the road. I will never give an inch to a person who flippantly excuses their crime of potential homicide as, 'it was just a DUI'. Now that's cold.

Let me put your absurdity into a different context:

"As someone with a family member who got drunk, and stabbed another drunk standing in the road. I will never give an inch to a person who flippantly excuses their crime of potential homicide as, 'I was only drunk'. Now that's cold."

How does that work out for you? Does driving while drunk get special privileges just because it's considered illegal, while drinking alcohol is not?

Nah, she totally didn't hurt anyone but now she's public enemy number one because... she didn't hurt anyone.


Irrelevant. She didn't. You're a petty, overemotional cunt, and you just can't help but prove that more and more with each comment. You hate her for unrelated reasons, and your flip-flopping between ultimate reasons for hating her clearly shows that to be the case.

@Vindicator @argosciv

argosciv ago

Murder (homicide) is also separated from manslaughter by intent, if I'm not mistaken (but I may be).

Crensch ago

and everyone that did got shouted down buy her seemingly purchased voting block.


Utter. Fucking. Proved. Lie.

Want to try again, hormone-slit?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

which part of link is it that you are referring to. Not seeing what it supposed to say.

The fact that sarzy was trying to slide her way into a mod position, and was too afraid of you to pull her shit on you like she did on normal users Doesn't make me a liar. I have not lied about her, once. When that crazy cunt comes after me, I'm going to filet her six ways from sunday. It will be a courtroom slaughter. I will feel sorry for her poor hubby, though.

Crensch ago

which part of link is it that you are referring to.

Pick an early comment. Find where I "got shouted down buy[sic] her seemingly purchased voting block[sic]."

Then realize ESOTERIC was all over her and he actually has a purchased voting bloc.

The fact that sarzy was trying to slide her way into a mod position, and was too afraid of you to pull her shit on you like she did on normal users Doesn't make me a liar.

She didn't slide her way anywhere. When she BUILT something that you could never build, Kevdude invited her to mod in an attempt to keep her controlled.

I have not lied about her, once.

Already proven. You said she never answered a question, not once.

You should choose your words more carefully, but then, you're a basic, ungifted woman, so that's really difficult for you, isn't it?

When that crazy cunt comes after me, I'm going to filet her six ways from sunday.

@Vindicator this bitch is really quite stupid. Who gives enough of a fuck about SWMBO to "come after" her?

It will be a courtroom slaughter. I will feel sorry for her poor hubby, though.

Is this a legal threat?

Nobody cares about you.

Or are you GG/Zyklon/WebofSlime with one of your court-battle fantasies playing out in your head?

You are irrelevant, "archivist". There's nothing you do or say that was important to anyone but @think-. Ever.


shewhomustbeobeyed ago

More lies to sooth your condemned soul. Pitiful

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

A GA mod comes here, ignorant as to the function of PG, acting all surprised that we don't know about this. And that same mod and I have had previous unpleasantness. I think my tone is restrained. I can actually think of a few more things to say, tbh. Why don't you tell him to quit being so fucking condescending when he posts to PG?

Vindicator ago

MH was part of this board long before GA. You're projecting.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

And yet he's still too retarded to do a proper submission. He came here all pompous, like he found something that everybody on PG missed.

I was surprized not to find any previous (undeleted?) post directing researchers to it

He's either lazy, or lying. I think both.

Shouldn't he know better than to do a piece of crap, forum sliding, LYING submission? Don't you care, at all?

Projecting? Bullshit.

carmencita ago

JS and other pedo elites went to Jersey Island to abuse Childten at the Haute de la Garenne Orphanage. The video I have seen had a virtual graveyard under the orphanage of buried Children. It was so horrid. Hope he is still burning away down there.

kazza64 ago

they killed bill maloneys sister for making that film he had a breakdown and subsequently has stopped doing the good work he was fighting to expose you just cant win against a huge pedophile ring

carmencita ago

I love and respect fighters but yes sometimes you have to save your life. But thank God for her courage.

314159123456 ago

Some were buried at sea. He had a yacht he took the poor victims on.

NinaSparrow ago

Omgosh!! Is the Robert Maxwell they're speaking of in the video @ the same Robert Maxwell who is Ghislaine Maxwells Dad!?!? If so, they out him ad a pedo! & say hes dead now. Looks like Ghislaine in the photo they showed. I had no idea. Wow.

kestrel9 ago

Thanks for pointing that out. I've seen the video a long time ago, before the Epstein case came back on the world stage, and I didn't realize Robert Maxwell was in the video. @Vindicator

NinaSparrow ago

Yep. This evil goes so deep it boggles the mind.

Vindicator ago

Hadn't heard that either. Not surprising, though.

think- ago

@kestrel9, please see comment above re Robert Maxwell. ;-)

kestrel9 ago

How is it we haven't seen more about that? Disgusting pedophile network.

carmencita ago

He probably raped her. Would not be surprised.

MercurysBall2 ago

I always got that vibe from photos of the two of them.

carmencita ago

Sometimes it’s what the org. demands. It shows they are committed to the cause. And he could have already committed pedo acts. Which is why Mossd chose him. Sick perverts.

NinaSparrow ago

Yep it's him.. wow. Yea I wouldnt doubt that for a second. In fact it makes a lot of sense now knowing this about her Dad now because it explains why she is so sick & heartless.

I believe they may have talked about Sun, sea & satan in the video. Accents are heavy so not 100% sure.


carmencita ago

Exactly yes that’s why she’s so bitter. When others rape you it’s bad enough but it’s different when it’s your own. He of course allowed others to do the same for money.

NinaSparrow ago

It certainly explains a lot.

carmencita ago

Going to watch Sea Sun & Satan on

Monday so I can immerse myself in it. It will depress me the rest of the day but that’s way short of the horrors those Children endured.

Everyone here should watch that video.

NinaSparrow ago

I watched it. It was truly horrific. Just the statues & little things around the town alone(quite close to that mental hospital) are so telling of the type of evil that lurks on that island. Huge Satan statues in the middle of ponds, little statues of children performing felacio with wicked smiles outside of people's homes, etc. And what blew my mind is the owner of those files statues changed them around every day. It is haunting! And that's nothing! 🙏😩💔

MolochHunter ago

mm hmm

Vindicator ago

Thanks MH!

kestrel9 ago

Jimmy Savile, the Royals, 9th Circle Satanists, Jersey & Sandusky on Rogan

EricKaliberhall ago

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