dontmindthemess ago

Once again, the royals rape and murder children and it falls on deaf ears. I hope to see the house of Windsor burn for their crimes. The Lord our God will judge you all. Enjoy eternal pain for the suffering you caused upon the innocent.

privatepizza ago

Heart wrenching, and educational. Necessary spotlight on the UK pedo-elites.

rooting4redpillers ago

This is possibly the most depressing video I've ever seen. Hundreds of investigations, reports, testimonies, interviews... not "conspiracy theorists," absolutely believable people. Large groups of people, officials, hearing and seeing evidence. Bodies found. Murders of those ready to blow lids. This video was posted in 2014. Here we are, STILL, and if bits of info slowly trickle, and get shot down, bit-by-bit over time, things will not change. I'm convinced something MASSIVE, must be released to the large population as irrefutable video evidence involving highest-profile people. And those people will need to be utterly inticed to reveal everything they know, for reduction of their own punishment, and maybe even withholding of some unnecessary evidence, to save them the worst of embarrassment. Seeing these (since) convicted torturer-pedophile-murderers hobnobbing, partying, kissing it up with royals, stars, politicians, religious leaders FOR YEARS, it's impossible for me to understand this as anything that was EVER innocent, or reasonable. These people KNEW then, they KNOW now, and they aren't coming forth. Evidence released to LE won't be enough. I hope and pray for a massive public release in my lifetime, and that's not all that long, considering the history.

madhatter67 ago

Now is the time until they shut down the internet....And that would be a big problem for them!