VieBleu ago

At 19:40 an ittcs document or "report" is used. that group run by Kevin Annet has been discredited with overblown claims and outright lying, saying the pope was going to be arrested and other things which never happened. google the organization.


AngB23 ago

The more and more I read about Repitilian Queen ElizaBITCH the angrier I get. SHE is the center of Pedogate, at least in the U.K., but I wouldn't doubt if it's further.

Found GUILTY re: missing children

Charged with child trafficking?

Avoids arrest detaining an innocent man

Queen ElizaBITCH and David Cameron- Pedo Ring

She has ties to Tavistock, Clintons, a high profile leader worldwide...she has ties to them as well as Saville, Ricky Dearman and all the other bottom feeders. She reminds me of a reincarnated Lady Báthory who also happens to have the name Elizabeth, from Transylvania and basically was a HUGE serial killer

If we had this much evidence against Clintons, I would hope people would be screaming, rioting and demanding justice. It seem most of U.K. Still idolize this nasty wench

GeorgeT ago

Nicole Kidman's father was allegedly a member of the 9th Circle - died in 2014 under mysterious circumstances while under pedophilia related investigation.

Fetalpig ago

Its all about the Adrenochrome, now isn't it- How exactly do you get this stuff? And why prey tell does AL gore roll around with kid blood in his larger than life carbon foot print plane? Things that make me go hmmm?

AngB23 ago

HOLY SHIT. This is info overload. I didn't know Queen Elizabeth was issued ANOTHER arrest warrant Jan 25th, 2014 for a Pedo Ring. This evil Reptilian Queen Bitch needs to burn in flames

She was found GUILTY re: the missing kids in Canada

KillAllPedos ago

Savile is ALSO tied to The Process Church! That church has ties to Sirhan -sirhan, manson, john Philips, and their NEW FRONTMAN...JJ BRINE.....any looking there?

AngB23 ago

Did he have any connections to Christ Church in Hampstead too?

01123581321 ago


AngB23 ago

SOB...there's so many connections it's maddening these people haven't been hung yet. Royals, Cameron, Saville,'s a gigantic pedo ring, snuff films, satanic cults...everything rolled into one.

The evidence is overwhelming & its frustrating as shit that only the small fish get hooked. The BIG fish never fry.

TerrLuxPome ago

Yes, The Esalen Institute, home of the monarch butterfly.

DerivaUK ago

Russell Burton has been researching and highlighting this stuff for years. He is amazing and completely fearless Edit: I know that Cliff Richards is mentioned in this film and has been implicated in a number of ways with UK child sex abuse (thought to be a victim/participant in the Elm House child abuse scandal under his pseudonym 'Kitty') although so far seems to have the protection of the UK hierarchy and escapes close investigation - a small note of interest - he owns property in Praia da Luz, Portugal within spitting distance of where Maddie McCann was abducted.

madhatter67 ago

Yep....I'd known something was up with those who ran the world for a while....the savile thing and the dots only some are willing to connect confirmed it....

Stick with it....this is a fight that has to be won....and we will

Pipebomb ago

I actually just watched that last night for the first time. It's like a waterfall of information, hard to follow unless you pause and google some names. Very powerful information.

Also check out Roman Polanski's movie "The Ninth Gate" with Johnny Depp. It's a Lionsgate movie and gets into some of the occult black magick amongst the ruling elite. Definitely similar undertones between the documentary and the movie.

EricKaliberhall ago

Polanski- new accusation

LuxTerr ago

Jesus aka

Little Caesar (answer to Cicada3301)

Little Caesar known as "Chosen of Ptah" (God of Architects and Craftsmen) Carpenter is a mistranslation of the hebrew word tekton, which actually means Architect.

LuxTerr ago

Little Nero fiddled while Rome burned

in Home Alone, the pizza delivery car says "no fiddlin" with a snake and a pillar It's "Little Nero's"

Little Caesar, eats pizza with a fork...

So did Donald Trump in 2011 to much ado in the media...

That was no mistake.

It's all part of a script by the Illuminati...

Jesus was a prominent member of The Illuminati... The Annunaki Grail..

No the technology which built the pyramids and will end all wars has been created.

The United Nations has the Caesarion Seal...

A Laurel Crown.

666 is the number of man (carbon) before illumination. It is the number of the pyramids which are represented by The Seal Of Solomon/Star Of David...

The aliens were always here.

LuxTerr ago

It's strange that The Rothschild's were involved in "Eye's Wide Shut"

Of course, Kubrick made 2001 a Space Odyssey. It's also the name of a book by Homer...

Homer's David, is Achilles. Homer wrote the bible. Tesla's was used on 9/11. It also built the pyramids.

UgTr2 ago

Homer write the Bible

Do you have any explanation for how he wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls? LOL

01123581321 ago

In order to prove that '[Plato] discovered the word form (τὸ τοῦ εἴδους ὄνομα) in the writings of Moses.

Of Akhenaten.

01123581321 ago

WAS ACHILLES A JEW?: Hebraic Contributions To Greek Civilization

shoosh ago

Have you read the theory that the Italian Piso Family wrote, or authored, what we call the New Testament?

LuxTerr ago

Polanski also made Rosemary's Baby and China Town about someone with the same eye mutation as Madeleine McCann... Remarkably, her father was in The Obama whitehouse!

ScalarWhaler ago

You have some very informative posts for a new account..... Tell us your story.

TerrLuxPome ago

It's mentioned in the alien film Ark Of The Covenant. You know, Ramesses, relative of the Rothschild family.

TerrLuxPome ago

So did Mia Farrow, hence why she played the last unicorn and the mother of the Anti-Christ.

shoosh ago

Sadly she was married to the pedo-incest Woody Allen who continues to get Hollywood passes in spite of being a pedo-incest criminal.

TerrLuxPome ago

Sinatra supposedly left her for appearing in Rosemary's baby. Which is odd, considering Sammy Davis was a member of the church of Satan.

shoosh ago

Was her allegiance to someone other than Sinatra? That was a bit before my time, but I like old movies and old movie trivia. Gotta wonder if Sinatra was jealous of her allegiance to someone who told her to play a role. He was a svengali jealous type of dude.
He wasn't in a relationship to Sammy Davis as he was with Mia Farrow, could explain his difference in reaction in this situation. Maybe he drew his moral line with pedo polanski.
Satanism okay. Pedo pervs not okay.
.... just thinkin.

TerrLuxPome ago

Well, her allegiance was to Tavistock evidently. Considering her trips to India with The Beatles and undoubted indoctrination into Crowley occultism.

The real power is in Scientia/Science. The very mechanisms of nature...

shoosh ago

Yes, but who were the names behind Tavistock? Was Polanski a result of a perverted personality/mind or do you have info that he also was backed by Tavistock? It wouldn't surprise me if he was a combination of both. In any case, Sinatra clearly wasn't the one in control of Mia Farrow. He liked control.

01123581321 ago

Family Relationship of Walt Disney Co-Founder of The Walt Disney Company 18th cousin 1 time removed to [What does "times removed" mean?] Allen Dulles 5th Director of the C.I.A.

TerrLuxPome ago

Artichoke, Delta, Bluebird, Mocking Bird etc

TerrLuxPome ago

Well, The CIA Allen Dulles is behind that phase, one would suppose. As well as his mingling with Disney...

Of course, this related to The Rockefeller perception warfare agenda, to gain hegemony over the consciousness of man.

Atticus182 ago

It seems that pizzagate, in its all horror, is just one long limb, in giant evil fucking octopussy.