hojuruku ago

Mark Dice has some good videos on Celebs praising Polanski.

ChippyTubes ago

WTF is going on?

Jem777 ago

Here is Gloria's daughter Lisa Bloom. She represents Kathy Griffin after Kathy held up the mock be-heading of President Trump. She has aggressively gone after Trump as well as her mother.

James F. mother is Samantha Bloom...relationship? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lisa_Bloom

cantsleepawink ago

Background to Gloria: How Gloria Allred Got To Be An Absolutely Shameless Media Hound

She had one of her first brushes with stardom in 1979, when she was photographed walking into a press conference with Patty Hearst, arguably history's most famous kidnapping victim.

Patty Hearst CIA credentials revealed in new video

An exclusive new video published to YouTube on March 13, 2015, purports to reveal how media baron William Randolph Hearst’s granddaughter, Patricia Hearst-Shaw unwittingly disclosed CIA credentials during a 1974 in-captivity SLA taped communique.

equineluvr ago

The Patty Hearst "kidnapping" was a CIA HOAX.

cantsleepawink ago

The story that just keeps on giving.

Gloria Allred's first husband and father of Lisa Bloom was Peyton Huddleston Bray, Jr. who died in 2003. (Some speculate in suspicious circumstances https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/128172590/ )


MK ULTRA handler Lisa Bloom, Mossad? Ashkenazi Jew, is presently serving as television legal analyst for the various corporate mass media TV networks like CBS News, HLN, CNN, and MSNBC.[7] Bloom’s father was Pennsylvania blueblood, Peyton Huddleston Bray, Jr. – son of Major Peyton Huddleston Bray, Sr. During WWII, Major Bray served in Germany and Alaska. However, there is a great deal of secrecy surrounding the major. Major Bray seems to have been for some reason “whitewashed” from U.S. military history. You can’t find anything on his duty in the military. I suspect that he worked with classified top secret Operation PAPERCLIP SS and Nazis in Germany, and secret Nazi MK ULTRA projects in Alaska. He died in 1961.[8]

One of major’s ancestors was Confederate Daniel Young Huddleston. In 1862, he was assigned to Fort Smith, AR to serve under one of the most secretive and Satanic dangerous men of the 19th Century, and the post-civil war – Reconstruction era, the great Luciferian– Knight of the Golden Circle, Knight of Kadosh of the Scottish Rite, Albert Pike.[9] For some undisclosed reason, Peyton Huddleston Bray, Jr. ended up in a U.S. National Guard Mental Health ward sometime soon after Lisa Bloom was born in 1961- MK ULTRA?

Bloom’s mother is the infamous MK ULTRA handler, Gloria Allred. In 1979, Allred’s debut in the mass media spotlight was with the infamous and highly classified CIA- MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind controlled Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA) Soldier, Patty Hearst. That’s some very deep, creepy, heavy and high level CIA-U.S. Military Intelligence clearance and classified- TOP SECRET stuff to open a career with.


Edit: was this another psyop? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OiDYa6hyBvE

EricKaliberhall ago

I don't think this is some payday play. It's strange, why now and what purpose? What angle are they playing? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2f3jEWD5OiY

SoldierofLight ago

Those are good questions that you're asking. Polanski doesn't look well and he's up there in age. Maybe they're setting him up to be the fall guy, or one of their versions of a "sacrifice" in which someone isn't sacrificed by killing them but rather by killing their reputation and career. This would be a small sacrifice since he's so old and already can't travel to the US or else he'll be arrested for the previous rape.

EricKaliberhall ago

Robin the victim/sacrifice is wearing Rosemary's necklace from the movie (Polanski) Rosmary's baby. https://i.pinimg.com/564x/42/da/55/42da55a4856cc66d3868f3020a1b1807.jpg

If you haven't seen, it's about bringing forth the anti-Christ. Satanic, Occult stuff...

SoldierofLight ago

Wow-- great catch! And no, I've never wanted to watch that film.

Jem777 ago

The anti-Christ was born already.

EricKaliberhall ago

Serious question Jem777. - WTF is up with the alien/demon scenario? Internet is acting up...

Jem777 ago

They are one in the same most often....don't be deceived. I will send you a link.

cantsleepawink ago

We have to remember that the corruption at the top is not one unified group. It seems to me that we are not only seeing psyops against "us" but in-fighting between groups...and threats and counter threats now increasingly being played out in the public arena.

Edit: I don't pretend to understand what is going on but I do recognize the golden opportunity at the moment for researchers to connect more dots.

equineluvr ago

"It seems to me that we are not only seeing psyops against "us" but in-fighting between groups...and threats and counter threats now increasingly being played out in the public arena".

and that is your FIRST CLUE that it's yet-another BS psy-op!

SoldierofLight ago

It's no wonder I feel like I can't trust anyone.

Jem777 ago

I agree with you. The Psy-ops are against us but the internal groups are fighting & blackmailing each other....and worse.

sunajAeon ago

HS* Allred is Askenazi MKUltra? Freak the world is stranger every day-1984 has been implemented, everyone is in a coma

equineluvr ago

Why would you be shocked/surprised?

EVERY "celebrity" on your TV set is a JEW. That is a FACT.

EricKaliberhall ago

This can be a psy-op of some sort. Lawyer Gloria Allred is corrupt and "friends" with PizzaParty-members.

new4now ago

Glorias daughter, Lisa Bloom, represented both Katie Johnson and Jill Horth? With rape charges against Trump. Lisa was Katies lawyer when she dropped her suit

cantsleepawink ago

Ah yes, that's where I remember Gloria from.

new4now ago

I think Gloria was backing a Clinton accuser, and wasnt the mother of James Field Jr a Bloom? Dont know if they are related though

SoldierofLight ago

She's a who's who of the suspected MK-Ultra victim crowd, among others: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gloria_Allred


cantsleepawink ago

That's what I thought. Looking for links between her and them.