FritzTheKat ago

Is there no one in MSM, FBI, DOJ, congress who will blow Pizzagate wide open? Kudos to the Brits for confronting this unspeakable evil and revealing their criminals at the highest levels of government and society. I suspect 4 living presidents deserve to spend the rest of their lives in Federal Prison, Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas for similar crimes..(along with high treason, war crimes and a myriad of others)..

quantokitty ago

I agree.

But if this happened at the highest levels of government in Britain, you can bet it's happening in Europe and here. What is happening is that appointments are being made to include these pedophiles. Look at the email exchanges with Podesta. It was common knowledge what was going on amongst many of his friends. Otherwise, no one would cc: so many people for pool time with kids.

MAGABoomer ago

It's real.

quantokitty ago

It is. And these kids will go through hell until it's stopped.

The other thing is that it's tied to the destruction of our respective countries. The free mason agenda has always been a One World Order.

DeckoGecko ago

did you see this? think this woman came out after Nicole Kidman's dad died or was put down. He was apparantly a handler/programmer for the 9th circle. Crazy stuff!

more on kidmans dad

quantokitty ago

I did not specifically see that. Thanks. It brought back a very old memory.

You know who did a program on The Vatican holding black masses? Phil Donahue. Yup, good ole Phil actually did a show on it. You know the outcome? They brought in Oprah .... from Chicago where there are all these strange connections going on ... and the next thing you know, Phil lost his show. And you know what Oprah did? She's pertinent to the break up of communities. Why do I say that? Because she actually started fake news by giving credence to the urban legend that your neighbors were putting razor blades in Halloween candy. It was totally untrue, but after her faux "news" broadcast, people kept their kids inside and had private parties. We began to distrust the people that lived in our own communities and it set up a wall that exists today.

Again, it was done through faux news masquerading as journalism.

MAGABoomer ago

Which is why she's so fucked up $cientology seemed good. And probably why she had issues having children.

ThorTheWonderful ago

Nope, its not fake, I haven't heard the term 9th circle for a long time. Likely a better thing to call this than pizzagate.

quantokitty ago

The name is known. It doesn't matter what it's called.

The 9th circle ties in with free masonry.

quantokitty ago

A really gut-wrenching video on the institutional abuse of children. Sworn testimony is that the elite that feed off of raping young children are not satisfied with sex. They need their sadistic urges quenched.. Remember, the recent 'We can't prove sex with children does them harm' says Labour-linked NCCL Mrs. Hewitt. This even though from this one case, the effects are profound. Life-long depression, drugs, and suicide are common, but she can't tell that it does harm.

This case also serves to show that ritual abuse by high-ranking pedophiles has been going on for years. And they only want it to continue. I wonder if the cover up of Savile had something to do with the murder of Princess Diana. She had to have known, and her heart went out to children. Was that another reason she was so unhappy and distraught. It must have been a horrendous secret to keep buried.

The other point is that some have been vocal about leaving the occult out of this, but it seems as if it plays a direct role. I think it's incumbent to weed out free masons from government positions. It was what JFK was so adamant about. We have to keep digging and keep going. We owe it to the next generation of children that will be used and abused, and then thrown away. Or even worse, become like their controlling masters.