Silverlining ago

They got groups out to watch for SRA sacrifice on Walpurgus Day and apparently nabbed some perps - good on them!

Flops420 ago

Good because it's just absolutely sick.

Shillaxe ago

The ITCC has been asking for donations for ALONG time with zero arrests credited.... I give it 👎

Flops420 ago

That is absolutely a good point. However, we don't know what it takes for an organization thats not backed by major agencies to make arrests as high as 9th circle goes. I don't know for a fact either way I just hope they are investigating.

Vindicator ago

we don't know what it takes for an organization thats not backed by major agencies to make arrests

Yes we do. An organization not "backed by major agencies" has no authority to make arrests or detain anyone. Hence the disinfo flair.

Flops420 ago

I should have labeled it different probably but that seems very miniscule to the bigger picture to me because I didn't have any intentions on trying to spread lies or what ever the f**k u think. And I'm not gonna waste my time on here defending myself to strait douchebag bags. I'm gonna post when I have something together for the real issue at hand. Maybe u need to pull yourself together a bit cuz u should be worried about something so petty considering the reality of the world. But have a good night!

carmencita ago

Thanks. I agree and that is what our job is on here, to research and investigate. To get proof whether an org. or site is bogus or useful. I see nothing wrong with this site right now. There have been some suggestions that this site is not credible, but I have not found it so. Maybe others can chime in and we can get a real discussion going.

Flops420 ago

Thank you!!!! Someone, however, doesn't agree and deletes the post.

Flops420 ago

There are trolls and people who push us in the wrong direction all the time so whose to say that wasn't the case here trying to mislead us from a credible article letting us know whose still putting up a fight.