Vindicator ago


I wonder if Cuckoo 'Ruku ended up in jail like Zb?

Crensch ago

Haven't heard from him in quite some time.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


you keep making posts about his crush

youre obsessed

Crensch ago

Helluva buddy to be pinging, wouldn't you say, @clamhurt_legbeard?

Did You lose any respect for @trigglypuff for defending ANOTHER pedophile like you did for me when I was trying to appeal to zyklon's humanity (which I found he lacked)?

Nah, keep buddying up to that hormone-slit that got the biggest pussy-pass this site has ever seen, constantly doxxes people, and admitted SBBH was the enforcement arm of PV!

Merry Christmas.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

She was speaking to his humanity.

Crensch ago

No, she really wasn't, but nice try.

i_scream_trucks ago

fucking hell this shits been going on for months...

clamhurt_legbeard ago

u/Srayzie deleted half a year ago.

Only one person keeps it going... Some guy who was never even her boyfriend.

Crensch ago

391 submissions about her since she deleted


Just one guy, right "clammy"?

@i_scream_trucks in case you thought this narrative would hold

clamhurt_legbeard ago

504 of which are only YOU.

That's 20% lol.

Crensch ago

That's what happens when you are a one man team against a bunch of pedophile-supporting faggots.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


Oh my god u/triggypoo are you seeing this

He went from mocking the idea of it being one guy causing this to defending his place as the one guy causing this in the span of ONE POST

Merry Christmas!!

I'm fucking upvoting you for this.

Crensch ago

I thought you were smarter than this.

Crensch ago

You mean where I wrecked your narrative of me being the one keeping it alive?

Yeah, upvote it because you know I'm right.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

one user is 20% of all posts

entire rest of voat is the rest

"I'm not the only one keeping this alive."



Crensch ago

The rest is SBBH. Nobody else is that butthurt over it.

clamhurt_legbeard ago



Crensch ago

So it doesn't matter to you that one of our users is defending literal pedophiles? Just "I'm tired of this, get it off my lawn"?


106 submissions to SBBH

clamhurt_legbeard ago

What a weak accusation.

One of your users defended zyklon?

Zyklon was a very active poster on SBBH. The proper attack is that one of your users IS a pedophile.

So weak.

Crensch ago



Unless he's still around?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Oh are you saying he stopped being a pedophile?

That's new, explain that trick.

Crensch ago

"One of your users was a pedophile."

You might not like it, but English grammar dictates that "was" can suggest that he is no longer around.


clamhurt_legbeard ago

Post proof for your wild assertion that he is suddenly NOT a pedophile.

You can't.

Crensch ago

Try English. Don't ask Triggly, She's a nigger and can't English.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Triggly is white, have you not seen her?

Man, you're pretty off nowadays lol

Crensch ago

She can't English. She Englishes like a nigger. Have you seen her writing?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

admits he has no basis for his disproven assertion


You're still operating on the level of SCP and CCP.

Crensch ago

Oh, you consider EFL white-looking people that can't communicate in English human?

Ouch. I just figure they had nigger in their blood from long ago that decided to manifest itself in their IQ.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


Crensch ago

Oh, buddy. Notice how even when I don't name SBBH specifically, it's always either sbbh, a new account, or an old/lowccp account here to confront me?

I noticed.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I think you stumbled onto something HUGE.

This is bigger than anyone ever imagined.

Crensch ago

Sarcasm noted.

OutragedForNoReason ago

Nobody, I mean NOBODY, gives a fuck.

Crensch ago

60 submissions to SBBH.

They simply don't want this talked about, and are tossing all the alts and "friends" they can under the bus to try and consensus-crack.

What the username above means to say is "SBBH doesn't care about pedophiles, we like them!"

antiracistMetal ago

Stop posting.