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clamhurt_legbeard ago

Don't start being dishonest....

Triggly tried for months to talk Srayzie down, prevent her reckless behavior, advise her on improvements in her managerial style...

Srayzie lived off the drama, she was battling her enemies, she was going to be victorious.

She was wrong, and left in shame. But she is culpable for her fall. She disregarded every experienced person around because of her own vanity. She paid the price for her arrogance.

Crensch ago

Triggly tried for months to talk Srayzie down, prevent her reckless behavior, advise her on improvements in her managerial style...

Triggly was a handler for Empress, and tried to be one for Srayzie.

Srayzie lived off the drama, she was battling her enemies, she was going to be victorious.

She was winning until they doxxed her.

She was wrong, and left in shame.

She was doxxed, and her real life was threatened.

But she is culpable for her fall. She disregarded every experienced person around because of her own vanity. She paid the price for her arrogance.

She trusted the wrong people (@kevdude) with info about her, and he leaked it to SBBH.

Don't start being dishonest....

Dishonest? At the very least, claiming she "left in shame" is dishonest of you. She would never have left if her family wasn't doxxed and threatened by a literal pedophile that they all seemed to be joining up with in order to attack her.

Triggly shot first by participating in (and probably perpetrating) the CSS attack in SBBH on srayzie while zyklon was threatening to rape and murder her child constantly.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

claiming she "left in shame" is dishonest of you.

She did leave in shame. She got her weak ass handed to her, as all her friends predicted and warned her.

She would never have left if ...

Literally everything we warned her about.

the CSS attack in SBBH on srayzie

lol wut

Crensch ago

She did leave in shame. She got her weak ass handed to her, as all her friends predicted and warned her.

Why did she leave?

Literally everything we warned her about.

Literally nobody went after a literal pedophile named Zyklon. But somehow srayzie is just supposed to keep her trap shut because he's an (((untouchable chosen one))).

Do you even read what you write?

lol wut

I don't speak nigger.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

She left because she decided to fight outside her weight division. She fled because she got overwhelmed by the people she provoked after failing to take the countermeasures she was repeatedly given.

Literally nobody went after a literal pedophile named Zyklon.

Lie. You did. I did. A number of SBBH got tired of his stupidity and were against both him and Srayzie for the dumb catfight they were having. Don't lie, crensch.

Crensch ago

She left because she decided to fight outside her weight division.

You mean actually fight back against a leftist Jew pedophile that was attacking her? You don't say!?

She fled because she got overwhelmed by the people she provoked after failing to take the countermeasures she was repeatedly given.

You really believe she left because of some internet pressure, and not because her real life was doxxed, and a literal pedophile was talking about raping and murdering her children?

Lie. You did. I did.

Yeah? Where did you go after him?

A number of SBBH got tired of his stupidity and were against both him and Srayzie for the dumb catfight they were having.

"Hey, I'm tired of a cat fight, so I'll go after the soccer mom along with the literal pedophile violent druggie convict"

Nice job! Totally mitigates everything there, because you went after both! Equally! Marxist style! American Justice System style!

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Yeah? Where did you go after him?

He's banned from all my subs, for starters. No need to thank me (I'm sure you won't, you're too busy viewing me as an enemy, when I actually did as much or more than you to help her).

The strangest thing is why you still give a fuck. She's gone, bro. You've devoted entire subs to this BS, months later. People leave all the time. Better users than her. Why do you keep ripping off a scab almost nobody cares about?

Zyklon is gone, too. Everybody fucked off but you're complaining about history.

Crensch ago

He's banned from all my subs, for starters.

Ohhh noooo! Also, you fuckbags ban and unban constantly.

No need to thank me (I'm sure you won't, you're too busy viewing me as an enemy, when I actually did as much or more than you to help her).

You didn't actually do shit but tell her to let him continue to attack her.

The strangest thing is why you still give a fuck.

You mean where I said nearly nothing for months and SBBH faggots kept picking at it? Yeah, can't imagine.

She's gone, bro.


You've devoted entire subs to this BS, months later.

Your point?

People leave all the time. Better users than her. Why do you keep ripping off a scab almost nobody cares about?

Look at all the usernames responding to me, trying to change the reality-based narrative - including you.

Look at all the times heygeorge and other faggots kept posting about it while I was mostly unresponsive.

But no, it's all me, because that's what narrative you're supposed to spin, right?

Zyklon is gone, too. Everybody fucked off but you're complaining about history.

Oh no, We still have plenty here that seem to want to pick a fight constantly. You all just don't like it when I finally go full-tilt and wreck the false narratives you want to weave.

"She left cuz muh stress" No, faggot, she left because she thought staying would endanger her family.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Also, you fuckbags ban and unban constantly.

I've never unbanned him, don't speak of things you are ignorant of.

You didn't actually do shit but tell her to let him continue to attack her.

Lies again. I told you last week when you cried about this, we have the same ideas on managing a sub. You block them and move on. Is is what I do, this is what you do, this is not what she did. She was wrong,meven according to your measurements. You're being intellectually dishonest, your judgment clouded by your feelings for a woman who isn't even here anymore.

SBBH faggots kept picking at it

I only see you,mand I certainly only see your special shitposts in your special shitpost sub. I think there is some shitsrayziesays sub - but I've never seen it pop up on all, only your whining.

You all just don't like it when I finally go full-tilt and wreck the false narratives you want to weave.

Wow... The delusion... You get laughed at everywhere outside of GA nowadays. My favorite Jew hunter, reduced to a weakling pining for his lost love...

And GA only supports you because you are currently running the sub.

she left because she thought staying would endanger her family.

That's why the game excited her. It's typical of drug users and women, and she was both. She bit off more than she could chew and lost.

If it wasn't that dangerous she wouldn't have even played.

Crensch ago

I've never unbanned him, don't speak of things you are ignorant of.

Do SBBH-tier shitposters ban and unban constantly, or do they not?

Lies again. I told you last week when you cried about this, we have the same ideas on managing a sub. You block them and move on. Is is what I do, this is what you do, this is not what she did.

Because she was worried about kevdude and the (((immune system))) attacking and wrecking her sub.

She was wrong,meven according to your measurements. You're being intellectually dishonest, your judgment clouded by your feelings for a woman who isn't even here anymore.

You just got through telling me:

But she is culpable for her fall. She disregarded every experienced person around because of her own vanity. She paid the price for her arrogance.

The "experienced" persons like @Trigglypuff and @kevdude? Guess what they told her?

I only see you,mand I certainly only see your special shitposts in your special shitpost sub. I think there is some shitsrayziesays sub - but I've never seen it pop up on all, only your whining.

Because that sub was banned. You only see it because you don't want to see it.

Scroll through that. Enjoy proving yourself wrong.

Wow... The delusion... You get laughed at everywhere outside of GA nowadays. My favorite Jew hunter, reduced to a weakling pining for his lost love...

Kek. Constantly attacked by alts that were made specifically to target me, and the usual pedo-friends of SBBH. Every other "user" that shows up is almost invariably just another alt of theirs.

And GA only supports you because you are currently running the sub.

What are you even talking about?

That's why the game excited her. It's typical of drug users and women, and she was both. She bit off more than she could chew and lost.

She was doxxed. Even Trigglypuff could only claim that she attacked srayzie because "she went after me" or whatever stupid shit it was.

WOOO what weaklings. Did you tell trigglypuff to let it go? To ban and move on? Kek.

If it wasn't that dangerous she wouldn't have even played.

Heavy claims between this and the last quote - care to support them?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Thank you for admitting I permanently banned zyklon for his behavior, in direct contradiction to standard procedure, showing the seriousness of his behavior.

Did you tell trigglypuff to let it go

She already did. Long ago. Any post any of them make now is just to milk you for lulz.

You're a smart guy but you have no idea how trolling works.

Brb while I look through my PMs. She messaged me a lot. She was excited to fight.

Crensch ago

Thank you for admitting I permanently banned zyklon for his behavior, in direct contradiction to standard procedure, showing the seriousness of his behavior.

I didn't admit that at all. Even if you did, (Which I apparently have to explain that I am NOT saying,) I had no reason to believe it wasn't just some shitposting joke. Because shitposters shitpost and ban each other for no reason and every reason.

She already did. Long ago. Any post any of them make now is just to milk you for lulz.

No, she didn't. She still whines about how she was banned, but seems to forget she was given a pussy pass.

You're a smart guy but you have no idea how trolling works.

Not interested.

Brb while I look through my PMs. She messaged me a lot. She was excited to fight.

And that will prove your claim, how?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Discussing her motivations for provoking NeonRevolt:

Because I’m trashing him. I hope the bitch shows up and shows his true colors. People on Voat can’t stand him. Most of them. The ones that don’t know his other side will find out. He’s going to release his book soon. I want them well aware. Give him a chance to come shit talk. He’ll be smeared. It’s not like they aren’t going to find out about his book, and he’ll post it everywhere when released.

Bragging about a mention on 8ch:

This is Hilarious. Me and Shizy got a shout out 😂🤣

Nigger Revolt on 8 Chan...



Laughing about stirring shit:

From me 😂

She craved attention, fame, and drama. She got bitten because of her arrogance.

Feel free to ignore whichever of these make you feel bad.

Crensch ago

Discussing her motivations for provoking NeonRevolt:


Bragging about a mention on 8ch:


Laughing about stirring shit:


She craved attention, fame, and drama. She got bitten because of her arrogance.

She got doxxed because your SBBH buddies are leftist kikes covering for zyklon.

Feel free to ignore whichever of these make you feel bad.

None of them - and they don't prove this point:

If it wasn't that dangerous she wouldn't have even played.

None of them.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Hahahaha, awwww.

Crensch ago

That's exactly what I thought.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Hey, if you refuse to accept facts, nobody takes you seriously.

It's why you've fallen so far in Voat's esteem.

Crensch ago

Look around you. You're in great company.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Who? You keep lumping me in with zyklon. You have no idea how it works and put great effort into preventing yourself from learning about it.

You're so deep into your emotional investment with srayzie you can't back out without shaming yourself.

Crensch ago

Who? You keep lumping me in with zyklon.

You attacked his victim instead of fucking off. Not really sure what you expect.

You have no idea how it works and put great effort into preventing yourself from learning about it.

Oh my. This is getting interesting! How what works, "clammy"? The "rules"? The "game"? The absolute absence of anything resembling support for claims from everyone on Team Zyklon since the beginning?

You're so deep into your emotional investment with srayzie you can't back out without shaming yourself.

Why would I want to?

Anyone that gives a shit about logos gets to see the lot of you for what you are.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I'm pointing out reality and have no sympathy for someone who actively disregarded my efforts. You think that's "attacking the victim" when my words have no bearing on her victimhood. They're based on her own idiotic behavior.

This is getting interesting!

10 minutes ago you said you had zero interest, you spaz.

Crensch ago

I'm pointing out reality and have no sympathy for someone who actively disregarded my efforts.


You think that's "attacking the victim" when my words have no bearing on her victimhood.

You tried to make it better by saying how people attacked both, as if that's somehow an argument worth presenting.

They're based on her own idiotic behavior.

Nearly everyone she thought was a friend turned on her. She never would have left if she hadn't been doxxed, but your words here suggest she would have.

10 minutes ago you said you had zero interest, you spaz.

Oh, because it seems you let something slip. Did you want to expand on that, or not?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

You tried to make it better by

Um, no. I don't care about feelings, lol

Nearly everyone she thought was a friend turned on her.

Just as you got tired of zyklon's drama, we got tired of her drama.

This is what druggies do. They always alienate the people around them.

Let something slip? Lol. u/trigglypuff look at this. I'm going to smell like cheese by the end of this.

You and everybody who talks about "SBBH" is a moron. "SBBH" is a subverse. People frequent it, but that doesn't mean they are a monolithic group. They are not coordinating on IRC, they are not running bots, they are not gathering IP addresses via CSS.

You people accuse us of this and we defend ourselves. You attack harder so we turn these attacks into lulz, we love watching you dig yourself deeper into the hole of stupidity. At that point, we might as well provoke you and milk you for all you're worth. You keep responding to Srayzie posts so they keep poking. They will continue to poke as long as you respond. This is what the advice means: "do not feed the trolls". You energize them by being so entertaining, you encourage them to strike back when you attack. I hope you get entertainment from this, because they sure as hell are. A troll does it for the lulz. You put so much effort into this, but they do not. It's mental aikido. You strike so hard and they do a slight deflection, you fall on your face. It's hilarious to them.

The sad part is, every one of these exchanges is a losing proposition for you. I know how much it drains you to do these posts. You've told me this directly. I don't need to quote your own PM at you, but you hate this. They do not, they aren't interested in starting, but if a lulzcow like you kicks its way into their living room, they sure as hell are going to milk it.

Feel free to attack me for explaining this to you, just like Srayzie did.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Crensch ago

Um, no. I don't care about feelings, lol

Then why even say that? Some random factiod that is ultimately meaningless? Or are you saying that many of them are just too stupid to pick out a valid target, so they go after both pedophile and victim?

Just as you got tired of zyklon's drama, we got tired of her drama.

So... getting tired of a literal leftist pedophile shitting all over everyone's carpet and threatening to rape and murder a child is equal to srayzie acting like a woman does when attacked?


Stopped reading there. You really are trying to equate the two.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

stopped reading there


Crensch ago

But you don't care about feelings, right?

Marxist judgment there. Everything is equal because reasons. Being sick of someone's shit is equal when it's an overzealous soccer mom, or when it's a literal pedophile making pedophilic and death threats.

Just the same.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I don't even understand what you're attempting to say anymore lol

Crensch ago

You're equating my being done with zyklon acting like a literal pedophile and nobody doing anything about it with you being sick of srayzie's drama.

That somehow if it was justified for me to go after zyklon, it was justified for everyone else to go after srayzie, before, during, and after her being doxxed.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I never said anything of the sort. Are you feeling OK?

Crensch ago

Nearly everyone she thought was a friend turned on her.

Just as you got tired of zyklon's drama, we got tired of her drama.

Here you are acting like it's the same.

And then, what you were saying is it's ok for you to go after someone already being attacked by a literal pedophile because you're tired of her drama? Sounds niggerish to me. Like when a pack of niggers descends on a white guy.

You couldn't have gone after the literal pedophile until he was gone, then dealt with her without doxxing her?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

No I'm not, learn to read.

You had much more contact with a literal pedophile than I ever did, but you backpedal super hard when that's brought up.

Crensch ago

You had much more contact with a literal pedophile than I ever did, but you backpedal super hard when that's brought up.

Yeah? Which one is that?

No I'm not, learn to read.

I am. Learn to write if you don't like what I'm reading.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I like you guys. I like SBBH and shitposting types. Your chaos is usually a welcome sight, as it helps keep others off-balance in a way that allows me to do what I intend more efficiently.

Porn and gore is fine. It's degenerate, but I recognize it as both important and useful for myriad reasons. Knowing who is doing it, or at the very least having no idea, is better than having someone take credit that didn't actually do it.

Threats to kids and doxxing to nambla is a bit more than I'd care to see in someone I hold in esteem; even as a joke. Those things aren't satire: they're neither humor, irony, ridicule, nor exaggeration used in an attempt to criticize or expose vices or stupidity. They fit zero parts of the definition. It's just mean-spirited stuff that causes unneeded stress and anxiety - suffering.

I won't ask you to stop. I won't necessarily think less of you for it, but I don't care for that kind of thing.

Such a harsh criticism you gave to zyklon. Wow. True defender of voat. "Mean", wow. Can't believe you went so far. "A bit more than I'd care to see."

These are your ACTUAL words. Don't gaslight.

Crensch ago

Aww, you saw when I was trying to appeal to a human side of him.

He has none. Guess what I did after that? Something none of you did.

Hey @Trigglypuff, you didn't even try to appeal to any good nature he might have had, you just supported him by attacking his victim constantly before, during, and after she got doxxed.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

"When I do it it's ok, because...."


Good nature? You're making friends with a known pedophile. You people get the gas.

Crensch ago

"When I do it it's ok, because...."

Because I actually attacked him finally when he wouldn't stop. Unlike some others.

Good nature? You're making friends with a known pedophile. You people get the gas.

Trying to manipulate a sick fuck into not being such a sick fuck is more of an effort than any of you put in.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

You justify being friends with a pedophile because you tried to atone after you lost control? Heh.

Crensch ago

You justify being friends with a pedophile because you tried to atone after you lost control? Heh.

After I lost control?

Trying to use what little pull i thought I had with him to get him to stop? When you did, what? Banned him from your little sandbox? Kek.

So did I.

Go ahead. Show me where you slapped him down in comment or submission.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

beatle was banned for clogging our sub with crying

hes still clogging other subs with his crying

the ban remains in place until he stops crying like a little bitch

he needs to fucking stop

he keeps doubling down on crying

fighting for your right to tantrum

srsly dude

super manly

its hilarious

see i banned all of u/gabara alts but left his main and he stopped flooding and were good

but beatle is crying for days


Yeah, Beatle needs to pick one sub to cry in.

You're both causing drama, but only one of you is making it other people's problems.

Response to Srayzie calling me for help

Beatle is trash

Fuck you, Beatle.

Fuck off, Beatle.

I'm sure you'll refuse to even look at those, just like you're ignoring all the posts I make with actual evidence.

Crensch ago

Sounds like an attack on srayzie

Almost like an afterthought. "beatle is trash but XXYYBLAHBLAH"

3 whole words. Wow.

3 whole words, wow.

I'm sure you'll refuse to even look at those, just like you're ignoring all the posts I make with actual evidence.

My trying to appeal/manipulate him into being a decent human was more of a slap than your comments here. How pathetic.

"banned for clogging our sub with crying/remains in place until he stops crying"

But you're king of shitposters, right?

How milquetoast. How insanely useless from a shitposter from a place known to ban and unban for all reasons and no reasons.

You expect anyone to take you seriously?

clamhurt_legbeard ago


Dude. You have no clue.

Crensch ago

Dude. You have no clue.

Maybe. I don't really need one. I've no idea why you're here arguing with me if you had no part in it.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I don't really need one.

You keep vacillating.

I've no idea why you're here arguing with me

I literally just said that... lol

Crensch ago

You keep vacillating.

I'm glad you think so.

I literally just said that... lol

Yeah? Was it where I stopped reading above?

Either way, if you're saying that, why did you even comment here?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

To quote a master

Dude. You have no clue.


Ok let's forget the rest for a sec. Have you read the Tao Te Ching?

Personally I prefer the Ron Hogan translation. I dunno what religion you are, but regardless, Taoist philosophy would help many people in the world achieve their goals.

Crensch ago

No. Why would I read something like that?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

It helps scramble your thinking to give you a baseline from which you have better clarity to make objective decisions without bias.

Also, it's both culturally and historically important. You sometimes like things valuable in that manner.

Crensch ago

Decisions like:

"Hey, I'm going to attack that pedophile" and "Hey, I'm not going to attack that victim of that pedophile"?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

When you get right with Tao, everybody wants to be your friend. When they're around you, they can relax and enjoy themselves.

People can be easily distracted by music or good food. When we try to talk about Tao, it seems boring by comparison. It doesn't look like much. It doesn't sound like much. But no matter how much you use, there's still plenty left.

Crensch ago

People can be easily distracted by music or good food. When we try to talk about Tao, it seems boring by comparison.

I already don't talk about superficial shit like music or food or the weather or sportsball.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


You actually believe that....................

Crensch ago

Nice vague response there.

Crensch ago

When you get right with Tao, everybody wants to be your friend. When they're around you, they can relax and enjoy themselves.

Been trying to cut people down to a manageable amount already. No need for any more.

Thanks though.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


thats so against wu wei

Crensch ago

It's so pro Chong Ping.

Did you want to put that in English?