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clamhurt_legbeard ago

lol awesome

TheBuddha ago

It's the only song I know with "one balled man" in it. I also figure not that many people will have heard it. Needless to say, it didn't exactly get a lot of radio play.

If that amused you, this should be on your playlist:

clamhurt_legbeard ago


TheBuddha ago

I've got all sorts of bizarre music in my head.

cynicaloldfart ago

Throw this one in there then. 1969 pioneers of electronica.

TheBuddha ago

That kinda hurt my ears. WTF was that? I'm really confident I've never heard that before.

zyklon_b ago

all me

complete larp. Posts like this are inaccurate in my opinion, because everything that account says is a larp. The user behind the account however is far more nefarious.

The user is behind other prominent persona’s. Besides the Zyklon_b and Beatlejuice accounts, that user has had the @i-am-me persona. Probably @Katharzo too as it fits the MO [This same scenario has played out before]. That this user can be both a convincing drug addict and a young woman with depression speaks volumes of the trolls ability. The user is a master mimic and probably rather disturbed.

Do not judge the intelligence by the Zyklon persona. @i-am-me was highly intelligent and capable of high level wordplay. Her alts included @onomatopoeia among others. The same LARPS are played out over and over again.

The drug addict in a spiral then deletes.

The poor depressed girl who then deletes.

Similar drama was playing out then. Same user. This user also loves to spread misinformation through anon subs. A massive effort is currently being made to drive a wedge between myself and PV? I’m not buying it.

The user behind the drama is also capable of creating and manufacturing its own little plays.

Zyklon was Monteblanc. The entire scenario was made up. In the past the Zyklon account had a girlfriend on SBBH who was depressed and then killed herself. The accounts name was @Forget-me-not or something. [It was rather similar to the Montblanc drama. It is incredibly similar to the Dial/ Katharzo drama!]

It was the first inclination I had into this user, as I was convinced that the user was @i-am-me. I was right, because they’re all Zyklon.

Now Zyklon has a girlfriend in v/Pizzagate, @GothamGirl. Another caricature of the @i-am-me persona. How many people on Voat have IRL relationships with other users? How does a deranged drug addict have several? On a website where most people are highly suspicious?

This may seem like conjecture, but I know for a fact that Beatle was I-am-me. I caught him out and he deleted both accounts. However over a long period of time the same pattern emerges.

It is my opinion that @Dial_indicator and @lauraingalls are all the same person. A troll who makes new accounts every influx, then infiltrates subs. A tactic that you are all familiar with. All done by a master infiltrator.

You even went as far as pushing the idea that Zyklon was behind Pizzagate...

Was the entire rPG drama manufactured by this user? Was Zyklon playing both sides. I once caught @i-am-me making a sub for a SGIS alt after the drama. It was strange and when I questioned it, everything was deleted. I stopped trusting Zyklon after that.

You have told me yourself that you have hundreds of alts!

I was unbanned and then rebanned for a two month old post. @srayzie went through my history searching for a reason to ban me, found an old post and deleted it, then banned me again.

I did as @Kevdude asked. Now you have an “official” reason.

This just reeks of someone trying to circumnavigate PV's opposition to pre-emptively banning users.

You reek of a paid shill, meant to blend in with shit posters, who stirs up drama when it suits you. Q is a huge target and you’ve hated Q followers from the start.

TheBuddha ago

Is that like a collection of comments?

I have no idea what I'm reading.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Yeah, Beatle needs to pick one sub to cry in.

You're both causing drama, but only one of you is making it other people's problems.

TheBuddha ago

You're all batshit crazy. All of you.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

It's getting out of hand.

TheBuddha ago

LOL You're not wrong and that's not AIDS.

See? You can do it!

I legitimately worry 'bout their sanity. I like Z. This behavior is not productive behavior. It's not even nearly as helpful as he thinks. I know, 'cause I get angry PMs!

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Yeah, and the way he was trying to encourage you to go crazy on painkillers...

Crabs in a bucket, dude.

He needs to tear down anybody he sees doing things he can't.

He's too weak.

And I'm tired.

TheBuddha ago

Well, to be fair, going crazy on painkillers is kinda fun. I'm not gonna pretend otherwise.

(I'm already at today's limit - as I prep for the drive and the show.)

Err... I have a show tonight and tomorrow night. On Monday, I drive in a parade!

clamhurt_legbeard ago


show and parade

you hit the jackpot

TheBuddha ago

Damned right. Every day, including Sunday - when I do nothing, is gonna pretty much be the best day ever.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


meanwhile me

i did such a good job at work i didnt go in today

were making that guy nobody likes do my stuff instead lol

TheBuddha ago

I work tonight and tomorrow and tomorrow night. That hotel time is often us rehearsing.

Fuck me. I'm straight retarded.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

best day ever

straight retarded


TheBuddha ago

I suck at retiring.

I also seem to suck getting metallica tones without my usual kit. I already sent my shit up to the venue.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I also seem to suck getting metallica tones without my usual kit

how come

whats the deal

TheBuddha ago

My usual setup left the house about 5 hours ago. I have a giant pedal station that I use. I'm missing that. I'm also missing six guitars but that's not actually a problem.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

so basically is it a pedal problem

specific pedal combos missing from what youre working with now

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, and not being able to get it perfect with reasonable timing. It took way longer than it should have.

I'm headed out the door in 20 minutes.