17164875? ago

@NeonRevolt IS a disinfo agent. Simple as that.

MIxes truth and lies to fuck with your thinking

17118756? ago

This submission was linked from this v/SoapboxBanhammer submission by @NiggerRevolt.

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17115638? ago

Upvote, because Nigger Revolt is literally comparing himself to Hercules and Apollo. Here's the sculpture he jacked for the image. Reminiscent of Alefantis and his Antinous profile pic. Another Pedowood wanna be.

17113731? ago

Hay Guise, @Neonrevolt here. Don't forget my book is coming out soon. Please buy my book. I'll keep popping on here to tell everyone to buy my book. I'll keep stirring up drama and playing the victim so that you don't forget about me and will buy my book!

Don't forget, I'm a patriot and wwg1wga! Without the undying support from my loyal followers, the book will bomb! I mean, if people were to buy it expecting a fine literary piece, or even an interesting read from just a so-so author who had a high school level comand of grammar it's gonna bomb.

So, anyhoo, buy my book ok? Please? Pretty please?

17113629? ago

Funny you say that, because that's always what o thought it was too!

17113384? ago

Looks like a snake to me

17113394? ago

lol until i peed my self. That was great come back.

17113150? ago

OMG - what an ugly prick....err....pic!!!

17110878? ago

Join Neon Revolts new Gab GreatAwakening Group so he can get as many followers as possible before his book comes out. He’ll make more money that way. All of a sudden he’s nice to his fans again. What trash.

17110869? ago

Shit. Now I can't unsee it.

17110762? ago

@NeonRevolt Oh yes, your book

Putting information behind a paywall (book) and making it rich off the back of your fellow patriots was all part of your plan once you gained a sufficient following to launch the book and massage your already plus-size ego - OR will you be releasing it for FREE to your fellow Patriots ?

17110817? ago

A real patriot would release it for free

17128738? ago

Indeed. True altruism for fellow patriots

17111417? ago

Indeed ! .. a REAL Patriot would

17125969? ago

All that a real Patriot would do it for free shit is bull. We're not fucking socialists, and you sound like a SJW.

17128719? ago

You pathetic little cunt - if you think like that you are worthless to this movement. Fuck off back to 24/7 Minecraft

17138901? ago

If I think like what? That you're a thought censoring socialist fake maga that virtue signals all you do free a d acts like no one else does? That you think you have some stupid entitlement to dictate how a patriot should act? You're fake as fuck and pisses off because you got called out for it. Eat a dick.

17138777? ago

You sick scum of recycled puke, regurgitate something intelligent for once.

17110424? ago

@NeonRevolt must be kilt with gun.

17109978? ago

You seem like you have aids.

17109902? ago

Do you see dicks everywhere?

17113764? ago

It's never wrong to see dicks everywhere. Dicks are the basis of life!

17120048? ago


17110876? ago

They're not wrong.

17109584? ago

How do we vote you as a flaming asshole? You dicklick!

17109386? ago

If you think that's a penis you probably need therapy.

17108744? ago

I offered this comment to a friend of mine.

"Is this Neon Revolt or Cock Wrangler?"

17108735? ago

Everytime Neon gets attacked I go check it myself and see how awesome his work is. Thanks for reminding us what a great Patriot he is. And btw it's funny you diss on him for selling fucking t-shirts and hats.

17110915? ago

He's no fucking patriot lol - just a profiteer off this movement and fellow Americans.

He just wants fame and $$$$$$$$$$$$

17120761? ago

This is the dumbest division tactic. Anyone effective is a "paytriot" . That's like saying a successful chef must not care about food only being successful. So dumb.

17128793? ago

That’s the fucking dumbest analogy for some time!!

A chef is not in a critical situation where his country is corrupt from the core and part of a movement to remove that corruption and restore both his country and true democracy.

Anyone capable of good Q breakdowns SHOULD be doing so for the benefit of their fellow countrymen!

Your moral compass is truly fucked !!

17138765? ago

Har har. You're so fucking smart. You can't understand so you call it dumb and twist all kinds of shit into your fragile conclusions. Your sense of reality is truly and deeply fucked!

17123452? ago

it’s not about dividing the movement, neon, it’s about seeing divisive paytriots for who they are.

17125485? ago

How is neon divisive?

17128557? ago

Attacks Q followers for needless drama. Fought to censor patriots. You can see Q is real but you can’t see this?

17139411? ago

I can see where the drama is coming from. It's always the same bitch that complains about drama.

17110852? ago

And books! Hi @NeonRevolt

17120780? ago

You wish he cared about your comments. I'm just an Anon that likes to make fun of wannabe shills.

17108772? ago

selling fucking t-shirts and hats.

War profiteering

17120782? ago

Just like victory garden signs. So shameful.

17108949? ago

Unbiased Anon here.

Personally I don't care if they sell shirts man. They certainly may have some costs associated with their work, and I don't have to buy a shirt unless I really want one.. so so what...

I mean what if we want a Q shirt or a trump is a beast shirt? Why not? It's still a good thing because then we are spreading the word like a fucking walking billboard.

So why is that a bad thing?

Certainly you cannot get rich off that shit, it's not like it's a million dollar venture, what could they make a thousand in profit if that?

And why not, money motivates. It's not the money it's the point. If people don't like that they sell shirts they won't buy them, or even won't tune in..

17116817? ago

He can’t get rich off of a book in bookstores?

17118401? ago

Only if people willingly buy it. What the F do you care what I spend my money on willingly? Not that I would buy it but just an example..

It is after all MY money and you don't have to read it, I do it I want to and only then...

17118997? ago

Then be a tard and buy the book!

17121709? ago

Lolol... You got an issue with either your eyes, or comprehension. I'm not interested. I'm not even a fan..... I don't have an opinion either way... But just saying if people wanna buy it more fucking power to them.

Is NR considered a shill or just a "paytriot"

If it's a shill then sure that's BS, If it's the latter then whatever dude.. you can't take unwilling people's money... Or you can but this isn't a case of that.

17108507? ago

@NeonRevolt here. This shill is afraid because my book is coming out. Cabal shills like @Srayzie and her minions @Crensch @Trigglypuff are trying to silence patriots like myself. This is because my book is a comprehensive study of Q. Did I mention that I’m writing a book?

I need your help patriots, please support me. My work is vital to Q. I have 20% off on pens and T-shirts for March. Support Q, but my merch. Shalom and God bless you goys patriots.

17113177? ago

Buy my book!! Buy my merch!! Buy my anti-Srayzie smear campaign!!


17108890? ago

I'm completely unbiased. I have heard of, and even watched a couple times I'm sure. But I don't really recall much as far as topic or whatever.

I agree with OP it looks like he's fighting his huge deformed penis..

But then again I get what it's supposed to mean, he's fighting the beast...

But yeah I have to agree with OP it does look like that.i don't see it as an attachment to though, and you know what one of the first things they taught me in college in publicity class?

No publicity is bad publicity..

So if that is their reasoning they would be better off not talking about it... As now I know NR has a book coming out that I didn't know about before.

But I'll say it doesn't help that you called srazie and crench shills... Bruh... Those are my peeps.

17108534? ago

Thanks Paytriot. /s

17108593? ago

Anytime paytriot. Would you like a pen?

17108242? ago

Reminds me of this dickhead.

17108294? ago

Probably brothers

17108017? ago

Neon Revolt is a giant faggot. It checks out.

17107988? ago

If your dick looks like that you may have a problem.