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hojuruku ago

^^ is that you linking to a website that publishes child porn that stared trolling me by threatening to kill my mother and publishing her address? ^^

Putting links to pictures of people's parents houses is breach of the voats rules. Kiss your account goodbye.

And besides they edit my posts on there so anything on that claiming to come from me may not be.

If VOAT doesn't terminate your account then I am allowed to start threads to dox the /v/pizzagate/ pedomods. If it's good for the goose it's good for the gander.

srayzie ago

Oh @Hojuruku has been a bad pedo. According to that...

In early August 2017 it was revealed that Luke had been stalking and harassing an internet user going by Anirtak76, to whom Luke had admitted to keeping Child Porn stored on his own computer. Luke claimed he needed to keep it "to get pedos arrested", even after reporting it to authorities. On the same day, he attempted to post some of this illegal material on KiwiFarms, leading to his account on the website being permanently banned and the offending post deleted.

NoBS ago

So they can destroy evidence out in the open. Yes, we know. This is a gift to the pedophiles and why former child sex slaves are fucked over twice.

hojuruku ago

Crazy @srayzie with her alt @noonreality just banned me for /spam/ on the great awakening even though I never ever posted on that subverse in my life, so she's a proven liar. Now she makes a whole new subverse called v/hojuruku and the first post is HER LINKING TO A CONFIRMED CHILD PORN PEDO RAN PEDOPHILIA NORMALIZATION ACTIVISM STALKING WEBSITE THAT THREATENED TO KILL MY MOTHER AND ALL INSIDE HER HOUSE.

@Dfens, @Auralsects and everyone are sure the fake tranny with no son srayzie, Vindicator and co are in the OTO Child sex cult exposed here:

I'm mean't to be writing up new research posts on pedophiles but the child sex lovers keep shilling and liking to their CP websites like crazy @srayzie does. How did she find this new "hojuruku" subverse if she isnt' working with this cunt posting CP site links on voat. What a filthy pedophile whore she is.

v/hojuruku (noonereally) > hojuruku | Sent: 4.2 hours ago on 4/23/2018 7:19:31 PM Comment /v/hojuruku/2512836/12558856 deleted

Your comment /v/hojuruku/2512836/12558856 has been deleted by: @noonereally on: 4/23/2018 7:19:31 PM

Description given: Rule Violation in v/hojuruku: No walls of text; Description: autistic rant with walls of text and links Original Comment

So I'll copypaste it again....

^^ is that you linking to a website that publishes child porn that stared trolling me by threatening to kill my mother and publishing her address? (since edited out of the 1st page you linked to but I can repost it to show how evil you pedos are if you want ^^

Putting links to pictures of people's parents houses is breach of the voats rules. Kiss your account goodbye.

And besides they edit my posts on there so anything on that claiming to come from me may not be.

If VOAT doesn't terminate your account then I am allowed to start threads to dox the /v/pizzagate/ pedomods. If it's good for the goose it's good for the gander.

BTW they are confirmed pedophile trolls as this video exposes:

They were watching my twitter and saw I replied to a video by Paul Joseph Watson attacking the left for loving child sex. An hour later they had a hate page on him too.

So stop your linking to child porn publishing, pedophile controlled doxxing sites that even the MSM calls criminal.

After being warned you were doing a dox to a website that published my mothers house and threatened to go there and kill inside before I was trolled to that website to try and identify some of them (and we did) to get them jailed.... you go post it again.

Kiss goodbye to your account @noonerally aka srayzie

CC @puttitout

reply source delete mark as read 

v/GreatAwakening (srayzie) > hojuruku | Sent: 4.3 hours ago on 4/23/2018 7:13:50 PM You've been banned from v/GreatAwakening :(

@srayzie has banned you from v/GreatAwakening for the following reason: Rule Violation: Spam

noonereally ago

hey everybody; say "hi" to @hojuruku