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shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Savile and the 9th Circle: Inttutionalzed Abuse of Children -- Somebody tell me this if Fake -

wikileaks 4895 an interesting email from Luzzatto John Podesta re Mary Podesta -

2nd Possible New Lead? -

Jimmy Savile and the 9th Circle (Mind blowing) -

Alexandra Migoya and Occasions Caterers, a clear cog in the D.C. network that has been somewhat overlooked. -

Jimmy Savile and the 9th Circle -

The 12 Mile Club & the 9th Circle Cult -

Savile and the 9th Circle by Russell Burton -

Impending Child Killings [By 9th Circle] to be Stopped By Common Law -

In Preparation of May 30th 9th Circle takedown -

Another Pizza Place that might warrant a closer look - Pi Pizzeria (One of Obamas Favorite Pizza Places) -

Update on 9th Circle child sacrifice cult arrests -

9th Circle Cult -

Savile & 9th circle and royals -

These are just off the first page of searchvoat. Maybe you should have @vindicator or crunchy teach you how to use the search functions, before you go assuming that the people of v/pizzagate are as stupid as your Qtards.

They are both good teachers, when they want to be.

Vindicator ago

I think @MolochHunter probably just searched for the URL. It looks like a bunch of different YouTube channels uploaded the same video, with different urls and titles. I am glad to see a repost of this topic. I am also glad to see a detailed index of our Saville / 9th Circuit research added to this submission. It makes it much more valuable. So, thanks for that. Your vitriol may discourage Noobs and Q researchers from digging in our archives and discussing what they find here.

argosciv ago

^^ @Crensch

The person who thinks everyone must ping her/others, if talking shit, forgot to ping you while talking shit.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

The person who thinks everyone must ping her/others

Prove this, you fucking liar. I think you are a coward for not pinging the people you attack. So what? You are a coward, after all.

forgot to ping you while talking shit.

I didn't forget to ping @crensch, I chose not to. He doesn't want me to. And since he monitors searchvoat for his name being mentioned, I have chosen to use a Nick when referring to him. You really are the dimmest bulb in the pack.

@Vindicator, since you won't answer my last question, how about this one?

Q. Why do you endorse fagos going around continually making false and unproven accusations against the users of PG?

Are you deliberately trying to drive those people away by not publically reaming his ass and demanding the non-falsified sources, i think you guys call it something like pit-bul?

argosciv has a long and extensive history of going on drugged out rants against everyone, including mods. Or have you forgotten? I haven't.

@Erickaliberhall @heygeorge @MadWorld

Crensch ago

Q. Why do you endorse fagos going around continually making false and unproven accusations against the users of PG?


shewhomustbeobeyed ago


Crensch ago

Are you not calling him a fag there? Is that a false or unproven accusation against a user of PG?

@Vindicator @argosciv

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Yup. he's most definitely a limp wristed, lying sack of satanic shit. Worst I've come across in a long time.

Crensch ago

Yup. he's most definitely a limp wristed, lying sack of satanic shit. Worst I've come across in a long time.

So, it's a false or unproven accusation against a user of PG?

You know, that thing you were just complaining to @Vindicator about?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Ask fagos if he's a blood drinker. Ask him his opinions of alastair crowley, and michael aquino. READ HIS FIRST FUCKING SUBMISSIONS. Never mind, he's such an editing faggot, I'm sure he's gone back and revised everything.

Crensch ago

Ask fagos if he's a blood drinker.

You state this as if it matters.

Ask him his opinions of alastair crowley, and michael aquino.

This is called "ad hominem", and has fuck-all to do with whether or not he's right or not on unrelated subjects. "He's a nazi, so he's wrong that eating less will help you lose weight" <--- that's the level of discourse you're presenting here.

Typical woman.

READ HIS FIRST FUCKING SUBMISSIONS. Never mind, he's such an editing faggot, I'm sure he's gone back and revised everything.

Why would any of that matter?

Someone's opinion on something that has nothing to do with the subject-matter is irrelevant.

Ad hominem is a fallacy. You should look it up.

argosciv ago

You state this as if it matters.

And as if we haven't discussed it several times already xD

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I said he's a lying sack of satanic shit. You said, "false and unproven". I said, "ask the source, himself".

Considering that Babylonian child sacrifice is part of the foudation of those in govs religion, and fagos thinks that all their beliefs are cool, except the pedo stuff (suposedly), it most certainly is relevant. you ignorant ass.

Crensch ago

I said he's a lying sack of satanic shit. You said, "false and unproven". I said, "ask the source, himself".

No, this is what happened:

Are you not calling him a fag there? Is that a false or unproven accusation against a user of PG?


Take a look.

You said, "false and unproven".

I ASKED if something was false and unproven. Do you remember what that was? (Hint: I mentioned it above, and you lied about the subject-matter)

Considering that Babylonian child sacrifice is part of the foudation of those in govs religion, and fagos thinks that all their beliefs are cool, except the pedo stuff (suposedly), it most certainly is relevant. you ignorant ass.

None of that is relevant to whether or not he presents useful information from his research.

That's, again, ad hominem. Try to keep up, lesser sex.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You are a bearer of false witness. Nothing you say can be trusted.