Millennial_Falcon ago

9th Circle Cult of Appeals?

bobseaworthy ago

Haha. But no, The 9th Circle Satanic Cult. 9th Circle is a Vatican-sanctioned (human) sacrificial cult...don't ask me why... Here's a 2014 Alex Jones interview with a Nobel Peace Prize nominee regarding 28 mass graves of Canadian Indian children found in western Canada. Most of the bodies were decapitated and dismembered. .

The 12 Mile Club gets its name from members taking their victim children out on their boat (or more likely, yacht), having their way with them, and dumping their bodies 12 miles off of the western coast of Canada. The Club is said to be tied to the 9th Circle (see internet). Canadians in the area are well aware of the Club's & Cult's existences and have been protesting them for several years, namely the Native Canadians who've had hundreds of children disappear.

See also the following link to The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS). The organization is dedicated to stopping the 9th Circle and the 12 Mile Club.