Antarctica10 ago

Thank you. I'll post them in comments on the YouTube channel. I have more songs coming soon. Just trying to help these poor kids any way that I can. God Bless.

MaidenMotherCrone ago

I spent time at Occupy with Kevin. He's been fighting a corrupt system for decades. His efforts have uncovered mass graves, corrupt officials and a history of cover-ups. Unfortunately he's also been harassed and debunked from every direction. I think Kevin is a decent person with sincere goals but after so many years of activism he has been painted with some tarred brushes. An eclectic crusader with some abrasive edges and questionable beliefs who has been an advocate for First Nations residential school survivors when it was very unpopular to do so.

LightlyToasted ago

ITTCS is not "real," in that, it has no jurisdiction for what it purports to do.

Vindicator ago

Hi there @Antarctica10. I need to flair this "Accuracy in Question" due to the unreliable nature of the ITTCS. When I looked into it several months ago, I found that Annet made erroneous statements and tended to use multiple different sites of his as evidence of the legitimacy of what he was claiming, rather than sources outside of his control.

Antarctica10 ago

Overwhelming amount of hate out there for Kevin.
It can mean on of two things.
Sounds similar to the Russian narrative.
Please listen to his latest podcast.
The Satanic networks are larger than we think.
Get Ready folks. The civil war won't be between Republicans and Democrats. Only Blood will wash away this evil.

Antarctica10 ago

Interesting. but it's not like we are going to get help from the FBI or police or anything. This may be a valuable outlet in that we can produce warrants and take action into our own hands. Definitely worth investigating. My lawyer was aware this court exists and it is taken seriously in some countries. I don't think the US constitution will allow though.

Vindicator ago

I had not heard this. It would be great to have a knowledgable, evidence-citing post really demonstrating if it has any actual authority and going through the pros and cons. From what I read, he was indicting numerous heads-of-state and so forth and roping witnesses in by presenting fake authority. I wish I could give some links, but it was months ago before I was a mod and I just don't have time to do the research right now.

UglyTruth ago

Brussells isn't a common law country, Arnett's court is a nullity.

AndPodestaWasMoLesta ago

I'm sorry I don't usually post but this made me have to login and do so. Kevin Annett is a defraud. He is a defrocked Anglican priest who honestly probably WAS on the right track however he jumped the shark and invested fake courts, such as his International Common Law Court in Brussels and his George Dufor warrants. Neither exist! He runs numerous websites that cover legitimate topics - in particular the Dutroux affair - but he applies his own spin in a way that isn't detectable unless you've read the real (translations of) the x dossiers.

Please guys don't fall for his junk! He is just like Ted Gundersln except really not quite as bad (Gubderson takes the lead on shill provocateur).

Antarctica10 ago

His efforts did make a Pope resign. First in over 2000 years. The media had us believe it was because of health reasons. We would only be so lucky that that satanic fuck would die. (I'm catholic by the way).

AndPodestaWasMoLesta ago

He claims that but he doesn't support it with any evidence whatsoever. We still don't know the official reason Benedict resigned. There are theories but not conclusive. Please don't spread this BS unless he, or you, can prove it.

Vindicator ago

Thank you for taking the time to make this comment. Can you possibly dig up some links to any articles debunking him with evidence? I haven't had time to dig for this, and we need to be able to inform people in a convincing manner that he is unreliable. Just saying so tends to bounce off of the mental shield. :-) It would be a great service to us all.

AndPodestaWasMoLesta ago

Yes - I will dig them up when I get home. Might get in trouble for hitting certain sites from work. The problem with his stuff is that he does use some legit sources but adds his own spin - that's why he gains so much credible and is one of the top search results in google for elite pedophilia. I also recall cross linking between ITCCS, ICLCJ and - which seem to scratch each other's backs - all possibly run by him.

He's also an Occupier and an atheist - he reveals these things in his YouTube videos. It doesn't put me off but it would for people that think that his defrocking was because of his work - it was lethally that but partially that he didn't believe what he was preaching and that's why it was making the church look bad.

He also helped work with communists in Central America when he was first getting started in the priesthood, for what that's worth.

AndPodestaWasMoLesta ago

Also anyone can be NOMINATED by anyone for anything - it's not legitimate unless a panel actually moves it forward, and let's be serious who is he trying to kid? Why would the tools of the NWO such as the Nobel Peace Prize group, give HIM an award for anything let alone even consider him? Considering that Obama and others have won these prizes does not say much that he was "nominated" - and yeah, probably by his George Dufort secret/alternate identity.

Please everyone do your own research on him!!! Also look at his website and ask yourself why a REAL international court of law would be using GMAIL or YAHOO email addresses for their correspondence? Pahaha it makes me laugh as much as "Comet Ping Pong is just eccentric and that they consider their customers their "family" - and that the CPP shooter believed "a hold sez trafficking ring was being run out of the basement".

Some of us can be gullible sometimes in confirmation bus, but we are not stupid!

ArthurEdens ago

Not bad dude! Thanks for the tips and quote too! I want to know more about this May 30th takedown though, what's up?

Antarctica10 ago

Supposedly Satanic ritual killing to take place this Sunday at St. John's Episcopal Chuch. In Washington DC.

druhill007 ago

sooooo. army at the gates of st.johns w/ stakes? lol

ArthurEdens ago

pretty inside intel there

Antarctica10 ago

Check out Kevin's podcast. He has orchestrated several takedowns of a satanic cults called the 9th Circle. High ranking religious, royalty, and political leaders.
He gave all the locations in his podcast and clams he has citizen organizers taking action this Sunday as it is a satanic holiday. I believe in 2014 he successfully exposed one in Canada.

ArthurEdens ago

Nice thanks, I'll listen