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sponiatowski ago

How is this related to Pizzagate? Interesting information, though.

Geo_synchronous ago

It is related. Maybe not directly to Pizzagate but still, the act of pedophilia is the main focus. This problem is world wide in many many different venues. The talk of the Vatican is very real. A man named Kevin Annett has been trying to bring the Pope and the Queen of England to justice, along with many others for genocide, murder, kidnapping, child trafficking and more. This case has been going on for 20 years with no closing. The bones of 5000 children have been found in Canada that were children from various foster institutions, churches and schools. They found tunnels and huge mass graves. Many many children have vanished. Kevin Annett used to be a priest in the Canadian Church and he discovered these crimes and reported it to the bigwigs in the Vatican. They turned around and excommunicated him from the church, ruined him financially, destroyed his life. He has actually arranged a tribunal common court case against these criminals AND there are copies of the subpoenas that were issued in the case. See the documents and videos here

I bet someone reading this is thinking... 20 years ago ? Yeah. When you take on the Pope and the Queen of England you get blocked pretty hard. They have anything and everything about this case nearly unspoken of by any main stream news, police or governments. Its a near black out accept for some online stuff about it.

So yeah. Its related.

sponiatowski ago

Thanks for this. I will be signing off and watching them now.