Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

What is wrong with you? Do you want to solve Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption or do you support a system a mind-controlled slaves and complicity to torture, rape, murder, and corruption at all levels?

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Why? Have you investigated Racine yet? Do you know what the Pilgrims Society is? Do you know what the Knights of Pythias is? Do you know what Agenda 2030 is and who is connected to it? If you don't know what any of those are, you will be able to easily find the fool you are looking for.

equineluvr ago

Yeah, well that's an interesting cover story for the masses.

The obelisk has been there since 1586, which symbolically demonstrates its sovereign status back to that date.


zzvoat ago

Hiding things in plain site...

The architecture of the the Pope's Vatican Audience Hall is literally a snake. I don't mean that it has snake imagery or has snake paintings or snake sculptures. The building itself, on the outside and the inside, IS a snake. You sit inside the snake. https://youtu.be/yzurtPFe9jEYouTube

Janet123 ago

The Vatican, banks, politicians,have been intertwined forever. Sorry this isn't readily linkeable to anything pizzagate related. There was no closure in the death of Roberto Calvi. "Suicide" by hanging. There have been over 100 deaths, many of them suspicious, of upper tier bankers and financial industry people in the last 2 years. On any given weekday, 40% of computers at the SEC are logged into porn sites. This behavior is pervasive among financial industry people.

sponiatowski ago

How is this related to Pizzagate? Interesting information, though.

Geo_synchronous ago

It is related. Maybe not directly to Pizzagate but still, the act of pedophilia is the main focus. This problem is world wide in many many different venues. The talk of the Vatican is very real. A man named Kevin Annett has been trying to bring the Pope and the Queen of England to justice, along with many others for genocide, murder, kidnapping, child trafficking and more. This case has been going on for 20 years with no closing. The bones of 5000 children have been found in Canada that were children from various foster institutions, churches and schools. They found tunnels and huge mass graves. Many many children have vanished. Kevin Annett used to be a priest in the Canadian Church and he discovered these crimes and reported it to the bigwigs in the Vatican. They turned around and excommunicated him from the church, ruined him financially, destroyed his life. He has actually arranged a tribunal common court case against these criminals AND there are copies of the subpoenas that were issued in the case. See the documents and videos here

I bet someone reading this is thinking... 20 years ago ? Yeah. When you take on the Pope and the Queen of England you get blocked pretty hard. They have anything and everything about this case nearly unspoken of by any main stream news, police or governments. Its a near black out accept for some online stuff about it.

So yeah. Its related.

sponiatowski ago

Thanks for this. I will be signing off and watching them now.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

The most powerful American in the Catholic church is Timothy Dolan, rumored to be the first American and next Pope.

He is from Milwaukee, Wisconsin which is nearby Racine, Wisconsin - an epicenter for Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption. Racine links the church with the mafia to cover up all kinds of crimes, including the very worst imaginable. Milwaukee and Racine have histories of pedo crimes, massive corruption, and cover ups.

The church is involved. It links back to Pilgrims Society and related groups. They are all part of Agenda 2030.

sponiatowski ago

He's from St. Louis, but he was Archbishop of Milwaukee from 2002-2007. "In June 2012 it was revealed that Dolan "authorized payments of as much as $20,000 to sexually abusive priests as an incentive for them to agree to dismissal from the priesthood when he was the archbishop of Milwaukee" and that "a document unearthed during bankruptcy proceedings for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee and made public by victims’ advocates reveals that the archdiocese did make such payments to multiple accused priests to encourage them to seek dismissal, thereby allowing the church to remove them from the payroll".

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

That is all correct, and it is still going on. They shift them around to cover up the abuse, and others have also mentioned ties to Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption linked to St. Louis and Omaha, Nebraska. Racine, Wisconsin is a center for this type of abuse linked to Milwaukee and Chicago that is easily controlled and covered up. They are sanctuary cities, and they are more focused on trafficking children that are not documented. They use the harbor and other means of transportation, and underground tunnels. They bring in outsiders who were compromised in other areas as the spokespeople and fake oversight just like Racine recently brought in someone involved in the DHS trafficking scandals in Denver.

This is a epidemic, and Racine, Wisconsin is the cure. We need all eyes on Racine to show everyone how this system works, and how we can begin to knock down the dominoes.

sponiatowski ago

Thanks for this info. I'll be watching this area's news...though I won't be expecting much truth coming out there.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Who else was from Milwaukee? Jeffrey Dahmer - who the Podestas and others admire through art. Why have so many satanic murders happened in Racine, Wisconsin and why has no one ever been caught? Tina Davidson, Racine Jane Doe, Derby Wagner-Richardson, Helen Sebastian, Linda Massie are just a few of the cases. The Slender man case was in Milwaukee also.

There was a reason why Mark Ruffalo was the main character in Spotlight, and there was a reason it won Best Picture. It was not a coincidence. He knows the secrets of Racine, Wisconsin, DC, and Hollywood. Wisconsin is hiding the deepest, darkest secrets in the world. Paul Ryan knows what they are.

Ask what church Paul Ryan went to and how he became so powerful.

sponiatowski ago

Thank you once again, Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt. I didn't know Dolan was from Milwaukee, I always assumed the Northeast, for whatever reason. Please keep me up-to-date. I spent the formative years of my life in Milwaukee. In Catholic Schools for 18 of them, no less!!!

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Another pedo priest from St. Pius was just arrested in the last couple of weeks. It is an epidemic in Racine and Milwaukee, and covered up by the church. In Racine, a lot of corruption is tied to the catholic schools and churches, with links to Sicilians, Dominicans, Franciscans and other mafia ties.

sponiatowski ago

Do you have any information on Thomas More H.S. or St Mary's Academy (now closed)?

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

The Catholic institutions in Racine, Wisconsin are completely corrupt and covering up abuse - look into the Sicilians, Dominicans and Franciscans. They are linked with Milwaukee, and also linked to mafia and secret society groups. The entire area is a cesspool of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption.

carmencita ago

The Vatican is connected, it just needs to be worded in the heading. Hope it is done before deleted.

sponiatowski ago

You can always resubmit with an explanation on why you feel it is important and connected.