UglyTruth ago

"This Order empowers citizens and police to arrest... "

The word "Order" is capitalized, it is a title, not a noun. Citizens belong to the civil order, not to the common law.

The "International Common Law Court of Justice, Brussels" has no effective jurisdiction because Brussels is not a common law country.

ScientiaPotentia ago

Okay, let's pretend for a second that there is going to be some ritual sacrifice. How the hell does this guy know about it, where it is happening and that dozens of children are going to be killed? If he does know then why don't the police? Oh right, the excuse that "they are involved". But how likely is that real? I know lots of police. Not one of them would ever let a child die even if it meant their own life. So that's a pile of crap. Plus, how will Common Law do anything? And why COMMON law as apposed to any other type of law like the law of equity or contract law or maritime law or whatever? I just have so much trouble believing this stuff.

UglyTruth ago

Arnett's court has no effective jurisdiction because Brussels is not a common law country. Common law is the appropriate jurisdiction because it in inherently theistic, although this isn't acknowledged by the "consensus" of lawyers. Typically the police operate according to civil law, not common law, it's not about the morality or honour of the individual cop.

FinalCountDown ago

If you haven't done any research on Noahide Laws you should.... Because this is the end game.... Where it will be illegal to be a Christian and punishment: Beheading... remember the Scripture: Revelation 20:4: And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.

These Noahide laws are the final goal. Their tribe, the Rabbi's who Jesus denounced saying they were of their father the devil, have so much influence in every country, where ever they are they are backed by their bankers and their media, they own it all folks.... Start researching the Noahide laws, you'll see..The day is coming where it will be illegal to be a Christian according to the Noahide Laws Christian's are idolaters, they worship "more" then one God...."idolatry" in the Noahide law is punishable by death by decapitation...

YingYangMom ago

And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.

And I saw countries and their elites, and judgement was given unto them: and I saw the rise of Evil, Satanism and the Occult and the infiltration and destruction of Christianity from within; faith, family structure, morality, ridiculed for the witness of Jesus and for the word of God, and Good, and which had not worshipped the beast and stayed faithful and decent human beings, generous of heart, neither had succumbed to temptation, blasphemy, adultery, nor had held any weapon in their hands, killed, hurt nor abused anything or anyone; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.

Astrodreamer ago

I'm confused. I though the globalists are the nwo are the satanists. I thought the New World Order aspires to a "synchronized, global unified truth".

awarenessadventurer ago

Define Truth? They have.... it is a satanist truth.

ArtificalDuality ago

That's a 'truth' crafted by the fuck filth. I'm talking about a global unified truth, formed and built by the people. Putting histories of cultures together, learning mutually about these and learn what caused conflicts and what not; learn to recognize common good and common evil amongst those all. To truly unify our human legacy in truth knowledge and through this unified truth, be able to uncover the vast and massive lies oppressed onto us by these NWO Satanists.

You see, we all live on this one planet. We all look at the very same stars, into the very same Infinite. The NWO / Satanists doctrinate regions (American, European and yes even on a national level) with custom tailored 'truths' for the purpose of causing conflict, to cover up stuff and what not more. Their MSM produces a "common truth" which is the truth we all should assume and take for a truth because well, it's on their news channels no and everything else is fake, right?

By truly synchronizing our truths across the globe we can uncover their malicious doctrine pushed onto the various regions in the world and expose them for what they are. You as well as the other people on VOAT are doing just that: through research contribute to this global unified truth carried by people everywhere; rather than an artificially synthesized 'truth' pushed up-on us by think-tanks of the likes of Soros and fellow globalists.

A global unified truth carried by The People of this globe is a good thing. Together with realizing it's about good and evil, and not about races or religions, the so called 'artificial dualities'; oppositions created by evil men to keep busy good men and make both sides exploitable by these evil men. That is the anti-dote to the Criminal Babylonian Satanic Global Syndicate.

They're all about control and exploitation, and with that comes force feeding us with propaganda. Not very truthful when exactly the opposite is reported on (as we can observe with the Syria issue for one).

UglyTruth ago

Humanism is part of the problem.

Astrodreamer ago

I think the the NWO aspires to something very similar to your "global unified truth", only they believe that it won't happen by itself, it must be helped along by, for instance, the enforced mixture of Muslims with whites. They also accept that it won't come about without massive, even catastrophic suffering for several generations if not centuries: and they don't care. And it may not work

YingYangMom ago

I wish I could upvoat this comment a zillion times. Beautifully written, I'm saving this one up for inspiration. Thank you generous soul!

ArtificalDuality ago

Thank you for your kind words.. stay strong and trust in the infinite good, it's all worth it.

YingYangMom ago

Sure will, thanks :)

Silverlining ago

According to ITCCS sources, all of the top leaders of the Ninth Circle will officiate at the rituals, which will occur in Catholic churches or facilities in Rome, Montreal, Washington (DC), London, Paris, Brussels, Geneva, Frankfurt and Tara, Ireland.

carmencita ago

This is a must read. Resurrection Sunday April 20th is a day of reckoning for the infiltrated Nazi and Jesuit Vatican Criminati (my word). We will begin a return to the Church that they took over starting in 1929. The Court of Brussels was responsible for the ousting of Ratzinger. They have convicted the Queen of England and Pope Francis.. This is serious business.

ArtificalDuality ago

Thank you, I'll add it to the OP.

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