This was uploaded to Youtube a few months before the Podesta emails hit the tape, I was surprized not to find any previous (undeleted?) post directing researchers to it
it's a very comprehensive account of the extent to which the UK establishment has worked feverishly to silence accusers and evidence of ritual child sex abuse by leading political figures and celebrities in the UK - including the use of anti-terrorism laws to set up secret Courts in which prominent pedophile suspects can have their 'court hearing' totally away from the public AND THE VICTIM
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shewhomustbeobeyed ago
Savile and the 9th Circle: Inttutionalzed Abuse of Children -- Somebody tell me this if Fake -
wikileaks 4895 an interesting email from Luzzatto John Podesta re Mary Podesta -
2nd Possible New Lead? -
Jimmy Savile and the 9th Circle (Mind blowing) -
Alexandra Migoya and Occasions Caterers, a clear cog in the D.C. network that has been somewhat overlooked. -
Jimmy Savile and the 9th Circle -
The 12 Mile Club & the 9th Circle Cult -
Savile and the 9th Circle by Russell Burton -
Impending Child Killings [By 9th Circle] to be Stopped By Common Law -
In Preparation of May 30th 9th Circle takedown -
Another Pizza Place that might warrant a closer look - Pi Pizzeria (One of Obamas Favorite Pizza Places) -
Update on 9th Circle child sacrifice cult arrests -
9th Circle Cult -
Savile & 9th circle and royals -
These are just off the first page of searchvoat. Maybe you should have @vindicator or crunchy teach you how to use the search functions, before you go assuming that the people of v/pizzagate are as stupid as your Qtards.
They are both good teachers, when they want to be.
Vindicator ago
I think @MolochHunter probably just searched for the URL. It looks like a bunch of different YouTube channels uploaded the same video, with different urls and titles. I am glad to see a repost of this topic. I am also glad to see a detailed index of our Saville / 9th Circuit research added to this submission. It makes it much more valuable. So, thanks for that. Your vitriol may discourage Noobs and Q researchers from digging in our archives and discussing what they find here.
argosciv ago
^^ @Crensch
The person who thinks everyone must ping her/others, if talking shit, forgot to ping you while talking shit.
Crensch ago
I think we should go easy on her, it was traumatizing when she figured out that her buddy was asking for squirt videos
shewhomustbeobeyed ago
I've seen you do a few things. But I never in a million years thought you would lie about me.
Thank you for the valuable lesson.
Crensch ago
What did I do besides notice that you seem to side with all the anti mod users?
shewhomustbeobeyed ago
I'm anti big gov, pro voat comments. I have yet to find my side. Seems my side all died in war, at times.
It's okay, I'm starting to take into consideration the fact that you might have actually started listening to fagos. But the lesson stings, none the less.
Crensch ago
I make my own judgments on users. I think you're a piece of shit that supports the worst of this sub, and are more likely to attack those that are innocent than do anything useful with your time.
Argos is wrong sometimes, sometimes absurdly so, but he does often have very good insight.
And from seemingly nowhere you absolutely loathe srayzie despite her never doing anything to you... except getting donkey's attention where you could not.
shewhomustbeobeyed ago
Not once in PG. Maybe elsewhere.
She never answered a question, not once. She bullied people that disagreed with her. I avoided her like the plague once i figured out her games. I had no ability to document or track her destruction, early on. No skills to confront her early in her lies, and everyone that did got shouted down buy her seemingly purchased voting block. No desire as i learned to archive the important things.
I always knew that she was going to self destruct. I was just praying that she wouldn't take PG and the rest of Voat with her. As far as getting donqi's attention goes, he came after me, not the other way around. But you can keep making your story up as you go. I hope @MadWorld get to see it in all its glory.
Crensch ago
Absurd claim.
Prove it.
I destroyed her for coming to me with some horseshit about M_F with ESOTERICshade in tow. You're talking out of your ass here.
Yet you talk like she's the nastiest thing you've ever come across.
You were all over him and supported him. He's a horseshit peddler.
Like the story you told here with a bunch of irrelevant emotional woman horseshit and no supporting evidence to your claims?
You're really quite stupid, and a testament to the validity of men telling women to get the fuck back in the kitchen. Very few women deserve to have their opinions heard, and thanks to your mass of irrelevancy and horseshit here, you've proved you're not one of them.
shewhomustbeobeyed ago
La dee da. Looks like a girl just made you lose your composure, again. So unless you're claiming to be @MadWorld, then yes I hope he does.
If you're saying that he shares your opinions, then I'll wait for him to tell me to piss off, and not rely on you to be his messenger.
If you are MW, then well played.
Crensch ago
You made two baldfaced lies, and a bunch of irrelevant distraction comments to obfuscate them.
Then I mocked you.
Are you capable of recognizing your failures?
Why would I claim that?
I don't care if he does or not. Unlike women (like you,) I'm not a herd animal that requires approval of others before saying something.
Why would I be MW? Another narrative of horseshit to hide your lies and failures behind?
shewhomustbeobeyed ago
Haven't lied yet. Not once. You on the other hand, just grew a nose the size of sarzy's.
Crensch ago
Utter. Fucking. Proved. Lie.
Want to try again, hormone-slit?
shewhomustbeobeyed ago
which part of link is it that you are referring to. Not seeing what it supposed to say.
The fact that sarzy was trying to slide her way into a mod position, and was too afraid of you to pull her shit on you like she did on normal users Doesn't make me a liar. I have not lied about her, once. When that crazy cunt comes after me, I'm going to filet her six ways from sunday. It will be a courtroom slaughter. I will feel sorry for her poor hubby, though.
Crensch ago
Pick an early comment. Find where I "got shouted down buy[sic] her seemingly purchased voting block[sic]."
Then realize ESOTERIC was all over her and he actually has a purchased voting bloc.
She didn't slide her way anywhere. When she BUILT something that you could never build, Kevdude invited her to mod in an attempt to keep her controlled.
Already proven. You said she never answered a question, not once.
You should choose your words more carefully, but then, you're a basic, ungifted woman, so that's really difficult for you, isn't it?
@Vindicator this bitch is really quite stupid. Who gives enough of a fuck about SWMBO to "come after" her?
Is this a legal threat?
Nobody cares about you.
Or are you GG/Zyklon/WebofSlime with one of your court-battle fantasies playing out in your head?
You are irrelevant, "archivist". There's nothing you do or say that was important to anyone but @think-. Ever.
shewhomustbeobeyed ago
More lies to sooth your condemned soul. Pitiful
Crensch ago