PraiseIPU ago

but can they melt steel memes?

1Anon ago


This is why I love Voat.

What other revelatory truths are legitimate, truth-seeking scientists being discouraged and prevented to study and uncover in more detail?

On-time ago


We need a post where we list all the legitimate, known, scientific topics that the cabal doesn't allow legitimate research and study to be done on anymore.

urp ago

The biggest shoahed fact is that not ONE of the top 10,000 patents in history, NOT ONE had a half-black or full-black Inventor as principal inventor.


Every time the leftists lie and come up with a new possible nigger inventor to laud in 5th grades in Black History Month, the pesky internet trolls (us) find prior art, and prior patents decades earlier. Or a photo is located of the old so-called black inventor and it is clearly a malaysian, or a man from India.

Prior to the internet, the two biggest negro lies were "Peanut butter" and "Super Soaker". Both well dis-proven except on (((CNN))).

It's comical how niggers are not listed on the top 10,000 relevant patents in history.

I would even dare say top 100,000, but that's just my guy feeling.

Even entire massive continent of Africa has no local patents with a ACTUAL NIGGER INVENTOR ON PATENT (not a half-arab hybrid, or half-asian hybrid).

Niggers never in 350,000 years since splitting off from human tree, never invented the wheel! NEVER! or domesticated a animal! or a crop! or created a written language! or learned math or astonomy! NOTHING! Blacks never ever invented a single thing in history.

... has this factual paragraph :

"Throughout 6,000 years of recorded history, the Black African Negro has invented nothing. Not a written language, weaved cloth, a calendar, a plow, a road, a bridge, a railway, a ship, a system of measurement, or even the wheel. (Note: This is in reference to the pure-blooded Negro.) He is not known to have ever cultivated a single crop or domesticated a single animal for his own use (although many powerful and docile beasts abounded around him.) His only known means of transporting goods was on the top of his hard burry head. for shelter he never progressed beyond the common mud hut, the construction of which a beaver or muskrat is capable."

Air pressurized toy water gun in 1949, an inventor named Jack Stelzer applied for a patent titled simply "Water gun" that was the forerunner to any other air pressure water gun (US patent number 2,589,977).

THE FIRST super soaker (read claim one of 1949 patent) :

This filing beats that invention of the next invented air pressure water gun by 28 years and the Super Soaker's invention by 33 years. Stelzer's water gun is a true innovation that was nearly lost to time.

The first widely marketed air pressure water gun was Anson Sim's Cosmic Liquidator ! May 30, 1978 #4,214,674 :

Other negro fantasies ?

There is a frequently deplatformed (thought-crime on some archivers!!!), and shoahed, and censored list of over 100 proven WHITE inventions that the liberal media has at various times across history tried to erroneously claim were partial negro inventions, and were not. Some were not by whites, but NONE, absolutely none were by niggers. Its an jaw dropping reference list and JewGle makes the list hard to find.

The US patent office is only freely searchable to mid 1970s, so disproving Democrat lies about a SINGLE EXISTING SERIOUS BLACK INVENTION is always a bit of effort, and the censoring of the 2008 list of is but one tactic Jews and Democrats use to try and pretend a Negro has ever once ever invented anything used in society.

A trick now in 2019 is to try and push lies about inventions NOT in that list link, like the hilarious false claim about the Super Soaker, which is comically easy to disprove with not only patents, but old advertisements for air pump water guns.

Every "Black History Month" in USA (also known as 25% black Quadroon Month, or at best 50% Mulatto Month), USA educators scramble to find black role models, even making up some out of thin air. A few years ago, Bill Cosby and Tiger Woods were always prominently featured in Wal-Mart advertisements, but those two are now Unpersoned.

No black man has ever won an ACTUAL NOBEL PRIZE in chemistry, physics, medicine (biology), just nigger honorariums in PEACE PRIZEs (like obama) or the new Nobel Prize for Rap Music, now that It is possible in Nobel Rules. Even Pulitzer Prize for Literature has started choosing Black rappers as Pulitzer Prize Winners ! :


The Nobel Prize fund was to advance science to help mankind, and its being re-diverted to street niggers to replace white culture with songs about killing white cops and having big black dicks and selling illegal drugs.

But try as they might, the low Black IQ, even in a Mullatto (50% black), or Quadroon (25% black) will ensure the subhuman negroid will never invent anything novel or important to society.

Not even a Quadroon ever achieved a high enough IQ to invent anything notable, or win a Nobel Prize.

One quadroon did learn chess once though, and be calimed a master player, but chess might be a genetic skill, or his 25% negro brain was not too big an impediment in chess.

TL/DR: Its a top secret hidden fact that Niggers never invented a single useful thing in history, not even in africa

1Anon ago

Right on.. there’s likely a goldmine of revelatory truths just waiting to be exposed to the public for the benefit of humanity

urp ago


All of that is true, and WORSE, not just DNA, but RNA from unprotected sex is absorbed and REPLICATED throughout brain and even alters epigenetics of EGG CELLS of female eventually over time.

All that is true but you forgot the big reveal... the PERCENT of a female body altered by fucking a negro male unprotected... the PERCENT of her body altered from black males sperm

Nulligravid (never pregnant) females PROVEN to have male DNA in their bodies in large numbers of cells : sperm DNA up to 20.7 male cells per 100,000 female cells in never-pregnant females from unprotected sex !: refer :

20.7 male cells per 100,000 female cells in never-pregnant females is a staggering

1 out of every 4830 cells in a adult female mudshark is a NIGGER MALE Y DNA CELL, and billions of free floating non-cell RNA strands of unknown effect on females released from broken down negro sperm.

The changes to her brain and her egg cells (epigenetic alterations to histones attached to her egg cells DNA) affect her future children if any.

Question : "Why is this amazing post in v/SoapboxBanhammer, and what is function and purpose of v/SoapboxBanhammer ?"

BrennKommando ago

Question : "Why is this amazing post in v/SoapboxBanhammer, and what is function and purpose of v/SoapboxBanhammer ?"

Tempted to throw you a mod invite just so you can see what Voat really is for yourself. That little " This user is moderating: SoapboxBanhammer [O]" has a certain magic to it where people just can't help showing their true selves when talking to you.

We also shitpost a lot.

athorabel ago

How would this effect a future DNA paternity test on a future child in such a situation. I imagine the answer is probably that the other-male DNA is meaningful, but not over the threshold to alter a determination of paternity? Is this a potential mechanism for situations where there are "inconclusive" results... or false negatives?

urp ago

The invasive sperm RNA and DNA only attaches digital "light switches" on outside of DNA strands, and in theory for EGG CELLS , does NOT INJECT OR ALTER a single gene in the egg cell, for the 8.5 day or less old sperm that gets inside a WELL PROTECTED egg cell, typically in a Fallopian tube, that male DNA is usually alll 100% the real father, plus his owen epigenetic histone bodies on OUTSIDE of his male DNA.

In 2019 : as far as I know, no affordable technology exists on planet to read back or study these light swiches (histone bodies)

gabara ago

I will only say this once and then pretend I didn't say it: We can tell a hawk from a handsaw.

heygeorge ago

This post by gabara is one of the best posts I have ever seen on! And its downvoted. Wierd.

Not strange at all if you spend any time here. The front page is a wasteland just as it is in similar forums. The quality content and truthful communities & denizens are attacked and smeared. @urp

gabara ago

@PuttItOut abandoned us

heygeorge ago

Don’t even get me started on the personal attacks

gabara ago

@PuttItOut is like Jesus if in the last year of his ministry he just spent his last days smoking pot and building boats.

heygeorge ago

Post-ressurection Jesus was so chill.

Heebro ago

Fags probably experience the same thing.

heygeorge ago

This comment doesn’t make any sense and you should be ashamed.