rektumsempra ago


Seriously, as obscure and confusing as it is, the permanent internet is the answer. I'm shocked that has been compromised, but the IPFS can't be because it's distributed (which is even better than decentralized).

Captain_Faggot ago

Oh look, a 2 day old account providing broken links and bitching about censorship with copypasta responses.

All of a sudden I don't give a shit.

x13 ago

ITS NOT A BROKEN LINK you low IQ idiot!*

Its a 100% legal URL that works if you copy and paste it into all known browsers, and is the official link created by

voat has a bug with "SHARE A LINK" and I showed an example link that proves it does not comply with internet rules written in the RFC

Presumably it has a bug with ULS that contain either another colon or contain an embedded subphrase of "http:"

neither is illegal and are valid in URLS

Captain_Faggot ago

I guess a linux program doesn't work on windows because the jews are out to get you too?

If it's different code, sort your fucking life out, nigger.

keksupreme ago

shut the fuck up you stupid jew

ardvarcus ago

The leftists are really showing their hand. Either they think they have so much power they no longer need to even pretend to believe in free speech ... or they are so frightened they are acting out of desperation in an effort to smother right-wing views.

tangoyankee55 ago

My hope is that it is desperation. If not, we are screwed. Freedom of speech will be gone and that will lead to most of our other rights going with it. The party that claims that Trump supporters are the oppressors....I feel like we're living in the damn Twighlight zone.

x13 ago

Perfect! Great merchandise too I noticed on the other pages.

x13 ago


8 fools here idiotically think my voat bug I discovered and griped mildly about in my OP post, regards comments with links in a comment or even links in a "DISCUSS" block.


I am talking about the "SHARE A LINK" button submission bug for sharing a simple link.

SHARE A LINK bug! Now The 8 wrong people are voting down my helpful explaination of the bug just because their 8 workarounds have no effect on the problem except one persons trick to rewrite portion of the internal part of the URL just for voat (eliminating a colon i suspect)

Voat code is broken. Consult RFC Uniform Resource Identifier specification 3986 (for all web browsers) :

As anyone can see in most URLS (with URI portion) Slashes may appear "/" and in fact your revised url trick has several throughout.

Also the letters h and t and p may occur anywhere in any order

And of course Colon ":" is fully permitted in internet standard in a URI portion of a URL

The url I used and showed works in all web browsers and is emitted by that archiving site itself.

The URL standard is quite strict for characters and escaping characters. a Forward slash in a URL is NOT ILLEGAL nor is my URL illegal for having http in it or a colon in that section (so long as it does not START with a colon) :

fragment = ( pchar / "/" / "?" ) pchar = unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" / "@" unreserved = ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~" pct-encoded = "%" HEXDIG HEXDIG sub-delims = "!" / "$" / "&" / "'" / "(" / ")" / "" / "+" / "," / ";" / "="

":" is in pchar, which is in fragment, so : is allowed

TL/DR : Voat is provable broken code for SHARE A LINK is incorrect according to official internet standards

wakkablam ago

7 people think you are a little bitch for ranting on a "best effort, no implied warranty" website about a bug that you think oppresses and marginalizes people like you who like to denounce the utter injustice of websites with undeniable and clear racial biases getting banned by an organization that has been known for a very long time to have an agenda against "race realism" content.

Whew, quite a run-on sentence, just there.

x13 ago

This is the sum total of the so called complain rant of mine :

"(VOAT code is broken and cannot, or will not, allow this censored link on a Voat Post, only as free text) :"

Sheeesh! Thats it! And everytime I try to explain I am talking about the SHARE A LINK submisison bug, i keep getting my main answer downvoated and irrelevant attacks on me by other upvoted that are based on incorrect assumptions about the bug.

I am only trying to get trhough to people here so that this thread does not fill up with 20 people saying "oh you can enter a link in your comment THIS WAY!" No one cares about comments today, as helpful as that is, its not the main bug.

And wordpress was not always anti free speech as you assert. I always thought it was very tolerant of opinions.

x13 ago

Thanks! Awesome!

An archive of an archive before the other archive gets deleted by SJWs for HATE THOUGHT against black inventions not existing!

That's great, maybe make a few more for safety on other unrelated archivers?

Crensch ago

Looks like it's been direct-archived, too. Duno other archivers, but archived offline already.

Inconceivable2 ago

This is the truth about nigger inventions and so-called "rich african heritage"

QXQ ago

I'm surprised Heartiste is still on

Gonna suck when he has his final logout.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

Or you could learn how Voat works and put your link in brackets instead of being a nigger.

x13 ago

My post is a comment post because it could not be a regular post. You are CLAIMING somehow that if I used "<" ">" around it when SUB MITING the link as a POST (not a comment) that it will work.

I doubt that. I will try one day soon, but I SERIOUSLY doubt you are correct and you are confused about what I care about.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

It works just like Plebbit. text

x13 ago


I dont care about COMMENTS! I see you keep thinking I care about the comment bug, iONLY care about the link submission bug. I guarantee that using your helpful advice for comments will do NOTHING TO FIX THE POST BUG.

The bug is that I had to make a comment post and put a link in my comment. I wanted to make a post link, but voat is broken and does not like http: in the middle of a valid URI I guess

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

...then take it out and repost. And make a bug report in /v/voatdev instead of acting like a jackass.

x13 ago


I cannot "repost" because we are not talking about THIS POST you are reading which is acalled a "DISCUSS" post.

I was complaining that I CANNOT submit a legal valid URL for the voat "SHARE A LINK" style post.

I wanted to SHARE A LINK, not "DISCUSS"

How is editing at the top going to do anything other than maybe stop confusing people as to which bug I am discussing. If I edit the top "DISCUSS" block to either clarify or to fix the text , it also looks like a "sneak edit" and further enrages the 8 people here who are mistaken.

8 people think i am complaining about "DISCUSS" post, and I am bitching about how i was forced to use "DISCUSS" because no one here, not even me, will be able to work around the voat bug in "SHARE A LINK" without a clever url rewrite trick removing a colon presumably.

sir_andy_of_bad ago

You're annoying as fuck. Probably some pajeet who thinks they can code, when it is beyond evident that you've got absolutely no clue. Fucking obnoxious.

x13 ago

You cannot read, nore can 8 other incoreect people here, just becasue there are two PROVABLE link parsing bugs in voat (one for comments, one for SUBMIT A LINK) you think I am talking about the other bug which has workarounds. I am talking about the bug that HAS NO WORKAROUND. (other than removing parts of the link and using a trick to remove the second internal colon).

SUBMIT A LINK will NEVER EVER let you submit this link currently :

[ ] ( )

SPUD21 ago

First they came for edgy content like The Daily Stormer, and most people said, “good, fuck those nazis.”

Then as they worked their way down the list through AmRen and Infowars, the sane among realized the pattern.

Now they’re actively deplatforming any and every no-name from the furthest reaches of the corporate internet.

It’s a question of when—not if—Voat’s host and Registrar shut this site down for permitting people to speak freely.

x13 ago

It seems my post (I am OP) regarding Black Invention facts (spoiler :there are no black inventions), is Triggering the Leftists on voat !

Look at all the goddamned downvotes already so far, 8.5% censorship! 5down/59upvotes

Society does NOT like proof of a lack of black inventions !!!

Captain_Faggot ago

It's your shitty over the top attitute that's pullung downvotes you fucking kike wannabe

x13 ago

Wrong, the 10 downvotes (10%) is typical of a post on voat that uses the ((( ))) echoes at all, as I did above. I knew it would have an effect, and though I had no proof of jews being even related to wordpress removing facts on black inventors (the lack), I used ((( ))) anyway as a shitlord, and like ALWAYS, that does trigger the large portion of jews on voat.

Captain_Faggot ago

Not your use of brackets. You type like you're a skaty cunt on steroids.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

That’s not why you are getting downvotes.

x13 ago

Actually, it is really because I (the OP) used this in my submission :


Historically on voat, any use of ellipses ((( ))) in the form of echoes gets over twice as many ratio of downvotes as normal.

I am serious, and I casually studied it.

Its a thing. It triggers the relatively high number of jewish voaters here, enough to garner a downvoate for using the ((( ))) echoes.

I always think its just funny, and I have no knowledge at all if (((they))) are behind the deletion of that wordpress site pointing out lack of any black inventions.

sir_andy_of_bad ago

You're getting downvoats because your autistic mind cannot fathom how fucking annoying you come across. In fact I downvoated every single post you made. You're annoying. Stop being annoying, stop receiving downvoats.

Armpit_and_Ass ago

But you faggots all still upvote @some_guy_in_ri all over the fucking site every time he posts one of his shitty wordpress or blogspot images.

GoBackToReddit ago

The WP and BS sites run wild around here.

GoBackToReddit ago

VOAT code is broken and cannot, or will not, allow this censored link

Soon to be corrected (hopefully on the next Voat update). I run into this all the time with links.

x13 ago

I was not bitching about voat failing for comments, but I guess its a good practice for comments. (RFC 3986 claims my url/uri is valid)

GoBackToReddit ago

The coming update should correct for both posts and comments.

x13 ago


Voat code is broken for "SHARE A LINK" (I am n ot talking about button I was forced to use entitled "DISCUSS"/

Consult RFC Uniform Resource Identifier specification 3986 (for all web browsers) :

As anyone can see in most URLS (with URI portion) Slashes may appear "/" and in fact your revised url trick has several throughout.

Also the letters h and t and p may occur anywhere in any order

And of course Colon ":" is fully permitted in internet standard in a URI portion of a URL

The url I used and showed works in all web browsers and is emitted by that archiving site itself.

The URL standard is quite strict for characters and escaping characters. a Forward slash in a URL is NOT ILLEGAL nor is my URL illegal for having http in it or a colon in that section (so long as it does not START with a colon) :

fragment = ( pchar / "/" / "?" ) pchar = unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" / "@" unreserved = ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~" pct-encoded = "%" HEXDIG HEXDIG sub-delims = "!" / "$" / "&" / "'" / "(" / ")" / "" / "+" / "," / ";" / "="

":" is in pchar, which is in fragment, so : is allowed

In current defective voat code for the button "SHARE A LINK" no amount of text adornment around the link, short of removing the additional LEGAL colon placed in the link by archive sites themselves, will allow the link to be submitted azt all to voat.

TL/DR : Voat is provable broken code, and @sniper98g is incorrect according to official internet standards

Moodog ago

I used to post an early version of this I'd found, every February, on Facebook.

Ahhh memories.

x13 ago


Voat code is broken. Consult RFC Uniform Resource Identifier specification 3986 (for all web browsers) :

As anyone can see in most URLS (with URI portion) Slashes may appear "/" and in fact your revised url trick has several throughout.

Also the letters h and t and p may occur anywhere in any order

And of course Colon ":" is fully permitted in internet standard in a URI portion of a URL

The url I used and showed works in all web browsers and is emitted by that archiving site itself.

The URL standard is quite strict for characters and escaping characters. a Forward slash in a URL is NOT ILLEGAL nor is my URL illegal for having http in it or a colon in that section (so long as it does not START with a colon) :

fragment = ( pchar / "/" / "?" ) pchar = unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" / "@" unreserved = ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~" pct-encoded = "%" HEXDIG HEXDIG sub-delims = "!" / "$" / "&" / "'" / "(" / ")" / "" / "+" / "," / ";" / "="

":" is in pchar, which is in fragment, so : is allowed

TL/DR : Voat is provable broken code, and @sniper98g is incorrect according to official internet standards

x13 ago


So now I (the OP) get DOWNVOTED into censorship here for taking time to explain HOW there is a REAL BUG in "post submission" on voat (not comments, everyone here keeps thinking I WANTED to post a comment, I wanted to post a link, there is not workaround except not using a link with certain characters in it that are provably valid)

sir_andy_of_bad ago

But it's not a bug. You clearly have no idea on the nonsense you keep spouting.

x13 ago


You did not get to see the following initial comment explaining the bug because it got censored by people to -5 for being factual and helpful for some reason. So here it is. AGAIN. Find fault with my description of the bug. You cannot. You just try to redefine the word "bug" it seems.

Voat code is broken for "SHARE A LINK"

(I am not talking about button I was forced to use entitled "DISCUSS" I am talking about bug in "SHARE A LINK".)

9 people in this thread keep thinking because of OTHER voat bugs in link detection, that I am talking about formatting a comment, I am only mentioning that I AM CORRECT that a bug exists in "SUBMIT A LINK" and yet I got voted down to -5 for the following FACTUAL information to prove it :

Consult RFC Uniform Resource Identifier specification 3986 (for all web browsers) :

As anyone can see in most URLS (with URI portion) Slashes may appear "/" and in fact your revised url trick has several throughout.

Also the letters h and t and p may occur anywhere in any order

And of course Colon ":" is fully permitted in internet standard in a URI portion of a URL

The url I used and showed works in all web browsers and is emitted by that archiving site itself.

The URL standard is quite strict for characters and escaping characters. a Forward slash in a URL is NOT ILLEGAL nor is my URL illegal for having http in it or a colon in that section (so long as it does not START with a colon) :

fragment = ( pchar / "/" / "?" )
pchar = unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" / "@"
unreserved = ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~"
pct-encoded = "%" HEXDIG HEXDIG
sub-delims = "!" / "$" / "&" / "'" / "(" / ")"
/ "" / "+" / "," / ";" / "="

":" is in pchar, which is in fragment, so : is allowed

In current defective voat code for the button "SHARE A LINK" no amount of text adornment around the link, short of removing the additional LEGAL colon placed in the link by archive sites themselves, will allow the link to be submitted at all to voat.

TL/DR : Voat is provable broken code, and @sniper98g is incorrect according to official internet standards

scandalous-goat ago

It's just a flaw in the markdown parser and html formatter. You can, instead of being an alarmist faggot, properly format a link in markdown, by using the actual syntax for it: it's works as expected.


x13 ago



Thats a great tip but my entire OP post was whining about NOT BEING ALLOWED TO SHARE A LINK, putting < > around it would not help at all during submission, I bet.

I bet you are WRONG

scandalous-goat ago

Don't be retarded, learn what you are talking about first. This is the original specification for markdown:

Voat, just like plebbit, uses markdown for its formatting syntax, both for submission bodies and comment bodies. Automatic URL formatting is not part of markdown and may break for some URL. In those case, you have to use the proper syntax. It's not that hard, unless you have a strong sub-saharan heritage.

x13 ago


We are talking about "SHARE A LINK" voat bug. And you are so clueless you are talking about everything EXCEPT share a link.

Why? Because you keewp thinking I wanted to post a comment as a post. I wanted to post a LINK SUBMISSION only. and THAT was not going to work I bet no matter what I did because voat has a bug.

VOAT HAS A BUG! get over it. 8 people here think I am talking about the link in my COMMENT SUBMISSION BODY..... there would ideally be no goddamned comment submission body becasue.... I DID NOT DESIRE TO EVEN SUBMIT AS A COMMENT!!!* I just wanted to submit a link.

and not just any link

A legally valid link. legal according the the internet RFC rules for a URL/URI

But there is a provable bug

YOU ARE OBVIOUSLY UNSKILLED AT READING ENGLISH! YOu are reading things I never claimed ever and commenting on shit thats not part of what I am ever talking about.

You are the 8th person here repeating the same helpful BUT IRRELEVANT crap.


Go ahead and try to submit this link as a post a "SHARE A LINK" post! You cant without tampering with its structure internally.

obvious-throwaway- ago

It's probably nothing more than an overactive sanitation function. We travelled to space with slide rules 60 years ago and now people can't figure out if their babies are boys or girls. Coding, specially for the web, is far, far to complicated. Didn't Kikebook just have 50 million accounts hacked? Microsoft has more holes than a shooting range. We need to quit wasting the countries money on investigating Muh Russia and old hags who fantasize about a boy touching them 100 years ago and fix all this broken shit.

We should just start over and write a new operating system, new web server software, new browsers and new ways of coding web pages. It's not like it's impossible, Adobe Flash was a simple to use program that allowed a person to do some pretty amazing stuff with an extremely small learning curve. It was a flawed program in many ways, but they had the right idea. We just need to come up with a system like that where a person doesn't need an advanced degree and has to worry about patching a thousand different random scripts and programs every week just to make sure someone doesn't hack their database.

x13 ago

Well technically, for header parsing and JSON and html5.... I think I heard that though browers all do honor current URLs and URIs, that one day they might add a new reserved character.

This cahracter in html to not allow is the colon ":" because it confuses a lot of things written poorly , and is already overloaded for password and user "timmy:secret" on ancient insecure urls.

So my current theory is that voats c# code is using a package from someone who is an anal retentive autist screecher somewhere that made it fail if any colons ANYWHERE in a URI part of a URL have a colon.

Its just a theory. A theory that the bug is a flaw for spite. The illogic is that the genie cannot be put back in the bottle. 29 years of internet URLS are not going to all go away just because someone WANTS colons to not be part of the URL specification and they ARE for URLs, just not html5 browser urls, though it breaks no known browsers.

Maybe instead of failing, voat could just count for extra colons and say as an error "Sorry, though your URL might be invalid, Voat currently only accepts URLs with no internal colons in them"

Or some similar error message. I did learn though that if it is a banned domain, that it has a message for that. I also learned today that that archive site accepts urls without the internal "http:" subphrase in the URI.

A third thing I learned today is that 8 people assumed I was talking about a related but different bug.

scandalous-goat ago

A third thing I learned today is that 8 people assumed I was talking about a related but different bug.

Maybe if you tried to express yourself properly you wouldn't have this problem. There's no conspiracy, there's a logic error. Code isn't broken, it's an error, it's fixable. Only twice in all your rambling you mentioned submitting a link. The first mention was easy to miss since there's the markdown error next to it but also, it's surrounded by tinfoil bullshit, which some people will skip because it's bullshit. The second mention is much more clearer, indeed.

Submit a bug report on /v/voatdev

GoBackToReddit ago

Voat is provable broken code

The "code" isn't "broken", the filter is strict at the moment.

x13 ago

Strict in what way? The domain? Anything else is broken if it does not follow

GoBackToReddit ago

The domain is fine or you would have gotten a globally banned error. The filter just rejects shit it does not like in the string. That's due to be "relaxed" to accommodate URLs like uses (the colon). I don't have anything more specific to offer than that. If I recall right, searchvoat ran into some other URL issues as well but I don't know the details on the issue or if a solution is required/coming for them.

GoBackToReddit ago

Humm, didn't realize it would function like that (though I can't see why it wouldn't anyways). Probably would work for a post.. I may be using it. Good info, thanks.

gazillions ago

Like Rembrant's mom telling him he wasn't really all that good because her younger son Ralphie was drawing stick figures and he might get jealous. She teaches Ralphie to brag about his stick figures and to keep drawing them. Only they are not anyone's mother and Ralphie grew up to be dismal failure and no one wanted anything to do with either him or his stupid stick figures.

x13 ago

Blacks are 13% of the US population (steady for 70 years) and higher in ancient times of USA, yet Black names are not on useful USA patents 13% .... blacks are statistically almost 0%.


Its as if the few mullattos (half blacks) co-listed on a few minor revision patents truly are STICK FIGUREs compared the the brilliant inventions that precede them by whites.

HighEnergyLife ago

If anyone is hosting wrongthink, be responsible enough to host it yourself.

  1. Get your own server and install a local WordPress instance. AFAIK, they cannot cannot pull your content this way. But your server provider could.

  2. Run a physical server yourself. Run it locally at your house if you have to.

wrathfulmomes ago

Then your entire internet connection is shut off for ToS violation. This can be a lifetime ban. Some people do not have a choice of other providers.

KikesDidJFK ago

install a local WordPress instance

Wordpress is a CMS for the mentally deficient. If you know enough to set up a server, you absolutely do not need Turdpress.

HighEnergyLife ago

Please make suggestions. I'll still make the case that a local instance of WordPress is very functional, highly scalable, and well documented.

KikesDidJFK ago

Please make suggestions

Set up just a webserver and author your pages with some Markdown tool or static site generator.

I'll still make the case that a local instance of WordPress is very functional, highly scalable, and well documented

And 100% pointless. The entire point of a CMS is to allow non-technical users to edit content. If you're technical, why on earth would you run a database server and a pile of PHP garbage just to ultimately produce a bit of HTML?

HighEnergyLife ago

Lol I do concede there's a lot of shit to setup before you can even install wordpress

weezkitty ago

Run a physical server yourself. Run it locally at your house if you have to.

Your ISP could still take you down

HighEnergyLife ago

This is true. Although I don't know of any instance yet

Elbower_of_Quants ago

ISP's are the next frontier. It happens all the time in Iran/Venezuala.

sherrybean ago

Port forwarding from the router for port 80. Simple LAMP set-up. May want to buy a domain name. "It Works!"

KikesDidJFK ago

Why the fuck do you need a full blown database server and CMS to host a bit of HTML? Anyone who knows how to set all that up should also know that its massively over-engineered for a simple, non-dynamic website.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Fixed that link

I, and many others, have access to local fiber not connected to any globalist cabal. I can get 1000/1000Mbps fiber with a static IP and I'm allowed to host servers, all for about $100/month. We need to keep as much of the (((big companies))) out of the mix as possible. We should start IP based webrings and not just avoid hosts but avoid domain registrars and the entire domain name system. Those of us with good connections could use software to scrape websites of others (with permission of course) and share them with the world.

HighEnergyLife ago

I've been interested in decentralized DNS, or private DNS servers. Do you have any thoughts/suggestions to get people using it?

AnonToNonAnon ago

There's always Freenet/TOR/raw IP addressing in case ICANN feels like they want to play God too. The internet is fundamentally engineered to avoid censorship.

VognerDuke76 ago

I am now attempting to red pill confused users on the WordPress forum.