auralsects ago

Jesus was not a priest he was a literal fuckin rabbi, lmfao at you people

ALL you Christcuck boomers are just variations of @Vindicator tier shilling and worthlessness.

No one disputes that v/GreatAwakening is exclusively full of boomers, Christians, and women. Thus it is a laughingstock by its very composition. You will never escape that fact Vindickeater.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Jesus was not a priest he was a literal fuckin rabbi

Yeah, and not the Talmudic kind, either. Even non-Christians can tell that RCC don't preach Christianity.

Busty_Neckbeard ago

Sounfd like a very important opinion. I suggest you take vacation from work to think over that comment. 14 hrs a day for 3 weeks. Possibly longer

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

All of @Vindicator's opinions are important, didn't you know this? Not sure what need to be thought over, though.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Hey @Vindicator, the Jesuit Pope and all his bishops and priests are either pedophiles or protectors.

22728311? ago

At least everyone knows who @Vindicator works for now.

heygeorge ago

I am beginning to think @Vindicator may not like you very much.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Not true, he doesn't hate me. Just ask him, he'll tell you himself. =)

heygeorge ago

Well he must love you as one of God’s creations. Even if he doesn’t like you very much. And even if you are going to hell.

Are you a fed or a cop or something? You have to tell me if you are. I know the law.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Shit, i forgot the right answer. I'm well fed and i don't like Gestapo. Is that the right one?

a. I have a right to remain silent

b. i have a right to speak to an attorney

c. an attourney will be appointed to me, if i can't afford one.

d. i'm not gonna tell you a fuckin' thing.

kingoftheneckbeards ago

cop confirmed?

heygeorge ago

well fed


shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I'm sooo ashamed :(

heygeorge ago

At least you’re not in hell!


heygeorge ago

Hey, I just saw a headline that you’re a Jew! Congrats! I don’t think you were supposed to be messing around with that slot machine on sabbaths

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I been messing around with that machine for 2 days. I got all sabbaths covered. Who said i'm a jew?

heygeorge ago

Cuntsch of course, and seemingly vindy?

So does the machine operate or are you still dealing with the alleged coin jam?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I blocked crunchy, once i figured out that srayzie bought his account. and @vindicator has finally become so very irrelevant. (promised i'd ping him when i talk shit)

The replacement battery has to be located first, it isn't in the workshop. So now there will be a family trip to the 'warehouse', for a game of needle in the haystack. Hubby is packrat, evidently that gene is passed through the paternal lines in our fam. If battery wont work then they will order one. Oh, and main water line leaking in new spot now. It's been an interesting day. I'm pooped.