letsdothis2 ago

666 5th Avenue building was built on the site of the William K. Vanderbilt House. See https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2687605/13650715

Zzzmmm333 ago

Ok so turns out the house in Archer that is said to of been the Biltmore Estate is actually Cornelius Vanderbilt 2 house that was on the corner of 5th and 55th New York, it's been demolished now and has a Presbyterian Church on it. The mansion in Archer is almost identical to the real mansion.

Archer- https://imgur.com/a/DQuh7GK

Real house- https://imgur.com/a/lD5kNkA

What does this mean? I don't know but I do know that they have used the Biltmore pool in the Archer series. Maybe there's more to Archer? I might go and watch the episodes as it is said to be in a few of them- http://archer.wikia.com/wiki/Tunt_Manor

There's something about this place/family that we haven't yet discovered..

@think- @letsdothis2 @exposethecriminals @carmencita @Blacksmith2

exposethecriminals ago

One reference states that Cornelius Vanderbilt, the original Vanderbilt who made it rich, made his large sums from blackmail (Minnigerode, Meade. Certain Rich Men. New York: G.P. Putnam’s Son, 1927, pp 112-113.)

Source: Bloodlines of the Illuminati by Springmeier

Cornelius Vanderbilt I b. 1794 d.1877

Photography considered invented in 1839

Maybe that's how the Vanderbilts make their money still, through running sick "amusement" parks(s) as you theorized in your excellent comment, linked below, for which they could charge millions followed by lucrative blackmail of the park attendees and/or their relatives.


@letsdothis2 @piscina

Zzzmmm333 ago

Well what do they do now? From being a big talked about family back in the day and STILL owning the largest private residence in the US I'd never heard of them until the other day.. Now all I've done is try and find the connection here. What if at night this estate is transformed into some sick sort of "wonderland"?? And that would be perfect, use it to bribe and blackmail people with, plus it's already riddled with cameras so no need to worry about setting that part up. You can choose to use "the garden" "the forrest" pick a room, Farrrk this is sounding more and more likely the more I think about it. Follow the white rabbit down the hole and you're on a train to Wonderland.. also Alice Vanderbilt rented a mansion called "Lands End"...

@letsdothis2 @Piscina @carmencita

carmencita ago

Ugh. Land's End. That certainly is a perfect scene for debauchery and magick. The love SRA too. Masks, baphomets, furry animal heads which can lead to furry parties. Malice in Wonderland is more like it.

carmencita ago

I agree with you. There seems to be something more than meets the eye.

letsdothis2 ago

I'm not sure what all this means - yet, but...

As they say in the real estate world - location is everything:

Cornelius Vanderbilt 2 house that was on the corner of 5th and 55th New York, it's been demolished now and has a Presbyterian Church on it

That is the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fifth_Avenue_Presbyterian_Church

The church, which was founded in 1808[5] as the Cedar Street Presbyterian Church,[2] has been located at this site since 1875.

The church’s historic sanctuary was the site of the 1910 wedding of Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., an event attended by his father, the former President, and 500 of his former Rough Riders;[8] the 1965 recording of A Concert of Sacred Music by Duke Ellington and his orchestra, broadcast nationally by CBS television in 1966;[9] and dance legend Frankie Manning's "rollicking three-hour memorial service" in 2009.

Although the original premise is no longer standing, the present Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church considers itself the spiritual daughter-church of Cedar Street Presbyterian. Cedar Street Presbyterian was the site of the teenage James Brainerd Taylor (1801–1829), a Connecticut-born Princeton University and Yale Divinity School-educated Second Great Awakening evangelist who made a public profession of faith on September 15, 1816.

The Rev. Dr. John Bonnell served as senior pastor from 1935 to 1962.[15] Bonnell was a nationally recognized author and religious broadcaster on the ABC radio network as host of the series "National Vespers," which reached 3 million listeners weekly from 1936 until 1961.[16] In 1956, he introduced Dial-a-Prayer, which continued as a ministry of the church for half a century. Bonnell played a leading role in the movement to strengthen ties between Protestants and Roman Catholics and was presented with a silver medal for ecumenical services by Pope Paul VI in 1966. He also served as co-chair of the National Conference of Christians and Jews.

Connections with Billy Graham http://www.a-voice.org/discern/graham.htm

Billy Graham's first great city-wide evangelistic campaign was held in Los Angeles in 1949. At that time he made a public promise that he would never have any theological modernists (theological liberals) on his platform. Dr. Graham's first evangelistic campaign in England was held in the summer of 1954. On that tour he was accompanied by Dr. John Sutherland Bonnell, the pastor of the First Presbyterian Church in New York City. Dr. Bonnell was also the president of the Ministerial Association of New York City, which was dominated by modernist ministers and churches. On Dr. Graham's British tour Bonnell was working to persuade him to hold a campaign in New York in 1956 under the auspices of the liberal Ministerial Association. During that time a group of Bible-believing pastors and laymen sent Dr. Graham in England a telegram asking him to hold an evangelistic series in New York City sponsored by "a committee of twice-born men."

On his return to the States Dr. Graham announced that he would come to New York in 1956 sponsored by the Ministerial Association of New York City. The committee of Bible-believing men sent a delegation to Dr. Graham begging him not to confuse the line between the gospel of grace and the false gospel of the modernist churches represented in the Ministerial Association.

The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association was the primary force for the founding of the Lausanne World Evangelism Conferences back in the 1980s. Especially in recent years these conferences have called on all churches, including the modernist ecumenical churches of the World Council of Churches and the Roman Catholic Church to cooperate with the evangelical churches in evangelizing the world for Christ.

More recently, in the spring of 1994, a group of both evangelical and Roman Catholic leaders signed a document called "Evangelicals and Catholics Together" (ECT). This document asserts that there is one Church (including both Protestant and Roman churches), that, therefore, they must work together in evangelizing the world for Christ, and agree that there will be no sheep-stealing, that is, proselytizing of members of one church to depart and join another church. ECT dismayed multitudes of Christians and elicited vigorous criticism from many Christian circles.

Billy Graham and Vanderbilt connection: https://news.vanderbilt.edu/2011/06/02/looking-back/

When Vanderbilt’s Dudley Field opened in 1922, it was the first stadium in the South built exclusively for college football. But the venue has hosted more than athletics events over the years. Such was the case when the Rev. Billy Graham brought his popular evangelical crusade to Nashville for the first time. On Sept. 19, 1954, the last night of the crusade, an estimated 65,000 people filled the stadium (pictured, in this photo taken from the roof of Memorial Gym). Graham would conduct two more crusades in Nashville over the course of his career: in 1979, again at Vanderbilt; and in 2000 at what is now LP Field.

[Harnessing people's energy?]

Related voat posts on Billy Graham:

Billy Graham - Pedophile, Illuminati, Luciferian and Monarch Slave Programmer

An Interesting Find: Billy Graham Center, Dennis Hastert Institute and Luciferian "Theosophical Society in America" all within a mile of each other in Illinois town

Billy Graham Dies at 99 years old

Then there's this:

Professor Boz Tchividjian with grandfather Reverend Billy Graham.

Basyle ‘Boz’ Tchividjian - GRACE (Goodly response to abuse in the Christian environment) http://www.netgrace.org/board-of-directors/

Boz Tchividjian founded GRACE in 2003. He is a former assistant state attorney, who served as chief prosecutor in the Sexual Crimes Division, where he gained experience in cases involving sexual abuse, and later served as the attorney for the Child Advocacy Center in Daytona Beach, Florida. Boz has also spoken extensively on the subject of child abuse at various events including the conferences sponsored by the American Association of Christian Counselors and the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of America (PCA).



Zzzmmm333 ago

Very interesting indeed.. There has to be a reson why this is all being brought up.. I also found while researching the family- Alice Vanderbilt- Alice in wonderland? Can't find anything yet to make that connection but on her wiki page it says this with, uh hum, some familiar "charities"

From her wiki-

Alice donated to various charitable causes. Throughout her life she was a large supporter of the YMCA, Salvation Army, Red Cross, Trinity Church and St. Bartholomew's Church. She and her husband donated Vanderbilt Hall to Yale College in memory of their eldest son, Bill, a student there when he died in 1892. She gave the front gates to her former mansion on Fifth Avenue to be placed in Central Park. Mrs. Vanderbilt also donated a facility to Newport Hospital in 1903 in memory of her husband, Cornelius.

letsdothis2 ago

So Alice attended a 1883 masquerade ball in a famous gown "the Electric Light dress" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electric_Light_dress

The Electric Light dress was a masquerade gown made of gold and silver thread designed by Charles Frederick Worth for Alice Vanderbilt for the 1883 masquerade ball thrown by her sister-in-law on the occasion of her housewarming for the new William K. Vanderbilt House on Fifth Avenue, NY.

William K. Vanderbilt House - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_K._Vanderbilt_House

The mansion was built for William Kissam Vanderbilt, second son of William H. Vanderbilt and Maria Louisa Kissam from 1878 to 1882.[4] Determined to make her mark in New York society, Vanderbilt's wife Alva worked with the architect, Richard Morris Hunt, to create the French Renaissance-style chateau.

It was sold to real-estate developer Benjamin Winter, Sr. in 1926, demolished,[5] and replaced by a commercial building. In a draft of her memoirs, Alva, then Mrs. Belmont, merely noted the demolition in passing. The site is currently occupied by an office building known as 666 Fifth Avenue.

66 Fifth Avenue, as we all know, is now owned by Trump's son-in-law.

Zzzmmm333 ago

So.. My new theory on this connection coming up and Q posting about it is.. That this Estate is still being used when it is not open to the public, I feel they use it as some sort of sick "amusement" park where people pay top dollar to come and spend an evening there fulfilling their sick fantasies. It would be perfect if you are a sicko. Going back in time to your own "movie" set and then carrying out their sick acts. The Vanderbilt family built grand central so it would only make sense that they had their own secret railway built under this estate, the perfect way to bring in their guests for the night without being seen and no-one would suspect a thing as the place is "closed" through the night. I mean, why would they decide to move out of a place like this and open it to the public if they carried out their "hunting" parties and other sick shit here. This place would hold too many memories for the family to just let it go, so instead they "move out" and open it to the public, taking away prying eye's that might be trying to do stories on the family. So they now use their underground access to bring in their guests that have paid millions for a night at the estate. Makes sense to me..

@carmencita @letsdothis2 @exposethecriminals @Piscina @Pizzalawyer

Piscina ago

This is what someone purportedly said about a ritual in Asheville (same town as Biltmore):

"We skinned that baby alive to the scream of 'hail, Satan!' We then draped it's intestines around the candlesticks of our altar. I cut the baby up into pieces, and each person ate some. Later, I took the skull and remains home. I forced the remains down the garbage disposal to conceal evidence from the police, and then burned a candle to Satan on the baby's skull.And when the mother, my girlfriend, felt bad about giving up her baby for sacrifice and went tot he police, we decided to make an example out of her as a warning to the rest of the coven:

"We took her up the side of one mountain overlooking Asheville...we laid her on that altar, and the sacrificial dagger was placed in my hands. I took that dagger and cut her open from neck to groin, and she was sacrificed. To this day her parents don't know what happened to her."

The jewel of Asheville, NC, is the famed "Biltmore Estate, " former home of the the great Illuminati Satanist millionaire, George Vandebilt! In his Illuminati mansion, one large room contains a coven's table, with 13 seats on either side. On the door is a plaque with the words, "Assemblage of the Gods."

From: educate-yourself.org/ps/satanismamericatoday14jul01.shtml

Zzzmmm333 ago

Ehh, that was awesome to read first thing in the morning (spew) WTF... And sadly that sounds exactly like what happens. Remember Jimmy Commets friends were having kids? Or a lot of his friends had new borns and young kids.. Bet those sick fucks do the same!

Piscina ago

The mansions of the rich and powerful are found on Town Mountain road, and also in the Biltmore Forest Area. Many of these mansions have been home to human sacrifices. … This “power people coven” consisted of many of the wealthy and influential, including doctors and brain surgeons, judges, many lawyers, DA’s, mayors, and other various prominent people throughout that city

That is from this website: https://satanicnwo.wordpress.com/2013/07/26/satanism-in-asheville-nc/

Yes, Vanderbilt's Biltmore is in Asheville, North Carolina. Asheville is the satanic mecca of the east coast. Also in Asheville is Seely's Castle (Overlook Mansion) rumored to have satanic rituals held there: http://www.cultofweird.com/americana/seely-overlook-castle-asheville/

Even DHHS services in Asheville are infiltrated with satanists. They use their positions in the Department of Health and Human Services to seize children from poorer homes in that county. The pretence they use is that “the home is too poor” to take adequate care of the children. What frequently happens then to those seized children??? … Barack Hussein Obama … visit(s) the 12 Bones barbecue each time they come to town, which is more often than is publicized.

Also in Asheville is the satanic coven: https://ashvillesatanicoven.weebly.com/

carmencita ago

I agree. It sounds plausible and also makes sense to me. The Royals in many countries attend similar hunting parties so why not Biltmore. Just imagine if that ever got out. What in the world would Cooper and Gloria do? Definitely flight risks.

Piscina ago

Vanderbilt University recognises wicca as a religion. In this article Vanderbilt professor talks about Hillary, her tactics learned from Alinsky, and his allegiance to Satan. https://pjmedia.com/faith/2016/10/15/vanderbilt-professor-hillary-clinton-is-proof-satanism-is-on-the-rise/

Vindicator ago

There is a similar though not identical basement pool in the 5th season of American Horror Story: Hotel in which vampire kids are kept as blood sources for Lady Gaga. It was written/produced in 2014.

Zzzmmm333 ago

Hmm.. So here we have another very similar pool, used to keep kids in whose blood they drink. Just another "coincidence"

letsdothis2 ago

And made by the same company as Archer - FX.

think- ago


letsdothis2 ago

Further to this comment - https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2687605/13628866/10#13628866:

DC's Cafritz family foundation appears to have been major funder of BOTH Alefantis' Gallery and NXIVM

Nexium vs NXIVM : https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/171017325/

The Vanguard Group >>> NXIVM https://www.sixdegreesofwikipedia.com/?source=The%20Vanguard%20Group&target=NXIVM

Astrazeneca >> The Vanguard Group >> DuPont >> Edgar Bronfman >> NXIVM >> Esomprazole >> Astrazeneca

Astrazeneca and the McCanns : https://www.voat.co/v/pizzagate/2517949

One of seven directors of the Find Madeleine Fund, Gerry McCann's brother has taken indefinite leave of absence from his job as a medical rep for the pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca in order to administrate the £1m fund from his Glasgow sitting room.

..Sherman tie in https://www.voat.co/v/pizzagate/2517949/12592884

And, the Missing People charity dovetails with the McCann case : https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2440525

On Wednesday 13 November, celebrity supporters of the charity Missing People including footballer Tony Adams, Gaby Roslin, Richard Herring and BAFTA-award winning actress Monica Dolan will join Ambassador Kate McCann at the V&A in London for a gala dinner marking the charity’s 20th anniversary.

Gaby Roslin and Richard Herring will host the dinner and fundraising auction featuring contemporary art from this year’s Strata Art Fair, drinks with international bestselling authors Nicci Gerrard and Sean French and the opportunity to bid for a week on Richard Branson’s Necker Island.

letsdothis2 ago


Rosman is a town in Transylvania County, North Carolina, United States. The population was 576 at the 2010 census. The northern terminus of U.S. Route 178 is less than one mile northwest of Rosman on U.S. Route 64.

The Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute is located about 6 miles north of Rosman, near Balsam Grove, North Carolina.

Rosman is home to The Wilds Christian Camp and Conference Center as well as Ridge Haven.

The Wilds Christian Association - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wilds_Christian_Association

Pizzagate + Missing 411 = Large Scale Tunnel Network

I suspect pizzagate can be connected to Missing 411 and investigated in the following context: 1) Its a culture of people that want to normalize the 12 perversions. 2) They hide in the shadows and traffic in co-oped systems of tunnels and basements that stretch around the world. 3) Major Conflicts are connected to this. Many for example don't realize that ISIS took over the Sadaams tunnel network. They have been using it for sex trafficking of children. 4) In the West, National Forrests are a prime place to abuct. Comet and Buck's Fishing and Camping uniquely have a forrest strip behind their buildings. That area is a wash with a aquaduct built underneith. This is very simliar to where kids are found in Missing 411 reports.

A while back there were a few discussions on children vanishing in national parks, I just compared the map of vanishings to the 2016 election one, anyone notice anything? - https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1784894/8745999

Zzzmmm333 ago

Haha funny thats my other Acc goodguy1367! Forgot the password. I also just saw that the Vanderbilt's built grand central station?? So they'd have no trouble at all creating and underground tunnel network...

think- ago

Comparing the tapestry and the paintings might be a breakthrough, I think. I always thought the adults portrayed might be patients from a mental hospital maybe? They look worn out and tormented.

Again, we should keep in mind that the paintings were all done from photographs (or some of them). Meaning, may these be people who were photographed at some point on the premises, a longer time ago? Why were they at the house in the first place?

This link is scrubbed: https://imgur.com/0IdDMKz

Zzzmmm333 ago

Or.. Do they still use the house out of hours? Access via the tunnel system

think- ago

Maybe they do. In Britain, some mansions that are open to the public are used out of hours.

Zzzmmm333 ago

So another thought, that if they did use this place out of hours it would be like a film set for them, some sort of sick fantasy land, almost like an amusement park for them... What if that's exactly what it is??? WTF They take the underground train in at night and pay for private "tours", that's it, that's what they do...

Zzzmmm333 ago

What link was that?? Was that from one of my posts??

think- ago

Yes, from this post, see your text above. ;-)

Zzzmmm333 ago

So looking for the ladder in Pegasus I came across the upper level they made which seems pointless, but similar to the level in the pool. It doesn't have the ladder in the photo but there is one as I can remember the photo and the top level moves? Something like that. Anyway.. This is the level https://imgur.com/a/7f8GVhQ and notice they are all watching something? Just like they would in the pool..

And then wtf is this picture? https://imgur.com/a/Qql7hrQ we love to party?? Looks like their lowering spikes down.. Similair spikes can be seen in the first pic..

@Think- @letsdoit2 @exposethecriminals @Blacksmith21

Zzzmmm333 ago

Just thought that once that ladder is pulled up from the pool, which I Am sure it would pull out, that it could almost be like some sort of fight/battle pit? Where they could all stand around and look down on what ever is happening, my thoughts are they put the rottweilers and dogs in the shallow end..

@letsdothis2 @think- @exposethecriminals

Yuke ago

Well one thing's for sure, that pool depicted in the Archer cartoon is definitely referencing the Vanderbilt pool; there are far too many similarities for it not to be. Who is the creator for this cartoon? It would be worth looking into them.

exposethecriminals ago

I just wanted to mention @letsdothis2 made the comment in the OP about the outdoor pool:

"In this image https://imgur.com/a/aHooW4W you can see the leaves on the floor. So, I thought that would mean an outdoor pool or something like that. Guess what? Biltmore had an outdoor pool which was built by Edith Vanderbilt in the 1930s but later filled in https://i.pinimg.com/originals/3e/22/9c/3e229c7ab68a1a82d51886196fb6dc22.jpg ; https://www.biltmore.com/blog/article/in-the-good-old-summertime "

It's a lot of comments to try to keep straight from the original thread!

exposethecriminals ago

Thank you for all your hard work on these threads

Are_we_sure ago

Hi. But these are not alike.

And the same can be said about ALOT of her other paintings.

Like this painting- https://imgur.com/a/0IdDMKz Imgur Album Real picture- https://imgur.com/a/hTLiz8t Imgur Album

Zzzmmm333 ago

They're all close enough to not be exactly alike, she would of painted these from their photos. They would make minor alterations as to not make them exactly alike the scenes as to incriminate themselves. Keep them the same but slightly different, enough to be kept as a memo but not as evidence. And the "artist" would add her own touches

Are_we_sure ago

A memo? You think the artist was there?

Zzzmmm333 ago

More like the artist has been given actual photos of the scenes and asked to recreate them

Pizzalawyer ago

im getting confused by multiple posts and reposts re the Vanderbilts. Somewhere I stated that Biljana D. exhibited in Washington DC in 2009,, then spent 2010-2011 in NYC as a visiting professor at the Parsons School of Design which was Gloria Vanderbuilt's alma matter. Gloria is still alive, still active in the NYC arts scene. Thus it would come as no surprise if Gloria and Biljana knew each other.

Zzzmmm333 ago

Yea I know, I made 2 posts as the first one started gaining more infor then the comments got messy, we can now connect BD to the Vanderbilts and I Am sure with a bit of digging we could find a photo of them together.. There was some nice infor in the article I shared but mods removed so I'll create a new post including the 2 old ones and then make the connection as found by you. I feel there's something to this all so sticking with it for now as I feel this family could be the upper echelon

Are_we_sure ago

So you're just speculating on a grand scale.

Zzzmmm333 ago

Everything was just speculation on a grand scale until Edgar Madison Welch shot up CPP

Are_we_sure ago


And afterwards?

Zzzmmm333 ago

Well you could say all of it is speculation, but it's the speculation that opens up the cracks and exposes things or people.

Are_we_sure ago

Except that if you are piling speculation upon speculation upon speculation, you are getting further from the truth.

You end up telling yourself a story, not examining the facts themselves.

Shizy ago

Great job researching all of this. And thank you for sharing your personal experience. I'm so sorry you had to experience that.

Zzzmmm333 ago

More than happy to put it together and it's @exposethecriminals that shared their personal experience I added in the sub, these are the people we do this for!

Shizy ago

Ah, I should have known. I actually had to double check because I thought it was @exposethecriminals who made the post. Thank you anyway for your work! To both of you!

VeryOffended ago

I posted this in another post here. Again, I'm not sure how relevant this is, but I visited the Vanderbilt Museum in Long Island, NY and this small statue/fountain creeped me out: https://imgoat.com/v/137765

It might not symbolize anything sinister, idk. This was the summer home of William K Vanerbilt II. The fountain is located outside at a small round pool that is now filled in and covered with grass. The tour of the inside was super disappointing as you don't get to see much of the house and you are escorted around by shitty guides pretending to be people who supposedly frequented the house. I learned useless stuff about Elizabeth Arden and was taught through shitty acting how important the Vanderbilt women were when it came to women's suffrage.

Piscina ago

That is a demon carrying two babies. Horrible.

Zzzmmm333 ago

Hmm.. the top of the statue is certainly odd, it could almost resemble a grave/burial? As it looks nothing like hair and can almost see a body/bones in it. Oh and what a "coincidence" that another pool has been filled in! Definitely graves.

VeryOffended ago

Now I understand what you meant about the graves. Sorry about that.

carmencita ago

I am wanting to know what that is as well, on top of the statue, between those cherubs/babes. I too wondered. Looks strange. Could possibly be a grave marker of sorts. Telling what may be there. Creepy is what it is.

VeryOffended ago

Yeah, I posted again only because of your mention of the filled in pool at Biltmore. I can understand filling in an outdoor pool if it's not being used. One less thing to maintain.

Supposedly the pool was filled with water from the Long Island Sound and also drained right back into it. Definitely not a grave or burial. It's literally right outside the pool. The pointed ears of the demon like figure creeped me out... Obviously along with the babies. However, I don't know symbolism. Perhaps someone else has a better explanation for this statue/fountain? I just got an eery feeling in the moment.

I frequent this sub often, but I wasn't looking for anything nefarious when I went on the tour. I actually first heard of the Biltmore Mansion after doing simple research when I got home bc the tour I went on was so bad and I wanted to learn more about cool things they didn't talk about. Biltmore returned more results.

carmencita ago

The pointed ears are on many of the devil-types we have seen pictured. Satyrs have pointed ears and the d-evil as well. The worship them.

carmencita ago

FYI The link for the filled in pool is not working.

Zzzmmm333 ago

Thank you will fix

exposethecriminals ago

This is a pretty good video of the pool, including hard to find shots of the shallow end area, which is adjacent to the gymnasium. Beginning at around 3:35:

Biltmore estate basement tour

Zzzmmm333 ago

WOW just found this... It's as if he's being held captive in the fkn pool.. https://imgur.com/a/R9XAj0v

@carmencita @think- @Blacksmith21 @Pizzalawyer @3141592653 @gamepwn @letsdothis2 @Oh_Well_ian

Blacksmith21 ago

I wonder how many other episodes featured "the pool"? Interesting - there is a drain at the bottom of the pool.

Zzzmmm333 ago

Yes I also wondered why the drain in Archer, as everything else is exactly the same and then there's that drain...

think- ago

Pro-tip: Voat will only ping the five names per comment - if you would like to ping more people, I would recommend putting the names in a second comment.

Zzzmmm333 ago

Thank you! And Re ladder in the pool, I pointed that out in the other post, I said why would it be made like that? Not taking the steps till at least a half decent height to be accessed from the floor, even though there is a shallow end with stairs you would think for ease of access when no water is in there they would have steps going right down, if it was my pool and ladder I certainly would. My theory that just came through is they tied people up and filled it just enough so they had to swim or some sort of sick idea like that.

@letsdothis2 @exposethecriminals

3141592653 ago

It's like the ladder at Pegasus museum....

think- ago

Wasn't there a similar kind of ladder at the Pegasus Museum? Anyone?

Zzzmmm333 ago

Fuck, do the paintings from that sicko sort of have an Archer style to them??? Perfect back grounds then the people have a different style? They do look Alike!!

Edit: And yes Pegasus had a ladder alot similair that went up to that pointless "desk area" it was tiny..

Fuck could Pegasus be a remake of this first ladder and the platform??

@think @Blacksmith21 @letsdothis2 @exposethecriminals

letsdothis2 ago

And there's this: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1855497/9085089

I think Buck's county has a particular affiliation with hunting (in many forms) for those in Washington: Bucks County Child Trafficking Arrest --- Buck's Hunting & Fishing - Weird connection and https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1613672

letsdothis2 ago

I like the way you won't let this go...

You may be onto something with Pegasus. But at the moment I've been looking at Buck's Hotel in Asheville, and your comment reminded me of the Alefantis restaurant Buck's Fishing and Camping:

On Feb 18th, 2016 there was an after party for Phillipe Augin at Buck's https://washingtonlife.smugmug.com/2016-PHOTOS/Philippe-Auguin-Birthday-After/i-TmHhxHQ

He has some intersting friends, on the same night I guess this was at the 'official' party: Christine Lagarde - https://washingtonlife.smugmug.com/2016-PHOTOS/Maestro-Philippe-Auguin/i-C6ncc2r

Count Renaud De Viel Castel. https://washingtonlife.smugmug.com/2016-PHOTOS/Maestro-Philippe-Auguin/i-NWstg8G


Pascal Blondeau. https://washingtonlife.smugmug.com/2016-PHOTOS/Maestro-Philippe-Auguin/i-C6ncc2r

with Izette Folger and Irina Rapoport

On Irina Rapoport and connection to Pegasus:

List of wifi names from around Pegasus and the playground, and from the Obama, Podesta neighborhood (2001~2017) (Great Horned Owl, FBI van 33, MoneyPit, ArtfullDodger1, Hide yo kids_hide yo wifi) - https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1999372/9854387

Calvin Cafritz https://washingtonlife.smugmug.com/2016-PHOTOS/Maestro-Philippe-Auguin/i-MrgLpCX

DC's Cafritz family foundation appears to have been major funder of BOTH Alefantis' Gallery and NXIVM - https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2546657

think- ago

Wow! Great find!! Notice the ladder - where you can climb down, but not so easily climb up again.

This is also interesting, because I looked at the artist's other works (artist that did the alleged 'Vanderbilt' pool paintings), and she also portrays men and women, obviously held captive, before a background of tiles.

I always assumed these paintings were referring to her experiences in the Yugoslavia wars in the 1990s, were they had concentration camps for adults, and rape camps for women and girls.

It never occured to me that there might be adults held captive in the Vanderbilt pool or a similar site.

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @srayzie @swordfish69

letsdothis2 ago

The interesting thing about all her tiles is that they are very relevant to Biltmore because of the architect that was commissioned there; Rafael Guastavino Moreno https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2675947/13567656#13567656

Rafael Guastavino Moreno (Valencia, Spain, March 1, 1842 – Asheville, North Carolina, February 1, 1908) was a Spanish building engineer and builder.[1] Based on the Catalan vault he created the Guastavino tile, a "Tile Arch System" patented in the United States in 1885 used for constructing robust, self-supporting arches and architectural vaults using interlocking terracotta tiles and layers of mortar. Guastavino tile is found in some of New York's most prominent Beaux-Arts landmarks and in major buildings across the United States. It is used in a huge number of architecturally important and famous buildings with vaulted spaces.


The “Spanish Castle,” the estate of architect Rafael Guastavino, just south of Black Mountain. Examples of the internationally renowned architect’s craftsmanship grace many of America’s most famous Beaux-Arts landmarks, including the Boston Public Library, Grand Central Terminal, Grant’s Tomb, the Great Hall at Ellis Island, Carnegie Hall, the Smithsonian, and the U.S. Supreme Court, as well as the Biltmore Estate and Basilica of Saint Lawrence in Asheville.

think- ago

....although the tiles in her paintings look different (see the famous 'Anderson Cooper' pic).

letsdothis2 ago

artists don't do exact replicas...

think- ago

Well, depends on why she did the paintings... If she was commissioned to do them by the Vanderbilts, you'd assume they would be accurate.

letsdothis2 ago

Not necessarily...

think- ago


Zzzmmm333 ago

Yep I thought exactly that too as they are depicted like they are malnourished and sleep deprived and always in undies.. These could of been people they "favoured" so they sadly kept them. Also with the posts from @letsdothis2 and the older posts Re hunting, there is more than enough property surrounding the Estate for these sick games.

exposethecriminals ago

Great find. Yes I read the butler in Archer was forced to live in the empty pool, until it was later filled with water to hold the submarine.

I just posted this on the other thread:

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2686121/13626057 :

The pool in Archer is not used as a swimming pool, even though Tunt Manor is occupied!

http://archer.wikia.com/wiki/Tunt_Manor :

The Pool: [the butler] Woodhouse’s living space in the mansion until Dr. Algernop Krieger fills it so he can construct his submersible.

http://archer.wikia.com/wiki/Woodhouse :

"Slowly dying, for all anyone cares. But the saddest part is, no one does.." —Woodhouse

Image of the butler in the pool in his underwear

Another image of Woodhouse in the pool source

Zzzmmm333 ago

Soooo just thought.. What did they put in the outdoor pool before it was filled??

carmencita ago

You are right. And, what is on that table? Some very odd things. A spoon. A picture of a strange face and a lamp used in camping or outdoors. In a pool? Who is he suppose to be?

exposethecriminals ago

He is the butler in the Archer series:


Blacksmith21 ago

No symbolism here folks...