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HunkaHunka ago

this is the same sex cult at Central Park in NY .

Epstein owns that Egyptian temple on that Carribean sex slave island 'orgy island', of his:

it is called Little St. James Island, near Puerto Rico, where the family 9of Church of Satan member and Cosby friend Sammy Davis Jr. was from , and its in the British Virgin Islands.

Queen Elizabeth is Queen of the British Virgin Islands to this day

Lorent ago

What's that about central park?

HunkaHunka ago

was Rocker Prince the secret son of Elizabeth II?

Princess Diana lived two buildings over from where John Lennon had lived, at the Dakota, right beside Central Park , on Central Park West, after Diana separated from Charles. She was being hounded by the global paparazzi during her marital trouble scandal with Charles. She was living with Dodi Fayed at the San Remo, which is just down the block from The Dakota. Which means her window had a view of the Dakota from Dodi Fayed's apt in the San Remo. If Diana knew that Lennon's death had been faked outside the Dakota (and there is a good chance that she did know, as the Beatles are well known to have been virtual royalty in England) then she would have recalled that Lennon's death was faked to allow Lennon to escape the paparazzi which hounded his separation from Yoko Ono. Anyone recall the 'Diana-mania!' media craze of the 1980s? Where Diana's every move and breath were stalked by the media for years on end, and how her falling out with Charles was tabloid gold? DIana was a Beatle, in a sense.Her breakup with Charles was played by the tabloids even more viciously than Lennons break with Yoko. The papparazi stalking of Diana in NY was worse than the height of Beatlemania .All of the research now indicates that Diana' death, too, was faked. Cobain's death was faked like Princess Dianas death was, and now everyone knows why it appears that there some sort of 'cover up' going on in so many of these weird deaths, including that of Jim Morrison. Not because there was murder involved. Because there were fake deaths involved.

It's almost a certainty that many if not all of these buildings connect via undergound tunnel system, either the ones bordering each other , at least the four , The Majestic, The Dakota, The Langham and The San Remo, or more. There are SO many occultist celebs and celebrity co-ops literally bordering Central Park that you've got to think they may all connect to something beneath Central Park. Bowies building, Annie Lennox's building, Keith Moon's building, Stings building, Madonnas building, the Grateful Deads building, Woody Allens buildig, Yoko's, Diana's sons building (the Carlyle), they ALL frigging border Central Park , I kid you not, and those are just the ones I have found with limited time/motive for research, No ones getting paid for this on my end. They surely MAY connect together to something underground. The Big Apple is the secret, it is what is underneath Central Park , whatever it is. It may predate known history, whatever it is.

on interracial sexual insemination rituals:

Dodi Fayed lived in the San Remo with Diana before her death was faked, that entire Central Park region is crammed with satanists.Just up the street from the San Remo was the house on the NW corner of Central Park where Aleister Crowley conducted some of his orgies and seances and rituals. The San Remo was the building in which rich Dr.Harford (Tom Cruise) and his wife (Nicole Kidman) lived in Eyes Wide Shut. Kubrick set their apartment in the San Remo in Eyes Wide Shut : Kubrick originally wanted to make his film Eyes Wide Shut in 1968, but shelved the project for thirty years (possibly bought himself an extra 30 years of life, because he 'died' four days after releasing the producers cut of Eyes Wide Shut to Warner Brothers in 1999).

Eyes Wide Shut was almost made the same year that the film Rosemary's Baby was created, and both films were about young couples living smack beside central park and getting caught up in the sex rituals of the NY elite. The San Remo And The Dakota were in both films, and those buildings are part of the same four building housing co-op which includes The Majestic, The Langham , the Dakota, and The San Remo. Both films feature a woman drugged for sex (Dr. Harford is summoned upstairs to help revive a nude woman who Ziegler has just fucked while unconscious, and of course in Rosemary's Baby Rosemary is drugged unconscious by the cult and raped )Eyes Wide Shut featured a mask and buildings which have been linked to virtual British royalty (Rothschilds) in Buckinghamshire. (note how evocative that is of Buckingham Palace), and in reality Diana lived at one point in the San Remo, where part of Eyes Wide Shut was set. Dodi Fayed family is Egyptian royalty and Aleister Crowley was famous for conducting research and rituals in Egypt and using ancient Egyptian texts for his occult practices. He was recreating ancient Egyptian rites. Crowley lived just down the street from THe San Remo, and Central Park is home to Cleopatra's Needle, an ancient Egyptian obelisk which is part of the NY Metropolitan Museum, located in Central Park, which houses a real Egyptian temple which was relocated along with the Obelisk from Egypt to Central Park.

Aleister Crowley was famously part of 'Her Majesty's Secret Service'. Mia Farrow (Me a Pharoah) was in Purple Rose of Cairo, and Sting is famous for his obsession with Crowley's tarot deck, tantric ritual sex, and for living just down the street, smack beside Central Park , from The Majestic and The Dakota. Frank Sinatra was married to Mia Farrow when Rosemary's Baby was filmed in The Dakota, and some of Sinatra's mafia pals lived in The Majestic, which was known to be a mafia building. Sinatra's parents were from Sicily, Sinatra is Sicilian mafia bloodline, and Sicily is smack beside Malta, in fact Malta is really a tiny satellite island off of Sicily, its part of Sicily really, and Malta has been a British colony for EONS. The Knights of Malta are ancient British Templars. Sammy Davis Jr. was a member of the Knights of Malta and a member of the Church of Satan, so he knew lesbian Aquino and Atkins and likely was in on the entire Manson psy-op. Sammy Davis Jr. was in Britain with Queen Elizabeth , at Wimbledon, in 1957, when his friend and presumable occultist black lesbian tennis player Althea Gibson won Britain's Wimbledon tennis title. Musician 'Prince' Roger Nelson was born in 1958, a year after Elizabeth was with Sammy Davis in London. Prince Nelson was 5'3" tall and famously clothed himself in Royal Purple all his life. Sammy Davis Jr. was all of 5'2" tall and Elizabeth George, the occultist bitch who was crowned a Queen in 1953) was also 5'2" tall. Do the math. Queen Elizabeth knighted black actor Sidney Poitier who was from The Bahamas, her colony, (she is still Queen of the Bahamas to this very day) and launched a new era of interracial white masochism with her extreme liberal agenda and ramming Poitier's career to the forefront of 1960s culture with the film Guess Who's Coming to Dinner, about a black doctor who marries a white woman against the wishes of her parents.

Queen Elizabeth has been obsessed with guaranteeing the massive success of the likes of Duke Ellington, Sammy Davis Jr., Sidney Poitier, Harry Belafonte, the Jackson Five, Prince, Whitney Houston and financing the whole gamut of Motown and hiphop onto her CIA radio network all her life. Sumner Redstone was a founding member of her CIA, itself an offshoot of Mi6, paid to mainly spy on America FOR Britain, and to this very day he runs MTV for her. 'I want my MTV, sang Gordon Sumner, aka 'Sting', the British occultist' . He got his MTV , and more.He got right up into Central Parks's satanic Big Apple high society, along with Egyptian kabala accolyte Madonna , both of them lived nearby each other at Central Park, along with Joan Rivers. Sammy Davis Jr. was part Puerto Rican and a good friend of Bahamian Sidney Poitier. So Elizabeth seems to have inherited a fetish for sex with the slaves. And probably ROUGH sex by all indications, when you look at the massive Haitian and Jamaican and French Louisiana pimping networks which she has set up in all of her colonies, Quebec included. Perverse masochistic 'white slave to black master' torture involving whippings with heated wire coat hangers, multiple news stories of forcible confinement, gang insignia branding marks burnt into skin. rape with a hot curling iron in one case, etc.) This is what it sounds like..when Doves (white) cry. (the dove is a symbol of joyful freedom. Or was, until it got tied up and fucked it in the ass)

Elizabeth Installing Mugabe and Mandela and Obama to power. Then watching the fun,. Same pattern everywhere, now , feminists in authority appointing blacks to positions of power and control over the 'uppity' white underclass. With the constant hurling of desensitizing imagery into faces. "this is just the way it is, the way it is going to always be, resistance is futile," etc. Psychological warfare on an unimaginable scale. The counterculture reigns supreme. Papa dont preach, she's keepin da babeh. oooooh, ooooh.

Something to do with the rumored black Egyptian bloodlines. going on here? occultist Crowleyites? . The radio waves are licensed and governed to this day under military security protocols established a century ago. David Bowie lived near Sting and Madonna at Central Park, a block from Joan Rivers and Bill Cosby. gay Bowie married another bloodline type in Iman, his Somalian queen fashion model wife. probably more a convenience to Mi6 intel ops in N. Africa than a marriage, considering that he was a hardcore gay gender dissociative transsexual. The entire royal setlist is 100% interracial occult, due to Queen Elizabeths masochistic sexual obsession. She's obsessed with breeding some sort of N.African/Egyptian one world is enough global hybrid race of slaves

Purple Reign. Mia Farrow was in Purple Rose of Cairo, Egypt.

Have your rape and eat it too.