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Zzzmmm333 ago

So.. My new theory on this connection coming up and Q posting about it is.. That this Estate is still being used when it is not open to the public, I feel they use it as some sort of sick "amusement" park where people pay top dollar to come and spend an evening there fulfilling their sick fantasies. It would be perfect if you are a sicko. Going back in time to your own "movie" set and then carrying out their sick acts. The Vanderbilt family built grand central so it would only make sense that they had their own secret railway built under this estate, the perfect way to bring in their guests for the night without being seen and no-one would suspect a thing as the place is "closed" through the night. I mean, why would they decide to move out of a place like this and open it to the public if they carried out their "hunting" parties and other sick shit here. This place would hold too many memories for the family to just let it go, so instead they "move out" and open it to the public, taking away prying eye's that might be trying to do stories on the family. So they now use their underground access to bring in their guests that have paid millions for a night at the estate. Makes sense to me..

@carmencita @letsdothis2 @exposethecriminals @Piscina @Pizzalawyer

Piscina ago

This is what someone purportedly said about a ritual in Asheville (same town as Biltmore):

"We skinned that baby alive to the scream of 'hail, Satan!' We then draped it's intestines around the candlesticks of our altar. I cut the baby up into pieces, and each person ate some. Later, I took the skull and remains home. I forced the remains down the garbage disposal to conceal evidence from the police, and then burned a candle to Satan on the baby's skull.And when the mother, my girlfriend, felt bad about giving up her baby for sacrifice and went tot he police, we decided to make an example out of her as a warning to the rest of the coven:

"We took her up the side of one mountain overlooking Asheville...we laid her on that altar, and the sacrificial dagger was placed in my hands. I took that dagger and cut her open from neck to groin, and she was sacrificed. To this day her parents don't know what happened to her."

The jewel of Asheville, NC, is the famed "Biltmore Estate, " former home of the the great Illuminati Satanist millionaire, George Vandebilt! In his Illuminati mansion, one large room contains a coven's table, with 13 seats on either side. On the door is a plaque with the words, "Assemblage of the Gods."


Zzzmmm333 ago

Ehh, that was awesome to read first thing in the morning (spew) WTF... And sadly that sounds exactly like what happens. Remember Jimmy Commets friends were having kids? Or a lot of his friends had new borns and young kids.. Bet those sick fucks do the same!

Piscina ago

The mansions of the rich and powerful are found on Town Mountain road, and also in the Biltmore Forest Area. Many of these mansions have been home to human sacrifices. … This “power people coven” consisted of many of the wealthy and influential, including doctors and brain surgeons, judges, many lawyers, DA’s, mayors, and other various prominent people throughout that city

That is from this website:

Yes, Vanderbilt's Biltmore is in Asheville, North Carolina. Asheville is the satanic mecca of the east coast. Also in Asheville is Seely's Castle (Overlook Mansion) rumored to have satanic rituals held there:

Even DHHS services in Asheville are infiltrated with satanists. They use their positions in the Department of Health and Human Services to seize children from poorer homes in that county. The pretence they use is that “the home is too poor” to take adequate care of the children. What frequently happens then to those seized children??? … Barack Hussein Obama … visit(s) the 12 Bones barbecue each time they come to town, which is more often than is publicized.

Also in Asheville is the satanic coven:

carmencita ago

I agree. It sounds plausible and also makes sense to me. The Royals in many countries attend similar hunting parties so why not Biltmore. Just imagine if that ever got out. What in the world would Cooper and Gloria do? Definitely flight risks.