Pizzalawyer ago

Artist B. D. came to USA in 2009 to promote her art, first in Washington D.C. where Tony Podesta may have been inspired to purchase some of her paintings. Then she settled in NYC for 2 years 2110-2011 serving as a visiting professor at the acclaimed Parsons School of Design. Gloria Vanderbilt graduated from Parsons and probably promoted and supported it ever since which would have provided an opportunity for B. D. and G.V. to become acquainted.

So I need to determine the dates the the hanging boy painting was done as well as her painting of two boys, fully dressed who look alike but for hair color . ( Anderson & Carter?) B.D. seems to use her own face when portraying females of various ages.

I noticed that pool described as a 50x50 plunge pool near the Turkish baths. The dimensions are off but it otherwise comports with my notion that it is utilitarian. Scandinavians like to get overheated. in. a sauna then plunge into a cold bath. The ropes could have beenfor those guests who might have socialized in the water briefly before getting out.

letsdothis2 ago

Your question about the hanging boy (so-called Anderson Cooper) painting is an interesting one. I've always thought that 'he resembles Anderson Cooper' far too convenient for the whole pizzagate thing. Is it a trap?

Well, I went looking for the origin of the painting. After all Biljana Đurđević has her own website and her work is recorded by art galleries and museums all over the internet. All of it - except for this one painting. I can only find it on pizzagate referenced websites. No one has the details of where this painting came from. If we look at the artist's website, she has her work posted in the stages in which they were. done. That's what artists do. They go through stages where they explore a particular theme. So the tiles in that painting should give us a clue as to which stage she painted it.

And that would be this one - Living in Oblivion (2005-2008) :

No, 'Anderson Cooper' there. So, the question is, where did that boy painting come from? Did she paint this for a private client? And was it done to purposely look like AC? So that it could later be debunked?

I don't know.. I'm just askin....

@Zzzmmm333 @think-

Zzzmmm333 ago

Awesome so there's the link to the artist and the Vanderbilt's! And here's a link to them and the Royals..

@think- @letsdothis2 @exposethecriminals

Pizzalawyer ago

@zzzmmm333: Has the pool been located on the estate? I just learned. that the Biltmore's cafe restaurant consists of the original ornate horse stalls wherein the stalls have been converted to booths and the other side consisting of tables where the. other half of the horse stalls probably were. The number of remaining stalls is quite large . This facility is not to be confused with present day equestrian center. .

The stalls look like "tie stalls" wherein the horse is tied for the day with no room to move. You might see thisat show grounds where you are trying to cram in as many visiting horses as possible. The estate was built if there were grand parties or a hunt, the horses would have to be put up somewhere.

Ive mentioned before the utilitarian quality of the pool and speculated that it might have been a pool for horses. So....after all this, is the pool near today's Stable Cafe?

letsdothis2 ago

Okay, this is starting to get bizarre. I'm posting this here as only top level comments can be found on google searches. If I just add it as a reply to my previous comments I won't be able to find it again. So this is further to:

So searching for Red Cross posts on voat leads to the murder of the billionaire Shermans couple : Clinton Body count rises - "suicide" of Canadian pharmaceutical billionaires -

Notice the POOL in the story: Billionaire couple who were found hanging in their Toronto home were MURDERED by multiple killers and the wife may have put up a fight, private investigators conclude

According to the source, the couple's body were upright and seated on the floor near an indoor pool.

The PI found that both victims had their necks wrapped with leather belts. Those were then used to knot around a handrail running adjacent to the pool, the source shared.

Then there's : A summary of AnCap Anon's claims -

Murder of Barry and Honey Sherman

He suggests that there is a relationship between Hansjorg Wyss, murdered Apotex billionaire Barry Sherman, and the Ranbaxy pharmaceutical company.

He suggests that the murder was aided by the Hells Angels, was videotaped, witnesses have been killed, and that Frank D'Angelo was involved. He suggests relationships between D'Angelo, the Clinton Foundation, Haiti, the Hells Angels, and serial killer Robert Pickton who fed his victims to pigs.

He posts a picture from a TV show and claims that it is Wyss's murdered nurse. After getting called out for hoaxing, he posts cat photos.

Zzzmmm333 ago

Yes, hung by the pool.. Could be a theme here. And Re hunting parties, the estate has more than enough Forrest surrounding it and back when it would of been in use there would of been more and they could get away with all sorts. My feeling is this estate and trail could hold some sort of smoking gun or sadly at least this estate is the grave of many many people..

letsdothis2 ago

Looking into hunting at Biltmore has led to some interesting voat posts on human hunting by the elite:

Starting from these comments on The Hunt at Biltmore:


Francotte is a weapons manufacturer in Liège, Belgium.

And was the gun imported by Abercrombie and Fitch back in the day. A&F history leads us to Wexner and his present day celebrity 'shooting holidays' in his 'very, very private' Costwolds mansion.


"At the end of these cellars there was an audience room where about fifty spectators were assembled. X3 recognized King Baudouin, his brother Albert, who at that time was Prince de Liege, and their uncle Prince Charles."

King Baudouin: Flynn retweets Human Hunting Parties -

Belgium had massive protests over Dutroux. Hundreds of thousands of Belgians marched. It mostly got covered up afterwards anyway but the various X victims reported royalty including former King Baudouin.

The ICMEC, the Belgian Connection and the Dutroux Scandal - Hiding in Plain Sight - Part 3 -

And remember this story: New Q ++ Is this confirmation that Nathaniel Charles Jacob Rothschild was killed in the UK helipcopter crash yesterday?

plane crash yesterday in Buckinghamshire

"A onetime paratrooper who is not in line for the Belgian throne of King Baudouin, De Ligne said he was drawn to the rail project by Christopher Harriman, whom he described as a personal friend he met in Paris.

Harriman, who accompanied De Ligne on his recent trip to the Capitol, has made a number of claims about his own background and business dealings that have not been possible to verify. Among other things, he said he is related to the late diplomat Averill Harriman, a claim disputed by the Harriman family in Washington. He cited business ventures with the prince, including a luxury hotel in Thailand with a grandson of the Thai king, but the Thai Embassy said it had no knowledge of De Ligne or Harriman."

letsdothis2 ago

That plane crash at the Rothschild's Waddesdon Manor. Let's see if there are any hunting references. The first one that comes up is the Cadbury Easter Egg Hunt. Look at the image of the little girl in the pink bunny ears. Ahh, isn't that special..ahem..

letsdothis2 ago

The Red Cross is another connection between the Rothschild's Waddesdon Manor and the Vanderbilts' Biltmore House:

In April, we remember Biltmore’s landscape designer Frederick Law Olmsted, born April 26, 1822. Often referred to as the “Father of Landscape Architecture in America,” he’s best known today as the designer of Central Park in New York City.

Prior to becoming a landscape architect, Olmsted was first a seaman, farmer, then a journalist and founder of The Nation magazine, which still exists today. Portrait of Frederick Law Olmsted by John Singer Sargent

During the Civil War, he served as Executive Secretary of the U.S. Sanitary Commission (a precursor to the Red Cross).

letsdothis2 ago

Vanderbilt’s estate was modeled after two other impressive houses. One of these was a manor in Buckinghamshire, England called the Waddesdon Manor. This magnificent house was also a place of escape and rest for its owner, Baron Ferdinand de Rothschild. Furthermore, Vanderbilt wanted to make his home a place where he could display many works of art and many styles of furniture just like in this famous European manor. Interestingly enough, the architects of the two houses were friends and discussed their plans for each house with each other. This is why there are many similarities between the structures of the two houses, such as the spiraling staircases (Covington x). The Waddesdon Manor was a model for the great estate that Vanderbilt aspired to build, but the Chateau de Blois in the Loire Valley in France was also an inspiration for him and his designer.

letsdothis2 ago

Once completed, the mansion had four acres of floor space, 250 rooms, 34 bedrooms, 43 bathrooms and 65 fireplaces. The basement had a swimming pool, gymnasium with changing rooms, bowling alley, servants’ quarters, kitchens and more. In addition to the lavish house, the estate included 125,000 acres of grounds designed by Frederick Law Olmsted, the creator of New York’s Central Park and the father of American landscape architecture.

Frederick Law Olmsted was a freemason of course - The George Washington National Memorial

The Memorial’s form was inspired by the lighthouse of Alexandria, Egypt, one of the ancient Seven Wonders of the World, and its design reflects the classical architecture of Greece and Rome. These styles connect the Memorial to the architecture of Washington’s day, when the classical aesthetic was used to express the democratic principles guiding the new republic. The Memorial’s entrance, inspired by the Parthenon, is of the Doric order. The interior of Memorial Hall is a of modernized Composite order. The three sections of the tower ascend in levels of complexity, with Doric features at the bottom, Ionic in the middle, and Corinthian at the top. The Tower is capped with a pyramid and surmounted by a stylized finial that symbolizes Light. The Memorial is a beacon that spreads the Light of Freemasonry and the legacy of Washington to all humanity.

The landscaping of the Memorial grounds was done by the renowned Olmstead Brothers firm. Founded by Frederick Law Olmsted—who designed the grounds of the United States Capitol in Washington, D.C., New York City’s Central Park, the Biltmore Estate in North Carolina, and the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago—the Olmsted Brothers remained influential for more than a century.

letsdothis2 ago

The Biltmore gymnasium is also tiled:

exposethecriminals ago

By the way, in case this is helpful to anyone -- from personal experience:

As someone who is a survivor of Pedogate (1960's - approximately 1980's,) although I've never officially been to the Biltmore Estate, I have recognized three areas of it since v / PG and v / GA started researching it.

I basically just recognize having been on the main staircase, and in the fourth floor room with the spiral staircase that looks like an office ("the observatory,") in a bad but not horrible way. However I get a very bad vibe-memory from the third area, which is the room at 5:40 with the architectural model of the house. I can only assume they must have done horrible things to us children in that room, and maybe still do. All three areas are in this video from 4:45 - 6:10 or so:

Upstairs at the Biltmore House

Factfinder2 ago

This research must be rough for you. Thanks for pushing through it. You're digging up important stuff here.

Very sorry you had to go through what you did.

exposethecriminals ago

Thank you.

Zzzmmm333 ago

My thoughts and prayers are with you through this! The whole estate just has a creepy as fuck feeling to it and after researching all this for long enough you get the feel as to whether things are right or not.. And at the moment my heart is saying that the painting of the kids is in the "pool"

exposethecriminals ago

Thank you so much, and I agree.

Pizzalawyer ago

@exposethecriminals: Wow. So Sorry. Such courage, and you are one of our best contributers. Love and ssrenity being sent your way.

I had commented in a different post that my father (still alive at 90yo), told me that when he was an aircraft mechanic in the 1960s for a very large (and still prominant) oil company, that a pilot told him about flying company execs to N. Carolina for sexual encounters with 12 year olds. Was the Biltmore still in private hands at that time?

I also mentioned in another post about paranormal incidents scaring visitors, especially in the pool room..We are onto something here.

Pizzalawyer ago

8 months ago our colleague @Pascina did a post on the Vanderbilts and the occult. Maybe that link should be inserted here to bring it all together for newbies and oldtimers alike.

Piscina ago

I think you might referring to my post about the Walton family, who are transparently into the occult.

Piscina ago

That is an interesting comment by Gloria Vanderbilt. I have seen her interviewed about the death if her child and I've no doubt of the sincerity of her feelings of grief. There is absolutely nothing in the world like losing a beloved child. I wonder whether she's talking about the soul being purified through suffering. Tragedy and grief are said to be like a fire that refines the soul. New Agers believe that, as our souls evolve and grow (often through suffering) our vibration quickens. As our vibrations are raised, we move closer to God. In the Catholic tradition, victim souls suffer voluntarily for the good of even the sinful. They suffer so that the sins of others can be expiated. There is also the belief that some ascended souls come here not to learn but to teach, and these are the souls who suffer the most in life.

Zzzmmm333 ago

Are you able to post a link here? Just as the acc you added doesn't show anything. Thanks

Zzzmmm333 ago

So long shot.. But could the guy on the far left in this photo be a younger version of this guy ??? Vanderbilts grandson..

@Srayzie @Blacksmith @letsdothis2 @Pizzalawyer @carmencita @Oh_Well_ian @3141592653 @think- @exposethecriminals

letsdothis2 ago

In this image you can see the leaves on the floor. So, I thought that would mean an outdoor pool or something like that. Guess what? Biltmore had an outdoor pool which was built by Edith Vanderbilt in the 1930s but later filled in ;

carmencita ago

Could well be idk for sure. The bottom pic he is a little thinner in the face than in the top one. A little pudgier? There is a resemblance though. I want to know what are those chains for in the bottom picture. The guy standing looks like he is getting ready to use the one in his hands. Doesn't look good to me.

Zzzmmm333 ago

As if there is someone behind the sitting man that he is looking at..

carmencita ago

I would love to hear other opinions as well.

carmencita ago

It would have to be something or someone small or cowering on the floor, in order to be that low. A little bit chilling actually.

exposethecriminals ago

EDIT: Ok so what else it quite strange about this "pool" is it's complete lack of steps going to the bottom of the ladder, I mean even if it was full of water, would you still not take the steps most of the way down? I know it is probably accessible from the end the photo is taken but would it still not make sense to take them down to an accessible point whilst the "pool" is empty?

Here is said ladder:

I myself have never seen a deep end ladder with rungs going deeper into the water than the one at the Biltmore. I don't think there's a need, but it's not something you can notice through the water. Here's an example.

What's creepy to me about the Biltmore pool ladder is it looks like it folds up and out of the way.

Blacksmith21 ago

"EDIT: Also if the boy in the picture is AC then can we match any other kids in the pictures to people around his age and in a similar position? I know that could be a big ask but it could provide some more resemblances.. IF in fact these kids are still alive and carrying on the "work" of their handlers." me, give me a budget and 3 good analysts and 20 rolling whiteboards.

exposethecriminals ago

Biltmore Estate suspicious numbers:

National Historic Landmark reference number is 66000586. Three sixes, and 5 + 8 = 13

Company number is 13 on Open Corporates

Zzzmmm333 ago

Added some more to the bottom of post again

@think- @3141592653 @Oh_Well_ian @Blacksmith21 @letsdothis2

exposethecriminals ago

I don't know where to post this -- so I'll just leave it here.

A 1900 book describes the Biltmore House pool as being 50 feet long x 50 feet wide, and marble.

It's not that size, and it's finished with glazed tile, not marble. I'm thinking the dimensions were maybe a mistake/due to wrong information, and calling it marble may have been a manner of speaking, as the room is mostly marble??

For what it's worth: :

“Biltmore Photo-Gravures” (1900) by H.Taylor Rogers, Asheville :

In the basement is a Turkish bath ['gymnasium/lounging room' on the floor plans], with a marble plunge, 50 x 50 feet, and electric illumination from beneath as well as above.

If you use the banquet hall's dimensions of 72 x 42 feet as a guide, and compare the size of the pool to the banquet hall on the floor plans, the pool is not even close to 50 x 50 feet.

You know what is basically 50 x 50 feet? The creepy sub-basement "plant storage room." Under this heavy marble trap door in the Winter Garden on the main floor was open space down to the plant storage room two floor below. The ABC article states the plant storage room has been replaced by a staff break room. However in looking at their photo, and then at the floor plans, correct me if I'm wrong but I think the break room is just one floor down from the Winter Garden.

It might be nothing, but why such a deep and tall plant storage room, unless I'm looking at this wrong? The conservatory for plants is very large, was built in 1895 like the house, and is not too great a distance away. Maybe the conservatory was too humid for some plants, I don't know.

F.y.i. @letsdothis2 @Blacksmith21 @Oh_Well_ian

Blacksmith21 ago

I'd agree that the pool is nominally 50' x 30' = 1500 SF X avg depth of 4' = 6,000 CF = 44,883 = Capacity estimates cited in other sources.

Plant room - I'm still looking for a good picture from above, but here is a picture of the conservatory:

Given the period and probably very large palms, etc. in very large concrete planters, it would make sense that they moved them indoor during the winter to keep them alive. Not sure why you would move them 3 levels below the light source.

I don't think it refers to a root cellar.

exposethecriminals ago

The first photo in your link actually shows the glass-topped Winter Garden, set into the main floor of the house. It is a conservatory:

But "The Conservatory" is a separate building:

It's located here (bottom, center)

I think you have hit upon important points. Maybe they kept very tall palm trees down there, I had not thought of that. Although strange about the light. Also I did read in one place it was for "plants and vegetables," now I think it was a root cellar, in part.

Blacksmith21 ago

Oh, thanks for pointing that out. I thought that was part of the central core of the house. At least we are noodling through this.

Biltmore winter garden over the open area in the basement overlooking the plant storage room below in the sub basement.

exposethecriminals ago

I forgot to add this to my comment above. In 1963 when the Biltmore Estate applied to become a National Historic Landmark, they cited "Biltmore Photo-Gravures" as a major bibliographical reference (p. 146,) for what that's worth.

In 1900, Biltmore: Photo-Gravures, a handsome pamphlet with eighteen views of the mansion, buildings, and grounds, was published by H. Taylor Rogers and available at his book and stationery shop in Asheville. Other promotional books, pamphlets, and brochures promoting the area also included views of the house. (p. 119)


1,100 + page PDF: National Historic Landmark Nomination - The Biltmore Estate

@letsdothis2 @Blacksmith21 @Oh_Well_ian

Zzzmmm333 ago

Added a little edited photo of the pool to the bottom of the sub.. Thanks for adding in the comments!

@think- @3121592653 @Pizzalawyer @Oh_Well_ian @gamepwn @letsdothis2

exposethecriminals ago

Not sure if this is anything:

In the photo comparing the painting of the boy who resembles Anderson Cooper, to a feature of the Biltmore Pool, (which image is not my work by the way) :

  • a V-shaped shadow on the pool wall is in the same place as the V of the lower half of the tiled diamond behind the boy

  • the white light on the pool floor is in the same place as the boy's white shoes

f.y.i. @gamepwn @Oh_Well_ian @Blacksmith21

Zzzmmm333 ago

I just commented that on another reply! You can almost make out the X where the middle is above the light!

exposethecriminals ago

That's true, I had not noticed that!

letsdothis2 ago

Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute (PARI) -

In 1883, George Washington Vanderbilt began buying land near Asheville and soon afterward began building famed Biltmore House.

At one time, the Biltmore Estate included over 100,000 acres. When George Vanderbilt died in 1914, it became part of Pisgah National Forest; Wild turkeys and deer wander there to this day. In 1963, in the early, heady days of the space program, the government carved this spot out of the Forest for NASA's Rosman Satellite Tracking Station, which monitored missions from the early satellites through the Apollo program and Skylab project.

By 1981, however, with new geo-synchronous satellites, the end of Skylab, and the agency's new interest in the space shuttle program, NASA no longer needed the tracking station. So the Department of Defense took over the station to use for intelligence gathering by the National Security Agency, and a shroud of secrecy fell over the site.

Until recent years, few people without a high security clearance knew about the Rosman station or what it did when it was run by the National Security Agency. Information about the facility's use from 1981 to 1995 is classified.

When the facility closed in 1995, local employees signed confidentiality agreements to keep them from divulging anything they may have seen or taken part in while they were there. As Powers put it," The past is the past."

exposethecriminals ago

Holy cow!

archives: |

letsdothis2 ago

Undercover Operations Archive -

The Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute (PARI) is reported by multiple credible sources to be a capstone cover for a secret, city-size, underground facility near the tiny community of Balsam Grove in Western North Carolina.


PARI actually is the first place I thought the man might be headed because of reports, which we've posted on this website, about caged animals and abducted children at PARI.

Here is a portion of a letter we received on May 13, 2011 that hints at mistreatment of children at the facility hidden beneath PARI:

I worked for Transylvania County Department of Social Services and Child Protective Services and then later Henderson County Department of Social Services. I can tell you that this story gets worse than just animals in cages at PARI.

I had two different Satanic Ritual Abuse cases, and both were immediately taken from me and swept under the rug. The State Bureau of Investigations even covered up evidence.

I am ex military and not scared of much, but what locals told me during the investigation was that I needed to be very careful, as I was not from the area originally.

Factfinder2 ago

Top notch research as always.

letsdothis2 ago

U.S. Army Redistribution Stations in World War II: Asheville, North Carolina -

During World War II, the U.S. military created personnel Redistribution Centers, which provided rest and recreation for military combat personnel returning to the United States from overseas service. The centers also operated in order to reassign military personnel just returning to the United States to new service locations and/or units.

In Asheville, North Carolina, the U.S. federal government rented three of Asheville’s main hotels and the basement of the Asheville City Auditorium to operate as the U.S. Army Fourth Service Command’s Army Redistribution Station (ARS). Officially, it was known as the Army Ground and Service Forces (AG & SF) Redistribution Station, Asheville, North Carolina. The housing facilities that were a part of the Redistribution Center included: the Battery Park Hotel on Haywood Street; the George Vanderbilt Hotel; and the Asheville-Biltmore Hotel.

exposethecriminals ago

Abducted children? Oh my God. |

letsdothis2 ago


Pizzalawyer ago

Rafael Guastavino, a Spanish architect known for his patented tiled timbrel arch design died in 1908. He had designed the vaulted ceilings, including the pool at the Biltmore. Examples of his work are all over Europe and lots can be found in NYC. Maybe a collection of photos of his work may provide some clues for this post. The absence of a drain is weird but maybe it was tiled over once the place became a museum and the pool was drained. This would prevent rats from coming into the house via sewer lines.

Zzzmmm333 ago

Yes good call, may have also been Re tiled as to not match the paintings 100%

Blacksmith21 ago

Here is the high res photo of the pool. I'm still trying to figure out why there is no drain at the bottom:

Zzzmmm333 ago

Like @Pizzalawyer said above maybe it was tiled over when it became a museum? That would also prevent these paintings being 100% proven.

Blacksmith21 ago

The estate has gone through great pains to keep everything as close to original as possible. Why would they cover over a pool drain. If there was a sewage leak, and I were a preservationist, I would say pull the drain, plug with foam, pour 3" of concrete on it, put the original period drain panel back in place.

Pizzalawyer ago

i would think just a few matching tiles would be needed to superficially cover the drain to prevent creep-crawleys surprising a visitor witb camera in hand. The drain wouldnt need to be disrupted. I use a round barbell to cover the drain opening in my small horse barn. should I ever need to use the drain, I just set it aside.

This is a wild guess on my part. We need a Pizzagate contingent to visit this place and report back!

Blacksmith21 ago

If I had that in mind, I sure wouldn't tell anyone here LOL.

That was the point of my restorative fix - plug the drain with semi permanent, non-degradable material (polystyrene and concrete with a galvanized mesh layer mesh layer (rodents can chew through anything)) and top it w' 3" of concrete. Removes easily if needed. Leave the original drain grate in place.

Pizzalawyer ago

doesnt the painting with the girls show drains the same size as the tiles?

Blacksmith21 ago

Consider vanishing points and intersecting lines while painting or drawing something. Sometimes, when setting up an architectural drawing, it's easier to pick intersections and lines which work for the drawing you are setting up. It isn't always perfect. Artistic license is sometimes involved.

Zzzmmm333 ago

Maybe it was never a pool? Is there any photos of it actually being used as a pool? To me it looks like a weird/creepy fuckin pool design..

Pizzalawyer ago

I agree, yoj would suffocate from chlorine fumes but it was mentioned that it would be filled for guests then drained the same day. but where would guests hang out and relax and mingle. It is very utilitarian. I mentioned earlier that it might be connected to horses, horse water therapy or something. horses love water, and that might explain the rope bridles. How big were the stables at Biltmore, were they training race horses? The bridle trails were extensive probably the greatest amount connected to a grandhouse anywbere in USA.

Is this pool near a barn, was butchering going on there. These estates were often self contained like a plantation. This is simply not a pool for socializing IMO.

Zzzmmm333 ago

What else is interesting is the lack of steps at the bottom of that ladder!! I mean even if there was water in the pool you would think that they would make the steps go most of the way down.. Almost as if it is so kids cant get out. I'll add this to the post

exposethecriminals ago

Someone said the drain is close to the side wall under the deck, around center:

here close-up

Indigo- ago

To me this seems like a drain, were all the water/blood has settled the longest, maybe that's caused the tiles to discolour? Also seems there could be a drain further up but could be a missing tile.

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm assuming you are talking about what looks to be a 1" x 10" gap behind the conduit. It "could" be, but there is no way to clean it out or access it with the conduit in the way. I'd be more likely to think it is grout and tile which may have fallen away. The cracks in the tile look like settlement cracks.

exposethecriminals ago

Actually I thought they were referring to the round, silver colored metal plate with perforations in it, that is under one of the lights. But like you said, access to a drain there would have been blocked by the conduit, even worse than where the gap is. Even if that particular light is not original, as the base of it does not seem to match the other lights' bases, the conduit still would have blocked access to a drain there. Great point.

Indigo- ago

Could be right.

Blacksmith21 ago

The round silver colored piece is the socket base. You could call that an escutcheon, I think. I don't see anything plumbing related. Even for the Victorian period. Not a lot of photos of swimming pools to compare it to.

exposethecriminals ago

Thank you for that clarification! Now I'm even more creeped out than I was before.

Blacksmith21 ago

Honestly, I'm trying to find more information on period pool construction. The estate had indoor hot and cold plumbing, so there is no reason to think that they couldn't have built in a drain. Sand filtering was already in use at the time, so the technology was there to support a freshwater circulation and filtering system. The estate had a boiler which means they could have powered a pump system.

Doesn't make much sense...

exposethecriminals ago

Not on the subject of drain or circulation, but regarding the boiler:

I read or heard, I think on a Biltmore site, that the pool was heated by steam.

If anyone is interested, this 8-page document discusses pool heating of that time, including by steam and by condensation collected from steam boilers:

"Parisian Swimming Pools of the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries, Examples of Sustainable Development and Savings":


Pizzalawyer ago

@zzzmmm333: so much great and unique.esearch and commentary coming out of Pizzagate. It makes me proud to be associated. We should never have to be the least defensive to family and friends.

exposethecriminals ago

This is probably nothing but from this angle in Archer, the viewer sees the black rail under the handrail of the pool deck balustrade to be just above where the pool's waterline would be.

The popes' swimming pool happens to have a thick black stripe just above the waterline:

The pool at Castel Gandolfo, the papal summer palace, 1981

Also here

And image 14 in this article about the palace

Note: I do not think this angle of the Biltmore Pool represented in Archer could possibly be referencing the papal summer house pool, as though they are "related..." in some way, that's a stretch for me. But who knows.

I thought I should mention the popes' (former) pool also because I have not seen it posted yet on v / PG or v / GA.

The photos are by Roberta Hidalgo: Le Foto Segrete di Papa Wojtyla

Le foto segrete di Papa Wojtyla in piscina

(Also, I read Castel Gandolfo was a (((refugee center))) during WW II. It's not relevant to the Biljana Djurdjevic paintings, but creepy nonetheless: 12,000 refugees are said to have lived within the grounds of Castel Gandolfo during WW II, including in the main palace. :

"When the pope’s palace became a refugee center and neonatal unit" )

@think- @letsdothis2 @Blacksmith21 @Oh_Well_ian

Indigo- ago

What is the oval thing above the arch?, fan or plaque ?

exposethecriminals ago

I don't know, but in this hi-res photo for the actual pool it looks like a fan:

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

wow... very close

letsdothis2 ago

Biltmore Estate's Secret Passages -

The estate also boasts one underground tunnel in Antler Hill Village (located three miles from the house) that used to be part of the Biltmore Dairy Barn. The stone tunnel leads to a winery.

I don't know anything about this Archer series, so I'm taking this from a Reddit thread:

Vandertunt is the name of one of the richest families in the Archer series. Team Archer likes using obvious jokes and references. The cartoon goes into a LOT of shady details about how the Vandertunt family acquired its vast fortune by use of dubious means.


Episode 3 references tunnels under it to transport slaves. Episode 4 references eating babies.


Kreiger plays a mental German scientist, not unlike the Nazis imported after WWII.

It might also be noteworthy that during the entire season he is watching everyone in the estate through cameras. Many of which are in bathrooms when on screen.

exposethecriminals ago

At the top of this Reddit thread are comments by someone who says their friend formerly worked security at the Biltmore Estate and told them some things about tunnels, etc:

letsdothis2 ago

Yes, thanks. I'm just going through it now. Prince Charles at Biltmore is interesting. So, is the reference to the outdoor pool.

Pizzalawyer ago

who would want to go 3 miles underground just to reach a winery. the house was built before prohibition, when was the tunnel built? Is the tunnel large enough to accomodate horse and wagon? I can just envision the elite having their favorite mounts brought to the estate and prey brought in using the tunnels for hunt parties. An area of research might be any correlation between publicized grand parties at the estate with satanic holidays.

letsdothis2 ago

Underground Asheville: Exploring passages, purpose beneath city -

Vance Pollock, Asheville historian and frequent right-hand man to local occult expert Joshua P. Warren, said there's enough evidence to support the notion that underground Asheville existed.

"It helps lend credibility to some of the more mysterious rumors and outrageous claims," said Pollock, who with Warren runs the Asheville Mystery Museum in the basement of the Asheville Masonic Temple as well as Haunted Asheville tours. "But criminal activity, prostitution and bootlegging ties in with that."

"The police would raid a still or barroom and take all the illegal liquor downstairs to what would be the evidence room, impound it, and smuggle it through Westall's Lumber, which is now Pack's Tavern, into the police station never to be seen again," he said.

As for where the rest of Asheville's tunnels led, or for what purpose they were created, it's hard to say for sure. "I think they were mainly utility; certainly, they were there at least early after World War I, and I have evidence of some of those places," Pollock said.

YogSoggoth ago

Not sure who said it, but, "behind every great fortune lies a crime."

Pizzalawyer ago

honore balzac

YogSoggoth ago

Honore de Balzac

"Society bristles with enigmas which look hard to solve. It is a perfect maze of intrigue". Thank's for setting me on the right path.

Pizzalawyer ago

you are welcome

Celticgirlonamission ago

OK so go check out the playboy abandoned mansion on Youtube...I think this could be our white rabbit

Fateswebb ago

Why is the "art" photoshopped onto this pool though? It's clearly not a depiciton of this pool...

Blacksmith21 ago

I take it you've never heard of artistic license.

think- ago

@swordfish69, have you seen this post?

think- ago

Hi @Zzzmmm333,

great find! I would to ask you to please add an intro paragraph to the post, so that people who don't know the story about the Vanderbilt story and the paintings will be able to understand your links.

Also, please point out that the pool shown in the painting might be the Vanderbilt pool, since it looks very similar, but since the tiles are different, it is not yet clear that it is really the same pool.

Thank you!

I will give you a 24 hours Grace flair, so that you will have some time to edit.

think- ago

Thanks for editing OP, I will remove the flair.

3141592653 ago

Zzzmmm333 ago

Ehhh.. Fuck, that is it and that is definitely where that painting is...

Fateswebb ago

Why do you say that? The tiles are completely different, the painting is of standard pool or bathroom ceramic tiles. The pool is larger white bricks.. not the same....

letsdothis2 ago

Definitely the pool at Biltmore Estate. Looks like military to me. So... As that Archer series was based on James Bond who, of course, was a spook..

Author examines ways Biltmore mansion intersected with US history -

as Kiernan chronicles in “The Last Castle,” her new work of nonfiction, Biltmore was a financial catastrophe, even for someone with the wealth of a Vanderbilt. It took Vanderbilt’s widow, Edith, to salvage Biltmore for generations to come

I first saw Biltmore when I was a teenager. My father was stationed in Fort Jackson in South Carolina and my mom drove my sister and me up to look at the house. ... It really made quite an impression on me as a kid.

There were a lot of things I came across. ... Some were trivial but fascinating, such as Edith’s family’s role in the creation of the teddy bear. I never saw that coming.

Ah, so that's the connection between teddy bears and the Vanderbilts and pizzagate.. Also, a book on the historical context of the house.. thoughts of another UK mansion and its WW2 military connections came to mind - Bletchley Park- so, what would this 'historian' have in the pages of that book...

The Last Castle: The Epic Story of Love, Loss, and American Royalty in the Nation's Largest Home - www.

“The Last Castle is a soaring and gorgeous American story that gripped me from the very first page. With a historian’s keen insight and a poet’s gift for language, Denise Kiernan depicts life at Biltmore with such skill, I felt like I was there through it all: weddings, divorces, elaborate (and slightly bizarre) balls, financial glory, financial ruin, murder, suicide, natural disasters, betrayals, love, loss, despair, and triumph.

Nope, written more like a soap opera than a historical document of the estate' history. Given the author is a daughter of a military man, I found that interesting. Maybe some of the estate's secrets are being kept firmly under wraps? Looking further afield...

Biltmore Estate hid precious art during World War II -

In the new World War II movie “The Monuments Men,” George Clooney and Matt Damon are army officers assigned to save historic artworks before they are plundered or destroyed by Hitler.

Asheville’s Biltmore Estate played a similar top-secret role when precious art was stashed at the big house during the war.

Famous works by Rembrandt, Raphael, Anthony van Dyck – even Gilbert Stuart’s George Washington portrait – were whisked away from Washington’s National Gallery of Art by train and hidden at the estate to protect against possible attacks.

“It was all done in secret,” said Darren Poupore, chief curator.

According to Cecil Vanderbilt, the house was open to the public in 1930 in an effort to pay for its upkeep. Then closed at the beginning of World War 2, and reopened again in 1946.

I bet it was a place for more than the storing of art. The closest military camps are Fort Jackson and Fort Bragg. Cecil himself served with the British Royal Navy. Just sayin....

think- ago

Asheville’s Biltmore Estate played a similar top-secret role when precious art was stashed at the big house during the war.

Famous works by Rembrandt, Raphael, Anthony van Dyck – even Gilbert Stuart’s George Washington portrait – were whisked away from Washington’s National Gallery of Art by train and hidden at the estate to protect against possible attacks.

Very interesting. Didn't know that.

I bet it was a place for more than the storing of art.

Yep, sounds probable.

letsdothis2 ago

The CIA School of Assassination at Fort Bragg -

Almost all of the instruction in the guerrilla warfare school was classified. The most secret was the top secret training in assassinations and terrorism. And at that time, we went to a different building that had a double barbwire fence around it, and guard dogs.

That's interesting because there is a connection between Jackie Kennedy and Biltmore:

From "Antler Hill Village: The Casual Side of Biltmore" pdf:

Antler Hill Village Attractions

The Biltmore Legacy – The “Fashionable Romance” exhibition held Feb. 12 – July 4, 2016, features Vanderbilt family wedding celebrations in Antler Hill Village & Winery. The exhibit showcases stories and heirlooms from 60 years of Vanderbilt family weddings, including a re-creation of Cornelia Vanderbilt Cecil's beautiful wedding gown and veil, and the family veil worn by both Jacqueline Kennedy and her cousin, Mary Lee Ryan Cecil, at their weddings.

letsdothis2 ago

Now on a more esoteric vein: antlers, harts and the hunt:

Experience the thrill of The Hunt [at Baltimore] -

We are honored to announce the release of our newest wine—The Hunt. Inspired by the celebration of feasts based on estate hunts

The Hunt is also a nod to Biltmore’s legendary architect, Richard Morris Hunt, who worked closely with George Vanderbilt to create the iconic French Renaissance-style chateau, which would be his final masterpiece of creative design and technological innovation.

Richard Morris Hunt - freemason and architect of the pedastal of the Statue of Liberty

Hart is an archaic word for "stag"... Specifically, "hart" was used in medieval times to describe a red deer stag more than five years old.

Hart in medieval hunting :

The king of all the wild animals was the deer, and more precisely the hart, which is an adult male of the red deer. The hart was classified by the number of tines, or points, on its antlers. An animal should have at least ten tines to be considered worthy of hunting; this was referred to as a "hart of ten."[3] Deer could be hunted in two different ways: par force ("by strength" and hereunder par force de chiens ("by force of dogs" )), and bow and stable.

Remember the Hart family and Fort Bragg (CA) story? Just thinking...

Zzzmmm333 ago

The lights in the pool have obviously been installed after the pool wasn't being used, or has it ever been used? As you don't run conduit and wires through a pool for fuck sake.. @exposethecriminals

letsdothis2 ago

From the article: Experience the thrill of The Hunt [at Baltimore] -

The Hunt’s striking label was inspired by the strong lines and rich heritage of an extraordinary firearm in Biltmore’s original collection and features a photograph of the finely wrought engraving of a vintage Auguste Francotte shotgun crafted of walnut, steel, and silver.

Francotte is a weapons manufacturer in Liège, Belgium. It can be traced back to 1805, and is still in operation today.

Elite hunting:

They were a top shelf double builder - far more guns than rifles - but that was true of everyone else. Abercrombie and Fitch imported them into the US between the wars.

The bizarre history of Abercrombie & Fitch — and how the retailer is transforming yet again -

Abercrombie has transformed many times over the years.

It went from an outdoor gear shop in the late 19th century to a retailer known for oversexed, borderline-softcore pornographic ads. It was later maligned, and it looks like it's headed towards tame basics.

According to the company's Facebook page, David T. Abercrombie founded the company's first store in 1892. It sold hunting and fishing equipment and was called David T. Abercrombie Co.

During Abercrombie's peak, customers included Ernest Hemingway and Teddy Roosevelt, Bloomberg reports.

In 1988, it was swept up by The Limited for $47 million, according to Bloomberg.

The A&F catalog is arguably one of the most talked-about advertising vehicles in history. Parents hated its blatant sexuality, which is in part why kids were drawn to it.

In 1998 A&F launched abercrombie for ages 7 through 14, and in 2000 it opened its subsidiary, Hollister.

Related voat post:

More on the connection between Jeffrey Epstein and Leslie Wexner (The Limited/Victoria's Secret)

Wexler was Epstein's "mentor," and possibly his only financial client, which apparently raised some suspicions over the years. Wexler also possibly gave Epstein a mansion in New York that he rarely spent time in. (Here's a link to a prior thread from another contributor with some more info on the connection between Epstein and Wexler: )

The New York Times article describes some oddities of the house when remodeled for Wexler, especially a bizarre bathroom. And apparently Bill Cosby lived across the street:

Visitors described a bathroom reminiscent of James Bond movies: hidden beneath a stairway, lined with lead to provide shelter from attack and supplied with closed-circuit television screens and a telephone, both concealed in a cabinet beneath the sink.

Telegraph 2015 article: Billionaire tycoon behind Victoria’s Secret 'keeps his multi-million Cotswolds estate away from prying eyes'

For years, the locals have watched the shooting parties coming and going from Foxcote House, a glorious 17th century stately home on the edge of the Cotswolds.

Mr Wexner flies his American family and friends into the Cotswolds estate by helicopter for shooting parties each autumn. He has built a giant hedge around Foxcote House to shield it from prying eyes.

He runs his business empire from a non-descript office building in Columbus, Ohio, but once a year in time for the shooting season, Mr Wexner and his entourage travel to the Cotswolds and decamp to Foxcote House, built in 1740, which sits atop a hill close to the honeyed stone village of Ilmington, Warwickshire.

Mr Wexner has largely succeeded in keeping his ownership of Foxcote out of the public eye despite the fact that he bought the estate 18 years ago for about £3m.

The Wexners fly in to the estate by helicopter for the annual pheasant shooting season each October, hosting traditional British shooting parties for his American friends in an adjoining former Catholic chapel.

“They fly people in from America to do the shooting. They fly in by private jet and then a huge helicopter. They are extremely nice but very, very private.”


letsdothis2 ago

On Liege, Belgium: Worldwide Anti-Trafficking Org with links to Dutroux, Clinton & Haiti opposite the White House - Founder worked for Hillary to weaken laws on international trafficking of prostitutes!

The Nexus Institute. Global Anti-Human Trafficking experts. Opposite the White House.

King Baudouin was named as a pedophile by one of the X-girls in the Dutroux scandal.

"At the end of these cellars there was an audience room where about fifty spectators were assembled. X3 recognized King Baudouin, his brother Albert, who at that time was Prince de Liege, and their uncle Prince Charles."

gamepwn ago

Here's the clip of the scene I know how the submarine in the episode is being said to transport cocaine, but given it is a spy show, and their agency is an allegory for the CIA, I think it's was referring to children. Maybe being trafficked by submarine?

exposethecriminals ago

The pool in Archer is not used as a swimming pool, even though Tunt Manor is occupied! :

The Pool: [the butler] Woodhouse’s living space in the mansion until Dr. Algernop Krieger fills it so he can construct his submersible. :

"Slowly dying, for all anyone cares. But the saddest part is, no one does.." —Woodhouse

Image of the butler in the pool in his underwear

Another image of Woodhouse in the pool source

@Blacksmith21 @Zzzmmm333 @Oh_Well_ian @darkknight111 @letsdothis2

Zzzmmm333 ago

Creepy as fuck secret passage in the winter garden

@3141592653 @think- @carmencita @letsdothis2 @Blacksmith21

Blacksmith21 ago

I think that is the entrance to what is now the workers' break room. Converted entrance to basement? Getting sleepy...

Blacksmith21 ago

There are no coincidences. The frequency of the color is almost identical. Nice find. I bet there is more.

Zzzmmm333 ago

There is.. I added to the post as there are SEVERAL..

Zzzmmm333 ago

You can almost see that pattern in the tiles as if at one point it was there!!

Pizzalawyer ago

Im shocked at the resemblance of this boys face to Anderson Cooper. He has been easily trussed with those odd swim ropes. Typically you would see ropes on a side of a pool or hanging on the wall with life preservers attached where you would fling out the rope and haul the swimmer in as the swimmer held onto preserver.

Zzzmmm333 ago

I also thought that if it is indeed AC then could we possibly match any of the other kids in the paintings to people of his age and similar job? It's a long shot but could possibly be done and also the one with the older folk in the gym, maybe match to photos of previous owners?

RagingShieldMaiden ago

The agency isn't an allegory for the CIA. There's episodes where Archer bitches out a CIA agent (Slater) about MkUltra abuses.

The tweet is wrong, too. It's not Season 01, but 05.

In season 06, there's mention of Q clearance (again, Slater).

Season 07 makes mention of incest in wealthy families... In the alternative universe, Cheryl Tunt is rebranded Cheryl Vandertunt.

exposethecriminals ago

Wow thank you for all of that. Here is a page on the episode:

Archer Vice: On the Carpet, Season 5, Episode 9

Yuke ago

Maybe some focus on trying to find a building with an entrance like the one at the other end of this pool, pictured in the video at 1:20 - 1:26. I don't know enough about the Vanderbilt place to know if that has one; anyone?

Pizzalawyer ago

the pool was renowned when it was built for its underwater lighting, noti ce how their are no windows, no source of fresh air, a watery dungeon. Its not at all aesthetically pleasing or a welcome place for a swim on a winters day. It is hideous.

3141592653 ago

Yes, it's creepy

Blacksmith21 ago

Are there any images of the pool with water in it? I know the lighting was supposedly the first used of submerged electrical in a pool.

Your comment about no source of fresh air or lighting makes me think that maintaining a pool like that would be an absolute nightmare for mold and mildew, including all of the tile up to the peak of the tile ceiling.

Maybe it was never supposed to be a swimming pool.

exposethecriminals ago

I am highly suspicious of this pool, they had all that land, there was no need to put it underground.

But just to add, this might be a fan:

And I read somewhere that 'they filled it before guests arrived, and drained it after they left as there was no way to clean the water,' for what that's worth.

I also read that David Icke wrote the Vanderbilts never owned the Biltmore Estate:

[P] – The Unseen Masters of All #QAnon #GreatAwakening #WhoIsP #Illuminati #13Bloodlines #Payseur #Springmeier August 16, 2018 by Neon Revolt

Biltmore was constructed by the Payseur family as a hotel in the 1880s and it was operated by the Payseur trustees, the Vanderbilts, on a 99 year lease.

Source: The Biggest Secret – by David Icke.

Lots of information needs to come out about the Biltmore.

Blacksmith21 ago

If I had unlimited land and money, I'd build an in-ground outside with a glass structure over it with fans, ventilation and moving panels. And if you want to be cutting edge for the 1890s, heat the pool and heat/cool the air.

exposethecriminals ago

I agree.

gamepwn ago

Here's the picture comparing it to John Podesta's art.

bibigirl_ ago

That is it all day

Shizy ago

Looks almost exactly like it. Anyone know the storyline from the show? What's with a sub in a pool?

Zzzmmm333 ago

I'll go home this arvo and try find the episode then update..

septimasexta ago


"Season 5 of Archer follows the Archer cast as being the most inept drug dealers in the business as they are secretly hired by the CIA to take 2,000 kilos of Cocaine, turn it into crack, then sell it to inner city residents and start the late 1980s crack epidemic. They fail spectaturaly because one character, Pam, starts a coke habit that has her eating half a key a day. More gets lost when their resident scientist, who built a submarine in a swimming pool using coke as ballast, gets upset that it will never have a maiden launch blows up the sub along with the coke."

Isn't the Vanderbilt CNN anchor an alleged clown? You know, the one whose family owns the pool?

Shizy ago

Thank you! I would be interested to find out more!

exposethecriminals ago

The creator of Archer is from Asheville, where the Biltmore Estate is, Adam Reed.

The pool in the Archer clip is nearly identical to the Biltmore House pool, and other parts of a/the mansion in Archer match another Vanderbilt residence.


darkknight111 ago

Welcome back. Relevant thread.

I agree, that looks almost identical to the Vanderbilt pool barring the location of the door, the plants. Ropes are identical.

Zzzmmm333 ago

Now that's a creepy fucking "gym".. All tiles too, probably so it can be easily hosed out and cleaned..

draaaak ago

What's the context for all this?

OoLaLaFrenchGirl ago

The pools & rooms are identical. There’s no way that this is a coincidence.

exposethecriminals ago

Also Adam Reed the creator of Archer is from Asheville where the Biltmore Estate is

Zzzmmm333 ago

@Yuke here you go! There's some more info on the episode in this thread

think- ago



exposethecriminals ago

Adam Reed apparently connected the Vanderbilts to Archer through not only the Biltmore pool in Asheville, but also via the Cornelius Vanderbilt II House in NYC:


Zzzmmm333 ago

As we well and truly know now, there are no coincidences here.. Good chance that was painted while those poor kids were like that

think- ago

I agree with user @137 that the paintings were most likely done from photographs (probably commissioned by the Vanderbilts).

The thought occured to me when I realized that the artist is about the same age as Anderson Cooper, who, we speculated, could be one of the kids in another painting by the same artist.

If the painting indeed shows Anderson Cooper, then the painting cannot have been done while he was a kid.

Someone on another thread about the Vanderbilt estate said that maybe the wealthy families involved in torturing and raping kids do photographs of the torture sessions / SRA sessions, and then commission artist to do paintings, and keep these paintints as kind of trophies.

Actually painting on set would take too long imo.

Zzzmmm333 ago

Ah yes that would make more sense obviously lol So they take their photos, then then they get the sicko artists to paint them, then they burn the photos thus leaving no evidence jiut their "fine art" aka victim collection. Sickos

think- ago

Yep. And a creep like Tony Podesta can put it in his living room, and gets accolades as an 'internationally renowned art collector'. blech

Blacksmith21 ago

It was me that made the comment about the elite having itinerant or hired artists they favor, likely pedos themselves, to "capture the moment". Probably a painting from a photo, but that doesn't mean they didn't experience firsthand.

think- ago

It was me that made the comment about the elite having itinerant or hired artists they favor

Ah ok, thanks.

but that doesn't mean they didn't experience firsthand

No, it doesn't.

Re the firsthand experience: The artist, born 1973, is from former Yugoslavia, where she seems to have experienced the atrocities that happened during the wars in the 1990s firsthand (mass rapes of women and children), or as a close observer. That seems to have been her initial motive for painting dead and tortured people.

The question remains if and how she might be involved in nefarious activities herself.

137 ago

The paintings were likely done from photographs

Silencio ago

Definitely I think its an inside joke. Good spot, using your new eyes.

think- ago

Good detective work, I'd say. ;-)

Zzzmmm333 ago

2 scenes both portraying the same place.. As we know there are no "coincidences" here. And been around for awhile, original Acc is goodguy1367, forgot my password and Voat refuses to email the reset...

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

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