wtf_is_happening ago

I can't unsee the resemblance now.

Votescam ago

It seems obvious they are two different tiled areas. There was a better match for the tile in the paintings at some point early on when these paintings of children were first displayed. Some underground area, as I recall it, no longer used.

This child is also it seems emaciated -- and needless to say in a weakened condition in the photo.

srayzie ago

Yes. But very similar.

Votescam ago

srayzie --

Perhaps someone here will remember the underground areas that were tiled almost exactly as shown in the paintings.

OH ... if someone else here will put their mind to it .... can anyone recall that there was also at least one picture of an old man in this same area ...?

It led to various suggestions of where this area might still be and might still exist.

Perhaps someone here will have a better memory on this.

I don't even recall if we know WHO painted these pictures?

But I am always amazed that Tony Podesta made every effort to show them off to friends and guests!

srayzie ago

Hmmm I'm not remembering that photo. I'm not good at that either. I hope someone remembers it too.

Votescam ago

srayzie --

Interesting question about those photos which actually show faces of children ... real or imagined ... who knows?

But I do want to comment here that wherever these questions and answers lead us we have to arrive there with mercy, understanding and compassion.

Like other children -- from Obama to Hillary and Bill Clinton -- or the many children who have been kidnapped and who are survivors of MKULTRA ... they didn't ask for this to happen to them.

We can hope that more of them might find the strength and courage to whistle blow on the adults in their lives who did these things to them and involved them with evil, but it's not their fault these things happened to them.

As all of this unravels -- and right now Elite patriarchy is unraveling in many ways -- I think we are guaranteed that there will be many surprises.

Remember that those who were programmed by the CIA often lose their ability to remember what has happened to them.

In fact, in some cases, they are programmed to commit suicide before they would volunteer information about what has been done to them.

srayzie ago

I totally agree

Gothamgirl ago

I thought that myself awhile back and then the whole pool thing just made me think that even more.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

And yes, that looks exactly like Anderson Vanderbilt and his pool doesn't it. Just another bizzare coincidence.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Do I even need to describe how this relates to pizzagate? Because ones that are actually very much pizzagate related are deleted all the time. Like yesterday! So, whatever.

Hahaha. So you have met the pedo mods Vindicator and MF? Splendid. That is how this sub rolls/

srayzie ago

Vindicator seems good. The others suck.

srayzie ago

I started looking up the suicide of Anderson Coopers brother and found a documentary! I put it in the post above...

@PussySmasher @HorizonPrinter @chryseos-geckota @Dismal_Swamp @new4now

srayzie ago

I started looking up the suicide of Anderson Coopers brother and found a documentary! I put it in the post above...

@mooteensy @Markb63 @catiana22 @cc1914 @Bopper

Catiana22 ago

Thanks! Will check it out. :)

pixelkitteh ago

This is just fucked up enough to be true. Creepy as...

srayzie ago

I started looking up the suicide of Anderson Coopers brother and found a documentary! I put it in the post above...

@Carmencita @fartyshorts @think- @Blacksmith21 @Oh_Well_ian

Dismal_Swamp ago

That video doesn't have any audio when i play it.

srayzie ago

Uh oh

Dismal_Swamp ago

does it have sound when you play it?

srayzie ago

No. I was saving it to watch tonight. I've been searching for another. I can't find one right now so I will just delete it. I'm sorry about that.

srayzie ago

That looks good. Thanks

think- ago

Great, thanks!

Neinlife ago

im not 100 percent sure anderson cooper is human.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

I am. Humans are doing the evil. Not demons, not Reptilians, not Aliens.


yes, but the humans channel demons.... and get there running orders from demons.

Votescam ago

Well, if he actually was turned over to CIA/MKULTRA their central plan seems to be to de-humanize the children they torture and sexually abuse. They then used them for drug running, homosexual prostitution, and espionage; spying for blackmail.

These children could be programmed to learn foreign languages and for photographic memories. Perhaps even more we don't know right now.

DomKeyhote ago

Off topic but who the fuck is responsible for this:

So if I'm allegedly false flagging the sub, that makes this a FF of a FF. No doubt you'll say it was in fact me, making it a FF within a FF within a FF. LOL you guys suck all kinds of ass

srayzie ago

You are obviously trying to disrupt the thread using your constant shill tactics. So, I'm not discussing that here. I will there.

DomKeyhote ago

Doesn't have to take any more of your precious time speculating whether a cartoon is a real person if you just ADMIT IT WAS YOU, CUNT! BETWEEN THE 3RD AND 4TH GLASSES OF WINE BEFORE LUNCH RIGHT??

srayzie ago

I wrote you in your other thread

srayzie ago

I haven't drank in 4 years you scrawny little rat. Why would I make this post? You dug something up from 2 months ago? Desperate!

DomKeyhote ago

Why would you make cartoon memes with my name? Because you're a stupid childish cunt who needs to be backhanded TWO times.

srayzie ago

You can reply to me where I replied to you. On the link you linked to.

bdmthrfkr ago

Go eat a baby you fucking kike. How the hell you can take money from those kinds of people make you worse than them.

Have fun looking in the mirror every morning, that scumbag staring back is you.

bopper ago

The kid does look just like a young Cooper.

StuckInMalkuth ago

Exactly how sick is this club? What do they do?

Sicker than you could ever imagine, each family considers the entirety of the bloodline as a singular life that they are an emanation of.

Things like a 'mother' and 'father' do not exist for them.

Why do the "ruling class" oftentimes (sometimes?) marry less attractive mates when they could have whomever they want?

Remember, they view an entire bloodline as a life-form that people are emanations of.

It does not matter that an individual may themselves be a low-quality person if they have good 'information' embedded in their genetics.

From the POV of these people who refine their own blood-lines over time they will use that person as a catalyst and breed the negative traits that should not proceed out of their blood-line until they are left with this persons genetic attributes that are desirable.

Andersons brother must have had undesirable attributes and was delegated as a sacrifice long before the actual event happened.

bopper ago

Thanks for this info. It's a subject I need to get more educated about. Let me know if you have a particular source you wouldn't mind sharing (as a primer).

StuckInMalkuth ago

Even Child killing is just the tip of the Iceberg, seriously.

Q posted, what Q said to focus on, and the "sick cult" they are all a part of

It's actually a generational dynasty.

Look how many problems you have with the 'Old Religions' and 'Old Kings' of the world.

Old-power is still Now-power.

Therefore, consider the problems people have with for example Islam and realize a spiritual system has existed for EVEN LONGER and that there is absolutely no segment of it that wants to live in peace with you.

They want to live above you, and treat you like cattle.

Do you think the term "Human Resource Office" is some kind of... I mean seriously think about it.

You are viewed as a Human Resource. You are defined that way literally legally.

StuckInMalkuth ago

I guess the best example would be to study dog breeding and how traits are selected, this is probably the best way to understand how these people view themselves in a grand-scheme sen

But for me to talk about the spiritual belief system, it would just take way too much time.

But it's probably worth noting that of everyone in this thread I noted the following things:

1: Nicky Hilton posted shoes that have the same fabric and ratios as the wallpaper at Andersons old home, it is more or less identical and why should be considered.

2: Identified 'Pillars of Mercy and Severity' rather than to say "Weird, what is it?"

3: Answered both of your questions in a short and accurate way which at the very least denotes an understanding that has been present with me for a while, and not just something I acquired through cursory means.

4: Answered why one brother would be sacrificed (although you never asked me that)

Exactly how sick is this club?

Have you ever been to a human farm?

What do they do?

The overarching theme is that anything forced is good, everything has a theme of sexual predation.

What are the ramifications, implications?

That a whole other world will be discovered where people have husks that are compatible grown for them which are bled for blood until an age where they are no longer viable, when they are then put on ice to be used by organs and replaced.

Once the husk they are bleeding for blood is replaced again, the previous generation of organs are discarded or sold for profit and this cycle of refreshing resources continues onward.

This is one of many things that you are not allowed to see in this world.

bopper ago

I've never been to a "human farm" no, have you? Thanks for the info, again, if you have a link or source that would be helpful also.

StuckInMalkuth ago



I've never been to a "human farm" no, have you?

It's a joking statement because the creatures grown in these places are legally not human although for all intents and purposes they are human the way we are, right down to the way they look and speak.

bopper ago

Of course, forgot all about the cloning and Dolly the sheep and chimeras etc. Need to catch up on it all. Thanks. We've talked about it before on this forum, been a while.

Catiana22 ago

Crowley was pure evil. His books are disturbing.. His so called religion of Thelema (sp?).. He was a follower of Helena Blavstskvy (sp) and her works. The spirit cooking is literally Crowley!! Crowley went into disturbing detail of rape of a child and how to sodomize and sacrifice. And the blood of a child ..etc. Extremely disturbing. But this was taught to him as well. Then there's L ron hubbard founder of scientology.. Who was a follower of Crowley and actually preformed one of his rituals with Jack parsons.. I believe. Deep occult roots. Disturbing. There seem to be many "cults and clubs" cult of the sun.. Cult of saturn..etc.. Most have deep ties to the occult. Some are extremely evil.. Some more than others.. To me.. They all lead back to The Vatican and the Rothschilds..

Tyranny-News-Network ago

It may lead to the Vatican, but in the case of Crowley it was by way of military intelligence. Far too many people forget that Crowley entered the scene by sailing into NY harbor claiming to be the king of Ireland. Even the NY Times described him as an obvious double or triple agent.

Once an agent of the state, always an agent of the state. Now, does it seem likely that a mere yes man would later become a master occultist who could channel aliens? Now you're on the trolley.

Catiana22 ago

Good post!

Dismal_Swamp ago

“Some men are born sodomites, some achieve sodomy, and some have sodomy thrust upon them...”.

  • Aleister Crowley

Catiana22 ago

Yup! He was a very disturbed individual. But.. I think that's what he wanted.. If that tells you

PussySmasher6000 ago

Thank you.

Catiana22 ago

What I'm trying to say is there are many cults..clubs.. Interwoven.. Layered .. Many leading back to others. This rabbit hole is deep. And it is a dark disturbing one at that.

srayzie ago

Thanks Bopper! I added it.

KekistanEmperor ago

Yes it does.

Catiana22 ago

Wow.. It does. I get chills everytime I see these supposed " art pics". Makes me angry. Its hard not to feel helpless knowing what we know and the innocence of these children... Its overwhelming..and I grow more hateful of these diseased filled meatsuits that they call the elite. My only satisfaction is knowing we are bringing these pos to light and to say it excites me to know they are worried..would be an understatement. Fk em all.

Skeptical2017 ago

Is it Anderson in red shoes? In *40.jpg?

think- ago

Hey, great catch!

Have you read this thread:

Nicky Hilton has photos with satanic references on her Instragram, one shows a toddler in red shoes.

StuckInMalkuth ago

Hilton also posted a picture of red shoes that have the same pattern as the wallpaper in the Pillar of Mercy & Severity room (With that box behind the bed)

Why is that pattern important? It is relevant to the ratios of it etc..

It is unimportant why it is important for the purpose of this conversation but I am pointing out that it is

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

The kids are cute, but the family is creepy. Their does not seem to be a strong male presence with those boys, and one supposedly commited suicide. So this is what the elite are like?

Votescam ago

Death --

According to studies, males are our sexual abusers of children -- and they are heterosexual males. Heterosexual males are 100X MORE likely to sexually abuse a child than a homosexual male.

If you want more info on the study, let me know and I'll post it to you.

Keep in mind that Sigmund Freud is now thought to have been a pedophile as it looks like it might be generational within the family.

However, Freud absolutely betrayed his patients who had confided in him their sexual abuse by male members of the family -- fathers, grandfathers, uncles, and male friends of the family.

In the "Oedipus Complex" Freud made the outrageous suggestion that it is infants, toddlers and young children who are the sexual aggressors against adult males in their families.

Tyranny-News-Network ago

Girls/Women are 100X more likely to report being abused, therefore completely skewing the stats. Not to mention that homosexual abusers are more inclined to promote their abuse as a different way of life and encourage their victims to carry forward that belief.

Votescam ago

Tyranny --

82% of sexual abuse victims are female -- about 12% male.

As you've probably noticed from the "news" about sexual harassment by males recently, the abuse goes back decades because women were unable to report the abuse at the time it occurred because of the power of the males involved.

Homosexuals are NOT our sexual abusers of children. Homosexuals are 100X LESS likely to sexually abuse a child than a heterosexual.

The ideas about homosexuals that you believe in are actually anti-homosexual propaganda by the Vatican/RCC which has for a thousand years and more preached intolerance and hatred for homosexuals from its altars.

The RCC was so successful at creating intolerance and hatred for homosexuals that over time they actually were able to convince parents of homosexual children to abandon them -- throw them out of their homes.

Times have changed and the truth is defeating those lies. In fact, in Hawaii -- before the coming of the "white man" -- homosexuals were held in high esteem and honor for their care of orphaned children.

It would be beyond rare to find a lesbian having sexually abused a child. It's unheard of.

You will also notice in the study I'm sending your way that even right-wing women's groups like the Family Research Council agree that it is MALES who are our sexual abusers of children.

Here's the study --

In order to protect young children from pedophiles and those who are attracted to 11 to 14 year olds, the public has to understand that our sexual abusers of children are MALES -- and that they are heterosexual males.

** A 1998 Study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that 90% of pedophiles are men, and 95% of these individuals are heterosexual**

Research has indicated that gay men and lesbians are less likely than heterosexual to sexually abuse children.

Perhaps the most egregious and damaging claim promulgated by anti-gay groups is the claim that homosexuality is intrinsically linked to pedophilia and child sexual abuse.

The social science research on sexual orientation and child sexual abuse clearly disproves the claim that homosexuals are more likely to molest children. A 1998 study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that 90% of pedophiles are men, and 95% of these individuals are heterosexual. One researcher explained this statistic by noting, "Gay men desire consensual sexual relations with other adult men. Pedophiles are usually adult men who are sexually attracted to pre-pubescent children. They are rarely sexually attracted to other adults. In fact, research has indicated that gay men and lesbians are LESS likely than heterosexuals to sexually abuse children. Two studies that examined the sexual orientation of convicted child molesters found that less than 1% in one study and 0% in the other were lesbian or gay. One psychologist reviewed the existing social science literature on the relationship between sexuality and child sexual abuse and found that "a gay man is no more likely than a straight man to perpetrate sexual activity with children." Further, "cases of perpetration of sexual behavior with a pre-pubescent child by an adult lesbian are virtually nonexistent."

See: Focus on the Facts" -- Sean Cahill, PH.D, 2004 Also : The right-wing "Family Research Council" notes/confirms findings that "almost all child sexual abuse is committed by men."

think- ago

Heterosexual males are 100X MORE likely to sexually abuse a child than a homosexual male.

This is simply not true. Many gay men are into underage boys. Stop spreading disinfo.

Catiana22 ago

Seeing alot of MK ultra .. Butterflies .. That pic in lv room looks like a pic of elizabeth 1st.. Butterflies in pic and on pillow. Looks like an eye on the bottom then the black and white .. Star on pillow ..Might be a reach but ALWAYS LOOK AT SYMBOLS.... My question is.. In the 2nd picture.. What the hell are those faces in the pic behind them?? More butterflies as well. Boys look terrified of her in that one pic.

Cc1914 ago

I saw that too in the thing hanging over the couch . What an evil looking being ! Those poor boys must have suffered so much horror . Fact though, they have a choice to not be like their abusers .

Catiana22 ago


Blacksmith21 ago

Nothing is voincidental

think- ago

Might be a reach but ALWAYS LOOK AT SYMBOLS....

Have you seen this post?

Pics on Nicky Hilton's Instagram page showing satanic references.

Creepy, but since she's married to a (((Rothschild))), not really surprising when you think about it...

Catiana22 ago

Wow! Just looked at it. That is some serious symbolism. And yeah.. Being a Rothschild tells me all I need to know. Just like Mr. Alefantis.. You don't become one of the 50 most important people in Dc for having a ping pong pizza shop. Who tf they think they're fooling? He got doxxed then the page was taken down like we don't know how to screen shot and archive.. Makes them look more suspect. They are def slipping. Love it

think- ago

Remember the two Rothschild ladies wearing bahoment necklaces?

You surely can't become one of them without being initiated to the dark stuff.

Catiana22 ago

Exactly. Extremely dark. I posted on another post about the Rothschilds and Alchemy..and the Cult of the Sun. They also wear the red bar pin..which I think stands for Red Shield.

think- ago

That pic in lv room looks like a pic of elizabeth 1st..

Notice the face of that "Elizabeth I" figure actually is a sun.

(((Sun worshipping)))

Catiana22 ago

And I still wanna know what those faces are in pic 2.. Looks like skulls or sad childrens faces maybe??

think- ago

Well, on the surface they are pansies, but when I looked at the painting, my first thought was that these were crying and screaming children.

The mother seems to be creepy as hell. Look at her artificial grin in all photographs. No emotion whatsoever. Makes you think she's a psychopath.

Catiana22 ago

Yup.. Thought that too. She looks like a high level priestess or something lol. Creepy. Reminds me of the Queens sadistic look.

Catiana22 ago

Nice catch!

Catiana22 ago

The one pic behind bed is pretty revealing as well.

think- ago

You mean the carved wooden picture?

A dark mother (goddess) = reversed Mary figure. (Remember the Chateau des Armerois castle in Belgium, where allegedly many child sacrifices took place, is called 'castle of the dark mother').

Looking at a person in a sarcophag.

On the left, a chopped off? head with a large fork attached to a lartge fork. (Cannibalistic reference?)

Catiana22 ago

I want to know what the connection is with the blood types. Seems like alot have the RH negitive. I would bet money they do to.

think- ago

Dunno. Heard about the RH negative stuff, but difficult to find out I guess.

Catiana22 ago

Not sold on it.. But it is interesting. Thanks for all the knowledge today. Much appreciated. ;)

think- ago

Thanks for joining and for all your insightful comments! Much appreciated as well! :-)

Catiana22 ago

Damn.. Thats right. Nice catch on that too. Thats exacly what that details too. Getting creepier by the min!

chryseos-geckota ago

What the fuck is that hanging above the bed?

Lots of symbols on it. How about her nevklaces, anything there?

fartyshorts ago

Necklace could be a kabbalah tree. The thing above the bed is almost certainly about ritual sacrifice.

mooteensy ago

Does the other son look scared/confused in most pictures or is it just me?

fartyshorts ago

That's the one who ended up killing himself (or was suicided). The horrors he must have seen.

srayzie ago

Oh wow! Thanks!

srayzie ago

Haha. If I lived alone and didn't have to worry about everyone else, I would like a room decorated in pink too!

bopper ago

Yeah, a beautiful faggot pink. Notice the center cauliflower on the coffee table looks like brains.

srayzie ago

Lol I could do without some of it.

Oh_Well_ian ago

This is the type of outside the box thinking I have tried to push here from the beginning and have been met with rebuke by the main mod.

There are no coincidences. Coincidences are CONNECTIONS, not chance.


start your own forum, not saying that as a dick, saying it because i know mods powertrip and should allow content from anyone as long as it relates to subject and this clearly does.

Markb63 ago

Good job. We need to think this way.

srayzie ago

Yeah I'm already expecting haters or for it to be deleted.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

No, this is a home run because we have all gone over this picture so many times, and we know about Anderson Vanderbilt and his occult family, and his CIA connections, and his pool looking like Podestas picture. You are the first to point out how the child in the picture looks like Cooper himself. It is indeed like a spell is on us, and one in a million can blink it off and see the obvious. Now it stands out like a sore thumb. Keep seeing things that are there.

srayzie ago


fartyshorts ago

Let's gather some pics of him and his brother as kids.

srayzie ago

Good idea

srayzie ago

Ok I just added some

fartyshorts ago

I gathered some here:

Various ages, etc. He never has that short hair, though.

carmencita ago

I wonder how he feels about seeing that now, if that was really him. If it is, and it certainly does look like him, and the combination of the pool looking exactly like that one, then it is Sadly Shocking and Morbid. No wonder he is the way he is. To think his mother allowed it just Boggles The Mind.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Allowed it? She insisted on it no doubt.

carmencita ago

Possibly she did insist. Maybe it was forced at that time. Who knows. What we do know was that she was probably controlled as well. What happened to her could possibly have been arranged. Her being taken from her Mother. I am not giving her a pass, just stating what happened and that we never really will find out since it was so long ago and not much written about what happened to her with her Aunt. Would be interesting to look up some articles.

Tyranny-News-Network ago

Suspecting that Gloria pushed her sons into unethical behavior is reasonable, if only because she was a driven woman. Quite often, powerful people are psychopaths or simply demanding of their children, which are thought of more as possessions or subservient to them.

carmencita ago

Correct. And coupled with her Satanic beliefs, it is a recipe for disaster for the entire family.

Votescam ago

Keep in mind, we don't know what might have happened to the Mother, either.

carmencita ago

Her Mother was found to be a lesbian and her and her lover had to leave the country to Europe since there was a court case to take Gloria from her because of her lifestyle. She was given to her Aunt to live after a scathing court case that played out across the country in sordid detail in the newspapers. I don't think life with her Aunt was very warm either. I don't know much more than that. Don't know what was done to her. Maybe that is where the Satanic business started.

Votescam ago

Agree -- Gloria Vanderbilt was the "poor little rich girl" in a custody battle.

Today, a decision like that to take her away from her Mother might not go that way. Who knows whether she might not have been better off with her mother.

Gloria was also an artist but no sure if anything we see of paintings in her home is her work.

She also worked in fabric design which you see fairly monotonously throughout the home.

She also made denim Jeans which seem to have been popular for a long while.

Tyranny-News-Network ago

Or, pinning pedophilia on straight men has been a very successful campaign brought to you by the media (news and academic), the power center of sabbatean atheistic gays. Just saying.

Votescam ago

Tyranny --

That's not true -- Actually just the very opposite is true as you might remember the huge campaign by Anita Bryant/Orange Juice lady which carried forth the lies of the RCC against homosexuals. For more than a thousand years the Vatican has been spreading vile propaganda against homosexuals ... and too often it is still believed by those who are unfamiliar with the issue.

You have an active imagination which is highly biased against homosexuals. But your opinion has nothing to do with reality.

think- ago

This is certainly a generational thing in this family.

But it's no excuse for what the mother did.

Many SRA survivors choose not to continue the abuse tradition.

think- ago

(...) if that was really him. If it is, and it certainly does look like him (...)

I'd say the boy in the painting looks more like his younger brother (the one who killed himself).

But it's safe to assume that they both suffered the same kind of abuse.

srayzie ago

The brother in these pictures killed himself?

think- ago

Story about his suicide (or him being suicided by his mother, who knows):

Look at the picture! It's the boy from the painting! Wow. Poor guy.

It was a story that didn’t only shock society circles, but seemed to touch families everywhere: the 1988 suicide of Carter Cooper, the 23-year-old son of author, socialite and fashion designer Gloria Vanderbilt.

For Carter’s younger brother, Anderson Cooper, who was 21 at the time (he is now 46), Carter’s fatal jump from the terrace of their mother’s 14th-floor Manhattan penthouse is something he still thinks about every day, he told Howard Stern on his Sirius radio show Monday.

“He was so much smarter than me, he had gone to Princeton, he was working at American Heritage as a book editor, and it was so inconceivable to me,” Cooper said.

Asked by Stern if the incident still shapes his life, Cooper replied, “Absolutely. It forms everything. It may not be the first thing [I think of in the morning], but there’s not a day goes by that I don’t think about it.”

Cooper also admitted that after the tragedy, he often worried if the same dark tendencies might also be buried deep inside himself.

“I don’t worry about it any more, but I certainly did at the time,” he said.

Although Carter jumped to his death right in front of his mother, Anderson doesn’t think it was meant to be a personal slap in her face.

“I think he had this impulse that he could not contain,” he told Stern. “She was just there. He had woken up from a nap and was disoriented and ran to her room and said, ‘What’s going on, what’s going on?’ Then he ran to his room on the second floor and went out onto the ledge.”

No drugs or alcohol were found in Carter’s system, and he’d only begun to see a therapist for depression a month prior. Cooper says that to this day, the family still doesn’t understand why he did it.


Konran ago

Right -

Carter jumped to his death right in front of his mother

Did he jump or was he sacrificed?

think- ago

Well, we have only the word of his mother saying she was alone with him when he died.

Considering she is a satanist, there could very well have been a group of people throwing him off that roof. Like you said, in a sacrifice.

Remember, he allegedly just started therapy a month before he died.

Maybe they were afraid he would speak up?

think- ago

Yeah, fartyshorts said so. (See below.)

Maybe we can dig up some more information about his death.

srayzie ago

Thank you

think- ago


Horizonprinter ago

Probably a picture from when they were breaking him. His mother was a Satanist who cared nothing for her kids. The picture of them in bed should tell you how fucked up they were. Judging by the other art the pool looks like some holding pin of sorts which could be easily hosed down.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Yes. "MURDER Room" of sorts.

carmencita ago

You would have to have been broken to be able to endure all of that for the rest of your life. It becomes a way of life when you are as successful as he is, he is possibly MK Ultra. It happens when they are completely broken. I would not put it past his mother to allow it. She will also be one of those allowed to lived til around 100. We know how they get there.

new4now ago

When his brother died, he said he felt nothing

Something to do with what he saw overseas, Rhawada maybe?

Will look for it when I get home

It does look like him when you figure in the artist and his other drawing

Wonder if the brother suffered a flashback?

I've heard it could happen, personally I didn't do a lot of it and never had a bad trip.

There were some friends I had to talk out of bad trips though

But it's said certain acid could cause flashbacks, a trip without taking anything

For me, this was Back in late 70's. What can I say :)

carmencita ago

Could this be the Delayed Remembering of Past Horrors? Things that flashed in front of him and possibly could not stop or get rid of. I guess all of us could guess over and over, but one thing is for sure. His lifetime was Horrific. That certainly played a huge part.

new4now ago

There's triggers with the memory, we all have them

But was thinking of a rumor long time ago

Something like you could crack your back, like a chiropractor would do, and it could cause a flask back, like you were tripping again

Knew someone that did acid in the woods a say he crazy now is a understatement, I was never a regular doer of the stuff.

Some people handle it better then others

The stuff I took was little pieces of paper with a cartoon stamped on it

Think small drop on it, colorless, flavorless

As I said I never had a bad trip

Knew what I was seeing wasnt real, just Sat back and watched a production of my mind

Damn, that was over 35 yrs ago lol

carmencita ago

We are thankful you survived and were not affected like others. You are a valuable asset here.

new4now ago

Was being a dumb kid, wild child

A lot of experiences under my belt

Life in the Big City :)

carmencita ago

We all have our past. None of us was perfect. I was never involved with any of the drugs but friends were and a couple died. Very sad. But now it is an epidemic of huge proportions. Way worse than even in the Hippie Era.

new4now ago

So true, lost a few friends myself

I grew up though

Many do not

carmencita ago

I believe that while many of us go through trials and can't find our way, there is an intervention, some of us take the right path and do the right thing, and some never see it. It is the difference of recognizing and being in tune when others are not.

crashing_this_thread ago

Photoshopped. Fuck off.

Oh_Well_ian ago

he takes it in the ass from another man

you think this is a stretch or are you disappointed because you missed out ?

crashing_this_thread ago

Posting fake shit as if it was real discredits the sub. The sub has to work overtime to sort through and find the real information and here you come like a fucking moron and post photoshopped images. You are sabotaging, not helping.


DeathToMasonsASAP ago

I could not have said it better myself, or as artfuly as you.

Oh_Well_ian ago

you've contributed nothing to this sub, you degenerate faggot, and every post of yours is pure shilling

fuck off and die, child fucker

Cc1914 ago

đŸ˜± omg

carmencita ago

OMG. Where did that pic come from? Can't believe that is even out there. Sure is very telling indeed. Does not say much for his mother. No wonder his brother committed suicide. I wonder what he had to experience and live with himself. He was of a different mind and was possibly more tender and could not deal with all of it. Makes me sick to think of it.

Are_we_sure ago

Do you know how easy a photoshop job this is? The tape forms a natural border, you just take Anderson Cooper face and layer it on the border of the tape. Notice that the skin tone of the chin and the neck does not match Anderson Cooper. Why? Because it's a different person.

Let's search on this image? And here's an actor in that photo.

Oh_Well_ian ago

I knew it was not legit and I posted it anyway. When you're dealing with CNN and anyone from CNN, you play by their rules. Which is total bias and fake news. Fuck them and fuck you @are_we_sure

Are_we_sure ago

So bascially, you will lie to folks like Carmencita without a second thought and when you get called on it, you'll blame somebody else.

Got it.

Oh_Well_ian ago

just hang yourself. already.

you Satanist piece of shit

Blacksmith21 ago

One is either part of the problem or part of the solution. Which side is Cooper on?

carmencita ago

I cannot decide, for he is so screwed up who knows. Does he think he is doing bad while he does certain things or is who he is? Or is he programmed by a handler and completely CIA controlled. I opt for his being controlled. Completely. He is not on our side that is for sure. But again, that is due to his being completely controlled.

Blacksmith21 ago

After a certain number of "initiations" motivation isn't really an issue. It is all about power, money, control, and mission. Whether AC is controlled actively, or not irrelevant. he is part of the cancer and needs to be eradicated along with all of the other Cabal members.

carmencita ago

Hope you did not get the impression that I was excusing what he is doing now. It is still a crime and he is as guilty as the rest. I merely wanted to explain how it happens and what could possibly have been experienced by him. There is some very sick stuff going on in that family. I don't think there are too many of them left if his brother is gone and he will not have children. Thank God for that.

srayzie ago

I get what you mean. It's hard to not have compassion because we are thinking from minds that can't comprehend that. But an adult that is too far damaged and does the same thing to others doesn't get a free pass. Sadly, that's what happens. We can have compassion for the child they were that never had the chance to have a normal life or experience life outside of evil.

Blacksmith21 ago

I agree, nor did I think you were insinuating that. My point is that there are going to be so many of "abused-turned-abusers" that almost any one of these monsters would fit into a "sympathetic" definition. If we get bogged down into trying to pigeonhole and classify the various types of pedos, it will slow down the entire process - especially from a judicial standpoint.

The courts are going to become overflowing with no-name pedos as time goes on. Not just the illegal rapists, but the pastors, family men (and women) etc. Bottom line is they had a choice at one point - at least many of them did. The slaves - no, they did not have a choice. Anderson Cooper could have afforded any excuse in his life. His brother used the only excuse money couldn't buy or change.

carmencita ago

I agree what you mean about the judicial end of it. It could become so bogged down the main perpetrators (the elites) may not get their due punishments. I see what you mean about choices and agree that many were at that point and did not turn away. It has entered my mind that possibly that his brother took the easy way out. Possibly he knew that if he wanted a change that it was impossible, being who he was and also he may have known that they were planning his demise. Possibly he was starting to speak of the unspeakable. Knowing what type of end they would choose for him he decided his own fate. Not sure if this was true, but it has entered my mind.

Blacksmith21 ago

I shudder to think at what limitless pockets and a top flight legal team could do to any court case unless the evidence is so overwhelming and damning that a guilty plea is only possible. Let's hope that is the case.

Cc1914 ago

Wow ! It sure does look like him .

derram ago :

HKS on Twitter: "My imagination or dies this actually look like Anderson Cooper (Vanderbilt's) face? #PodestaEmails and Elite's artistic sensibilities are cr"

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