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Skeptical2017 ago

Is it Anderson in red shoes? In *40.jpg?

think- ago

Hey, great catch!

Have you read this thread:

Nicky Hilton has photos with satanic references on her Instragram, one shows a toddler in red shoes.

StuckInMalkuth ago

Hilton also posted a picture of red shoes that have the same pattern as the wallpaper in the Pillar of Mercy & Severity room (With that box behind the bed)

Why is that pattern important? It is relevant to the ratios of it etc..

It is unimportant why it is important for the purpose of this conversation but I am pointing out that it is

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

The kids are cute, but the family is creepy. Their does not seem to be a strong male presence with those boys, and one supposedly commited suicide. So this is what the elite are like?

Votescam ago

Death --

According to studies, males are our sexual abusers of children -- and they are heterosexual males. Heterosexual males are 100X MORE likely to sexually abuse a child than a homosexual male.

If you want more info on the study, let me know and I'll post it to you.

Keep in mind that Sigmund Freud is now thought to have been a pedophile as it looks like it might be generational within the family.

However, Freud absolutely betrayed his patients who had confided in him their sexual abuse by male members of the family -- fathers, grandfathers, uncles, and male friends of the family.

In the "Oedipus Complex" Freud made the outrageous suggestion that it is infants, toddlers and young children who are the sexual aggressors against adult males in their families.

Tyranny-News-Network ago

Girls/Women are 100X more likely to report being abused, therefore completely skewing the stats. Not to mention that homosexual abusers are more inclined to promote their abuse as a different way of life and encourage their victims to carry forward that belief.

Votescam ago

Tyranny --

82% of sexual abuse victims are female -- about 12% male.

As you've probably noticed from the "news" about sexual harassment by males recently, the abuse goes back decades because women were unable to report the abuse at the time it occurred because of the power of the males involved.

Homosexuals are NOT our sexual abusers of children. Homosexuals are 100X LESS likely to sexually abuse a child than a heterosexual.

The ideas about homosexuals that you believe in are actually anti-homosexual propaganda by the Vatican/RCC which has for a thousand years and more preached intolerance and hatred for homosexuals from its altars.

The RCC was so successful at creating intolerance and hatred for homosexuals that over time they actually were able to convince parents of homosexual children to abandon them -- throw them out of their homes.

Times have changed and the truth is defeating those lies. In fact, in Hawaii -- before the coming of the "white man" -- homosexuals were held in high esteem and honor for their care of orphaned children.

It would be beyond rare to find a lesbian having sexually abused a child. It's unheard of.

You will also notice in the study I'm sending your way that even right-wing women's groups like the Family Research Council agree that it is MALES who are our sexual abusers of children.

Here's the study --

In order to protect young children from pedophiles and those who are attracted to 11 to 14 year olds, the public has to understand that our sexual abusers of children are MALES -- and that they are heterosexual males.

** A 1998 Study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that 90% of pedophiles are men, and 95% of these individuals are heterosexual**

Research has indicated that gay men and lesbians are less likely than heterosexual to sexually abuse children.

Perhaps the most egregious and damaging claim promulgated by anti-gay groups is the claim that homosexuality is intrinsically linked to pedophilia and child sexual abuse.

The social science research on sexual orientation and child sexual abuse clearly disproves the claim that homosexuals are more likely to molest children. A 1998 study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that 90% of pedophiles are men, and 95% of these individuals are heterosexual. One researcher explained this statistic by noting, "Gay men desire consensual sexual relations with other adult men. Pedophiles are usually adult men who are sexually attracted to pre-pubescent children. They are rarely sexually attracted to other adults. In fact, research has indicated that gay men and lesbians are LESS likely than heterosexuals to sexually abuse children. Two studies that examined the sexual orientation of convicted child molesters found that less than 1% in one study and 0% in the other were lesbian or gay. One psychologist reviewed the existing social science literature on the relationship between sexuality and child sexual abuse and found that "a gay man is no more likely than a straight man to perpetrate sexual activity with children." Further, "cases of perpetration of sexual behavior with a pre-pubescent child by an adult lesbian are virtually nonexistent."

See: Focus on the Facts" -- Sean Cahill, PH.D, 2004 Also : The right-wing "Family Research Council" notes/confirms findings that "almost all child sexual abuse is committed by men."

think- ago

Heterosexual males are 100X MORE likely to sexually abuse a child than a homosexual male.

This is simply not true. Many gay men are into underage boys. Stop spreading disinfo.

Catiana22 ago

Seeing alot of MK ultra .. Butterflies .. That pic in lv room looks like a pic of elizabeth 1st.. Butterflies in pic and on pillow. Looks like an eye on the bottom then the black and white .. Star on pillow ..Might be a reach but ALWAYS LOOK AT SYMBOLS.... My question is.. In the 2nd picture.. What the hell are those faces in the pic behind them?? More butterflies as well. Boys look terrified of her in that one pic.

Cc1914 ago

I saw that too in the thing hanging over the couch . What an evil looking being ! Those poor boys must have suffered so much horror . Fact though, they have a choice to not be like their abusers .

Catiana22 ago


Blacksmith21 ago

Nothing is voincidental

think- ago

Might be a reach but ALWAYS LOOK AT SYMBOLS....

Have you seen this post?

Pics on Nicky Hilton's Instagram page showing satanic references.

Creepy, but since she's married to a (((Rothschild))), not really surprising when you think about it...

Catiana22 ago

Wow! Just looked at it. That is some serious symbolism. And yeah.. Being a Rothschild tells me all I need to know. Just like Mr. Alefantis.. You don't become one of the 50 most important people in Dc for having a ping pong pizza shop. Who tf they think they're fooling? He got doxxed then the page was taken down like we don't know how to screen shot and archive.. Makes them look more suspect. They are def slipping. Love it

think- ago

Remember the two Rothschild ladies wearing bahoment necklaces?

You surely can't become one of them without being initiated to the dark stuff.

Catiana22 ago

Exactly. Extremely dark. I posted on another post about the Rothschilds and Alchemy..and the Cult of the Sun. They also wear the red bar pin..which I think stands for Red Shield.

think- ago

That pic in lv room looks like a pic of elizabeth 1st..

Notice the face of that "Elizabeth I" figure actually is a sun.

(((Sun worshipping)))

Catiana22 ago

And I still wanna know what those faces are in pic 2.. Looks like skulls or sad childrens faces maybe??

think- ago

Well, on the surface they are pansies, but when I looked at the painting, my first thought was that these were crying and screaming children.

The mother seems to be creepy as hell. Look at her artificial grin in all photographs. No emotion whatsoever. Makes you think she's a psychopath.

Catiana22 ago

Yup.. Thought that too. She looks like a high level priestess or something lol. Creepy. Reminds me of the Queens sadistic look.

Catiana22 ago

Nice catch!

Catiana22 ago

The one pic behind bed is pretty revealing as well.

think- ago

You mean the carved wooden picture?

A dark mother (goddess) = reversed Mary figure. (Remember the Chateau des Armerois castle in Belgium, where allegedly many child sacrifices took place, is called 'castle of the dark mother').

Looking at a person in a sarcophag.

On the left, a chopped off? head with a large fork attached to a lartge fork. (Cannibalistic reference?)

Catiana22 ago

I want to know what the connection is with the blood types. Seems like alot have the RH negitive. I would bet money they do to.

think- ago

Dunno. Heard about the RH negative stuff, but difficult to find out I guess.

Catiana22 ago

Not sold on it.. But it is interesting. Thanks for all the knowledge today. Much appreciated. ;)

think- ago

Thanks for joining and for all your insightful comments! Much appreciated as well! :-)

Catiana22 ago

Damn.. Thats right. Nice catch on that too. Thats exacly what that details too. Getting creepier by the min!

chryseos-geckota ago

What the fuck is that hanging above the bed?

Lots of symbols on it. How about her nevklaces, anything there?

fartyshorts ago

Necklace could be a kabbalah tree. The thing above the bed is almost certainly about ritual sacrifice.

mooteensy ago

Does the other son look scared/confused in most pictures or is it just me?

fartyshorts ago

That's the one who ended up killing himself (or was suicided). The horrors he must have seen.

srayzie ago

Oh wow! Thanks!

srayzie ago

Haha. If I lived alone and didn't have to worry about everyone else, I would like a room decorated in pink too!

bopper ago

Yeah, a beautiful faggot pink. Notice the center cauliflower on the coffee table looks like brains.

srayzie ago

Lol I could do without some of it.